Listen to the space-time administration

Chapter 533 Krypton’s fall is only a matter of hands

Chapter 533 Krypton’s fall is only a matter of hands
The Kryptonians span the universe and control the resources of countless galaxies. Their system has dictatorial attributes, and their swift and violent style makes them the most powerful race in the entire DC world.

Even the so-called cosmic police Green Lantern is nothing more than a bad guy behind the Ax Gang in front of the Kryptonians.

If the Kryptonian crisis hadn't erupted so quickly and the Kryptonian parliament ignored it, the Kryptonian race would have been destroyed in an instant.

Since they have colonized countless galaxies, they also know the effects of yellow solar energy on them. They have yellow solar bombs, which explode to simulate the effects of yellow sun, to deal with emergencies.

This bomb is the Kryptonian's heart booster. The solar bomb can quickly replenish the energy needed by the Kryptonian and strengthen itself.

The Central Book has all the genes of Kryptonians, so Clark, who owns the Central Book, is the Kryptonian gene pool. Therefore, Clark can give birth to life naturally without the Kryptonian life cultivation process. Such a life has no inevitable procedure and no destined mission.

It can be said that Clark is naturally capable of reaching the pinnacle that a Kryptonian can reach in all walks of life, but Zod already represents the pinnacle of a Kryptonian.

The method of controlling powers that Clark had learned over the years on Earth, Zod could master with just one or two hints.Even Zod's adjutant Fiona quickly learned this technique under Zod's guidance.

The battlefield was falling, and the two Zords took up the frontal battlefield respectively. Fiona directed the rest of the Kryptonians to move out larger sun bombs to replenish energy for their team.

The whole galaxy's engine started, seismic waves began to surge, and everything around was cast into a haze.

In the haze, the warm sunlight flickers, is obscured by the shadows, and then absorbed.

"At this rate, if you don't take action, the Valkyrie Legion will be pierced by Zod."

Hela and Wonder Woman Diana temporarily gave up their fight. Rorschach on the Starry Sky Throne yawned and managed to cheer up a little. He said, "Don't worry about Thor and Loki. They are typical explosive players. As long as they don't die, being beaten once or twice will help them grow."

"But it seems that your brother has not made any progress. Instead, Loki's illusions are becoming more and more real. Even Zod has a hard time distinguishing the real ones from the fake ones."

The battlefield is now divided into three parts. A Zod leads people to fight against the Valkyries, trying to defeat them as quickly as possible to gather the Kryptonians.The other fights against the two Asgardian brothers.The two Fionas stopped Clark and Kara. Although they couldn't defeat Clark and Kara, delaying time was not a problem.As long as any Zod can deal with his enemies, the Kryptonians can regroup and work hard to secure victory.

Now Thor has been knocked out of the hammer, and he is completely in a passive defense state. The illusion supported by Loki changes Thor's true position, uses the illusion to create Thor's figure, and actively attacks Zod.

Sometimes Loki would fake some subtle movements for the illusion, such as clenching his teeth before taking damage and trembling his eyes when looking in the direction of the attack.In the eyes of the Kryptonians, these small actions turned out to be major flaws.

But Loki predicted the Kryptonian's prediction, and often the fleeting figures intersected, and Loki threw various spell debuffs on the Kryptonian.

Thor summoned Mjolnir, Mjolnir, and struck Zod on the head, who had suffered spell damage.

However, Zod reacted faster than Thor. He grabbed Thor's hammer-swinging hand with one hand, then pressed Thor to the ground with a downward pressure, and then snatched Mjolnir away.

Mjolnir's weight caused Zod to accidentally drop the hammer on the ground, and then Zod withstood Mjolnir's weight and threw Mjolnir and Thor together.

The repeated blows did not discourage Thor, but the fact that an individual could pick up Mjolnir made Thor feel angry.

Not only Thor, but also Mjolnir unleashed his wrath.

You must know that Mjolnir is the symbol of Asgard's royal power. Now that the royal power is controlled by outsiders through violence, it is the ultimate humiliation.

Thor held Mjolnir firmly. He had never held a weapon so hard before. The leather strap on the handle of the hammer was tightly wrapped around his arm. Thor would never let go easily this time.

