It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 146 The No. 1 Idol Girl Group in Mainland China——ACB48

Chapter 146 Mainland's No. 48 Idol Girl Group——ACB[-]

Realizing that Luo Wei's state was not right, Athetana turned her head and saw Ahu Lili standing there in a daze.

Ahu Lili: "..."

The expression on her face was as if she had hit a glacier.

"Leave it to me here." Athetana said to Luo Wei.

Nodding his head, Luo Wei didn't say anything more, turned around and went back to the dance studio.

That expression must have been misunderstood.

In the next five days, Ahu Lili behaved normally, and Luo Wei tried to avoid it as much as possible so as not to make her think wildly.

until the day of the show.

Baigang Town, West End Plaza.

The sky gradually darkened, and people gathered in the big square, crowded and overcrowded.There are even people who have been waiting since early in the morning just to get a good seat.

The stage generated by Ilus was located in the outer corner so that the performance could be seen from the entire square. Luo Wei originally thought that there would not be so many people watching, but he still underestimated the lack of entertainment in this era.

It was a form of performance that had never been seen before, not to mention it was free. The publicity of the past few days made people remember the name of the orc mother, and almost every contestant had supporters.

With such a large audience, Luo Wei couldn't help becoming nervous, and glanced at Vermeer beside him.

"Is your magic power okay?"

"No problem!" The girl replied confidently.

In order to prevent vandalism, both the magic panels and posters on the street are protected by Vermeer's magic power, which is maintained by her from a distance.

If it were Luo Wei himself, he might be drained before he finished attaching his magic power.

He looked at Saya who was standing on the roof beside him.

"It's been so many days, just sing a song, come down."

Saya gave him a fierce look of contempt, spread her wings, and squatted on a roof that he couldn't see.

"According to what I asked her later," A Yining said calmly from the side, "it should be that she only heard other angels sing, and she never spoke."


It will be broadcast as an accompaniment soon.

Let her be ashamed of herself.

"Bona, this way! Come here!"

"What a bad show, I hear these things every day, does anyone really like to watch the orcs dance?"

There was a conversation at the side, Wei Mier and A Yining glanced over there at the same time, and Luo Wei stood there unmoved.

It is impossible to please everyone.

"Bona, look quickly, this is the contestant I'm looking for, Becky No. 26, she's a sheep! Looks soft and docile, right?"

"Don't disgust me, what does this have to do with me, limp? Are you making me laugh?"

Vermeer clenched her fists, why is this so.

She glanced at Luo Wei, and understood that he had expected this situation, and acting rashly would cause counterproductive results.


Still feel angry!

"Vermier, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Hearing the voice, Vermier turned around quickly, and had already identified the owner of the voice.

"Ah, Bishop Monica!"

Bishop Monica stood there, first smiled kindly, and seeing that Luo Wei also turned around to say hello, Ayining chose to do the same.

After a few people said hello, Monica took another look at Ayining, frowned at Luo Wei quietly, and then took Vermeer to the appropriate viewing area.

Ayi Ning: "?"

Luo Wei: "..."

What a sharp woman.

When Lovely gave a speech as usual, old friend Adam appeared again.

After hosting the massage conference last time, this is another new challenge for him. He is still full of passion on stage, introducing 48 orc girls one by one through the magic guide panel, which further deepens people's impression.

Originally, it was just a meme played by Luo Wei, but Iluth finally confirmed the quota of 48 people.

"I'll go backstage and have a look." Seeing that it was about time, Luo Wei said.

"Go ahead," Ayi Ning nodded and responded, "I've been nourishing my Qi during this time, and I'm in very good condition."

A few of them are actually the security personnel tonight, Vermeer is in charge of protecting the equipment, Saya monitors the sky, and Aining prevents the crowd from trampling and throwing debris.

Luo Wei is responsible for emergency response.

Of course, the four of them couldn't control the crowded situation. Apart from the Knights and the Adventurer's Guild, the merchants headed by Albert also pulled out their own hired mercenaries to maintain order.

Come backstage.

The girls peeked at the crowds of people outside, their faces were full of doubts about life, and they were so nervous that they couldn't sit still.

Iluth was guiding them calmly, while Ahu Lili was in a daze.

Luo Wei was just watching from the crack of the door, and Princess Dogniss still spotted him at a glance.

Ahu Lili: "..."

Luo Wei: "..."

Forgot her bite was marked.

Why didn't you show it before?Um, did she deliberately pretend not to notice?

Luo Wei didn't intend to go in, and nodded to her, indicating that she was fine.

Lily nuzzled at him, then tilted her head up, her big tail swaying slightly.

It seems that there is nothing to worry about.

"Okay, I believe everyone has been looking forward to it and can't wait any longer!!"

Adam's enthusiastic hosting voice came out from the magic amplifier device.

"Tonight, we are all witnesses to the trend of the times, now—let us witness this moment that everyone is looking forward to!"

"Please, the number one idol girl group in mainland China - ACB48!!"

The girls were all startled, their ears all pricked up.

"No's time to play..."

"I am not ready yet……"

"Do you really want to perform in front of so many people?"

Someone turned around in fear, facing Iluth's cold gaze, and immediately suppressed the thought of running away.

"Go," but Iluth said only shallowly, "According to the usual pace of training, you will conquer this era."

The girls collectively froze for a moment.

Is this... complimenting us?
She was praising us! ?

Go, Luo Wei also said in his heart.

Everything in the past will be condensed into fruits at this moment, to become the existence that attracts the attention of the public, and to win the worship of the people.

"Let's go," Ahu Lili firmly turned to the stage, "We are not alone."


