Listen to the space-time administration

Chapter 528 Speedy Barry Allen

Chapter 528: Speedy Barry Allen

Central City can be said to be the most special place in the world. It is more peaceful than Gotham City and worse than Metropolis.Central City is at a level where the bad guys are not bad enough, but there are enough heroes and the enemies can always catch their weaknesses, causing the city to suffer unnecessary hardships.

In just ten minutes of standing here, Clark had already dealt with a car accident, three robberies, a burglary, and even accepted a simple interview.

As Superman, Clark has already made his mark in Metropolis, and everyone is curious about whether Superman will expand his main area of ​​activities to Central City.

After accepting the difficulties from Central City reporters, Clark looked at where Rorschach was looking with a hint of confusion.

Four blocks away is the Central City Police Department. Barry Allen, who is currently a freshman in Central City, is working overtime as an intern in the forensics department.

Barry's experimental platform happens to be right under the window, and it happens to be filled with all kinds of chemicals. If things go well, Barry will be doused with various chemicals in the lightning, and then he will gain the source of speed: the Speed ​​Force and become flash.

But just as Rorschach perceived, the timeline of this world has been tampered with, and all DC restarts and important node changes are inseparable from Barry Allen's Speed ​​Force, so today he becomes the speedster. It will be the day when the true identity of the timeline changer is revealed.

Rorschach could clearly feel that the clouds in the sky were fully charged, and they only needed to break through the potential difference to break through the air and release lightning.

However, when Rorschach looked across four blocks towards the Central City Police Station, he did not see Barry push open the window of the forensics department.Originally, Barry would open the window because he wanted to ventilate the room, and lightning hit the test bench right through the window.

Suddenly, the window of the Forensic Section of the Central City Police Department opened on its own. Barry, who was doing an internship inside, hated the rainwater that drifted in through the window, so he leaned out of the room and wanted to close the window.

However, after several attempts, including even Barry leaning out of the window, he was unable to reach out and grab the window that was pinned to the wall by the wind. Under the threat of his life, Barry in the laboratory still accepted it obediently. wind and rain.

"Clark, did you see that?"

"A weird man wearing blue and red clothes, half-body hidden in the wall. His state is a bit strange, his body is in rapid vibration, which allows his body to penetrate solid objects."

In the eyes of Rorschach and Clark, it was the guy in the wall who opened the window of the forensics department. It was also he who held on to the open window and refused to let go, preventing Barry inside from closing the window.

The charge in the clouds has reached its limit, and a bolt of lightning flies downward along its fateful path. If nothing goes wrong, it will hit the test bench and Barry through the window.

But if nothing unexpected happens, something will happen. If the Time Disruptor wants Barry to get the Speed ​​Force so much, Rorschach will definitely not let him get his wish.

The lightning flashed away in Rorschach's hands. The lightning that had originally planned its route was rewritten and discharged along the charge arranged by Rorschach, hitting the lightning rod of the Central City Police Station.

The guy on the wall had his mouth open, as if he was shocked and speechless.

After a brief shock, the guy on the wall started to take action. He stepped on the wall and ran straight up, and even started to fly.His hands kept rubbing together, and blue-reddish electric light began to flash in his hands.

Then he crossed his hands, activated the thunder and lightning in his hands, and aimed the lightning in the clouds at Barry, who was identifying Corey.

The lightning still shined, but failed again. This time the lightning hit Clark directly in the chest.

The lightning outside the window made Barry inside curious. He stuck his head out of the window and looked left and right, but he didn't see anything strange.

At this moment, on the rooftop of the Central City Police Station, the blue-red Lightning Man shook his head and said to Superman slightly madly: "Clark, you can't stop me! No!"

Clark quickly judged the situation at the moment and asked tentatively: "Do you know me? You know me in the future!"

After hearing this, the Lightning Man became even more impatient and shouted angrily: "So! Clark! You should know with your smart brain that you can't stop me!"

"No, you're changing the world."

"I'm changing the world back to the way it was! You won't believe how history will change, the Justice League no longer exists, the war between Atlantis and Paradise Island destroyed the entire world. It was Bruce who died, not his parents, Thomas became Batman and Martha became the Joker! Everything has changed!"

Clark shook his head, rejected the Lightning Man's proposal, and asked, "So who is the person who changed all this?"

"Damn it! It's me!"

The Lightning Man pulled off his mask, revealing a face that was much older than Barry's.Barry's face is not wrinkled, but a state of exhaustion, exhaustion to the point of loss of energy, which makes people look like they are old and dead.