Powerful thunder and lightning erupted from Thor's body, filling every inch of Thor's hammer.

Being in the thunder and lightning, Thor felt as if he had some kind of authority. He just raised the hammer with one hand to the sky, and the entire battlefield was covered by clouds. The wrath of the God of Thunder was already brewing in the gloomy clouds.

"I am Thor! For the glory of Asgard!"

As soon as Thor shouted these words, he was knocked away by a Kryptonian, and the Kryptonian who flew away was hit by Hela.


Hela secretly cursed Thor. The declaration on the battlefield also depends on the timing, at least to ensure that one's own side is safe.With such an explosive appearance, the enemy will definitely receive a full attack immediately.

Hela came to intercept Zod, but Diana in the sky still did not move.

Rorschach pointed to the battlefield below and asked, "Aren't you going?"

Diana shook her head and said: "You seem to be ready for everything. It doesn't really make any difference whether you are with me or not. Besides, I have to watch you, you are very dangerous."

"I'm in danger?"

Diana tightened the mantra lasso in her hand, and the golden lasso binding Rorschach flickered for a few minutes before returning to its original state.

Diana said: "The Lasso of Truth is useless to you. This battle started because of the Kryptonians, but it was controlled by you. Such behavior reminds me of a person from before."


Diana replied in surprise: "You know?"

Ares, the god of war in this world, will have a steady stream of divine power as long as war still breaks out in the world.When the entire earth was trying its best to deal with Darkseid on Apokolips, God of War Ares was the main fighting force of the earth. Zeus handed him an axe, and Thor swept the formation for him. Then Ares defeated Darkseid with one axe. Said.

Afterwards, in order to draw strength from Ares, the world war broke out under his temptation.Diana left Paradise Island precisely to stop Ares' conspiracy.

Rorschach did not answer why he knew it, but instead began to ask Diana, "Shouldn't you know the power of the God of War best?"

Diana frowned. The mission of her birth was to stop Ares, the God of War. Now Rorschach said that she understood this power, which was undoubtedly forcing the things she hated most on herself.

However, I heard Rorschach continue: "I met another God of War in another world. According to him, the God of War's priesthood has a most special inheritance method, which is the survival of the fittest. You killed the previous God of War. , then this priesthood will fall on you."

"Diana, after you defeat Ares, is it true that no matter what enemy you encounter, you can win? This is the blessing of the God of War priesthood." Diana was speechless. She was indeed after defeating Ares. Never encountered failure.

Diana, who pouted, emphasized: "I am fighting for peace and justice."

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

Rorschach laughed mockingly, shook his head and said, "Don't say that, it will make people laugh."

Diana was really angry now. She tightened the mantra lasso forcefully and said, "I am Diana from Paradise Island, a human guardian blessed by the six gods."

Rorschach twisted his neck in discomfort and said, "You protected mankind? Look at the battlefield below, who is fighting?"

"Diana of Paradise Island, you have lived in the human world for decades and have never learned any scientific ideas? Why are there only women on Paradise Island? Can people on Paradise Island reproduce asexually? What about the men born on Paradise Island? "

Diana said stubbornly: "They have all been sent away. There can only be women on Paradise Island."

"Send away? I'm afraid he will be sent to Mount Etna and be a slave under the God of Fire Hephaestus."

"Diana, every time you use the Vulcan Sword, can't you hear the pain and sorrow of your compatriots when the sword is forged?"

Rorschach slowly stood up from the Starry Sky Throne, stretched out his hand and pulled off the Lasso of Truth from his body. Holding the Lasso of Truth, he continued: "Look, I am holding it now. The Lasso symbolizes the truth. But the funny thing is, But you are the one who is blinded by the truth."

Putting down the mantra lasso in his hand, Rorschach no longer looked at Diana's troubled face.If Diana could go down to assist in the battle, he wouldn't disturb Diana's mentality so much.

Red particles lingered on Rorschach's fingertips, and then the sky began to change. The celestial phenomena originally obscured by Thor's power began to fade, and the originally clear blue sky turned red.

However, within this red light, two beams of warm yellow sunlight remained, shining on Clark and Kara like searchlights.

