Chapter 583 Evolution
It would be scary to have a head growing anywhere, let alone on your own chest.

But Nirvana didn't panic at all. Instead, he used his left hand to straighten Elizabeth's head with interest, turned the face toward him, and then pierced Elizabeth's eye sockets with the long nail of his right middle finger.

Using his nails as a spoon, Nirvana directly pulled out Elizabeth's eyeball, but after the eyeball was separated from Elizabeth, it directly turned into a pool of biomass.

The biomass flowed upwards along Nirvana's right hand, just like Nirvana just now, directly inserted into Nirvana's eyes.

Elizabeth flowed the biomass along Nie Shuli's eyes like a revenge, and the biomass began to change in Nie Shuli's head, turning Nie Shuli's head into a ball of paste.

Cerebrospinal fluid flowed out along the hole created by the biomass, along with some pale pink material.

Elizabeth grew out from the chest of Nie Shuli who was still standing, half of her body clung to Nie Shuli's shoulders, and took a deep breath into Nie Shuli's head.

Elizabeth's eyes were full of satisfaction, and her throat kept quivering, as if she was facing a huge temptation.

With temptation on her lips, Elizabeth decided not to endure it any longer.The corners of her mouth began to split, and Nirvana's head was put directly into her mouth.

Elizabeth's whole body was like an invertebrate, her soft body was like a layer of gel, and she could pull Nirvana into it as she pleased.

Contentment was the only feeling Elizabeth felt at the moment, a feeling she had not felt for decades.

Now Elizabeth could feel that her whole body was full of hope, it was the virus in her body cheering.

As the perfect host for the red light virus, Elizabeth was like Alex now, with her entire body replaced by the virus.

She is the will of the virus, and her body is a death factory that produces deadly viruses.

Now the factory has been reorganized and expanded, and more advanced models have inserted the genetic sequence of the virus.Every gene is urging Elizabeth to embrace a more perfect evolution.

The black tights on her body slowly faded away, and Elizabeth's body was immediately replaced by distorted biomass. A more perfect creature was born due to the virus's constant attempts.

It's like Venus, like the Valkyrie...

The perfect Elizabeth is full of beauty, every inch is just right.The perfect body also contains the power to destroy the world.

Chris controlled the guards to watch Nirvana's death, but did not wait for any prompt from Nirvana. After seeing Elizabeth complete the transformation, he cursed in a low voice.

"I knew the people in the Technology Development Bureau were unreliable!"

The guard aimed at Elizabeth with one hand and spit out high-temperature blue plasma from his palm in an attempt to vaporize Elizabeth.

But at this moment, Elizabeth's reaction speed exceeded the flight speed of the plasma. In the slow-motion display of the guard's neural link, Chris clearly saw how Elizabeth swam in the air, and then cut through the waves of the air along with the plasma. Get around it.

In an instant, Elizabeth appeared in front of the guards.

Then he was punched out by the guard...

The essence of power is strength and speed, which Elizabeth now has, but as a Black Watch researcher, she has not received all kinds of cruel training like Chris.

Chris didn't use his brain at all when he punched Elizabeth. He just reacted subconsciously and knocked the person at the top of the food chain away.

"Everyone come here! Kill him!"

Elizabeth protected her chest that was attacked and whispered to her creation.

Seeing this scene, Chris couldn't help but control the guards to start a new round of strengthening.

The punch just now was enough to penetrate the tank, but when it landed on Elizabeth, it only caused her pain.

The scales on the guard's body stood up one after another, and the ends of the armor were forcibly filled, and strands of electric light forcibly bound the armor to the body.

A small vortex was created around the body of the Imperial Guard. It was the Imperial Guard that was constantly absorbing effective components from the atmosphere, stripping away the oxygen in the atmosphere and participating in the Imperial Guard's transformation cycle.

A layer of crystals began to appear on the scales, and the guards wrapped in crystals gained a unique sense of beauty.

In the whirlpool wrapped in dust, the crystals reflecting colorful light are like holy angels, but they are trapped in the hideous and terrifying demons of hell...

The air exploded, and the transformed guards began to charge towards Elizabeth!

As the last line of defense around the Queen of Blades, Jill Valentine, the Guard itself exists as the raccoon's strongest single combat capability.

The most effective way to protect the queen is to kill all incoming attackers!
Open fire!
The guards themselves are bullets!

The bone sword was embedded in the forearm and became an attack punch.

