Listen to the space-time administration

Chapter 509: Cybertron Arrives

Chapter 509: Cybertron Arrives (4k votes requested)
The Reality Stone is hidden in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a region spanning [-] light-years in diameter.

It sounds impossible to find a small infinity stone among them.

But everything is possible. The nine worlds are in motion and overlap every thousands of years, and the power from the World Tree will connect all worlds together.This will cause fluctuations in space, allowing the nine realms to travel between each other and reach any place in the universe.

In fact, calculating the location of real gems is a very easy process. You only need to know the corresponding positions of all the planets when the nine realms overlap, and then search according to the picture to find them.

It sounds simple, but in practice it is impossible.

To complete this operation, we must first obtain the cosmic coordinates of the nine realms, and then calculate their trajectories respectively.In the eyes of the Asgardians, this is a provocation to their rule.

In the real world, people are being asked to calculate the geographical data of their country in a grand manner. This does not mean that they can give them the right to stay in a single room for 20 years or give them two peanuts to satisfy their cravings.

Secondly, there must be a means of traveling across the universe to reach the corresponding location in the universe.Then enter the heart of the Kree, open the space blockade and find the Reality Stone.

If you challenge a cosmic empire alone, you can get the Reality Stone. The method is here. Whether you can complete it depends on your own ability.

It has to be said that Odin has maintained a consistent standard in not being a human being.

But now the Space-Time Management Bureau has locked the target location and is making steady progress.

Brand-new 'No. [-]' fighters were thrown out of the cabin by the fleet. They were like swarms, surrounding the fleet and forming a escort with the Transformers.

No. 03 is just a joking name. Its combat number is CC-[-]. It is a fleet escort aircraft responsible for intercepting the opponent's small spacecraft and large missiles.Because its height is exactly three times that of an average person, it has three stabilizing wings, and three pulse thrusters. It happens that three of them form a flight formation, so it is named No. [-].

The No. [-] spacecraft in a formation has only one pilot, and the other two spacecrafts serve as wingmen of the host machine, with autopilot systems and neural network links.

A real pilot can observe the enemy situation around him from multiple angles, and even control unmanned wingmen to intercept attacks for him when necessary.

The No. [-] fighter and the Cybertronians are the smallest and most flexible combat units. Compared with the large battleships that are often several kilometers behind them in space, they are like insignificant dust, like a star drifting with the current in the boundless ocean of the universe. grass clippings.

But it was these grass clippings that met the impact of the first torrent.

The Kree interceptor spacecraft also entered space. It took time for large spacecraft to start, so only their small spacecraft, which were like eggs with the wings of the elders, began to detach to intercept the incoming attack under the arrangement of supreme wisdom.

As an escort aircraft, the No. [-] fighter planes have extreme flying speeds, even surpassing the first wave of space torpedoes launched by the fleet.

A tactical humanoid robot took advantage of the gap between the No. [-] fighter plane and the torpedo, and jumped from the torpedo to the No. [-] fighter plane like a leap to seize a horse during the Western plunder.

The magnetic devices on the tactical humanoid robots allowed them to be firmly attached to the No. [-] fighter, causing the pilot whose vision was blocked to hammer his cockpit cover to express his dissatisfaction.

There is no sound in space, but you can still feel the dissatisfaction coming from below from the vibration. This dissatisfaction gradually disappeared after the tactical humanoid robot connected its vision to the data link.

The Kree pilot encouraged himself, looked at the missiles flying faster than torpedoes, slowly locked them, and then put his hand on the cannon's firing trigger.

Space is a very dangerous environment. Any slight damage may cause the spacecraft to lose its airtightness, and terrestrial creatures without the ability to survive in space can only survive in it for a short time.

Therefore, the weapons on the miniaturized spacecraft will not be too dangerous, and are still mainly kinetic energy weapons, electromagnetic weapons or high-energy lasers.

Fighter No. [-] was locked, but the Kree did not attack directly, but waited for orders from the supreme wisdom.Kinetic energy loss in space is extremely small, so kinetic energy ammunition can ensure its killing capability over a long distance. Therefore, an effective barrage salvo can not only hit the opponent, but also block subsequent hiding spaces.

