Chapter 240 The Threatened Voldemort

"I have to say that horcrux creation is an extremely powerful and profound black magic. If used well, no one in the world can kill you. But unfortunately, Mr. Riddle, you made a very stupid decision .”

"It's not a good idea to make those prestigious items into Horcruxes. They're too easy to find."

"Four of the six Horcruxes you made have now been destroyed, leaving only the last two—the Ravenclar diadem and Slytherin's locket,"

Umbridge's words paused, and she remembered the locket that Professor Tang begged for from her.

"Don't worry, as I said before, I don't mind our little unpleasantness before, I hope everyone can become friends, for this reason, I found the last two Horcruxes, and protected them from Dumbledore Destroyed by the professor."

"I am happy to return the two Horcruxes to you. Unfortunately, I am very busy recently, but it does not matter. I will go to the Ministry of Magic in three months. You should have heard that something will happen there—— I need to help the magician."

"If you want to be my friend, you can find me there. Of course, if you want to be my enemy—"

"Then in order to protect myself, I can only hand over the Horcrux to Professor Dumbledore. He must be happy to protect me. It is worth mentioning that as a fortune teller, I can find your location at any time. I mean , if all the Horcruxes are destroyed, then Professor Dumbledore must want to meet Mr. Riddle in person, doesn't he?"

"Of course, maybe you want to come to me immediately to ask for the Horcrux. I sincerely advise you not to do this. Believe me, it is not wise to harbor ill will against a person who can see the future. Before you decide to act , I will directly destroy the two Horcruxes, and tell Professor Dumbledore your specific location by the way."

"I trust you will make the right choice."

"Professor of Divination at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Townsend."

After finally reading the letter, Umbridge stretched out her hand tremblingly, and handed the letter over. She lowered her head, not daring to look into Voldemort's eyes.

There was silence around, no one dared to speak, even those Death Eaters began to tremble with fear.

The content of this letter was beyond their expectations. There is no doubt that it was the first time they knew the existence of Horcruxes and why Voldemort was able to come back from the dead.

And the current situation is whether Voldemort will silence everyone present because he wants to keep this secret. The Death Eaters know how crazy their master is, and it is entirely possible for him to do so, let alone——

Everyone realized that their master might not be in a good mood right now, that the mighty Dark Lord, whom wizards dare not even mention by name, was being threatened.

Voldemort took the letter and carefully read every word on it.

"What else did he say?"

His voice finally broke the silence.

"No more." Umbridge lowered his head and replied in a low voice, "I just delivered the letter. Now that the letter has been delivered, can I leave?"

Voldemort stared at her, the letter in his hand turned into a cloud of dust without warning.

This made Umbridge tremble more violently, and her desire to survive made her say quickly: "I am Professor Tang's right-hand man, if you hurt me, he will be very angry."

"I mean, you don't want Professor Tang to destroy the last Horcrux, do you?"

Voldemort raised his wand.

"Actually, I didn't intend to kill you, but—"

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green spell hit Umbridge directly in the face, and her life was taken away in an instant.

"Are you worthy of threatening me?"

A few mornings later, the Great Hall of Hogwarts Castle.

"Cornel Fudge announces his resignation, and Albus Dumbledore will take over as Minister of Magic."

Hermione looked at the headline on the front page of the latest edition of the Daily Prophet with a complicated expression on her face.

"I knew Professor Dumbledore could do it, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Ron said: "Hermione, this is not surprising. You have not lived in the wizarding world since childhood, so you are not so impressed with Professor Dumbledore's influence. Let me tell you this, almost all existing British wizards All students of Professor Dumbledore, including those employed by the Ministry of Magic."

"As long as it is through elections, no one can beat Professor Dumbledore. As long as he wants, he can even become the president of the International Federation of Wizards. I heard Bossy say that many years ago, he almost passed Accepted, only to be rejected by him. The only thing I wonder is, how could Fudge be willing to resign?"

"He had to," said Harry. "After Professor Dumbledore announced that he was going to conspire—that's what he said in the Daily Prophet. Anyway, after that report came out, Fudge It's not a good day."

"Those employees of the Ministry of Magic began to not cooperate with his work, and he disobeyed his orders. Most importantly, he encountered several warning attacks. Obviously, those non-fatal attacks did not come from dark wizards. Most of them are probably the supporters of the magician—they can't bear Fudge's slander against the magician for a long time."

"These attacks have made Fudge disgraced, and even his house was blown up. If he doesn't resign, I'm afraid the next one to be blown up will be his head."

"How do you know this?" Ron looked at him in surprise: "We've been locked up in the castle these days, I mean, even during the confinement period by Snape!"

"Obviously Sirius told him." Hermione said: "After Umbridge disappeared, the monitoring of the Floo network was also removed, and Harry chatted with Sirius in the fireplace almost every night."

"This is the most comfortable few days of my school year." Harry put a smile on his face: "Umbridge is finally gone!"

"Don't be too happy, I must remind you that Hogwarts always needs a headmaster. Now that Dumbledore is gone, a new headmaster will take office soon, and we don't know what will happen then."

"Professor Dumbledore has become the Minister of Magic. He will definitely not appoint someone like Umbridge to be the headmaster. If there is no accident, I think it will be Professor McGonagall. She is the vice-headmaster." Harry took it for granted guessed.

"It may also be Professor Snape." Ron said quietly.

Harry jumped to his feet, shaking his head frantically in protest.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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