Chapter 540 Not Interested
The Clippers' training starts at nine o'clock in the morning.

The first is an hour of warm-up training, dribbling, passing, layup, shooting, and simple tactical coordination.

Targeted tactical training will start at ten o'clock, and the Clippers coaching staff will formulate and guide today's main training content.

It lasts about one and a half hours, and the training ends at 11:30 am, and we eat and rest until one o'clock to continue the afternoon practice.

The practice in the afternoon does not require special training for players. Each player will be assigned to different training programs according to his position, technical characteristics, and tactical positioning.

Some people practice confrontational shooting, some practice low-post footwork, some practice one-on-one defense, and some practice small tactical cooperation and so on.

At about two o'clock, depending on the situation, the team will conduct an intra-team training game. After the training game, after three o'clock, today's training will be over.

Those who want to continue to practice can continue to practice. The gym and shooting are all choices that consume time and extra energy.

A good team is absolutely inseparable from good training.

Under the leadership of Jeff Ball, the Clippers' coaching staff has arranged training quite well.

Jeff Bauer was the bald guy who was hired by Min Congda as the team development manager and was once the manager of the Hornets.

Since Ball once had a brilliant record of bankrupting the Hornets, Min Congda had a lot of trust in Ball, and he would ask Ball for his opinion when making many decisions.

After Ball came to the Clippers, the most important decision he made was to spend money to expand the team's trainer lineup.

While maintaining the original coaching staff, Ball hired shooting trainers, physical trainers, special skills trainers, etc. with a lot of money to further expand the Clippers' training logistics team.

These trainers are well-known and outstanding professionals in the United States, and they command a high price.

Min Congda looked at the salary slips of these people, and thought that the money spent on these people was not restricted by the salary cap, so he could try to increase expenses, so they signed one after another.

You must know that every additional employee in logistics training will not only increase salary expenses, but also air ticket money, hotel money, meal subsidies, etc.

When the number of logistics training reaches a certain scale, the overall expenditure is very considerable or even terrible.

By the beginning of this season, the Clippers may already have the largest coaching staff and logistics training team in the league to ensure the team's normal training, travel and games.

The cost paid by the team for this is also quite high.

Coupled with the high luxury tax to be paid, once the Clippers fail to win the championship, with Shelley Sterling's financial resources and the debt and cash flow pressure of the new arena, the team's financial problems are likely to go wrong.

This was Min Congda's wishful thinking, and he was very proud of it.

Therefore, when he brought the old Davis to the arena and introduced to him the advanced facilities of the training hall and the strong training team, he was very proud in his heart and tone.

Of course, the pride that old Davis understood was different from Min Congda's real pride.

And this does not prevent the old Davis from easing his inner anxiety. He feels the excellence of the Clippers.

Previously, because he was worried that the Clippers would draft a moth, the old Davis also took his son to other teams for trial training.

Like the Bobcats and the Wizards, recalling the trial training experience in Charlotte and Washington, the old Davis knew that those two Eastern underdogs were far worse than the Clippers in terms of training hall equipment and personnel reserves.

The level of investment is different.

Davis Sr. was even more surprised when he visited the cafeteria of the Clippers training facility.

He found that the Clippers' cafeteria has more dishes than the restaurants outside.

Although the decoration is relatively simple, the key recipes are really complete.

American food, Italian food, French food, Chinese food, Central and South American food, basically everything you expect.

And what you want to eat, you can tell the cook in advance, and the cook can prepare it in advance to your satisfaction.

Of course, these also cost money. The chefs here are hired by Min Congda with high salaries, and the contracts are signed for several years.

It is to add pressure to the Clippers' finances. When the Clippers' cash flow is not good in the future, every humble contract will become the last straw that crushes the camel.

The old Davis looked at the dazzling array of meals, and his evaluation of the Clippers was one point higher.

"Mr. Smart, can I... can I go to the team practice? I want to talk to you."

Although he knew that the Clippers' hardware was excellent, the old Davis still couldn't be completely relieved.

Min Congda guessed that the old Davis was probably worried about Anthony Davis' lack of tactical status in the team.

He led Davis Sr. out of the restaurant to the hot training ground and sat down on the sidelines.

At this time, the entire Clippers team is conducting an open offensive and defensive simulation training for the entire court under the leadership of the coaching staff and trainers.

This is a very special tactical training method designed by Steve Kerr for the Clippers.