Kryptonians can only absorb the power of the yellow sun, not the red spectrum of sunlight.Now that the power of Zod and others has been intercepted, only Clark and Kara can still obtain power from the increasing sunlight.

Even if Zod and others took out a solar bomb, the bomb could still only emit red light.The rules of reality have been modified here. Kryptonians are not only weak to demons, but also weak to the environment.

Without the replenishment of the sun, the Kryptonians became unable to survive.Hela's steel forest was projected onto the battlefield, and the forests became prisons for the Kryptonians.

Asgardians do not need to rely on external objects for their strength. Thor changed his previous behavior by wielding Mjolnir. Every solid and powerful hammer blow can knock down the Kryptonian in the explosion of thunder and lightning.

Clark and Kara suppressed Fiona, and at the same time the All-Galaxy Engine was forced to land by Rorschach, and the Kryptonian plan failed.

Hela looked at Rorschach unhappily. She agreed to let Asgard win a beautiful battle, but the result turned out to be what it is now.

Adam suddenly appeared next to Rorschach and handed over a small piece of green crystal.

This green crystal is called kryptonite, which is a product of the soil of Krypton and is harmless to Kryptonians.However, if the Kryptonians absorb the energy of the yellow sun, this energy will cause their cells to be damaged by the radiation of Kryptonite, causing the Kryptonians to lose their strength.

For these Kryptonians who have been exposed to the irradiation of the Earth's sun, Rorschach now holds in his hands a source of pollution that is as nuclear waste to them.

Holding the kryptonite and looking at it carefully, Rorschach began to change his other hand, and he created individual kryptonite out of thin air.Although we know that kryptonite will have an impact on Kryptonians, even with the help of the real-life gem Rorschach, we cannot create kryptonite without obtaining the actual object. After all, humans cannot imagine a color that they have not seen before, and the same is true for kryptonite. .

Immediately afterwards, a small area of ​​ground was turned into kryptonite. This ground was transferred by Rorschach to the feet of the Kryptonians, causing them to begin to convulse in pain.

After a brief period of pain, Rorschach put away this transformation. Looking at Zod and others who had been cuffed with kryptonite handcuffs, Rorschach transformed into a complete set of tables and chairs, stretched out his hand and said, "Let's talk?"

The two Zods began to twitch in pain, but they still looked at Clark and Kara after the rules were changed, and the longing in their eyes was beyond words.

"Krypton is gone. No matter how hard you try, you can't rebuild it in this world."

The reality is this, Zod has failed, and Rorschach's giving Zod the opportunity to communicate is considered an extrajudicial favor.

"Besides, I know where the origin of life chamber is."

The Origin of Life Chamber is a necessary equipment for the rebirth of Kryptonians. It is as important as the central book.The Origin of Life Chamber can be understood as the human cultivation machine in The Matrix, which classifies Kryptonians according to their genes and assigns them a destiny.

With the Origin of Life Chamber, Kryptonians can experience explosive growth in a short period of time, rebuilding Krypton and restoring its former glory in just a matter of seconds.

The Zods couldn't help but get excited, and even broke the kryptonite handcuffs in their hands.

In the blink of an eye, the Zods regained their composure and said, "What's the price?"

Zod is very aware of Rorschach's method, which has been used by the Kryptonians in their previous expansion. He first defeats the resistance forces on the planet, and then decides on subsequent policies based on the situation. Those who are beneficial will be used as a resource development site for the planet, and those that are useless will be implemented. Transformation.

Now circumstances and identities are reversed, and the Kryptonian becomes the giver.

Rorschach did not directly state his request, but began to talk about the conditions he could give.

"I have the same world as Earth, the same yellow sun, and no biological life has been found within the [-] light-year exploration range. In other words, these places can become your resources."

"I am also in charge of an organization that spreads all over the world. Theoretically, all disputes that occur in the world are subject to my judgment and I will make appropriate rulings."

With a slap in the face, Rorschach made all the realities clear as he spoke. The constantly flashing portals behind him corresponded to different worlds.

Until the portal was located at the Seventh District Immigration Administration, Simmons came over with a large number of agents fully prepared.

Rorschach stretched out his hand to stop the agent who was about to take action, looked at Zod, and said: "It's not what I want now, but what you can give me..."

(End of this chapter)

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