Chapter 162 Behind Ayining's Back

Because of Luyi's appearance, they didn't intend to take her to the Netes tribe easily, so they decided to spend the night in the quiet courtyard.

Also just in time to try out the new room made by Klossy.

When Luo Wei walked into his room, someone was waiting for him inside.

Ayi Ning.

This is not surprising, after all, every night with the help of her to refine Qi and transform into a god, before it is completely completed, random interruption is likely to lead to regression.

"Start now?"


Putting on the Demon God's battle clothes that were automatically washed and dried after soaking in the hot springs, the plain white Ayining sat opposite him on the bed, and began to bind Qi.

Luo Wei: "..."

Should it be said that the atmosphere of the room changed from the tent to the room?

Compared with the messy orc tents with a wild atmosphere, the clean and tidy rooms give people a more comfortable sleeping atmosphere.

He felt that A Yi Ning in front of him didn't even dare to breathe hard.

"You're out of breath."

"...Aren't you too?"

The two opened their eyes, Ayining looked at him in surprise, then avoided in panic.

It's your fault for mentioning that...

Obviously forgot.

"When did you learn to detect breath?" She said in a concealed manner.

"Let it be," Luo Wei saw her appearance clearly under the light, "My swordsmanship was taught by your sister, and I have seen you two use Qi so many times. It should improve a bit."

"...Did you even learn how to cover your breath?"


Ayi Ning haggard for a while.

No wonder I didn't notice it through eavesdropping before. Didn't I block my valve with what I taught myself now?

"Close your eyes and continue," she shook her head, "I won't be distracted this time."

"What were you distracted by?"

"...Close your eyes!"

After about an hour.

Luo Wei's magic power was exhausted, and Ayi collected his breath and slowly settled down.

"All right."

"All right."

Luo Wei repeated it because he saw that A Yining had no intention of getting up and leaving.

Ayi Ning closed her eyes, her brows slightly moved.

"Well, didn't you say you want to press my shoulders, it's fine now."


She really remembered this and deliberately waited until after she got dressed.

Should I say that I am careful, or...

Luo Wei had no reason to refuse, walked around behind her calmly, and looked at her carefully for a while.

Although they have lived in the same room for a while, they never had the opportunity to look at her up close like this.

There is no reason.

Suddenly getting too close like this would only scare her.

Only one light was turned on in the room, and the back of the brocade plain clothes looked a bit thin, and the black hair was like a waterfall on the back, which was unbelievably smooth, accompanied by slight body movements that rubbed nicely against the brocade.

This was the first time that Luo Wei had smelled her hair so close.

It has a simple but comfortable fragrance, not a cold one, except for the blend of herbs, it also has a dense but not greasy milky fragrance.

"……What are you doing?"

The observation time was a bit long, and Ayining expressed doubts.

"What do you wash your hair with?"

"Aromatic agar and fruit tree milk, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it just smells a little sweet."


Ayi Ning opened her mouth, wanted to turn around but didn't want to face his expression, and said urgently: "Why are you smelling my hair, press it quickly, I don't want to be the one who keeps you from going to bed late."

Luo Wei finally leaned closer and sniffed lightly.

Hei Changzhi... so many people's dream lovers.

He put his hands on both sides of the other's shoulders, and the shadow of the light cast on the silhouette, which felt soft and pitiful.

The feel of the brocade wrap couldn't be better.

Compared with massage, people spontaneously want to press and pinch, or feel her muscle lines through that layer of smoothness.

Ai Ning said nothing.

Luo Wei sat at the back kneeling, and could see her ears, part of her side face, and her fair neck not covered by her black hair.

Her skin is like jade, gentle and flawless, like a light layer of frost.

This is probably what skin is like creamy skin. It has a delicate beauty, so soft that you can't even see the pores.


Different from Wei Mier's maintenance in a comfortable way, Ayining probably pays more attention to internal energy conditioning. As long as conditions permit, her three meals a day and work and rest are extremely regular, and she is extremely good at health preservation.

Have a good birth...

Natural beauty coupled with conditioning and nourishing, it is natural to look more gentle than that carefree sister.

And it's not the same as Lovely's. The little ghost of the princess has never suffered so much that she can have that kind of porcelain doll-like skin.

"I don't hate you..."

A Yining spoke suddenly, interrupting Luo Wei's deep thoughts.


"What I mean is..." Ayi Ning closed her eyes and pursed her lips, "The reason why I said that is not that I feel disgusted by your touch, it's just that the occasion is not suitable, can you understand?"

She was referring to the phrase "So you hate me so much" that he deliberately said when he was in the hot spring just now.

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

I will remember the matter of pressing the shoulder, and it is really to clarify this matter.

This delicate mind is worthy of being the younger sister who can keep that sword master's mind free from distracting thoughts.


Luo Wei glanced down, and lightly swept his fingers along the hairline behind her ears.


Ayi Ning shivered violently, dense goose bumps crawled up his neck.

"Isn't that disgusting?"

"You... this is intentional again."

"So how does it feel?"

"This has nothing to do with disgust!" Ayi said, shrinking her neck, "Don't you think of me as a woman... If you do this, I..."

She choked up, unable to speak the following words.

With his back facing him like this, he couldn't use his breath to detect his movements in advance, so he might give her another blow at any time.

Luo Wei didn't do this, but gradually squeezed her arm along her shoulder.

"how about this?"

" don't need to ask me how I feel every time." Ayi Ning shuddered, "If it's just a normal massage, I won't be disgusted."

Inch by inch, from the upper arm to the forearm, feel the curve of her flexible arm one by one, and then touch the wrist that is not covered by the sleeve robe.

Ayi Ning: "..."

Then to the palm.

Press lightly, and one hand can hold four light-white fingers, and press it over and over again with the palm of your hand.

"This shouldn't make you unmarried, right?"

"What do you say?"

Ayining didn't feel anything unusual now, although her hands were touching, but after all, it was pressing rather than stroking, it was a very normal behavior, and it was not uncommon for her to hold hands on weekdays, so she didn't intend to think about it.

But also hold him back a little bit, lest he get too far.

"If you plan to hold my fingers, I won't talk to you for three days."

Luo Wei: "..."

He felt that if he did this, it would definitely be more than three days, and he might not have the chance to massage her again in the future.

This younger sister is the kind who won't let go if she seizes the opportunity, and she will use this to talk about him every time in the future.

Not urgent.

There is ample time.

He slowly opened her two arms and straightened them horizontally.

"What are you going to do...?"

This posture made Ayining feel a little uneasy, the front of her body stretched out, her ribs were empty, as if a hand would reach out from there to the front at any time.

He...does he want to be hunted down by me in the courtyard?
If he dared...

I must have cut this silver thief for my sister.

And the next moment, she realized that she was wrong.


Totally underestimated this guy!
When the armpit was pressed, she couldn't hold back, and tightly clamped his hand.


(End of this chapter)

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