I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 110 Trust Collapse

Chapter 110 Trust Collapse
At the gate of the factory, Li Zhenyu mentioned Quan Yilong's name, and sat outside to make way for the workers who were "swearing to defend their homeland to the death".

When the car drove into the gate, Li Zhenyu saw black heads on the open space.

The six teams I sent were discussing something around the simple wooden table in front of them.

The workers also gathered together in twos and threes, whispering and exchanging information they knew about each other.

This is the troublesome part of the factory. The workers are relatively familiar with each other. If there is something hidden, they can find something wrong as soon as they communicate with each other.

However, if the information obtained by each other is consistent, it will also increase its credibility. Right now it belongs to the second type.

In talking to each other, I learned that the capital promises the same to everyone.

First settle half of the wages, workers stop all activities such as strikes, resume production, and settle the rest after the economy improves.


"President, it's ready, the escort vehicle is on its way."

Seeing Li Zhenyu nodding, Xia Zhuxi walked towards Quan Yilong, "Chairman Quan, let the workers line up to prepare."

Without waiting for Quan Yilong's order, the employees who had already pricked up their ears crowded and lined up into two long queues.

There was some physical collision, but no one yelled, let alone fought.

Instead, everyone was smiling and discussing what to do to get paid.

Take the family to have a big meal, pay the tuition fee for the child, change a pair of new shoes for the son, and take the mother to the hospital for a checkup.

beep beep~
A cash transport truck drove into the factory area, quieting the noisy workers.

Then came the second car, the third car... until the six cars stopped at their respective designated positions.

Boxes full of cash were stacked neatly on the table, and the top box opened to everyone.

"Huchi~huchi~" The wings of the nose opened and closed, and the gas that spewed out made the air hot.

100 million and 100 million are also different.

Talk about numbers alone, as if it were readily available.

But when someone puts cash in front of his eyes, there is no room for anything other than it.

"Jin Junguang... Sign here... This is yours, 315.8 million."

The workers who got the money stepped aside and counted to make sure the amount was correct.

The people behind signed, took money, and counted.

Each time, the accounting will report the exact number, and it was nothing at first.

But when there is a large difference in the amount, the employees' eyes will be on each other.

The amount of salary should be kept confidential to prevent employees from feeling dissatisfied. Many large companies have expressly prohibited employees from inquiring about each other's salary.

But now, instead, the new capital is telling everyone the amount of everyone's salary with great fanfare.

Knowing that the other party did this, they deliberately split everyone's unity.

But everyone is curious in their hearts, whether other people's wages are the same as their own.

If there is a difference, how much is the difference with yourself?
"President." Kim Jong-suk pointed to the left, where someone wanted to sneak away.

"Stop him." Li Zhenyu recognized the fleeing man.

That was a labor union leader who was out of work, and was responsible for causing trouble for the management, and it was also the obstacle that Li Zhenyu wanted to get rid of most.

2000 off-duty workers should be paid 22.6 billion yuan in monthly wages.

It costs 271 billion to raise this group of wild dogs every year. In order to keep them quiet and not hurt themselves, they have to condolence and appease the leaders in private from time to time.

To be transparent is bribery!

According to previous records, the annual wages and miscellaneous expenses are as high as 360 billion.

Sometimes that's not enough...

Even if this money is thrown into the water, it will sound like a non-concierge fish fry team.

Everyone laughed.

To these full-time wild dogs, it is really a meat bun to beat a dog and never return.

Moreover, if you are not careful, you will be bitten by the dog.

Li Zhenyu doesn't want to spend money to raise a group of puppies who will grin at him, and he doesn't want to be bitten by them one day.

"Jin Guangchang... Jin Guangchang..."

The out-of-work worker who was stopped by Kim Jong-suk had an ugly face and wanted to break through the block.

But after being called by his name, he knew that he couldn't escape.

"You can't do this, it's an invasion of personal privacy."

Jin Guangchang's face was red and his eyes were bloodshot. Since Xu Xianzhong was arrested, their life has become difficult.

Under the instigation of Quan Yilong, a traitor, employees' trust in the trade union dropped to freezing point.

If one's salary is exposed, the lost trust will completely collapse like an avalanche.

Facing his glaring gaze, Li Zhenyu smiled without saying a word, but calmly nodded to the treasurer who turned back to ask for instructions.

"Jin Guangchang... 1299.1 million yuan."

It is also half of the six-month salary, Jin Guangchang is more than a star and a half higher than ordinary workers.

In fact, it's not just his salary, but also various hidden benefits and cash equal to gifts used for private bribery.

The former capital side kept tigers as a problem, and for various considerations, they were reluctant to lift the lid, preferring to let it rot and ferment.

Yan Guo took over for too short a time, and before they could find out these things, they were already driven out of the factory area by the workers encouraged by the layoffs.

Li Zhenyu doesn't care about these, all the invisible benefits and bribes are the problems of the former capital and management, and have nothing to do with his new boss.

It was a scandal, a big scandal.