Elizabeth subconsciously wanted to escape, but the comfort after evolution made Elizabeth not want to do this.

During the hesitation, Elizabeth left her back to Chris, and then her shoulder was penetrated from behind.

Although she was hit, Elizabeth was certain that she would not die.

After all, how can this level of physical attack kill a clump of viruses?

Turning into biomass and breaking away from the jab, Elizabeth quickly turned around, only to be greeted by an even faster attack...

In an instant, the fist blast burst through the air, and the continuous explosions echoed in the city like the sound of heavy machine guns.

The fists of the guards are more powerful than machine guns, no, they are more powerful than some rockets.

There were circular ripples on Elizabeth's back that looked like power in anime, which was proof that the force penetrated her body and left behind.

While enduring the attack, Elizabeth spit out a ball of filth from her mouth, and crawled out of the filth a group of parasites that Elizabeth didn't recognize.

These parasites, which looked [-]% similar to bacteriophages, crawled out of the blood and struggled for a few seconds before curling up and dying.

"You are a virus too! Why do you want to stop me!"

Elizabeth could feel that the parasites were injected into her body by the other party's fists, but the other party's behavior puzzled Elizabeth.

The mentally unstable Elizabeth is keen on spreading the virus. As an infected person, she doesn't care about human life at all.

In Elizabeth's view, since it is a virus, it should be like herself.

But the other party is stopping him instead.

The infected person who had just been called by Elizabeth also arrived at the scene. The infected person became an obstacle between the guards and Elizabeth. The furious Elizabeth began to evolve like the other person.

Countless hunters were frantically slashing at everything in front of them, not caring that they were still quite far away from the guards.

The virus in the hacked infected person is absorbed by the hunter, who stretches his arm back and shoots himself out like a slingshot.

With the power to overturn a tank and the speed to break the sound barrier, the hunter who came to the guard flew back even faster.

The hunter who lost half of his body did not die. He grabbed an infected person and bit off their head to restore life.

"It's disgusting!"

These words came from Alex who suddenly appeared on the battlefield. He was still wearing a hood, with brown blood vessels bulging under his pale skin.

The power bursting out of his hand allowed Alex to directly pierce the hunter and then forcefully absorb it.

The infected treat Alex as an ally, and Chris is naturally wary.

"So many dying voices are speaking."

"It's you!"

Alex turned his head suddenly. The hive consciousness brought by the virus can connect the hearts of infected people. Alex can naturally feel who is the center when he is connected to it.

The virus entity Alex is different from his original self. The virus entity has been preventing the crisis in Manhattan from breaking out, and is even worried about the loss of life.

Elizabeth slowly came to Alex, stretched out her hand to caress Alex's cheek, and said, "I am your mother!"

The black light virus is derived from the transformation of the red light virus in Elizabeth. Theoretically, Elizabeth is the source of these viruses and can naturally also be called Alex's mother.

But now the virus entity uses the simplest moral judgment to determine that Elizabeth is his enemy.

Transforming into claws, Alex was caught by Elizabeth before he tried to attack her.

With disappointment, Elizabeth shook her head and said to Alex: "You were created by me..."

Forcibly tearing off Alex's arm, Elizabeth bathed in Alex's blood and took it all into her body with satisfaction.

"Look down!"

Chris's voice came from behind, and the sword blade on the guard's arm cooperated with the fist wind, and a deformed and twisted flying slash hit Elizabeth's neck against Alex's body.

The violent cracking sound of bones was like the scream of a crusher. After the fragile flesh and blood collapsed, the neck was only supported by a few scattered vertebrae.

But in the blink of an eye, the biomass wrapped around Elizabeth's neck again, restoring her to her former self.

"Disobedient children, then go to death."

As Elizabeth spoke, she vomited out biomass that was completely different from her body mass. The biomass spread out and occupied a small block, surrounding all the infected people above.

The infected are dissolving, merging into the ever-boiling biomass.Subsequently, a large number of supreme hunters were bred from the biomass.

Alex covered his torn off arm and absorbed a supreme hunter before it could fully crawl out of the biomatter.

Alex, who had recovered his body, still felt a certain kind of weakness, and his face became even paler.

The hunters' attacks really hit Alex, and the weak Alex was knocked to the ground immediately.

The hunter's big foot stepped on Alex's head, and a small running insect came to the hunter's side.

