Listen to the space-time administration

Chapter 539 To the starting point

Chapter 539 Back to the Beginning
"Relax, it's just a ruptured carotid artery on one side. You can't cover it with your hands. Pressing can only slow down the bleeding. You can't wait for the doctor."

Constantine did not follow Rorschach's advice. He reached out and tore off his own clothes, and randomly filled the wound to temporarily stop the bleeding.

Then he grabbed a handful of cigarette ashes, which turned red in his hand, and then pressed it decisively on the wound.

There was a sound like a hot iron scalding meat, and a faint aroma of barbecue filled the air.With a pale face, Constantine slowly released his hand from the wound.

But Rorschach would not give Constantine a chance to heal himself, and the wound that had been mended by Constantine suddenly opened again.

The feeling of blood flowing down the body is like peeing in pants. The warm liquid flows down the curve of the body, sticking the clothes tightly to the body. As the heat is lost, it gradually becomes cold. , and the above process is repeated as the next warm current washes away.

But the capacity of the bladder is limited, and so is the blood capacity.No matter how warm the liquid is, after it is used up, only a cold body is left.

Should Constantine go to hell?

It should, very much should!
John Constantine likes to make friends and help others. When in danger, he will seek help from his friends to return favors without mercy, even if his friends pay the price with their lives.

When Constantine's friend, whether he is ready to go to hell or not, but as soon as he comes to you, his friend's name has already been written on the list of hell.

The soul of a gambler and the heart of a banker are the best descriptions of Constantine.

Constantine only cares about himself. Perhaps he is in pain because of Astra's death, but the guilt in this pain does not make him a good person, but intensifies the disaster to everyone around him.

He lent his body to Swamp Thing so that he could have a child with his wife Abby.In order to ensure the safety of his wedding, Constantine released the demon Constantine from hell, who raped his niece Gemma at the wedding.He deceived his sister's soul and gave birth to resentment that was difficult to get rid of.

Even when God appeared to persuade Constantine to his face, he signed up to sell his soul to the First Fall.

This is no longer a person who can evaluate. Hell will make the most appropriate judgment for Constantine.At least, the souls who died because of Constantine and were unable to ascend to heaven can get short-term comfort in a specially secluded place in hell.

"Constantine, have you ever regretted it? Have you ever repented?"

The corners of Constantine's mouth trembled slightly, allowing him to spit out two clear words from his body that had begun to cool down.

"f**k you!"

Constantine has been numbed by painful guilt, and his unrestrained self-centered mentality makes him witness everything. He intervenes in things but never deals with the consequences. This is the root of his powerlessness.

The last breath was squeezed out of the lungs by the intercostal muscles and diaphragm, and Constantine lost his last connection with reality.

In Rorschach's consciousness, vague observations appeared around him, which were sightlines looking at this place from every corner, every space, and every timeline in the universe.

The tea that Alfred had just poured down had lost its remaining temperature, and even the water vapor lingering on the tea cup was fixed in place.

A bright light shines from the darkness deep in the universe, like God's lantern, drawing in all the light around it and illuminating the darkness.The light flickered, then turned into a rushing flame.

"Ah, Constantine, I don't know who killed you, but your soul is mine!"

Lucifer's voice came from the flames. As the light bringer, Lucifer has absolute control over fire and light.In his original role as "God's Lamplighter", Lucifer could even use this power to condense hydrogen clouds into stellar mass and ignite them.

The current flames carry Lucifer's anxiety, burning all obstacles along the way from hell to the human world.

Constantine's soul is the biggest bet in hell. Now the bet has a result, and the devil who gets the soul first is the winner.

On top of the bones, Lucifer was holding a white horse, wearing a fiery red robe, and holding a horn mask of the same color in his hand.

After twisting his neck, Lucifer seemed a little uncomfortable with this set of clothes and said, "Constantine, look what I have prepared for you!"

"A hunt!"