If it is reported, it will be hotly discussed and severely condemned by the whole society.

All trade unions will usher in a huge crisis of confidence, and those involved will either run away incognito, or...

Find a platform, jump off and you'll be fine.

That's why Jin Guangchang was so nervous that he wanted to carry a bucket and run away, but unfortunately someone kept staring at him.

Besides him, Seo Hyun Joong's other confidantes were also watching.

Li Zhenyu wants to go all out and take the opportunity to incite employees to overthrow the trade union, intensify conflicts, and let them break this barrier by themselves.

"Jin Guangchang." A strong worker rushed forward and grabbed Jin Guangchang by the collar.

"Haobei, listen to my explanation. This is their conspiracy. They just want to see this, deliberately destroy our relationship and provoke conflicts."

"Really?" Haobei cast his eyes on Li Zhenyu, as if he wanted to see through him.

The anger in his pupils represented the anger in his heart.

Of course he knew what Jin Guangchang said, but he knew a little better.

There is a high probability that the salary amount mentioned by the other party is true...

After so many years, no one really doubted the workers who left the labor union?
No, all the time.

However, every time it was silently suppressed.

They hold a lot of resources in their hands, and ordinary employees are simply powerless to fight against them.

Without the integration of trade unions, employees are just a mess.

Without unions, their oppression would be worse.

Instead of this, it is better to stand with the trade unions and resist the oppression of the management to obtain legal benefits.

The premise is that all this will not be exposed...

When the benefits that Jin Guangchang obtained through the trade union were exposed, he was no longer the leader of the trade union in the united front with the workers, but a new exploiter of the management that existed in another form.

Losing empathy and recognition, the suppressed doubts and anger in the heart can no longer be restrained.

Jin Guangchang was punched to the ground, and a strong man called Haobei walked towards Li Zhenyu.

He raised his hand to stop Kim Jong Suk, and let him approach him.

"Show me the evidence." Haobei's face was gloomy and cold, and he didn't take a good look at him.

Li Zhenyu smiled and signaled that the accountant would give him the records he had obtained before, and also a copy of Seo Hyun Joong's statement.

"Haobei." Those employees who were in shock seemed to have found their backbone.

They are unwilling to admit the facts in front of them, preferring to live in the false fantasy of self-paralysis.

As if by doing so, he could cover up his previous stupidity.

But in reality, it just makes them look even more foolish.

"It's true." With disappointed eyes, Haobei handed the document to another employee in front of him.

"433 million, ah Xiba... bastard, he can get so much money every month, four times my salary."

I worked so hard, but I was paid less than a quarter of the other party.

"How is it possible~"

"Show me, let me see..."

"Is this true? Jin Guangchang, speak up, Xipalagu, son of a bitch, has your conscience been eaten by a dog!"

As the first person raised his fist, it hit Jin Guangchang's body.

The anger of everyone at the scene was also completely ignited. A group of people rushed to Jin Guangchang who was lying on the ground, surrounded him, punched and kicked to release the blind anger in their hearts.

The employees who found themselves so deceived lost their minds under the control of embarrassment.

Li Zhenyu didn't stop him, but just asked the employee in charge of paying the salary to leave the table, and re-locked the box containing the cash.

"Stop, stop..."

"Here's another one, say, did you also receive benefits like him?"

"No, bang~"

The factory area was in chaos, and the situation on the scene began to get out of control.

"Boss, let's get out of here first."

Pike, who was waiting outside, appeared by his side at some unknown time.

He also activated the swing stick hidden in his waist, held it in his hand, and looked forward vigilantly.

"Don't worry, the police will be here soon."

Li Zhenyu had already made preparations. Although he was very good at fighting, he was not so stupid as to challenge the more than 2000 people present today.

Dirty, dirty, dirty...

The siren sounded hellish, it sounded like a ghostly wind whistling at night.

Soon, four police cars and two ambulances rushed in.

The policeman who got out of the car saw the situation ahead and scratched his head in pain: "Hey Xiba, what is this called!"

"Captain, what should I do?"

Pulling the brim of the hat, the captain smacked his head with the hat: "What to do, what to do, hurry up, Xiba."

Holding batons, more than 20 policemen walked forward hesitantly.

How spectacular it is for more than 2000 people to gather together. At a glance, they are all people, and there is no end in sight.

Fortunately, only a very small part of it is really hands-on.

And they are workers, not members of the riot group.

I had a natural awe of the police and the law in my heart, and gradually calmed down amidst reprimands and obstructions.

When the police pushed away the crowd and saw Jin Guangchang lying on the ground.

His body was already covered with footprints, and he lay limply on the ground with his head in his hands, motionless.

Jin Guangchang was carried into an ambulance, and two other labor union leaders with the same identity were sent away with him.

As for the others, they had already disappeared while running around.


PS: Thank you candlelight book friends under the scorching sun for your rewards, thank you slowly Xinghai book friends for your rewards, and thank you boss.

(End of this chapter)

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