Chapter 320

Coming out of the hot spring, Luo Wei yawned slowly.

He didn't close his eyes for almost two days and one night, so he let the girls go to rest.

When Ryan and Marcus recover, the Legion will probably start their second meeting soon. Considering that the battle will continue, let them sleep peacefully now.

He himself handed over to Bai Lier the matter of agreeing to purchase from Felica, and visited the next three Minornies by the way.

As a result, I was surrounded by asking all kinds of whimsical questions.

"How do seeds form?"

"Why does it grow when buried in the soil?"

"If people are buried in it, can new villains be produced?"

Luo Wei used his lack of knowledge to answer the question, and felt that he was about to be involved. He never thought that discussing the mysteries of life with a girl would be such a mind-consuming thing.

It was agreed to give them the correct answer next time, one head and two big ones came out of the garden, and couldn't help but start thinking about the meaning of life.


Forget it, sleep matters.

After emptying out these time-wasting questions, he was walking in the corridor and was about to go back to his room for a good night's sleep when a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Can you come to my place?"

He stopped, with a wry smile on his face.

Should I say sooner or later?

But rather than being taken care of by the other party, he hopes that he cares about the other party more.


Shaking his head on the spot, Rowe turned to the other side of the corridor and pushed open the door leading to the outside.

Come to the garden.

The white stone pavilion at the top of the steps of the workshop, the person who wished to see him sat there dignifiedly, with wide and gentle eyes as always, full of motherhood.



Sometimes Luo Wei would feel that he was a bit ignorant of this god. Generally speaking, an existence like her would not appear directly in front of people, but at this moment, she was guarding the courtyard for them.

However, this situation was also considered in advance. When the studio was built, the temple of the Mother Goddess was located at the highest point on the innermost side, which was a distance that could not be seen clearly.And the existence of the beast god domain can also isolate all means that attempt to clearly detect her true face.

Luo Wei stood there looking up at the other person's appearance for a few seconds, then walked over with his mouth curled up.

"There you are," said Athetana.

She wore a corolla on her head, and a light green cloak with gold patterns was covered over the light white gauze, making her look more mature and stable, possessing the majestic temperament of a god.

of course.

Luo Wei guessed that she didn't want to attract attention because of her overly conspicuous figure and skin color different from human beings.

But the tail can't help it.

As a goddess, the tail is naturally different from ordinary people. It protrudes from the lower end of the cloak, and a large piece of fur is softly tucked at the feet, which looks like it is sitting on the pure white snow.

" looking for me?" Luo Wei smacked his lips.

Athetana glanced at him with a sigh. It was not the expression of looking at a child, but she had expected him to cover up knowingly.

"I wish it was you who came to me."

she said softly, holding out a hand forward.

"You don't have to act like you're afraid of me."

Sitting here, she exudes the radiance of divinity, symbolizing the supreme existence of a race, and it is indeed not like everyone can go up to get close.

"Then will you eat me?" Rowe smiled.

"Of course, I promise I won't leave you with any bones left." Athetana glanced at him reproachfully, then patted her side, "Come here, I don't intend to get to the bottom of it."

Rowe sat down beside her with his knees crossed.

Originally, she was two heads taller than him, but sitting here now, her skeleton was also bigger than her own, making him look like a child even more in comparison.

"I'm not going to ask you anything."

Athetana didn't look at him, and didn't intend to persecute, leaving him a proper space.

"As long as you are aware of your physical condition, if you have any anxiety or worries, you can come to me even if you don't say it."


Luo Wei felt ashamed for a while.

She is more tolerant and sensitive than she imagined, and she has always looked at them like an elder.

In this respect, I really lost to her.

It's not that he intends to hide it, but this incident itself is his "price".In any case, after the artisan will take this step, his plan to use the opponent's plan will finally come to fruition.

Only then will there be no burden after that.


"You don't need to say anything," Athetana said with a smile, "It's been a long time since you closed your eyes, all you need to do now is to have a good sleep."

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment.

