Chapter 515 Industrialization

The division of labor between Curry and Harden is becoming more and more clear.

Although Curry is a point guard, he is better at three-point shooting, scoring efficiency, and running off the ball.

The scoring is explosive, and the ability to attract defenders on the offensive end is very strong.

And it's still making progress.

Although Harden is a shooting guard, he has better passing vision and passing imagination.

If you let go, Harden can also become a scoring machine.

However, after some evaluation, Min Congda believes that Harden is more suitable to be a comprehensive commander.

In terms of scoring efficiency, Harden is not as good as Curry.

His three-point shooting rate is not as good as Curry, and his off-ball ability is relatively average.

His advantage is that he is strong and can develop in the direction of unsolvable single RBI.

In fact, Thunder Westbrook + Durant should also develop in this direction.

Let Kevin Durant be a more pure scorer and let go of things he's not good at.

Westbrook has the ability to become an all-round commander. He has a better vision on the offensive end. Even if his ball quotient is more impressive, he is a point guard after all. Reasonable tactical collocation and design can make their combination more powerful.

It's a pity that Durant still wants to be a greater and better striker, thinking about surpassing LeBron James, not just a pure scorer.

Faced with Curry's consecutive scoring provocations, Durant still tried to play tactics, using the pass to mobilize his teammates, hoping that the team's score could go up, and he couldn't bear to wave the sickle until the fourth quarter.

But Durant is really not this kind of material. Apart from the sudden score, his first pass is really unimaginative, and he can't achieve the effect of tearing apart the Clippers' defense with one blow.

As a support point, passing the ball is also mediocre, without the effect of four or two strokes and flashes of inspiration.

Anyway, if you don't attack with the ball, there is not much difference in the Thunder's offense with him or without him.

The Clippers rarely double-team Durant, and it is still a routine of wheel battles.

George, Leonard, Butler, and Ricky Davis took turns, and everyone took turns to mark Durant one-on-one, and they all went all out to consume Durant's physical energy.

From this point of view, it makes sense for Durant to pass the ball more and save his physical fitness until the fourth quarter to harvest.

If he keeps attacking with the ball in front of him, facing the Clippers' wheel consumption, he will have no energy in the final stage.

But if you want to harvest in the fourth quarter, you can't fall too far behind.

With one pass by Curry, the point difference was widened to 14 points.

Fortunately, Westbrook stepped forward in time for the Thunder.

With sudden penalties, he scored 6 points in a row, approaching the score, and did not let the score continue to widen.

Westbrook doesn't think as much as Durant does, what to support, assist, and comprehensive.

He rushed and scored when he saw the opportunity, and played completely according to his understanding of the game.

Of course, sometimes his understanding may not be correct, he just sticks to his own ideas.

Sometimes, Durant's hesitant character really needs a reckless man like Westbrook to drive him.

Compared with the Thunder's duo, although the Clippers are also double stars, the status of other Clippers players in tactics is much higher.

It can be said that even without Curry and Harden, the remaining players of the Clippers can still build a very powerful system and lineup.

Therefore, the Clippers played more freely in the game, making people unpredictable and untraceable.

In the regular season, this kind of freedom is sometimes a disadvantage, because of instability, sometimes the whole team can't find the focus.

After sorting out the playoffs, especially after the match against the Spurs, the players have a more tacit understanding and let go.

The Thunder's defense has always had nothing to do with the Clippers' ever-changing offense, and the point difference has been maintained at around 10 points.

Westbrook scored consecutive points in the third quarter to help the Thunder bite the score, while Durant seemed to be still hesitating, biding his time.

Of course, for Durant himself, he doesn't think he is hesitating, he thinks he is being patient.

He firmly believes that he can blow up the Clippers' front line in the fourth quarter and completely reverse the situation.

At the end of the third quarter, the two sides scored 86:97, and the Clippers had already led the Thunder by 11 points.

And the score of 97 points in three quarters is even more frightening. In many playoff games, they can't score 97 points in a single game.

Facing the defensive Thunder, the Clippers managed to score 97 points in three quarters. This offensive firepower is really terrifying.

Min Congda watched Durant only take 3 shots in the third quarter, hit 1 goal, scored 2 points, and only scored 20 points so far.