Some girls laughed.

"Of course we are not alone, we are beastmen..."

"But also an idol."

Hearing this sentence, the girls seemed to have truly understood the weight of the word at this moment, calmed down, stopped wandering, and mustered up the courage to step onto the stage.

The whole place was silent.

Since Adam stepped down, the stage was pitch black, and even the lights around the square were all extinguished. On the stage that was even blocked by the moonlight, it was only by concentrating that one could see someone coming up.

Can't see anything, but always feels like something is going to happen.


With a long onomatopoeia, the music played, and the stage gradually lit up under the magic lights. People couldn't help but gasp in amazement, because the stage was completely different from what they had seen before.

It was a platform raised in the shape of a six-pointed star, and 16 orc girls were dressed in gorgeous but not heavy costumes, and each of them was full of energetic smiles eager to show.

"What kind of song is this?"

I heard that the five princesses of the Lion Garden declared that this performance would overturn the times. Many well-known theater troupes came to the town from all over the world, including the "Hoshino Fire" troupe from the Hooffire Empire, known as the flower of the world.

Ever since they heard the name "ACB48", they have been puzzled. Now that the music and the stage are presented together, they quickly realized that this is indeed an unprecedented performance.


How do they interpret this style?
With the continuous strengthening of the mixing of musical instruments and the integration of fast-paced drums, the girls made dance moves to the tune, and these artists were surprised.

Instead of dancing to the melody, dance to the beat.

Before they could react, the girls began to sing, and when they opened their mouths, goosebumps appeared unconsciously, and they listened with a demeanor like a fish.

"Hello, hello, please give me the stage"

"Hello, hello, success or failure is cute"

The subtitles are displayed synchronously below the stage, and everyone can clearly see the lyrics.

Vermeer stood beside Bishop Monica, swaying left and right with the music, and sang along with them.

"Oh hey hey baby, I'm not afraid to stop you~"

Saya was sitting on the highest roof, looking down at the brilliant stage, with a face of shame and at the same time the corners of her mouth unconsciously moved.

"The best position for dreams, because you have a preference, and you have a preference"

A Yining also sang silently in the field.

"My dream, when you wake up, this beauty will light up because of you"

Watching this scene, Luo Wei came out from behind the door and watched the performance on the stage from the side.

The tunes and dances are not 100% reproduced, but they are achieved in terms of interpretation.

She didn't bother Iluth to control the lights with magic power, but saw Lovely nodding along with the rhythm on the other side of the stage, her mouth still moving.

I'm afraid they are also singing along.

As for the audience off the court, although they couldn't see the expressions of the audience behind them clearly, the front row had obviously fallen, showing a foolish look.

At the climax of the first rhythm, the other two hexagonal stages were lit up at the same time, and 48 orc girls danced and sang at the same time:

"Pick me pick me upx3"

"The more you love, the cuter I am"

In the rap part, Shirley came out with a few centaur girls, which once again caused an impact. Luo Wei didn't remember this part of the lyrics, and they were all based on the rhythm. Shirley practiced for a long time.


Without any foreshadowing, every second is a burst.

Until the end of the performance of more than three minutes, judging from the stupid appearance, the audience hadn't recovered from it, and they were still in place even when the music stopped.

The orc girls gasped for their full performance, Ahu Lili took the hands of the sisters around her, and everyone held hands in turn, bowing deeply to the audience together.

They are still uncertain.

But no regrets.

After putting in all their efforts, this is the best result they can show after so many days of hard work.

The whole place was silent.

In such silence, the orc girls closed their eyes tightly, their palms were sweating, and they still refused to get up.

Until the first applause sounded from the crowd.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Under such movement, the crowd finally reacted, and the applause gradually turned into light rain, moderate rain, and heavy rain...

Until the end, there was thunderous applause.


The girls raised their heads in astonishment and saw the crowd applauding for them. They couldn't bear it any longer, and tears welled up in their eyes.


Hugging each other, celebrating recognition on stage, showing their true emotions that they never hide.

Iluth smiled lightly beside Rovi.

"Thank you for showing me something nice."

"No need to be modest," Luo Wei responded calmly, "It's time to talk about your compensation."

Without Ilus, the performance of the orcs would not be successful. After staying in the valley for so many days, she must have understood the purpose of their performance. She deliberately avoided talking about the remuneration, obviously she had other plans.

"That can be discussed later," the witch smiled slightly, "Your girls are coming back, prepare to welcome them."

what are my girls...

On the field, after ACB48 bowed to the audience again, he trotted all the way back to this side, and embraced Iluth and Luo Wei as soon as they entered the backstage.

Luo Wei raised his hands and didn't know where to put them. He just felt submerged in a beautiful ocean.

Ah Hu Lili, who was standing aside, was also pushed over at last, and slammed into Luo Wei's arms. After supporting her, the two looked at each other.

"Thank you……"

Seeing her blushing, the girls around her booed one after another, Ahu Lili could only bury her head down, extremely embarrassed.

And not long after, Adam's hosting voice also spread to the backstage, which meant that they were invited to perform on stage again. After that, there was an individual interview session for each person, and the third round of closing performance.

"Then... I'm going." Ahu Lili Xiaoli pushed away his embrace, turned and walked towards the stage.

Luo Wei stood there and smiled.

"Go, my idol."

Ahu Lili's back paused.


She took a calm step, raised her head and chest, and walked towards the brightly lit stage again.

 The lyrics are from the theme song of "Produce 101".

  ACB48 is an idea from book friend "xing133" (A Ctue Beast 48)

(End of this chapter)

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