"This is what I learned during the 'wild hunting' event held by Odin. You will be resurrected again and again, and then killed again and again. Until I get tired or your existence disappears completely."

"You run away, I'll kill you! It's interesting, isn't it?"

"Oh, there are outsiders..."

After confirming Constantine's soul, the excited Lucifer looked at Rorschach.

Morning Star is in Lucifer's eyes, and Rorschach, who owns the Time Workshop, feels that his history is now being viewed by Lucifer.

Lucifer can process the 200 billion-year history of the universe in the blink of an eye. At this moment, Lucifer has seen everything about Rorschach in the entire universe, from his appearance to the failure of the Flash to the emergence of the Kryptonians. , and the death of Constantine.


This may be the highest evaluation that Lucifer can give. Overall, Lucifer is close to omnipotence and is the most powerful being in the DC universe. God gave him his own willpower so that he can shape all things, and if Lucifer No longer exists, and God's existence will become blurred. Lucifer is actually the opposite created by God in order to make his own existence clear. The disappearance of Lucifer will make it impossible for God and all creation to exist normally.

While saying this, Lucifer frowned and looked at the table next to Rorschach.

A feeling of anger emerged from Lucifer, and Lucifer's anger began to cause the world to collapse, but in the blink of an eye, Lucifer manipulated cause and effect to restore the world.

"You belong to him!"

Lucifer's words made Rorschach a little confused. Following Lucifer's line of sight, Rorschach saw a black umbrella leaning on the table next to him.

Rorschach knew very well that there was absolutely no black umbrella here, and it was this umbrella that aroused Lucifer's anger.

The item that could make Lucifer so angry could only belong to one person, the God of this world.

When Lucifer was about to pour out his anger, Rorschach pointed to the white horse held by Lucifer and asked: "That top hat is for you."

"Top hat?"

Lucifer turned around in surprise and saw a small bowler hat hanging on the saddle. The rounded edge was a complete circle, and there was a black ribbon tied on the hat.

Lucifer took off the hat, looked at Rorschach in confusion, and asked, "What does he mean?"

Rorschach shook his head. Who knows what the God of this world wants to do?
Picking up the umbrella beside the table, Rorschach held the tip of the umbrella and handed it to Lucifer.

Looking at the black umbrella in front of him, Lucifer did not reach out to take it. He casually placed the bowler hat on the white horse's head and said: "The old guy gave it to you, I will not take it away."

"I open a piano bar in the human world called Lux. You can come and hang out when you have time." After that, Lucifer put the hell chain on Constantine, then fixed the chain on the horse, and prepared to drive the white horse to drag him. Constantine began to race through hell.

"Wait, I have a question."

Rorschach stopped Lucifer who was about to leave and asked: "What do God and you think of my appearance?"

Rorschach was ready for war, but in Lucifer's eyes he seemed irrelevant, and God appeared inexplicably and left the umbrella and disappeared.

Even Rorschach wondered whether the atmosphere of Gotham had affected the creator, otherwise how could there be such an operation as the Riddler.

“What do we need to think about?”

"I'm the only one who disturbed the timeline and ruined the plot..."


Lucifer made a disdainful voice and said, "Do you really think you are so powerful? The old thing's breath can destroy the multiverse, and at the same time, he can create more multiverses outside the multiverse."

"Don't take yourself too seriously. I understand everything in the universe. I know everything there is to know about some people who don't even know themselves."

"The world is a book, and there are words that stand out from the leaves. It just makes people who look at the book feel happy that it's another interesting story outside of the book."

Lucifer stretched out his hand, pointed at Rorschach and himself, and said: "And you and I are also characters that jumped out of the book. The story we created is in the eyes of the old guy. But, I don't know how to satisfy the old guy, And you..."

Lucifer looked helplessly at the bowler hat on the white horse's head. Perhaps his usual behavior followed the rules too much?

Lucifer is described as the wisest, most beautiful, and most powerful of all the angels in heaven, so much so that even after the fall Lucifer retained his beautiful qualities.Despite his egoistic and narcissistic tendencies, he does follow something akin to a code of honor.

