Listen to the space-time administration

Chapter 515 Do You Want A Wife?

Chapter 515 Do You Want A Wife?
The thunder gun that Rorschach had just pulled out from the star behind him was actually Gangnir. When Gangnir, surrounded by thunder and lightning, came in front of Hela, Hela understood how to proceed with the next step of the battle.

The two completed a wordless cooperation, and Thanos, whose chest was now penetrated, could not wait for the next person from another world to save him.

Thanos threw away the sword in his hand, tremblingly holding onto his starry sky throne, but failed to sit on it again.

The throne was thrown to Rorschach by Thanos, and he took a breath as if he was coming back to life on his deathbed.

"I'll never see her again..."

Thanos is a ruthless, cruel, despicable person, full of the concept of death.But now there is infinite nostalgia in his mouth, as if he was speaking kindly on his deathbed.

Rorschach asked, "Ms. Death?"

Death is the beloved of Thanos, the embodiment of the end of all life in the universe.On the female side, she is loved by Thanos, who would do anything for her.

"When the world undergoes drastic changes, I will never see her again."

Death and Thanos are always separated and reunited, but they will never break up, but now, Death has completely left this universe.

At this time, Rorschach sat on Thanos' throne, took off the Mind Stone from Thanos' head, and floated with Thanos in the universe, watching the stars disappear.

"By the way, can I ask about your plan? Since you understand all the divine philosophies of the Eternal Race, why do you want to kill half of the population? Don't you know that half of the biological population has the maximum growth rate?"

"Yeah, so they're back to their maximum population size again. I love her..."

Rorschach couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Did Thanos really never study biology?
Perhaps another way of thinking, killing half of the population gives the population sustainable development, of course sustainable development for Thanos, so that before long, he can come to this planet again and give his love to death. meaning.

"Then you really deserve to die..."

Rorschach's eyes turned evil, and he decided to teach Thanos the ultimate lesson.

"Hey, Wade? Want to come and see Thanos? Don't worry, he's going to die. Don't worry, he won't be able to return to the arms of death until your dad gives you permission."

"I'll be there soon!"

As Deadpool spoke, he saw the surrounding space flickering. Deadpool was holding a phone, holding a gun on his hip, and a strange creature with dozens of bullet holes, large and small, unwilling to put down his other hand.


Deadpool grabbed his own throat and struggled to reach out to Rorschach.

As if Deadpool had no ability to survive in the universe, Rorschach snapped his fingers and used the Reality Stone to change the rules on Deadpool.

"Huh~ I almost choked to death. By the way, do you want some? This is the Safin larvae I snatched. The liquid it secretes is said to be the best wine in the entire universe, but it will easily mutate if you drink too much."

With that said, Deadpool put his mouth on the larvae and took a deep sip.

Seeing the amber liquid escaping from the bullet hole in his chest, Deadpool quickly gathered it with his hands, and then drank the liquid.

As the injury on his chest began to heal, Deadpool immediately took out his dagger and opened a larger hole in his chest, starting the self-circulation of the liquid.

It wasn't until his self-healing ability surpassed his ability to cut that Deadpool stopped pouring and drinking.

However, Deadpool wanted to move, but found that he had no ability to move at all.

He wants to swim around in the universe, but without any relay points, Deadpool has no way to move.

"(#`O′)! Another rule change!"

Rorschach pointed at Deadpool's lower body and said, "I've changed it a long time ago, but you don't have any legs or um."

Deadpool lowered his head and realized that all his body below the belt had disappeared. Deadpool's belt had a built-in space teleportation device, but it was not stable and could not selectively adjust the moving location, and would even selectively move some parts of the body.

Deadpool's lower body is still hanging on some tree. He drank too much body fluids from that larvae, and he can't even feel that his lower body is gone.

He kicked Deadpool directly towards Thanos, and Deadpool climbed onto Thanos' body with a smile.

Deadpool cut off his mutated tongue into three, stuffed it into the cavity in Thanos's chest to stop his bleeding, and said vaguely: "Cable, we need to talk."

At this time, Rorschach let Krieger come out of the phase space. The rest of the fleet had already begun to hunt down the remaining Thanos army. It was only a matter of time before they were completely annihilated.

After sitting firmly on Thanos' starry sky throne, Rorschach was very satisfied with the performance of this chair and returned to the salty mode of holding his head with his right hand.

He handed the Mind Stone backwards to Adam, who thought he was letting himself keep the item. When he was about to ask Krieg to take the stone back to Terraria, Rorschach stopped him.

"You guys should absorb this gem."

Krieg itself has a psychic network, and their character and training methods allow them to have the fastest violent attack capabilities with the shared ability of the psychic network.But also because this is a pure spiritual network, the almost uncontaminated spiritual network makes them incapable of identifying external thinking invasion.