The springtail used its claws and teeth as sharp as sickles to tear off a piece of flesh and blood from the hunter. While saving Alex, the whole insect clung to the back of the guard.

The wing-like tissue on the back of the guard became the support for the springtail. The springtail integrated into the guard made Chris understand that Jill was ready.

Swarms of banelings suddenly emerged from the ground, detonating themselves as they approached the hunter, spraying the strong acid in their bodies outward.

These strong acids, which are like alien blood, can easily corrode armored vehicles, and the defense of living organisms is as weak as a piece of paper.

The acid flowed on the ground and gathered along the undulations of the terrain to form a smoky pond.It was such an attack. It didn't take long for Elizabeth to overcome it. Armor with grooves began to appear on the hunter's body. Even if the acid splashed, it would only be blocked by the armor and then flow along the grooves to the ground.

The rapid evolution of the virus has demonstrated its power at this moment.

The acid was declared temporarily ineffective after clearing out the weak infected, but this was just a test of Gill's attack.

Chris carefully lifted Alex and placed it on a high place. Before Alex could figure out why, he saw the ground around him gradually bulging.

A group of six-legged strange creatures crawled out of the ground as if they were carrying beacons of fire on their backs. They slightly adjusted their body orientation and poured out the beacons of fire on their backs.

Plasma liquid flows on the ground, and the acid liquid that just flowed together is also heated and evaporated by these plasma liquids.

Dangerously high temperatures speed up decomposition, decomposing Elizabeth and her hunters, using high temperatures to break them down into their most essential atoms.

The smoke represents the disappearance of the enemy, but the heavy footsteps in the smoke also represents the opponent's completion of evolution once again.

What emerged from the smoke was a group of different creatures, which had lost their hunter-like appearance.

The whole body is similar to a human being, with no skin covering the outside, and all parts that do not need to be rotated are covered by white bone armor.

The ribs on the front of the body became one piece, and the ribs on the back grew upwards and turned into spikes.The slender hands have sickle-shaped arm blades growing on the elbows and wrists.

This biological form is obviously a reference to Chris's guards, but it is more ferocious than the guards.

At the same time, their intelligence has also undergone significant changes. In the past, they only reacted instinctively like dogs, and all actions were based on Elizabeth's instructions, but now they have learned to cooperate.

They were in groups of three or five, and the hunter standing at the front turned his back and was held in the hands of other hunters.

Use yourself as a shield?The next second Chris knew he had guessed wrong.

The bone spurs on the hunter's back slowly sank, and after being incorporated into the body by the contracted muscles, they suddenly spurted out.

The shot bone spurs flew all over the sky like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, and some bone spurs at good angles even penetrated the entire building.

The guards could not help but retreat when they were hit by such bone spurs. The originally crystal-clear body surface became pitted, revealing the dark biological tissue underneath.

Jill's voice reached Chris's ears: "Do you want me to call Hank?"

Hank, the God of Death, has not taken action until now, but everyone in Little Raccoon knows that that man is staying in the most dangerous place and can strike a fatal blow to Elizabeth at any time.

If Hank doesn't take action, it means it's not the best time yet.

"No! Let Hank watch!"

Chris, who controlled the guard, seemed to be slapping dust on his body, and many crystal fragments fell from the guard's body.

Who is the strongest little raccoon? There is no doubt about Hank's strength.

But when other people face this mountain, they have the heart to climb and conquer.

Hank is very strong, and Hank, who is recognized by the three kings, can draw on their power.That's almost the power of a god.

But the guard represented by Chris has power comparable to Hank.

Chris needs a chance, a chance to show Hank, but also a chance to teach him one thing.

Chris looked at the approaching hunter and asked, "Jill, where are you now?"

"Half a mile underground, inside the Nydus Worm, what happened?"

Chris said with a hint of inquiry and solicitation: "Can you go within 200 meters of the surface?"

"Is this what you are doing? I understand."

Jill's agreement made Chris smile. Naturally, the guards can exert their greatest power when the queen is threatened.

The little raccoon has several stages of determination of Jill's safety range, and the half-mile range can easily be filled by the biological and chemical troops.

However, the 200-meter range has reached the final stage of the plan, and it is also the distance where all restrictions on the guards are lifted.

The standing guard remained motionless, and Alex, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help it.

Alex dragged his weak body to the front of the guard, and when he was about to stop the hunter, his body seemed to be pregnant with disaster.

Pain appeared on Alex's face, and his curled-up body suddenly released.