Lucifer pursues God, just to get out of the cage or to have God give him a definite answer, instead of letting him waste away in the long eternity.

Regardless of whether he could understand it or not, Rorschach still nodded to show that he remembered it.

Seeing Rorschach's nod, Lucifer expressed satisfaction with Rorschach's attitude and said, "If you can find a way to create a new history, maybe you can catch up with the old thing."

Rorschach looked at the top hat on the horse's head and asked, "Can't you do it now that you have it?"

Lucifer shook his head and said: "I have omniscience. As long as there is creation and destruction, I am omnipotent. But I still have to follow certain rules. Omniscience does not mean omnipotence. I cannot share what I understand with others. For others, this will weaken my own ability. The same should be true for the old guy, he will choose an agent to exercise his rights."

Luo Xia nodded ignorantly, and now Luo Xia thought of a BUG.A BUG about myself and the Space-Time Administration.

Odin in the Marvel world once said that he sacrificed himself to obtain the power of rune words.And Rorschach does not need this process to give wisdom to everyone.

Lucifer's metaphor compares the world to a book, but what if the world is really a book?
Back to the original starting point, the encyclopedia is Rorschach's most important equipment.

Knowledge gives power to everyone fairly through words, and the omniscience of encyclopedias can indeed be omnipotent with human wisdom and participation!
Odin tells Rorschach about the importance of spreading knowledge, and Lucifer tells Rorschach what knowledge represents.

Encyclopedia = everything!
With a puff, Luo Xia smiled, guarding the treasure mountain without knowing it.

"why are you laughing?"

"I thought of happy things. Come and play in my world when you have time."

Rorschach waved his hand and sent away the confused Lucifer.

'Out of the words in the book, could it be that the words after the explosion of the Holy Ark really formed a whole new world? '

The encyclopedia is still damaged. Although Rorschach used Area [-] to refill the content, Lucifer gave Rorschach a new thinking perspective.

"Mr. Rorschach, I have to disturb you. If I'm not here, maybe you can help with the current affairs of Wayne Manor?"

Alfred's knock on the door accompanied by a request appeared in Rorschach's ears. Now in a good mood, Rorschach happily walked out holding a black umbrella.

"What's the matter, Alfred?"

"You'd better go up and have a look..."

In the Wayne Manor living room, Bruce is confronting his new parents.The clown Martha broke the sutures at the corners of her mouth in excitement, and inserted the dagger in her hand into the gap in Thomas Batman's armor.

"It's all you!"

With resentful words and a dagger in her hand, Martha the Clown left a deep mark on Thomas Batman.

Dragging his bleeding body, Thomas said sadly: "Don't be Batman, be yourself, and let Batman disappear with me."

Alfred quietly added to the previous story and said: "Master Bruce saw Master Thomas' equipment, so he prepared to become a 'bat', which caused the master and his wife to start a fight..."

Batman is the destiny of the Wayne family, but this is definitely not what Thomas and Rorschach want to see.Because the appearance of Batman means that all their actions have become useless.

Rorschach was very straightforward, and with a flick of his finger, Bruce Wayne's limbs disappeared.

"Without limbs, you wouldn't want to be a bat-man, right?"

Martha rushed to say: "No way, no way!"

Martha dragged Bruce onto the sofa and carefully cleaned the stains on her son's body when he fell.

However, everyone knows that the Wayne family will never give in.Even if he loses his limbs, Bruce will not give up his idea of ​​saving Gotham.

Just when Bruce was about to open his mouth to protest, Rorschach removed Bruce's mouth again.

Rorschach looked at the special combination of Thomas and Martha, Batman and the Joker, and said: "Since Bruce wants to change Gotham. Why not take this opportunity to let Batman and the Joker completely change Gotham."

"It doesn't matter if parents realize their ideals for their children. Oh, the first goal is to get the Riddler out of Gotham City..."

(End of this chapter)

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