Lao Zhu, Zhu Di and others discussed to add obstacles to Zhu Houzhao, and Zhu Houzhao was not idle here, and was actively preparing for the battle.

The first is to order emergency conscription across the country.

It is absolutely impossible for the usual military reserves of the Taiwu Dynasty to touch Lao Zhu and others, but fortunately Zhu Houzhao was well prepared.

Many years ago, Zhu Houzhao formulated the military service system, as long as young men who reached the standard age were required to serve in the army and receive military training.

In this way, a large number of soldiers with serious military training can be recruited in a short period of time, and after a little reorganization, they can be sent to fight.

The Casting Furnace researched by the Sun Moon Academy manufactures various standard weapons in batches, and the household department is responsible for the transfer and distribution of various war materials.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

In order to unify the sixteen dynasties of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Houzhao made a lot of preparations. Now the hidden cards are gradually revealed.

That shareholder wind is the opportunity to win the ultimate battle in the gray prairie.

Inside the leopard room, Zhu Houzhao was discussing various war matters with Zhu Qiyuan.

"Father, Grandpa Taizu sent someone to spread the word that the battle will take place in the gray prairie of Xuande Dynasty."

Zhu Qiyuan looked serious and serious.

"Grey Prairie, they chose a good place."

"This place is flat and flat. It is difficult to launch a tactical siege other than fighting head-on. They are determined."

Zhu Houzhao said indifferently: "Reply to the envoy, let him go back and tell Taizu, after three months, the gray prairie, the battle will determine the universe."

He has already made all the preparations. No matter where the battlefield is chosen, he will not give up. Unifying Ming Dynasty is imperative.

Daming can only have one ruler, and that is Zhu Houzhao, Emperor Taiwu.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, how can a country have sixteen emperors.


Zhu Qiyuan responded, frowned and said: "Father, Jin Yiwei found out the day before yesterday that the spies placed in our court by various dynasties were secretly contacting King Ning and others. It seems that they are planning something wrong. Should we take some precautions in advance?"

The executive deputy emperor has been working for a long time, and Zhu Houzhao has gradually transferred the power in his hands to him. Therefore, Jin Yiwei will report directly to him now, and then he will tell Zhu Houzhao.

Almost the same virtue as old Zhu, Zhu Houzhao doesn't trust anyone, except for his son, who is at ease. Zhu Qiyuan is free to do government affairs, and he is not afraid that Zhu Qiyuan will rebel.

According to Zhu Houzhao's point of view, if he can't even trust the son he cultivated with his own hands, then he will really become a loner.

"King Ning."

Tapping his fingers on the table, in his heart, Zhu Houzhao didn't think that King Ning had the courage to challenge him, but the more special the moment, the more he couldn't take it lightly.

Especially with the emperors of the Ming Dynasty playing tricks behind their backs and backing them up.

"Order Jin Yiwei to closely monitor the movements of King Ning and the others, in case there is any change."

Zhu Houzhao made a killing move, and Zhu Houzhao's face was full of murderous intent.

Unifying the sixteen dynasties of the Ming Dynasty is a grand plan he has planned for many years. Whoever dares to spoil his good deeds must die.

Zhu Qizhen, the God of War, died in his hands. It was easier to kill Zhu Chenhao, the king of Ning, than to crush a chicken.

Speaking of Cao Cao, when Cao Cao arrived, before Zhu Qiyuan could speak, Liu Jin rushed to report.

"Your Majesty, King Ning is seeking an audience outside."

The father and son looked at each other, and Zhu Houzhao showed a smile on his face, and said inexplicably: "I just wanted to see him, and he came. King Ning came well!"


Liu Jin turned around and brought King Ning to see Zhu Houzhao.

Zhu Houzhao looked at the eldest son Zhu Qiyuan and asked, "What do you think King Ning wants to do here?"

Zhu Qiyuan smiled slightly, but did not answer Zhu Houzhao directly, and said with emotion: "King Ning is a smart man."

smart people?
What kind of person is a smart person?
Of course, those who know current affairs and know how to advance and retreat are considered wise.

Both the father and son had already guessed the purpose of King Ning's visit, but they did not reveal it tacitly.