" launch!"

The Supreme Intelligence made rigorous calculations. After the order was issued, all the Kree pilots pressed the triggers in unison. In an instant, the flash of ammunition fired illuminated the night sky of the planet.

Facing the barrage, the No. [-] fighter did not slow down at all, nor did it open its own force field shield to resist. Instead, the pulse thruster output even more violently, pushing the speed to the maximum.

On the surface, the Kree fired a salvo, but it contained extremely complex calculations by the supreme intelligence. Even the pilot's breathing and blinking were included in the calculations of the supreme intelligence.

This is a calculation that consumes countless resources. If the enemy's vanguard cannot be defeated in one blow, then the large battleship that has not yet taken off will be a living target for the enemy.Let this planet lose its defense against the universe and put the Kree's outer starfields in an unfavorable and dangerous situation.

Of course, the supreme intelligence will not believe that it will fail after calculation. The data will not lie and the calculation will not make mistakes. In this universe, there is absolutely no enemy that can dominate such a wide space battlefield.

The salvo barrage is about to come into contact with the No. [-] fighter jet. All Kree people can imagine the impact that is about to happen. The ammunition may collide with the enemy's shield and sparks, and then they can find the lone enemy. Bite on it.

However, a strong undercurrent occurred in the entire star field, which was the tremor of the space position being disrupted.

A large area of ​​phase space was forcibly opened, and all the No. [-] fighters with their tactical humanoid robots got directly into it.

The Kree were stunned one-sidedly. Half of the enemies disappeared in front of their eyes, while the other half of the enemies quickly moved forward carrying barrage, and those enemies even transformed into machine heads and smiled at them.

That smile was definitely not a friendly signal, but it was too late to think about it now.

After the tremor just now, the No. [-] fighter planes appeared behind the Kree people in unison. The No. [-] fighter planes even adjusted their direction and threw the tactical humanoid robot on them while attacking the Kree people.

Countless sparks of light were flashing everywhere due to the impact, which were energy bombing shields, kinetic energy ammunition impacts, and bombs attached to the enemy spacecraft by tactical humanoid robots.

The defense line calculated by the supreme intelligence turned into fireworks flying out of control in the first place, and the Kree were spinning in their own spaceship.

As the Decepticon air combat commander, Starscream had no command at all. The radio waves of Decepticons laughing were everywhere. The Decepticons who returned to the battlefield were already having fun, and no one listened to his command at all.

"Poor coordination!"

Starscream dropped two missiles, blew up two Kree spaceships, then transformed into a robot, stabbed the egg spacecraft with a knife, stirred it randomly and let it float in the universe.

Then he kicked the addicted Decepticon and told him not to grab his enemy. Starscream cursed: "Bad teammate." Watching the Decepticon half-body transformed into a space fighter, only two hands were exposed, grabbing A Kree spacecraft was inhabited, and another Decepticon who performed the same operation forcibly accelerated the spacecraft in their hands to perform a dual-machine scissor maneuver.Then the Kree spacecraft in his hand was thrown out the moment before the crossover.

Looking at the exploding spaceship, Starscream cursed again: "Terrible enemy!"

"But I like it!"

A formation of No. [-] fighter planes was flying around the axis. The main pilot of the No. [-] fighter plane used the wingman as a roller defense and began to fly in complex patterns on the battlefield wantonly. At a speed that the enemy could not lock on, Defeat all enemies you can target.

As luck would have it, a round of one's own ammunition hit Starscream.

"Damn it! Fight the enemy!"

Starscream was cursing friendly fire on the channel, but he heard Simmons' voice saying: "I thought our air combat commander was killed."

Facing Simmons, Starscream didn't dare to explode any more. Now his inaction was considered a serious dereliction of duty.

"Damn it, can't the stupid Decepticons listen to my tactical arrangements!"

Starscream, who even cursed himself, didn't dare to stop now. He transformed into a space fighter plane, and his special equipment helium-neon ray rifle appeared under the belly of the plane.This is a weapon that can terminate the current flow inside the relay within two seconds, paralyzing the target.

It doesn't look very powerful, but in this battlefield, losing power is a target.