The old Barry stretched out his hands and said to Clark: "Originally, I just wanted to save my mother, but I didn't expect that just one person's life and death would change the world so drastically. Later, I tried to change everything. It goes back to the way it was, but the more I intervene, the more complicated the world changes."

"So, Clark, let me put everything back as it was, and all timelines will be corrected."

The amiable Barry persuaded Clark with a gentle tone, but after taking a step forward, Clark's full resistance was triggered.

Clark angrily said: "No matter whether I will know you in the future or not, but now, don't you think that the blood on your body has already dyed your clothes red!"

Barry looked at his outstretched hand. Nearly half of his original blue suit was dyed red with blood. Under the lightning in the sky and the wash of the heavy rain, the blood was falling towards the ground.Barry lowered his head and whispered: "Oh, Clark, I wish you weren't here."

The electric light was still on the retina, and Barry disappeared from the rooftop, and then his hand knife was pressed against Clark's chest.Barry can control the vibration frequency of his body's molecules, allowing him to penetrate solid bodies, which naturally includes Kryptonian bodies.

As long as the hand knife is moved a little further, Barry can penetrate the Kryptonian's skin and directly pierce the Kryptonian's heart. By then, even Superman will die.

Barry, who is very familiar with Superman, even uses this ability to generate heat to evaporate rainwater, allowing the water vapor to cover Clark's eyes. If Clark wants to see clearly, he must use more attention to observe, which will inevitably slow down Clark's thinking. , allowing Barry, who has the Speed ​​Force to enhance his thinking ability, to gain an advantage.

Barry had already imagined the feeling of his fingers touching the heart of a Kryptonian. This feeling was so rare that it even made him slow down and prepare to feel it carefully.

'etc!Am I slowing down? '

Barry looked at the hand knife he still pressed against Clark's chest, not making any progress.

Clark hurriedly flew back under this contact, widening the distance from Barry, but Barry still maintained his original posture.

"Look, Clark, this is the first step you have to learn. Don't believe too much that your body is invincible."

Rorschach came out from the side and said something to teach Clark, but Clark was like a primary school student, lowering his head and listening carefully.

This serious attitude made Rorschach unable to speak any more and could only focus on Barry in front of him.

"Blue suit, the future apocalyptic world or some other world?"

Barry looked at Rorschach and asked, "Are you a speedster too?"

"I just extended your time."

As soon as he finished speaking, Barry escaped from Rorschach's time trap.

Rorschach couldn't help but nod in praise and said: "It seems that time is not a problem for the speedsters. After all, speed is a physical quantity that can affect time. Each of you can travel through the timeline."

"If you know the timeline, you should know that everything I do is for the future!"

Rorschach pointed at the blood stains on Barry's body with disgust and said: "Wipe the blood on your body before you say this. Restarting the world does not mean that you can cause destruction!"

"how do you know?"

"It seems that you started from the Flashpoint incident. If you are really allowed to continue, all worlds will be cleared, leaving only 52 parallel universes."

The most famous deus ex machina operation of DC Comics is to forcefully use Flashpoint as the beginning of the universe's restart, and then clear all issues, leaving only the most famous events, and the rest will be rewritten by the times and historical background.In other words, there are only 52 confirmed parallel universes in the New 52 series.

It can be said that this kind of operation makes everything in the past fit the background, but what disappears is not only the comic heroes of the era, but also the popular images of different eras that make people smile.

The Barry in front of him now is the key to destroying everything and restarting all universes.His appearance is destined to represent destruction, destroying those unimportant worlds that you don't care about, leaving only the 52 identified parallel universes.

The blood on Barry's suit had already declared that he was not a good person, and now Barry raised his head with a deathly smile.

"Time Keeper and Superman?"

Barry tilted his head, like his usual slow reaction, and then lightning burst out.

"go to hell!"

Barry broke through various time traps set by Rorschach, whether it was accelerating time to force him to travel through time and space, or extending time to slow down.None of this had any effect on Barry in front of him.

Barry transcends time and appears in front of Rorschach and Clark.

"Life is a race, and the loser wins death!"

Barry's hands stabbed Rorschach and Clark respectively. Clark's eyes were red in panic, but his heat vision couldn't keep up with Barry's speed.

Clark prepared to catch Barry with both hands while blocking his body in front of Rorschach.

Clark shouted to Rorschach at the top of his lungs: "Go!"

(End of this chapter)

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