Chapter 556 Superb Acting Skills (Second Change)

The Cavaliers' tactical strategy for this game was what Min Congda told James before the game.

Then James ordered Mike Brown at the team's pre-game preparation meeting.

Then Mike Brown arranged the game's policy according to James' instructions.

To defeat a team like the Clippers, which currently has a strong lineup, high morale, and is still playing at home, it must be prepared in all aspects.

As the head coach of the team, Mike Brown has the advantage of having a good relationship with the players, being very good at motivating the potential of young players, and creating a good team atmosphere.

Moreover, he was born in the Spurs and is good at training defense. Following Popovich, he learned a set of skills in building a defensive system.

When the young Mike Brown took over the Cavaliers, he brought the Cavaliers to the forefront of the Eastern Conference in a very short time and became a championship contender.

Of course, it is just a competitor. The so-called advantages of a person are sometimes also his shortcomings. This is the dialectical nature of things.

Mike Brown has a good relationship with the players, everyone treats him as a big brother and a friend, but it also means that when Mike Brown is a commander, he will lack majesty, and he will not have the temperament of shaking his face and shaking his face.

This leads to the fact that the coach's words will not be useful at the critical moment of the team, and some people will not obey the command.

Also, Mike Brown has a defensive background and pays attention to the construction of the defensive system, and the corresponding offense is not his specialty.

The Cavaliers' offense does not lack tactics and has a system, but it is quite dependent on the personal abilities of the players. Before, it mainly relied on James, but now it is slightly better, relying on James and Irving.

Tactics relying on stars is not a problem in the NBA, especially if you have two very capable stars, who do you rely on if you don't rely on them?

The question is whether it is possible to check for omissions and make up for vacancies, and whether it can use good details to complete the system and improve the star's defects functionally.

It's a pity that Mike Brown has done quite rough in this regard. In the system with James as the core, there will always be significant loopholes in both offense and defense, and the opponent will catch his life and kill him.

Of course, the rough is not Mike Brown, but their core James.

In any case, Brown can improve a team's floor, but his ceiling is not high.

If Min Congda can, he really wants to go directly to the head coach of the Cavaliers.

Help his adopted son achieve greater achievements, and at the same time defeat the Clippers.

With Min Congda's talent, coupled with the prestige he has accumulated over the past few years, and his relationship with James, the Cavaliers will definitely respond to everyone and immediately lead the team to a higher level.

Tonight, Min Congda relied on a strategy and an incentive to James to give the Cavaliers an advantage from the very beginning.

In the middle of the second quarter of the game, James re-appeared, and the Cavaliers played more and more smoothly.

Although James' personal skills are flawed, his vision is indeed broad, just as wide as his vision for picking teams.

Mike - Miller, Shane Battier, Green hit three-pointers one after another outside.

James' passing is fast and accurate, and the passing is very in place and comfortable.

Min Congda looked at James' pass and admired in his heart: "You say you, how good it is to be a comprehensive second-in-charge. Almighty, comprehensive, and your offensive ability at critical moments is also very good. With a boss who holds the ball and has a violent personality , concentrate on being a support, you will definitely be the strongest second master in history."

"Just like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, with his personality and technical characteristics, it is really good to be the second master or equal. If he insists on being the boss and winning the MVP, the result is that he cannot win the championship."

"Unfortunately, before you even entered the league, the media and Nike put you under tremendous pressure for achievement. The body of a maid, the life of a lady. The ability of a minister, the heart of an emperor. Hey, this is the fate of impermanence. You How can your life be as bitter as mine, Smart?"

Thinking of James' misplaced life, Min Congda thought of himself for three years and three years, bankruptcy is still far away, and the championship has been won.

Boss of the system, if this goes on like this, it will be consecutive championships, and if it goes on, it will be a dynasty!

No one could guess what Min Congda was thinking.

The Clippers players don't know that their beloved manager Smart has begun to get angry and become a mole.

