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Chapter 90 Two Meetings

Chapter 90 The Second Party
In the foggy space, on the skeleton of the giant beast, five blood-colored figures were already waiting for Qiao Ji.

"Everyone is here, let's start." The arrogant officiant said.

"Don't know how to count? It's obviously one more."

This is rage.

"Greed will not come." Lust also spoke.

Qiao Ji felt that he had to take advantage of the chaos to insert himself and muddy the water.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't save him." Qiao Ji said, and his voice immediately attracted the attention of the other five people.

"Jealousy, what's your voice like?" The furious priest asked.

Qiao Ji looked at the two chief priests, Pride and Lust, and interrupted directly: "How did some people survive? Tsk tsk tsk."

Arrogance took a step forward on the giant beast's ribs, and said coldly: "What do you mean? This time it has something to do with you?"

"Wait a minute." The lazy officiant with a child's voice said, "Why can't greed come? What have you guys done?"

Lust's voice was no longer as frivolous as before, and became cold and stern, asking Qiao Ji, "You betrayed our whereabouts to the police?"

Qiao Ji, who was hiding in the soul-devouring blood coat, sneered, and said slowly: "You will repay your betrayal with blood!"

The blood-clothed priests were hunting, and the mental power was like a strong wind. The anger of the two blood-clothed priests, arrogance and lust, was on the verge of erupting.

Qiao Ji confronted each other as soon as he came up, making the atmosphere of this party dignified and full of gunpowder.


The furious priest laughed, breaking the oppressive atmosphere, and said with a smile, "I almost understand, you guys are biting."

"What a headache." The lazy priest said, "You started killing each other before the altar was found. What about greed? What happened to him?"

"Dead." The arrogant priest replied.

"Did you two kill it? Next time something like this happens, call me together."

It's not a big deal for the furious priest to watch the excitement.

"How capable I am is comparable to jealousy. He can invite an earth-level superhuman to attack." The arrogant priest gritted his teeth when he said this.

"If I hadn't had time to speed up my abilities, you wouldn't be able to see me now!"

The chief priest of lust also sneered: "Fortunately, I didn't do anything, I just provided information, otherwise this meeting can only be held by four people."

The scene fell silent for a while.

Qiao Ji also got some clues from the arrogant officiant's words, the official had earth-level supernatural powers to make a move, but failed to keep this dude.

Time acceleration ability?
It's a bit outrageous, it's actually a time element, so it's not easy to deal with.

And looking at the appearance of the other priests, it seems that they all know each other's abilities, but I don't know, but the good news is that they don't know my abilities either.

The arrogant dean has time to speed up his ability, among other things, he must run fast.

How could such a disaster be left behind?
After being silent for a long time, the Gluttony Priest, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth and said, "So, the God of Greed has fallen into the hands of Hua Guo officials?"

"Do you still expect me to snatch it back from the earth-level supernatural being?" the arrogant priest choked.

"Damn it, I'm in trouble, if they know how to open the altar with the sacred stone..." The lazy officiant, whose tone had always been relaxed and leisurely, couldn't help becoming irritable, "Those should be ours!"

Seeing that the water had been muddied, Qiao Ji felt that it was time.

"Then hurry up and grab it back, my people have already mixed in now."


The other five people all looked at Qiao Ji.

Qiao Ji said in a subdued tone: "No way? Could it be that after the last time, I was the only one trying to get back the altar? Are you all thinking about how to find me, or how to kill each other?"

No one answered his question, the scene froze, and everyone seemed to be thinking.

The furious officiant raged as always, "You still have a way, unlike some people."

The arrogant officiant snorted coldly and did not quarrel with him.

"Now that the God of Greed has fallen into the hands of Hua Guo officials, we must take back the altar as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late." Lazy Priest said.

He seemed to be in charge of both meetings, "Jealous, can you tell us more about it?"

"The situation? It's thanks to some people studying the body of the demon king. I used that as a bait to call out a group of researchers. Now, my people have mixed in."

"So it's you!" The soul-devouring blood coat on the proud priest's body was swollen, and his spiritual power was fluctuating angrily.

They were studying the body of the demon king, but they were also disturbed by this guy who was jealous!
"Arrogance, you are quite versatile, you are also good at biology?"

The fury continued, "What does the body of the demon king look like? I haven't seen it yet. Can you send me a photo?"

"I can show it to you with my own hands!" The bloody robe of the arrogant priest fluctuated like a burning flame.

"Okay, I'll wait for you and give you the address later."

"Don't say a word or two."

The lazy priest smoothed things over, "The most urgent thing now is to take back the altar, jealousy, it's all up to you now, what's your plan? Tell everyone."

The less-spoken gluttony also said, "It's not easy to enter the imperial tomb, the inspection is strict, and my people are not sure to sneak in. How do you bypass their inspection?"

"I have a special method."

The way it works is, the people I pick don't even know they're picked by me, and I don't actually put people in there.

The officiant didn't ask for this answer in detail, even if they asked Qiao Ji, they wouldn't say, who hasn't got a little trick?
"Then how do we get the altar and transport it out? The altar is not small. Even if we only need the core black coffin, the total weight is 7 tons."

The furious officiant stopped fighting, and began to think seriously about the problem.

"If the greed is still there, we can use the seven god stones to directly open the black coffin and take away the most important remains of the demon god, but now one is missing...can we get it back?"

Qiao Ji said: "I can't do this, you can try."

The lazy priest also shook his head, "No, if it is normal, we can think of a way, but now we don't have time to plan this, we must act as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late for Huaguo officials to research something, and the remains of the demon god can't fall into it." in their hands."

Seeing that they didn't doubt his identity, or that they had doubted but didn't say it, Qiao Ji went on to the next step with confidence.

The next step is to get rid of the household.

"How about this, let's gather in Yujing, only us." Qiao Ji said.

"Then what?" the Priest of Lust couldn't help but ask, since it's about the altar, you can temporarily let go of your prejudices.

"Then, gather all your subordinates in a remote place."

The proposal baffled them.

But the gluttonous priest said: "You mean to attract the attention of Hua Guo officials? Let them mistakenly think that we have some big moves to deal with, and also increase the flow of people in the imperial tomb, creating more opportunities?"

(End of this chapter)

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