This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 558 The TV series exploded

Chapter 558 The TV series exploded

Tao Heng turned on his mobile phone and logged into Nanmu Video.

On Nanmu Video, he recharged his membership for one year.

Although when he first became a member, he had the idea of ​​knowing himself and the enemy and winning every battle, but as time went by, he felt that this video platform was quite good.

There are quite a few good TV series on it.

He had seen the movie version of "The Beginning" at that time and it was very exciting.

Hearing that the TV series "The Beginning" was about to be launched on Nanmu Video, Tao Heng became interested.

As for Xu Nan, Tao Heng still hated him, but his obsession was no longer so deep.

Because he hit Xu Nan solidly with many punches in the ring. Although he lost, the anger in his heart was released.

Therefore, Tao Heng can look at things related to Xu Nan more calmly.

Soon it was eight o'clock.

Tao Heng clicked on "The Beginning" on his mobile phone.

The TV series has just been launched, and there are already a lot of comments on the screen.

"Come here for the name."

"Keep your claws."


"Leave a mark."


"Keep a hammer, the TV series hasn't started yet, what are you doing here?"

"Congratulations, you found the treasure."

"Don't click it."

All kinds of messy barrages appeared, it could be called a chaotic dance of demons.

Tao Heng is a relatively pure person. When watching movies and TV series, he doesn't like barrage interference in most cases, so he directly turns off the barrage to make himself more immersed in watching TV series.

At the beginning of the TV series, there is a scene of a bus driving.

Then someone called the police.

"Hey, policeman, I'm calling the police. There was an explosion on the No. 45 bus."

Before he finished speaking, the bus running on the screen exploded and was engulfed in flames.

Then the next second, the screen changed, showing a man and a woman sitting on the bus. The man was listening to music, but pain, fear, fear and other emotions appeared on the woman's face.

The beginning has changed.

This was Tao Heng's first thought.

He had watched the movie and remembered that the plot of the movie started inside a bus. Li Shiqing slandered Xiao Heyun as a pervert, and then the two of them got off the bus.

But the TV series changed, it became Li Shi calling the police, then the bus exploded, and then the plot inside the bus.

The advantage of this change is obvious, that is, through the suspense at the beginning, it attracts the audience and makes them want to watch further.

At the same time, it can also increase the time of the TV series.

As an industry insider, Tao Heng is very familiar with film and television drama adaptations.

He knows that the biggest difficulty in adapting the "Beginning" movie into a TV series is how to add enough content and attract the audience

The movie version of "The Beginning" is only two hours long, while the TV series version of "The Beginning" is more than ten hours long. This means that the TV series version of "The Beginning" must add a lot of content to the series that was not filmed in the movie version.

If the added content is good enough, the TV series will be considered a success, but if the added content is not good, the TV series will be considered a failure.

This tests the skills of the director and screenwriter.

The plot continues.

Xiao Heyun accidentally touched Li Shiqing's body. Li Shiqing immediately shouted, saying that Xiao Heyun was a pervert and asked the driver to drive the bus to the police station.

The driver refused Li Shiqing and asked them to get out of the car and solve the problem themselves.

After getting off the car, Xiao Heyun wanted to go to the police station with Li Shiqing, but was rejected by Li Shiqing.

When something was urgent, he had to take a taxi to where he wanted to go.

Li Shiqing was walking on the road in a daze, and then she was knocked down by an electric car and went to the hospital.

Then, the bus exploded and Xiao Heyun was involved.

The police came to the hospital and asked Li Shiqing, the only survivor.

Li Shiqing revealed her secret. It turned out that she had experienced many cycles on the bus, and every time, the bus would explode.

The police did not believe Li Shiqing's words, but thought she was mentally ill.

Then, Xiao Heyun died after ineffective rescue efforts. When he regained consciousness, he returned to the bus again.

The expressions on his face, including shock, fear, and pain, were extremely similar to Li Shiqing's previous expression.

He couldn't help but glance at Li Shiqing, and found that the other party was also looking at him strangely.

In an instant, both of them realized that the other person was just like them.This ends the first episode.

Tao Heng was stunned for a moment.

If he remembered correctly, this should be the first ten minutes of the movie, but the TV series version was extended to one episode, a full 45 minutes.

But surprisingly, the pacing and appeal of the series itself were not ruined by the length.

This adaptation is okay.