Could it be that……

Athetana sighed softly, then turned to him and smiled.

"Oh, you slept so peacefully last time, so you don't admit it so soon?"

Luo Wei: "..."

Not that.

Athetana also restrained her expression immediately, staring at him with her green eyes.

"At least what you said, every time you come back, you can be greeted with a hug. I want to do my best to bring you peace."

It's not just what he's doing that could affect whether the world ends or not.

It's not just these children that she can't help but want to care for.

Another point is that he also said that before the foundation of everything, they are friends.

"I hope you can know that no matter what you do, that child Vermeer will support you unconditionally."

"There are also Saya, A Yining and the others. Even if they usually oppose your opinions, I think they all believe that your actions will not be meaningless."

"So, I won't tell you how much effort I've made for this, so don't let them down."

"It's good to just walk on the path you know."

She gently grabbed Luo Wei's wrist, guided him to her arms, comforted his back, and comforted the things he was also secretly carrying.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Luo Wei's mouth.

I am afraid there is nothing more reassuring than this.

Leaning in the arms of the mother god, a tidal wave of exhaustion seemed to surge up, causing his consciousness to subside slightly.

And Athetana, slowly changing the pure white tail, making it longer and fluffy, slowly covered him from behind.

"Go to sleep."

She spoke softly, like whispers floating in the air, and soon there was even breathing in her arms.

Maybe one day in the future I will not be able to keep up with his growth, but at least for now, or at least this way, provide him with a harbor where he can dock.

But that quiet sleeping face is really a little different from usual, should it be said that his eyes are too preoccupied.

"Obviously a child of this age..."

Time passed.

Athetana raised her head slowly, and saw a red and white figure looking at the door of the workshop.

The two were looking at each other, and she hoped to convey something to each other through their eyes, but the latter didn't seem to listen to it, as if there was a deep grudge.

Saya: "..."

Athetana: "..."

Angel Rage: 100%
Should it be said that the part that belongs to her has been vacant recently? Can you feel the incomprehension in the pride that you can't let go of? It's obvious that you have already returned to the room, and you can't sleep because you are still thinking about it?

Athetana pursed her lips and waved lightly at the other party.

Saya stood there visibly shaken.

It seemed that they would come towards them at any moment, but the crimson self-esteem finally overwhelmed everything, turned and entered the workshop.

Those eyes didn't seem to have misunderstood them, but stubbornly put aside, spurning the neglect they deserved, and never intending to bow their heads.

Athetana couldn't help but glanced down.

"What the hell are you thinking about again?"

And those sleeping side faces responded to her with the harmless breath of humans and animals.



In the afternoon of the same day, at 18:[-].

Courtyard meetings are held as usual.

The Legion brought back information from the first round of expeditions, but most of them were not good news.

After learning that the surface of the magic weapon could not be destroyed by Marcus, the newly joined craftsmen and the Adventurer's Guild and other forces fell into suspicion.

Especially when Ryan was still seriously injured and had one arm tied until now, in their view, no matter how they looked at it, this expedition was a complete failure.

With the tremors caused by the magic weapon every half hour, the city without a crown was getting closer and closer, and the burning anxiety gradually spread to the hearts of everyone present.

"Everyone, don't be too pessimistic."

Felica glanced back in the square, because they arrived late, the group of people did not push the crowd in, but stood on the periphery and just listened, as if they didn't intend to express their opinions.

"What we brought back is not without good news. On the contrary, this temptation can be said to determine whether we can stop it after it is determined."

It wasn't her turn to say these words.

If she had to settle accounts, as the creator of the magical weapon, part of the wars and disasters that the Uncrowned City faced in the last round came from her, but she was not as well-known as Marcus.

Felica didn't intend to apologize either. In this matter, if it wasn't because of the betrayal of the Artisan Association, she didn't think there was anything wrong with following the order of her own country. They were here to capture the city without a crown.

But now, in order to make the craftsmen who wantonly use her achievements pay the price, as the person most familiar with this technology, it is obvious that only she can come up with a reasonable explanation to prove this.