Putting aside Starscream's stupid ambitions, he is a ruthless and shrewd and capable warrior and commander, especially in air combat command. Starscream's mechanical thinking has a keen perception like biological talent.

Starscream cruises through the battlefield at super high speed. As a master of assault combat and guerrilla warfare, Starscream uses ray guns to paralyze enemies and divide the battlefield.This allows Decepticons who don't listen to instructions to easily discover their own goals for fun.

At the same time, Starscream was connected to the tactical humanoid robot and the No. [-] fighter. Under his command, the No. [-] fighter used the elusiveness of the phase space to sneak attack on the enemy's ace commander, while the tactical humanoid robot began to cut into the wreckage of the enemy's spacecraft and obtain it. Residual data.

At this moment, the winner of the battlefield has been determined, and the fleet that followed also moved to the edge of the planet's gravity.

Now the Kree's large battleships have just taken off, and they are struggling to break out of the planet's atmosphere.

But the fleet had already opened their bomb bays and dropped the Fire Storm bombs used for ground bombing.

"Prepare slime bombs, release them without limit, to all areas below the target!"

Fire storm bombs made of slime gel that can burn forever are set to explode in the lower atmosphere. This will consume the oxygen in the atmosphere in a short period of time and completely destroy the living environment of ground creatures.

This is on the border of the Kree Empire, a zone where no civilians survive. Everything that moves is part of the war fortress, so everything is an enemy.

When a flame ignited the planet's atmosphere, the flames connected with each other, making the entire planet brightly colored again.

And this star field has become a new luminous coordinate.

The intensive bombing even fell directly on the large Kree spacecraft that set sail. They rushed into space with their bodies covered in flames, and used the oxygen-free environment to forcibly extinguish the flames of the slime gel on their bodies.But what they are about to face is the bombardment of the Focused Spectral Array Cannon.

The original super weapon of the Olympus Mountains flagship of the Space-Time Administration can penetrate all ships without energy shields with one blow. Although it is somewhat powerless in the current situation of advanced shield technology, it is still useful against entities. Armored combat weapons.

In space, thermal energy dissipation faces a very difficult environment. There is no convection, conduction, or evaporation, only radiation heat dissipation.

Therefore, the high-energy strike of the Focused Spectral Array Cannon and the wide range of wavelengths can be adapted to different materials. The stress damage of the strong pulse beam can easily break the plates of enemy warships.Ultra-high temperatures can cause direct damage to electronic instruments and crew members.

Therefore, the Focused Spectral Array Cannon is still useful, as long as it can penetrate the enemy's energy shield, it can kill it with one hit.

Two different energies were mixed in a ratio of [-] and concentrated on the high-speed artillery at the front of the fleet. The energy body was one of the fleet's standing energy weapons, the Tailed Beast Jade.This kind of energy group with [-]% yin and [-]% chakra has the advantage of being ready for use and durable in storage.There was no pollution after the bombing, and it was well received by environmentalists.

Chakra metal is used to make guide rails, which magnetically restrict the direction of energy release. One rapid fire can directly shoot out a base of sixty tailed beast jade.

The deep purple tailed beast jade even formed a straight line and penetrated continuously into the Kree energy shield.

Then came the mutual cancellation and explosion of energy, followed closely by the Focused Spectrum Array Cannon, which also fired its thermal bombardment.

After only holding on for less than a thousandth of a second, a molten hole was left in the entire battleship.

With just one blow, all the Kree spaceships were reduced to wreckage.

The tactical officers in the fleet were reflecting on the fact that they had some excess firepower.

"Their small spaceships have almost no energy protection, and the energy defense of their large spaceships is somewhat excessive. Only a base number of Tailed Beast Jade can break through the defense. But this way we can also be more aggressive and fight them in a traditional naval battle."

Traditional naval battles involve bombarding with cannons in the era of sailing battleships, and then launching gang-hopping tactics to occupy enemy ships.

The navy of the Space-Time Administration needs victory and trophies to prove itself, and the enemy's warships are its best badge.

"Go and mobilize some assault boats to reinforce the collision angle."

The navy began to take action, but soon stopped all activities and dispersed the fleet.

The gravity environment has changed again, which means that Cybertron has arrived...

(End of this chapter)

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