Chapter 261 So There's Another One Tonight

In the evening, Luo Wei got up in the garden, and the others had already returned.

Sitting in the hall and summarizing today's information, except for Maria's side that needs to be confirmed tomorrow morning, there is no need to worry about all the worries.

"What's the matter?" Luo Wei looked at the few people who were silent after the discussion, "Do you want to add a bit of pre-war atmosphere?"

Ayi Ning pressed her forehead and shook, "You have the nerve to say it, you are the one who has the least sense of tension."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Saya, who was deliberately avoiding her.

With this appearance, the word "avoid suspicion" was clearly written on his forehead. It's a good thing he could still sit there calmly. Those who didn't know thought Saya was there alone.

Vermier hasn't woken up yet.

If she woke up, Saya might have to sit outside the window and talk to them.


I actually failed to win anything for my sister in front of these two, what went wrong...

Iluth smiled slightly, "But such a group of people may decide the future fate of this city, doesn't it sound ironic?"

It does not represent any force, and does not fight for the survival of the city. It seems that it is just a casual exploration team, but it has penetrated into the core that all forces have not been able to touch.

Just before the beginning of the truth, the 20 people in Wuguan City became witnesses on the stage.

"It's really ironic," Luo Wei closed his eyes, "but there are reasons why we have to go on."

Several people were slightly taken aback.

From the very beginning, he didn't seem to be fighting to save everyone. Why he pursued the truth hidden behind the world has never been very clear.

The most intuitive feeling is that he doesn't want to die with this continent, but this reason is a bit flimsy, and it can't support his plan to go down step by step.

It's as if...he has any regrets.

"You...don't need to be so serious," Ayi Ning choked, "Didn't you always tell us 'it's okay', 'don't worry about it' and so on?"

"Yeah," Luo Wei smiled, and opened his eyes to look at her, "So you're going to play Duan Jianwu for fun?"

Ayi Ning: "...?"

How did it involve me...

Also, you really have the nerve to mention the sword dance.

I didn't see anyone all day yesterday. Although there is no rule that I have to practice every night, can I not say hello to my business?

Obviously, I went to convey the meaning for Saya...

I think you have also been intoxicated by her.

"I don't want it." She turned her head and said coldly, "Besides, I have to raise my energy for tomorrow tonight, so I don't need to practice like yesterday."


Now Rowe frowned.

How does it feel, she seems to mind that I didn't practice with her yesterday... Didn't I slip a note in the door yesterday not to practice at night?
Is it possible that it was exposed by someone's prank?

Looking around the hall, he saw Lu Yi sitting alone in the corner and laughing.


Rowe probably knew.

This guy……

Iluth held her chin and glanced at the two of them, "The sword dance is not necessary, but the night before such an important day, the biggest threat just happens to be away, don't you plan to fight for each other?"

She clearly said this to A Yining and Saya.

And the two of them also seemed to be very cooperative, and they all showed shocked expressions.

Ayi Ning: "...!?"

Saya: "!!!"

Both of them glanced in Luo Wei's direction awkwardly, and quickly staggered away, but they had different meanings in their expressions.

A Yining seems to be questioning why she is included in the address "you".

And Saya was probably afraid of being sued and went to Vermeer. After all, since she was caught in her pajamas in the morning, she was so guilty that she couldn't control it.

The mentality of this angel is really like riding a roller coaster.

Luyi laughed so hard that she couldn't close her legs in the distance.

Luo Wei spread his hands, "I've always felt that doing that kind of thing on the eve of the war is to color the tragic story, and we're not going to die."

The two looked at him contemptuously at the same time.

You gave me the default, right? !

Having been exposed of his little conspiracy, Luo Wei folded his arms and leaned back, thinking that it would not be a bad thing to tease them to relax while staying awake.

Ayi Ning lowered her head and pinched her fingers.

Is the position the night before the big battle important?
It is true that Vermeer is not there, but... this cannot be explained as being snatched for my sister at all.

At this moment, Saya stood up in the corner.

"I, I'm going back to my room, don't look for me if you have nothing to do at night!"

Seeing her get up and leave, Ayining sat there in a daze, while Yilusi and Luyi looked at her at the same time.

The eyes seem to be congratulating the winner.

She was so scared that she stood up hastily.

"No... I'm going back too!!"

Following in a hurry behind Saya, Ayi Ning walked out of the hall without looking back, and the other two looked at Luo Wei at the same time.

Iluth didn't say anything, she seemed to shake her head in pity, and got up while leaning on the table.

"Hehe... Then I wish you a good dream alone tonight."

Luo Wei: "..."

Watching the witch leave, Luo Wei helplessly turned his gaze to Lu Yi, and Crooked Demon pulled his eyelids and made a face at him.

Then he swayed his legs and slipped away.


Are you kidding me?