He asked the players to freely play pass and cut tactics on the field to attack the opponent's defense.

The requirement is that tactical moves must be made, the number of dribbles cannot exceed three times, and the attack must be terminated with a shot.

The field is five-on-five, but the personnel are constantly being adjusted and rotated, and they can be exchanged at any time.

The Clippers have many young players with great potential, and there is no absolute core lineup.

There are 15 players on the squad, each of whom can play a role.

Under the guidance of Min Congda's overall strategic policy of "everyone has the ball to play", the coaching staff developed such a new training method to improve the players' tactical sensitivity.

At the same time, it is also a huge test for the physical fitness of the players.

Kerr asked the team to run, run, and pass the ball non-stop.

Once there is a hesitation, whether it is a hesitation to pass the ball or a slow shot, it will be interrupted by a sharp whistle.

This also puts a lot of pressure on the players' spirits.

At this time, Anthony Davis was participating in such a special training for the first time.

He was placed on the defensive team against Marc Gasol.

In the 12 London Olympics, Marc Gasol played for the Spanish team and played against the US team.

In the Olympics, Anthony Davis had the support of strong teammates and did not feel too much pressure from Marc Gasol.

Now in the real matchup, Marc Gasol changed his role, improved his support, and played a screen, and Davis felt where his problem was-he was always one step slower.

It stands to reason that Anthony Davis is faster and more flexible than Gasol Jr.

But in the training and coordination, he just took a slow beat everywhere.

Anthony Davis has been catching up because Gasol and his teammates have been cooperating so well.

It is difficult for him to make accurate defensive predictions for the Clippers' pass and cut offense.

This isn't college, this isn't the NCAA, where Anthony Davis' size, wingspan, and speed are bugs.

But in the NBA, in the championship-level Clippers, Anthony Davis has not really found his own positioning and rhythm.

Sitting on the sidelines, Davis Sr. watched his son struggle in training and was repeatedly interrupted by the whistle, and his heart grew more and more worried.

He said to Min Congda: "Mr. Smart, I know that the Clippers are an excellent team with many excellent players. It is an honor for Anthony to be selected by the Clippers. But you also know that Anthony is still a Son, he is more playful. I am really worried that he will lose his past self-confidence and find his place in such an excellent team. Please forgive the worries of a father. I am not asking for anything, but hoping, The team can help more in the cultivation of Anthony."

The old Davis said it quite implicitly, and it can be seen that he is a person of high quality.

Change to some family members of players with poor quality, and they may have to shout, "Give my son enough team status, or we will change another team!"

This kind of situation is not uncommon in the NBA. Some black players will even sign some special agreements for the team to make guarantees for their status and special treatment in the team.

No way, in a commercial league like the NBA, players are the most valuable asset.

People with talent can bargain, they have this capital.

The old Davis did not do this. First, he has quality, and second, Anthony Davis is talented, but the Clippers really do not lack talent.

Min Congda watched Davis' training on the court and found that this kid was a little behind, so he was quite satisfied.

For the player Anthony Davis, Min Congda's feeling after getting in touch with him is that it is "difficult to become a master"!
This kid is thinking about playing games all day long. Apart from training, he just plays games. He feels that playing games is the focus of his life. Training and playing are just for work and life.

Min Congda appreciates such a mentality at such a young age.

Although Min Congda has a good relationship with Curry, he just doesn't like Curry's training madness, king of rolls!
After the official training every day, there will be additional practice, and after each game, there will be three-point practice on the court.

Even if you practice by yourself, you have to bring the young people in the team, Leonard, George, Harden and others to practice together.

It ruined the atmosphere and atmosphere of the Clippers.

And Anthony Davis is a new trend blowing in.

According to Min Congda's observation during this period, Anthony Davis didn't practice much after each training session.

Go home and play games, actively train 2K, and strive to defeat Min Congda in the 2K confrontation one day!
Min Congda appreciates this attitude that work is work, life is life, and work cannot delay life!

Unfortunately, in a place like the NBA, crazy training is politically correct, and rats in the training hall will be praised.

Otherwise, Min Congda really wants to set up Anthony Davis as a model for the team and call on everyone to learn from Comrade Davis.

Facing the concerns of the old Davis, Min Congda replied: "Anthony is a very good player. I admire him very much. Don't worry, I will not let him sit on the bench. No matter what, he should get enough playing time. It helps his growth. I think you also know that the Clippers have always adopted a large rotation, and everyone's playing time is guaranteed."