With strong interest, Tao Heng read on.

Episode two.

Xiao Heyun struggled in various ways, trying to change the fate of the bus explosion, but always failed. On one occasion, he was subdued by several passengers and almost sent to the police station.

A total of three episodes of the TV series "The Beginning" were released, and Tao Heng watched them all.

In the first episode, the TV series "The Beginning" was almost identical to the movie, except that it was stretched out a bit and added some plots that had little impact.

But in the second episode, the plot changed rapidly and was obviously different from the movie version.

Several police officers at the police station.

Passengers in the car.

There are more plots and the characters are extremely vivid.

Tao Heng understood that the original difference between the TV station version of "The Beginning" and the movie version of "The Beginning" was that the story lines of the supporting characters were added.

I have to say that this adaptation is quite good. It can significantly increase the content of the TV series while retaining the attractive parts of the movie.

The response to this TV series is absolutely the same.

Tao Heng made a mental judgment with a professional's perspective.

And his judgment was indeed correct.

When "The Beginning" first started playing, although it was very popular, no one paid much attention to it.

"Normally, this is a movie adaptation. Those who have watched the movie are the potential audience of this TV series."

"The adaptation is okay, and the audience should be satisfied."

"The key still depends on the follow-up."

There are also people discussing the plot of this TV series on the Internet, but the number of people is not large and it has not formed a trend.

But as Nanmu Video released more and more episodes, in the eighth episode, the truth was revealed. It turned out that Auntie Guo was the culprit of the bus explosion.

As soon as this plot came out, the influence of the TV series exploded instantly.

Countless people are exclaiming.

"It's actually her?"

"It's really her!"

"Oh my god, I've seen the movie, and I thought the TV series would change the murderer, but I didn't expect it to be the same."

"It's horrifying. It looks so inconspicuous, but in the end, it kills a busload of people."

"No one pays attention to the passengers in the bus. Each of them has their own story. They have encountered various difficulties in life, but they are always optimistic."

"Yes, the most attractive part of this TV series is the plot of the passengers. They are all at the bottom, and everyone has their own difficulties, especially the migrant worker Lao Jiao, who obviously has nothing and has been kicked out of the garage. , still looking for a house, but he still gave his sack of sanitary napkins to the heroine."

"To be honest, all domestic TV dramas in the past were stories about poor people, but now every domestic TV drama is more glamorous than the last. The poor people in them seem to have a salary of several thousand, but in the end they live in big villas, drive luxury cars, and talk. Love. It makes me wonder if they are the rich second generation who came out to experience life. "The Beginning" is very good. The poor are poor, and they also deserve attention."

"This TV series is one of the few that focuses on the poor in recent years and truly captures the lives of the poor."

"Highly recommended, this TV series is worth watching."

"Yes, highly recommended."

Netizens were fascinated by the TV series "The Beginning" and began to discuss it intensely.

Industry insiders were also a little surprised.

"The TV series "The Beginning" seems to be very popular."

"Yes, the influence of this TV series is growing. Several people around me are discussing this TV series."

"Actually, what surprised me the most was that it was adapted so well. The movie is only two hours long, and it only lasts three episodes in the TV series. As a result, the TV series version of "The Beginning" added a passenger line, and the content was enriched several times. ."

"Yes, adding supporting characters to the plot is a genius of the adaptation. If it weren't for the supporting characters' plot being exciting enough and filling enough time, this TV series would have collapsed long ago."

"I think the key to the problem is not to add supporting characters. In fact, everyone knows that if a movie is to be adapted into a TV series, it must add content. The question is whether the added content is outstanding enough and whether it can attract the audience. The TV series version of "The Beginning" " is a perfect example. The added content not only did not offend the audience, but attracted more viewers. This is the real success of this TV series."

"Makes sense."

"Yes, the key is to attract the audience, otherwise it will all be in vain."

"You can't say that. The addition of supporting characters in "The Beginning" has made the TV series more content, but it has also weakened the tension and excitement of the movie. Now everyone is talking about the supporting characters, but no one is talking about the protagonist. .”

"There is no way, there are gains and losses. There can be no perfect adaptation. As long as the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, the adaptation is considered a success."

"Is the adaptation of "The Beginning" successful?"

"Of course it was successful. Didn't you realize that this TV series has already become a hit? If it becomes a hit, it is a success."

(End of this chapter)

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