Thousands of tentacles erupted from Alex's body. Those tentacles were like blood vessels, with Alex as the source, inserted into all moving creatures in front of him, and absorbed the nutrients of the creatures.

The tentacles that ended everything blocked the menacing evolutionary hunters, but as Alex's tentacles weakened, the hunters began their counterattack.

Learning is the ability of a hunter, let alone Alex's ability, which comes from the same origin as them.

An explosion of thousands of tentacles came from the evolutionary hunter, and the countless tentacles even blocked the surrounding light.

Alex was pushed to the side, struggled to stand up, and saw the guard being pierced by tentacles.

Failure to protect Chris made Alex look sad.

There was a shattering sound, and the broken crystal rolled into Alex's hand.

Looking up, Alex discovered that what was penetrated by the tentacles was actually the crystal on the guard's body.

The crystal formed the form of the Praetorian and was destroyed by the tentacles, but only the empty shell was destroyed.

"Stand still...far away...a little bit..."

An illusory accent came to Alex's ears. Following the direction of the sound, Alex found the guard who also had a double image.

At this moment, the guard had lost his ferocious appearance, and his simple body was covered by a simple robe and hood.

But from the slightly exposed skin, Alex saw a cold cyan color.

The illusory double image around the guard made it difficult to tell who was the real person, and the crystals exposed from under the robe began to cool down the environment.

Visible frost spread from the guard's side. Alex, who had no time to stand up, saw with his own eyes that his hand was stuck to the ground, and then broke with a snap.

Fortunately, Alex is a viral entity, so the loss of this little bit of body is not a big deal.

Fortunately, the guards had already taken action to prevent the frost from spreading to Alex's body.

The imperial guard disappeared from the spot, briefly appearing among the evolutionary hunters, leaving behind a large frost flower, and then disappeared again.

The fading frost flowers absorbed the surrounding temperature, and absolute zero began to erupt.

But this was just the beginning, a spherical plasma ball was created above Frost Flower's head.

The disappearing frost flower froze everything around it, and the bursting plasma ball turned the frozen hunter into dust with a weak impact.

The little raccoon's strongest weapon used to be the Bose ghost, but now the ghost has been weaponized by the guards.

After using frost and frost to create an isolation zone, the guards of the ghost image stood at one end of the isolation zone and began to make short preparations.

If you slow down the time a hundred times, you can see the ghosts of the guards doing different actions. They may be defending, monitoring the environment, or looking for the highest threat target.

These actions have been processed hundreds of times in Chris's mind, and the faded human form condensed the Bose particles into a flying dragon.

These biochemical monsters that could easily be slaughtered as part of an organized army were like soldiers being mowed by Wushuang, flying into the sky one after another under the impact.

The dust in the sky is the last evidence of the hunter's existence.

"it's your turn!"

The ghostly guard appeared in front of Elizabeth, and a hand full of fangs appeared in his open palm.

The threat of death was passed to Elizabeth from the mouthparts in the palm of her hand. Before Elizabeth could scream, her voice was tightly restrained back into her throat.

Frost enveloped the surrounding area, and the flames brought by the plasma ball erupted from the mouthparts, igniting Elizabeth's body.


With the last breath expelled from her throat, Elizabeth turned into a pile of dust and burning embers.

Chris didn't need to confirm Elizabeth's death at all. The trembling under his feet already showed that the virus mother was still struggling.

A large number of infected people began to gather, and three tentacles dozens of times larger than the diameter of the Nydus Worm rose from the ground.

The infected rushed into the tentacles desperately and turned into biomass. The tentacles swept across and destroyed the buildings in Manhattan and began to absorb the metal materials in them.

The worm-like tentacles slowly began to metalize, and then grew to an altitude of several thousand meters.

Then the physical tentacles began to give birth to fruits, which were brand new Elizabeths.

Condensation, birth, maturity, result...

The evolution began with Yu Luo's behavior, and the whole Manhattan began to rain down.

Under the sun, the eerie Manhattan is Elizabeth.

The fallen flesh piled up into a mountain of flesh, and Elizabeth even began to switch genders and change her own species.

Monsters are constantly coming out of the mountains of meat. They have no sound, no communication, or even breathing...

They have the same name, the name they had when they were still humans.

Elizabeth Greene.

Tentacles reaching into the sky blocked the light, and deformed monsters turned Manhattan into a night of ghosts...

(End of this chapter)

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