The reason for being careful about Mephisto is the same as worrying about Thanos' mind control. Now as long as Krieger can integrate this gem into Krieger's psychic network, their final weakness will be completely compensated.Reaching out to summon the Eternal Spear, Rorschach opened the portal to Asgard.

The mission has been completed, and now it is time to pick up the Survey Corps. They are alone in Asgard, and Hela is indispensable for being able to grasp Asgard so quickly and send Rorschach a helping hand.

Controlling the Starry Sky Throne, Rorschach slowly approached the portal like an old salted fish.

However, the unintentional raising of his head made Rorschach tremble suddenly. He stood up from the throne and almost subconsciously dropped the Eternal Spear in his hand.

Because an old guy with white hair and beard opposite was looking at him with a smile. That smile reminded Rorschach of The Silence of the Lambs. Hannibal in it was the same, calm, calm, knowledgeable and resourceful, looking at him with a smile. prey.

Luo Xia turned back to look at Hela, but unexpectedly Hela turned her head awkwardly.

"Oh, this is the first time we've met, but I've felt your intentions many times."

"Is my weapon still useful? I just have to aim it so it can penetrate the enemy."

Odin is like a warm neighbor, greeting Rorschach through the window called the portal.Speaking of weapons, it was like borrowing a neighbor's lawnmower. The enthusiastic neighbor introduced the special glitches of his carefully maintained lawnmower.

"Stop standing there. The Asgard has prepared a dinner party. You have won, haven't you?"

Odin invited Rorschach, but Rorschach tensed up and couldn't take a step forward.

"Your friends are already at the table, along with some disobedient children. They made a mess in my back garden..."

Odin moved away, allowing Rorschach to see the depths of the Asgard, where Alvin was sitting upright and communicating with Frigga opposite.After feeling Rorschach's gaze, Alvin quickly responded with a gaze.

'No danger? '

Alvin's exchange with Rorschach was very brief, but he gave Rorschach a clear response.But that's all that can be seen with one look.

Adam was holding the Mind Stone and was about to communicate with Alvin, but Odin stood back and blocked Adam's connection.

Unfathomable is Rorschach's only view of Odin. It's no wonder that Thanos didn't dare to attack the Nine Realms before Odin's death. It's no wonder that the Nine Realms are so famous in the galaxy.

"Wait a minute, I'll get ready."

Rorschach thought briefly for a moment before accepting the invitation to the banquet.

Odin has no reason to lend a hand to his enemies, and even hands over his own weapons to help Rorschach.

Alvin may know something, but he cannot give a detailed explanation to Rorschach now.

"Adam, go and bring the others back. It would be a sin if you destroy the flowers and plants of Asgard."

The only one who can know the whole story now is the Survey Corps, and the Survey Corps must have relevant records. Since they can't fight, they have to find out why.Since Erwin can't tell, the notebook left on Levi will be the answer.

When Rorschach set foot on Asgard, he saw the present of a glorious empire.

The Red Queen, holding hands with Rorschach, unabashedly scanned everything in front of her, the war machinery made of Uru metal, the Pegasus raised, and the Asgardian Forbidden Army. She analyzed all the data and informed Rorschach.

The banquet was held in the Asgard Hall of Asgard, but this time the atmosphere was a little different.

Loki looked at Rorschach with disgust, while Thor, who was dressed as a woman, looked at him with full expectation.

Items that can transform people. Rorschach thought of the transsexual potion in Terraria, so he took out a bottle and handed it over.

"One more drink will change your gender."

Thor excitedly took the sex change potion, but did not drink it directly. Instead, he posed as a female Thor and asked the Asgard painter to record his appearance at this moment, and then painted him as Valkyrie in the painting. silver battle armor and dragon tooth sword.Thor didn't even need to be coaxed by his group of friends before he decided to hang the painting in his bedroom.

Looking at Loki, who still looked ugly, Rorschach asked: "How do you feel now that you have become the third heir?"

Rorschach was stalling for time to sit down, so Loki turned around and left without embarrassing Rorschach at all.

However, when Adam rushed back with the rest of the Survey Corps, Rorschach, who had obtained Alvin's notebook, found no valid information at all.

The Survey Corps' operations in Asgard have been going smoothly without even direct interference.

'I'm afraid we are all under Odin's observation...'

The last text that Alvin left in his notebook was his guess, and this guess had become a reality.

Odin, who remains unchanged in response to all changes, is still the God-King of Asgard after all, and nothing has fundamentally changed.

After Rorschach took the seat, he saw Odin raising his glass with a smile and asked: "What do you think of Hela? She can be your wife."

(End of this chapter)

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