I thought to myself: "This kid has good basketball talent, but his basketball IQ is so-so. He can't tell that the rhythm of the game is no longer on the Thunder's side? He won't think about you harvesting and taking away the game in the fourth quarter, right? Silly boy, The times are different. This is not a game of 90 or 80 points in the 90s. At the end of the day, you can use the superstar's personal ability to win the game. When the total number of points increases, the scoring effect of individual players will decline, and the overall efficiency The effect will be improved."

Although Min Congda has a low IQ in other things, he is indeed very insightful when it comes to basketball.

This is an era that focuses on efficiency, not only basketball, but most sports will start to move toward high efficiency in the end.

The more commercialized the sport, the more obvious it is in basketball and football.

It's like evolving from a meticulous manual workshop to an industrialized assembly line.

The handmade workshops are more personalized and artistic, but it is impossible to compete with industrial assembly line products in the market.

The production efficiency is too poor.

Of course, the NBA has not yet entered the stage of the industrial assembly line. These players still have a strong sense of personal heroism. They grew up dreaming of heroic basketball in their childhood.

However, the Clippers already faintly have the characteristics of an industrial system in terms of offensive and tactical systems.

Clear division of labor, tight integration of internal and external, rich tactical system, and high degree of freedom.

During the regular season, the Clippers' coaching staff has begun to use computer software to study the impact of shooting divisions and shots on offensive efficiency.

How many three-point shots, how many attacks at the basket, and how many mid-range shots are the most appropriate in a game.

As for why the Clippers did this, thanks to their basketball consultant Jerry West.

The old man came to the Clippers to receive a salary, so he couldn't do nothing, so he had to make suggestions.

She saw the trend early, so she put forward this suggestion. She also applied for a fee from Min Congda to set up a basketball tactical strategic planning center and recruit some people to specialize in these things.

Min Congda's mind is no longer on how to prevent the Clippers from becoming stronger, so let it go, and it will cost money, so I will spend money for you.

So everything about the Clippers is developing towards standardization, but the genius breath on the players will cover up the industrial smell that is slowly seeping out.

The fourth quarter began, and Durant rested on the bench at the end of the third quarter.

As soon as the fourth quarter came up, he ran without the ball, found an opportunity outside the left three-point line, and hit a three-pointer!
This ball can be regarded as Durant blew the clarion call to counterattack the Clippers. He felt that his offense felt great.

In the fourth quarter, you can rely on your own offense to help the team reverse the situation!
Then, Durant received the ball in a low post, turned around to eat Leonard alone, and leaned back for a mid-range shot.

There is also a sudden point from Westbrook, a fake move to shake off the defender, and then hit the double-team riding archery shot.

He also catches the ball and hits the basket in a fast break, changes hands, and succeeds in a layup from the other side!

Such a tall man, but so flexible, Durant scored 9 points in four rounds.

Looking at the scoreboard again, we are still 11 points behind...

The Clippers Dragic hit a three-pointer in the offense.

Then Dragic assisted Leonard to hit a three-pointer from the bottom corner.

Facing Sefolosha's defense, Harden caught the ball and made a three-pointer.

In three rounds, he also scored 9 points, easily evening Durant's 9 points.

Is there a problem with the Thunder's defense?In fact, the problem is not big, but there is no way.

The Clippers opened up in one big, four small and four directions, Gasol Jr. supported him in a high position, made air cuts, reverse runs, and ambushed in the bottom corners. The Clippers had too many offensive options.

This is no longer the 1990s, the era when one hits and four looks. The offensive space is getting bigger and bigger, and the role of role players in offense is becoming more and more obvious.

In the 1998 Finals, Jordan could score more than half of the team's points alone. The team scored 87 points and he scored 45 points alone.

On the one hand, Jordan is really strong, on the other hand, the individual heroism of that era was developed to the extreme.

You must know that in the fifth game, Karl Malone also scored almost half of the team's points.

The team scored 83 points, and he scored 39 points alone. At that time, it was not a joke to play four games, and that was the most efficient way.

Because the offensive space is small, the rhythm is slow, the confrontation is strong, and the total score is low, it is better to grind points for the players with the greatest grasp instead of making inefficient mistakes for ordinary role players.

Now this kind of situation is less and less, and it is easy to score more than [-]. There is an upper limit for the number of shots a star can take. If the upper limit is broken, the efficiency will be greatly reduced.

The space on the court is also getting bigger and bigger, the number of body whistles encourages offense, and the total score is high, so there must be other people to share the scoring task.

From this point of view, there is no doubt that the Clippers are powerful, and their "role players" are all ruthless characters.