The Clippers' state tonight is indeed mediocre, and the consecutive victories have made the players a little distracted.

Sometimes in the long regular season, failure is a good sober agent.

Min Congda also used this reason to tell James why he was willing to help the Cavaliers with ideas.

"It's time for the Clippers to lose and lose. Always winning will make people unable to see their shortcomings. Rather than losing to other teams, it is better to lose to you and the Cavaliers. Are you right LeBron?"

At halftime, the Clippers were beaten by the Cavaliers 61:54, 7 points behind their opponents.

This is the first time the Clippers have trailed their opponents at halftime this season.

At the same time, it is also the first time the Clippers have not scored more than 55 points in a half game this season.

The Clippers exposed two problems in the halftime: first, the inside line is still very important in the team's system, and has a great influence on the outside line; second, the instability of the three-pointer is undoubtedly revealed in this game .

In the third quarter, the Clippers quickly adjusted.

First of all, the outside three-point shots were reduced, and Curry, Harden, George and others began to increase their breakthroughs to the inside.

Secondly, the whole team paid more attention to protecting Anthony Davis in defense, and tried to hide Curry and Harden as much as possible.

The defense of these two guys is not bad, but one is short and thin, and the other is fat and lazy, neither of them is a master of defense anyway.

As the first barrier of perimeter defense, the first and second positions are not excellent defensive players, so the pressure on the opponent with the ball is definitely not enough.

At the same time, the defensive pressure on the third position will increase significantly.

This is one of the Clippers' few defensive weaknesses.

The Cavaliers continued to seize this weakness in this quarter, and with Irving at the core, launched a fierce attack on the Clippers outside.

No matter how much the Clippers try to protect, there will always be problems in switching defenses.

And once it is switched to Anthony Davis, James and Irving will attack Davis.

Davis is still young after all, a rookie, how can he be an opponent of an old fritter like James.

Not long after the start of the third quarter, he was called for another foul on defense.

After that, he became timid, and Marc Gasol had to shoulder the burden of protecting the basket alone.

At the same time, fans can also find that when Gasol and Davis are on the court at the same time, the Clippers' offense is obviously bloated and slow, without the agility and changeability of Randolph.

Once Davis' deterrence in defense is gone, his effectiveness on the court will be greatly reduced.

This young man is full of talent, but how to better integrate him into the team system, the Clippers still have a lot of work to do.

The morale of the Cavaliers is getting stronger and stronger, and the score has always maintained an advantage of around 8 points.

After the start of the fourth quarter, the difference between the two sides was once opened to 11 points.

This season, for the first time, a team can lead the Clippers by double digits.

But just when the Cavaliers thought they had the chance to win, Curry and Harden suddenly teamed up to set off a wave of counterattacks.

Curry hit two consecutive three-pointers, and the point difference narrowed to 5 points.

Harden broke through and made a foul and succeeded in 2+1.

Then Harden faced James with a mid-range strong shot in a one-on-one misplaced heads-up!

With a two-pointer, the Clippers were only two points short of chasing the point, and there was one minute left before the end of the game.

It is entirely possible for the Clippers to rely on their sky-defying key ball ability to completely reverse the situation.

As a result, the Cavaliers came back from a timeout, James caught the ball in the middle, went to the basket against the defense of three people, twirled around, and finally made a layup!
It also caused a foul by Gasol.

As soon as the goal was scored, Min Congda couldn't sit still.

He was ecstatic in his heart, but he yelled: "Are you blind, the referee! You didn't see the ball move! It's like a football! The two holes under the eyebrows are out of anger! Shet...where are my popcorns..."

Without popcorn, Min Congda stepped on the bench chair and was about to rush to the court to communicate with the referee, but was picked up by Milicic on the bench and put back on the seat.

Min Congda was still cursing, while James was already waiting for a free throw at the free throw line.

He thought to himself: "Mr. Smart, your acting skills are really superb, I admire, admire."

Needless to say, Min Congda will be "punished" after the game.

(End of this chapter)

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