"But you don't say what it is at all!" someone said, "It makes me doubt whether it is true."

"Yeah! If there is a way, why don't you tell us?"

"I can't stop even one step, how can I believe that!"

Compared with the previous meeting, this time not only the two big names in Lion Garden were absent, but also Marcus was absent due to injury, and the speeches present became less restrained.

But more, anxiety and panic are spreading.


Ryan spoke at this point.

Like Felica, he also glanced at Luo Wei on the periphery of the crowd. This piece of information was brought back by them from the rear. After the expedition that was thought to be settled, it was undoubtedly a surprise news with strategic significance.

About the fact that the magic weapon is a skillful machine girl, only a very few people know.

The purpose is to prevent the information from being leaked to the other party. It has to be said that Luo Wei has left them plenty of leeway. Now they are in a situation where they know more about the other party in terms of intelligence, but the other party does not know that they have seen through her real identity. .

Of course, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and no one expects this news to be blocked forever.

But just two days is enough.

"We'll stop it at Bucket Ridge."

With bright flames in Ryan's eyes, he said in a vibrating voice.

"I will not regard the suburbs of the Crownless City as a retreat, and the next expedition will be a decisive battle."

As the hub of the alliance, he expressed his determination, and he did what he said.

The dwarves have already begun to evacuate from Tietong Ridge, and corresponding preparations are already underway. Rather than choosing to go to Tietong Ridge, it is better to say that magic weapons can only go down to the Broken Ridge Plateau from here.

Therefore, there is no more suitable place to fight than here. When they set foot on the plains in the northern suburbs of Wuguan City, they will lose their geographical advantage even if they say anything about blocking them.

Although they didn't say it clearly, everyone could tell that they were using promises to cover up this topic. Naturally, they could also imagine that if this kind of information was known by craftsmen, it might not be so useful.

"So... Even the Marshal Dong's attack is useless, how can we defeat it? It's just stuck in the terrain of Tietong Ridge, so it's impossible to trap the magic weapon all the time, right?"

"About this..."

Ryan closed his eyes, and Marcus woke up for a while after that. According to his limited memory, the attack really couldn't break through the defense of the magic weapon.

Felika had explained to them that this was most likely due to the local hardening ability of the Mechatronics.A mecha's armor plates can be as soft as skin, or hard enough to resist magic blasts.

Magical weapons are undoubtedly better in this respect.

The Magic Marshal couldn't come up with a better method for the time being, so he could only suggest that they attack from different parts, but he couldn't guarantee that if the opponent's whole body hardened, the persistence time might be enough to climb out of the deep mountain.

Only by solving this problem can there be a breakthrough in the tactical arrangement.

Is there no more tricky way?

"If...if that's the case, maybe I know how to do it."

Everyone turned their attention to the source of the voice.

It was discovered that the person who spoke turned out to be Marcus's clever machine girl.

Originally, she was only listening to the content of the meeting on behalf of the host. When everyone was at a loss, no one thought that Bella would speak at this time.

"You know what to do?" Felica was also a little unbelievable.

Isn't this machine girl... who only knows how to fight and kill when she's by Marcus' side?Even the modules are all of the type of combat stress. I heard that Duo Mi disliked the opponent and would not even change the armor plate by himself. They are all modules with unknown functions.

What can she do to solve the hardening of the whole body of the magic weapon?

"Yes... After all, I saw it with my own eyes. If it's true..."

Bella hesitated for a moment, her eyes wandering.

Then, she slowly floated up and pointed straight to the back of the crowd——

The people pointed out retreated one after another, and an empty path was quickly cleared among the crowd.

Following Wei Mier and A Yining also backing away, Luo Wei stood there, yawned slowly after not getting enough sleep, and stepped aside without much interest.

It turned out that there was no one behind him.

He turned his head and looked up at Bella, who looked at him.

Luo Wei: "..."

Bella: "..."

I can't keep this machine girl.

(End of this chapter)

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