It's meaningless to say it's broken.

Not long after, Liu Jin led Ning Wang Zhu Chenhao to the presence of Zhu Houzhao and his son, and performed the grand ceremony of the monarch and his ministers.

"My minister, meet your majesty."

"I have met His Highness Prince Jing."

With Zhu Chenhao's status, there was no need to salute Zhu Qiyuan, but he did it anyway. This is the manifestation of a smart person.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that although Zhu Qiyuan bears the title of King Jing, he manages the government all the year round, and his succession to the throne is almost certain and indisputable.

Zhu Houzhao's expectations for Zhu Qiyuan are no less than what old Zhu had for Zhu Biao. Zhu Chenhao is such a smart person, how could he dare to treat Zhu Qiyuan slowly in details.

One day when Zhu Houzhao abdicates, Zhu Qiyuan will be his crowning head, ruling over his life and death.

Although Zhu Qiyuan's methods are not as cruel and ruthless as Zhu Houzhao's, but he is Zhu Houzhao's son after all, and he has Zhu Houzhao's blood, so he should not underestimate Zhu Qiyuan, lest he be suppressed.


Zhu Houming knew the reason and asked, "I don't know why the emperor came to see me here?"

Zhu Chenhao took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "A few days ago, an unknown person came to the minister's mansion, saying that he was ordered by the Emperor Taizu to take the lead in rebellion."

"I am Your Majesty's minister, and I have received His Majesty's grace. How dare I rebel against my superiors? However, considering the seriousness of the matter, I can only stabilize the traitor first. I am here to inform Your Majesty. I hope Your Majesty beware of villains." Make a mess."

Old Zhu, Zhu Di and other emperors of the Ming Dynasty wanted to support him in the rebellion, adding obstacles to Zhu Houzhao, and intending to distract Zhu Houzhao's attention. At first, Zhu Chenhao was a little tempted.

After all, before Daming embarked on the path of extraordinaryness, he was made extremely miserable by Zhu Houzhao. The majestic vassal king was thrown to Liaodong to farm and open up wasteland, and was humiliated and oppressed by the great eunuch Zhang Yong.

But that's in the past, and he just wants to live a good life now.

He knows how much he has, and he knows Zhu Houzhao's methods even more. The rebellion will probably be suppressed in less than ten days and a half months.

What's more, Lao Zhu and others supported him to rebel, and they were just using him. Most of the benefits promised to him were empty promises, which could not be taken seriously at all.

If you don't add trouble to Zhu Houzhao, you can live comfortably; if you act as a chess piece for Lao Zhu and others, and make Zhu Houzhao rebel, the ending will be bleak.

After assessing the situation, Zhu Chenhao still chose to stand firmly on Zhu Houzhao's side.

He was afraid of being tortured many years ago, and he didn't have the courage to try Zhu Houzhao's method again.

Hearing Zhu Chenhao tell himself everything about it, Zhu Houzhao smiled in satisfaction.

Such a prince is a good prince.

"I have never doubted Uncle Huang's loyalty, and I am very pleased that Uncle Huang can tell the truth."

Zhu Houzhao first praised Zhu Chenhao, and then said meaningfully: "The people behind the scenes want the emperor to rebel, why not let the emperor follow his will."

These words directly frightened Zhu Chenhao into a cold sweat, thinking that Zhu Houzhao was testing him, he hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty's loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon, and there is no second heart."

"Why is the emperor like this?"

Zhu Houzhao looked surprised, and said: "Of course I know the loyalty of the emperor, the emperor should not think too much."

"What I mean is that I hope that the emperor's uncle will temporarily subjugate the people behind the scenes, play the banner of rebellion, and find out Xiaoxiao who is plotting evil for me."

"I really want to see how many unruly people are still in my court, so I can catch them all at once."

With such an explanation, Zhu Chenhao finally heaved a sigh of relief.

He is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid that Zhu Houzhao will play with him. After all, Zhu Houzhao can make life worse if he plays with people.

Then even if he was speechless, he made his own rebellion, he really knew how to play, and he deserved to be the tireless Zhu Houzhao who played with others.

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