Sitting in the empty room, Luo Wei shrugged, smiled self-deprecatingly and got up.

If no one is with you, let no one be with you, it's not like you will die if you sleep alone.

Just as he was thinking this way, there was a burst of magical power in the cloak.


Taking out the corresponding props, his eyes froze slightly, and then slowly raised his eyes.

Turns out there's another one tonight.


Taking advantage of the darkness, Luo Wei teleported to Wailing Valley.

Going deep along the valley road, the orcs seemed to be holding a bonfire party. From a distance, he saw the employees coming back from the workshop mingling with other people. While drinking the magic potion, he noticed that the idols had also returned.

"It's really there..."

When he came to the three tents at the deepest point, he stopped at the door of one of the two tents below.

Open the door curtain and go in. On the fluffy carpet, the flaxen-haired bitch is sitting there with her legs apart.

After seeing him, the dog girl's eyes collided slightly, and her ears perked up.



The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Luo Wei spread his hands: "...are you used up?"

"Hey..." The dog girl held the happy box in her hand, and let out a hostile grunt from her throat.

...what is this doing.

In the happy box that Luo Wei gave her, there is a capsule used to remind him that it is used up. If you crush it with magic power, you will receive a response.

Obviously calling himself over in this way, but acting as if he was at fault.

"Did I misunderstand?" Rovello said a little confused, "Then if it's okay, I'll go first?"

"Don't go!"

Luo Wei turned around slowly.

Can't this speak human language?

He looked at Ahu Lili again, he hadn't seen her for a while, maybe because of becoming an idol, she looked more refined.

But the wildness hidden in the instinct has never changed.

"What's the matter, don't you just call me here because you plan to chat with me?"

"That's not it!"

Knowing that the employees of Wuguancheng had returned to the valley, it took her a long time to inquire before she could find out the general reason.

Although the whole matter was not so detailed, she knew that she was going to do something dangerous before sending the others back first.

At this time...

At times like this, even Bai Lier stayed by the side of the Mother Goddess. As the princess of the tribal leader, she could only sit here and worry, feeling very unwilling.

"Is there anything I can do?"

She didn't intend to ask too many details, and she also understood that they did not plan to use the power of the orcs in this incident.

Luo Wei looked at her curiously, "Is your ACB48 on a long vacation?"

"No...that is of course impossible."

In fact, it was precisely because I was leaving for another city tomorrow that I didn't want to leave like this.


"And before you... I thought you were asking me for help."


Luo Wei blinked inaudibly, when did he ask her for help?

Ahu Lily frowned.

"Since that's not the case, why did yours fall from the sky?"

"...?" Luo Wei's eyelids twitched, "My what?"


"That means...?"


Ahu Lili snorted in her throat, closed her eyes and picked up the five-pointed star in the box and shook it, there was still half of the capacity inside.

Luo Wei looked at that thing for a while, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"You saw the contents of this drop from the sky?"

speak up.

The only person in this world who can recognize him through this is the one in front of him.

It can't be such a coincidence.

"It's all dripping on my shoulder, it's definitely your fault!"


Luo Wei's face suddenly turned black.

At an altitude of 5000 meters, should it be said that he aimed well, or that the girl caught it well?

This story tells us, don't think that high-altitude parabolic can escape responsibility.

No matter how high it is.

"... There shouldn't be anyone else, right?"



This is too accurate.

When will you really master this skill, wouldn't you be able to do it a thousand meters away...

Luo Wei was dripping with cold sweat, thinking that he must cover up this matter, he squinted his eyes and raised his head.

"You were just asking if there was anything you could do, right?"


Luo Weiyin sneered, and suddenly grabbed the big tail with lightning speed.

"I think there is."

"Aw... Aww? Awwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."




The next day, in the underground of Wuguan City, in the quiet courtyard.


Wearing a newly changed priest robe, Vermier jumped into the living room with a slightly clumsy step.

A few people were eating breakfast when they turned their heads and saw her standing there with her face flushed and her waist crossed.

"Good morning, everyone~"

"Good morning." A Yining responded to her, pulling away the chair beside her, "Come and eat."


I don't know if it was because she had been recuperating for three full days, but she looked full of energy, her eyes swept around with aura.

"Hey, where's Rovi?"

When she saw Saya, Vermeer was slightly stunned, because the other party was cowering, hunched over and ate the corn, like a squirrel eating pine nuts.

"You haven't woken up yet," Ayi Ning took a mouthful of bread calmly, "I didn't call him."

Vermeer was drawn away by her, and didn't look at Saya again, "Um..."

She supported her head.

I always feel like I slept for three days, somehow...

There seems to be something on the head?
 No matter how I wrote 262, I couldn’t pass the review. I wrote it four times over and over again... What you are seeing now is the original version. Please help restore it
(End of this chapter)

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