Min Congda is telling the truth, the Clippers' rotation has always been long.

This is an atypical NBA team that does not establish an absolute core and is an excellent team.

In fact, people like Harden, Curry, Randolph, Gasol, Leonard, George, etc. all have the ability to be the core.

Any one of them going to a weak team will be the core of the team's tactics.

But in the Clippers, everyone is very happy to play, with a lot of money, few things, and a lot of room for improvement.

And Los Angeles is a big city, there is really no reason to leave here and become the boss in a place that doesn't shit.

The most important thing is that these guys are very young, and Min Congda has "the kindness of knowing you" to them.

Although blacks don't pay much attention, the Clippers are a team with more good boys, and the atmosphere in the team is very good.

When old Davis heard Min Congda's assurance, half of his doubts disappeared.

The words of other people in the Clippers are not very useful, and Mr. Smart's words are absolutely solid.

At this point, the offensive and defensive training on the field came to an end, and everyone took a break.

Min Congda walked to the sidelines, patted Anthony Davis on the shoulder, and said, "How did you feel during the training just now?"

Anthony Davis looked a little frustrated, and said: "Some...some are not used to it, it's too fast..."

So fast, Anthony Davis felt that it wasn't his body that couldn't keep up, but his mind.

"Your father came to see you training, go say hello."

Anthony Davis discovered that his father often watched him train from the courtside seat.

Davis was so involved in training just now that Davis didn't pay attention at all.

He shook his head helplessly and complained, "Dad, I said I was working, so what are you doing here?"

Old Davis said: "It's not that I want to come here, Mr. Smart invited me to visit, and I will watch your training by the way. What's the matter, I will watch your previous training, and your game. "

"Then was before, and now is now. What did you say to Mr. Smart?"

"It's nothing, I'm just worried that you will lack attention and training in the team. Mr. Smart said he will help."

"Dad~ God, I will rely on my own efforts to fight for the position in the team. I don't need any help or promise!"

Old Davis shook his head, thinking that his son was still too young, or that he had been too smooth before.

Talent can indeed determine many things in the NBA, but it is not difficult to destroy talent.

There are too many stories of hurting Zhong Yong in NBA history.

Among them, there are the players' own reasons, such as lack of self-discipline, many injuries, or their own talents are just like that, and there is no potential to tap.

Another part of the reason is that the team can't cultivate, dig out, and don't pay attention to it, which ultimately destroys the talents of young people.

Even a very good team has the possibility of wasting talent.

It can be said that the old Davis was worried about his son's future.

The exchange between father and son on the sidelines ended unhappily.

But at noon, Min Congda invited the father and son to have a good meal in the restaurant.

Min Congda pulled Cole and Tyronn Lu over, and the five of them ate and chatted together.

Cole carefully pointed out some problems that Anthony Davis had just had in training.

How to stand in defense, how to predict, how to make the right choice, etc.

These Davis have all studied in college, but the rules of the NBA have changed. The teammates are different, the opponents are different, and the requirements for the players will be higher.

Davis listened very carefully, and Tyronn Lue also said a few words from time to time, saying that he is still very experienced in defending him.

Old Davis also listened very seriously. Could he not care about his son's affairs?

Min Congda was the only one who ate with a dull head and ate most seriously.

The reason why Kerr is willing to communicate and teach so carefully is because he knows that Anthony Davis has great potential.

He is not like Min Congda, who is not sure about his potential at all. He knows that Davis is the one who can subsidize the last shortcoming of the Clippers.

When the four of them communicated with each other, Min Congda didn't eat much, and he alone ate the most.

"I'm sorry, I'm too full, I'm going to move and digest, hiccup~"

Min Congda hiccupped and patted his belly to invigorate the stomach and eliminate food.

Anthony Davis asked Cole and Lu at this time, "Coach, I heard from Curry that Mr. Smart is the most talented basketball player on the team. Is it true?"

Cole and Tyronn Lu nodded at the same time, and said, "Yes."

Seeing that Anthony Davis was still surprised, Cole added: "You know, the offensive and defensive training in the morning, in the eyes of Smart, was almost like playing a game. He can stand on the sidelines and teach you how to walk. , you will be able to stand accurately."

"It's just that Mr. Smart is not interested in coaching."

(End of this chapter)

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