Durant broke out in a wave of scoring. Putting it in the past or playing other players, the situation was reversed.

But facing the Clippers, they remained motionless, and even the Clippers organized another counterattack.

After Gasol received the ball from a high position, he suddenly made a through pass to the basket.

Leonard received the ball, made an air cut layup, and the point difference widened!
The Thunder immediately called a timeout, and the game has fully entered the rhythm of the Clippers.

Think about it too, you let the Clippers score easily throughout the game, 97 points in three quarters.

By the fourth quarter, the touch has been cultivated, and the offensive feeling is not enough. You still want to come back, how to turn it over?
Durant also wants to rely on his own strength to score consecutive reversals. A major prerequisite for reversals must be a strong defense.

Strong defense, one is to curb the opponent's scoring, and the other is to deal a psychological blow to the opponent and damage the morale of the opponent.

Several consecutive good team defenses have greatly boosted team morale.

But the Thunder's defense couldn't do it. Perkins alone was targeted to death.

When Brooks paused, he hoped that Durant would make more contributions on the defensive end and go to the fourth position again.

But after the timeout, the Clippers had no intention of fighting the Thunder at the fourth position.

The luxurious defensive interior and striker configured by the Thunder are useless at all.

Perkins couldn't make it, Ibaka went around to fill in the loopholes, and Durant was at a loss.

The Clippers opened up in an all-round way, repeated air cuts and back runs, and the Thunder's defensive system suddenly collapsed in the fourth quarter.

Even if Durant scores consecutively on the offensive end, what's the use of not being able to prevent it?
The point difference has been maintained between 10 and 15 points, and the Thunder has no way to turn the situation around with a wave of explosions.

The fourth quarter, which was originally the most intense and had to be delayed for the longest time, passed very quickly, halfway through in a while.

The Clippers led the Thunder by 119 points at 106:13, and the score of 119 was unmatched.

You must know that this is the playoffs, and this is facing the Thunder, which is good at defense.

Brooks called the last timeout of the game. He knew he couldn't beat this game and had to give up.

From the strategic level to the tactical level to the execution level, the Thunder was completely defeated. In the fourth quarter, everything broke out and suffered a disastrous defeat.

Brooks knew that it was time to consider how to adjust the second game.

And Kevin Durant scored 35 points very efficiently in this field, which is the same as his jersey number.

The shooting percentage is as high as 61%. It can be said that he can do it with one hand. He also sent 6 assists and 2 blocks. The data is quite luxurious.

But watching the game, his influence on the progress of the game was very weak, and he did not lead the team to control the situation at key points.

On the contrary, the Clippers have firmly grasped the rhythm. It is useless for you to score 35 points efficiently, but it is only less than one-third of the team's points.

The Clippers blasted 125 points, Curry scored 27 points, Harden 21 points, Randolph 17 points, Gasol Jr. 15 points.

George, Leonard, Milicic, Dragic, Fisher and others all scored, and all 12 players in the team scored.

And many people don't spend time scoring points piecemeal, but actually implement tactics. Scoring as part of the Clippers system is the most terrifying.

What's even more frightening is that the Clippers are far from reaching their upper limit, and their potential is still great.

After winning this game, Min Congda paid another 3000 yuan fine, but he was rarely happy.

Because most of the investment in the arena has been settled, the Clippers will let them win if they win.

Looking at Durant's disappointed back when he left the court, Min Congda thought that you should change as soon as possible and play in the way you are familiar with.

Although you will still lose in the end if you play like that, at least it won't be so ugly, and you can still struggle for two more games.

The game between the Clippers and the Thunder is over. I have to say that this game shocked many people.

The fans may not feel it, but the players feel it deeply, because the Clippers' winning style is really different from the strong playoff teams in the past.

If the Mavericks are an accident, then the Clippers seem to have some sense of the general trend.

It's just that the general trend is coming faster.

The second day after the game between the two sides, the Lakers and the Grizzlies had a rematch.

In this game, the Lakers adjusted their strategy and mentality, and easily defeated the Grizzlies 100:91. The two sides evened the score, which is also expected.

And the rematch between the Clippers and the Thunder was also as exciting as people expected.

Durant, Westbrook, and Gordon showed their power, scoring 37 points, 30 points, and 21 points respectively, and the three scored 88 points together!
The trio's play is simply terrifying.

But the Thunder still lost to the Clippers.

107:114, a gap of 7 points, a crisp defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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