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Chapter 181 I am the God of Light, I can do whatever I want

Chapter 181 I am the God of Light, I can do whatever I want

Alger Wilson closed a cowhide notebook and looked at the white fog-shrouded sea outside the window. He manipulated the power of the wind to wrap himself around himself, and stood suspended in front of the window.

He admired the white world outside, his heart felt peaceful, and his thoughts spread in all directions. Gradually, he closed his eyes slowly, enjoying the moment.

Although the Sonia Sea is not like the Misty Sea, there is often a lot of fog, but every autumn and winter mornings, the area to the north is filled with not-so-thin fog from time to time.

The "Blue Avenger" he was driving was returning to the coast of Loen along the border of Sonia Island through the sea of ​​fog. Ready to be furnished.

Alger made reasonable plans for his future itinerary in an orderly manner in his mind, material reserves, missions of the Church of Storms in the war, opportunities in the war, and most importantly, the mission assigned by Mister Fool.

For him, a church member who has been with the sea for a long time, saving the masses may not have much to do with him, but he can maintain order by sending his men to Bayam.

Do not.
Not enough, he has to be eye-catching enough, but once the war starts, the Church of Storms will also act
The tasks of the two immediate superiors may be in conflict.
Alger's thoughts began to appear a little messy, and he felt that he needed to spend some time sorting it out, and while completing Mister Fool's tasks to the greatest extent, he also worked part-time to complete the tasks of the Church of the Storm.

Suddenly, his eyes were fixed, and some silvery white flashed in his pupils, and he saw a huge ship with sails hanging in the distant fog passing silently.

This ship is not alone, there are many of its kind behind it, and they form a long fleet. These ships are covered with mottled scarlet rust, which means that there are high-ranking hunters and extraordinary people on them.
There is at least one Iron Blood Knight of Sequence 4 on it
"The war has come." Alger floated on the deck, looking solemnly at the silent fleet heading towards the Loen Kingdom.

Sonia Island was one of the triggers of this war.This island has a crucial strategic position for both the Loen Kingdom and the Feysac Empire.

If it is occupied by Loen, then Fusac's eastern navy will be blocked in the cold north, unable to compete for the various colonial islands in the Sonia Sea. At the same time, if Fusac's army wants to launch a war, it will also be around Travel nearly a thousand kilometers of mountains.

And Sonia Island is occupied by the Feysac Empire. Starting from here, all the ports in the northern and central parts of Loen will be within the strategic attack range of the Feysac Kingdom, and even the capital Backlund will be hit by Feysac at any time. Imperial Air Raid.

In fact, this war for strategic points between the two countries has lasted for 20 years, but this time.
Recalling the news he learned at the Tarot Society, Argel felt cold in his hands and feet.

The war involving the gods, this time I am afraid it will not be good, and it will be far more violent than the large and small frictions in the past 20 years.

The storm is coming

At 8:00 in the morning, inside the Nightingale Tavern.

Deren Esso, the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Loen and the former owner of the Nightingale Tavern, is organizing the staff for "team building" together with his personal subordinate Elsa.

He couldn't figure out what the angel was thinking. He shouldn't speculate on the thinking logic of a mythical creature, maybe it was a ritual need or a deeper purpose.

But who cares?Deren Esso touched a piece of letter paper on his chest, which recorded the relevant formulas and ritual conditions of Sequence 3 Chaos Hunter.

That angel has given him enough sweetness, and even promised to give him the main material, his own job, based on his contribution to the work?What job?
'Isn't my job just to take care of everything for Lord Salier, and to search for relevant information on the worshipers of the original moon? '

The Deputy Minister of Justice is not in the unit during working hours?Isn't there still a minister? Who cares about where a deputy minister who has no hope of competition has gone today.

As for whether this angel has any earth-shattering plots, this is something that the top leaders of the church and the kingdom should worry about. He can no longer escape control, so he might as well think about how to obtain the greatest benefit.

Hmm. And he has a certain relationship with the Church of Evernight, maybe I can also join the Church of Evernight.

"Did those children not come?" Deren Esso looked at McCarroll who came to the tavern in normal clothes and asked, "Mr. Salier prepared gifts for the underage children."

McCarroll was silent for a while, then shook his head and looked around, "Is the new boss not here?"

"No, Mr. Salier won't be here today." Deren Esso glanced at the time on his watch, and made a very gentlemanly gesture of invitation.

McCarroll shook his head and said with some apologies:
"Today is Nalo's birthday and I'm going back to celebrate him."

"If possible, please help me thank Mr. Salir for his kindness."

Deren Esso stared at McCarroll, "It's the same when you bring them here."

"There are too many of them." There was longing in McCarroll's eyes, and she looked at the lively tavern slightly absent-mindedly.

"I'm going back."

Deren Esso nodded, and the presence of McCarroll in front of him faded away. The girl didn't like being exposed to the public's sight. He knew some basic situations but didn't want to interfere too much.

As the former boss, he only offered her a job after she refused to join the official organization. Thanks to her, he had an extra income of about 100 pounds a month.

Of course, if he continues to work under him, he will use her someday when he can use her. It is not impossible for a Sequence 7 Beyonder to study further.

"I hope this angel brings the gospel instead of the abyss." Deren Esso sighed and cheered up and began to guide the employees to carry out some entertainment activities.

Backlund Hillston District, Seventh Avenue, Starry Church.

Klein walked along the aisle to the large prayer hall, and the disguise on his face was gradually removed to reveal his true face.

The narrow high windows along the way are inlaid with blue and red finely broken patterns, and the rays of morning light penetrated into it and were dyed in color. The blue is almost black, and the red is like a moon, setting off the surroundings extremely dark.

The styles of the Church of the Evernight are actually similar in various places, but the style here is most similar to the Church of St. Selina, the headquarters of the Church of the Evernight in Tingen.

Klein glanced at the holy emblem of the night on the altar, then looked up at the sky, lowered his head, clasped his hands, and began to pray:
"Lower than the starry sky, and more ancient than eternity, Goddess of the Night, you are the mother of secrets, the queen of calamities and fears."

A moment later, a female figure wearing a simple linen robe, a bark belt, long black hair, and no shoes and socks came out of the prayer room of the church.

The leader of the ascetic monks of the Church of Evernight, the angel Arianna on the ground.

Unlike before, surprise and confusion appeared on her calm and permanent face, "The goddess asked me to cooperate with you and those two"


Backlund, King's Road, Serenzo's Restaurant.

Zhongli let go of the tableware in his hand, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said gently to the head chef of the restaurant, Lampello:
"Today's lunch banquet will trouble you."

"Where?" Lampello said with a chuckle: "Although there was a reservation for a guest before, it is a great help that you are willing to use the same menu."

This middle-aged man with reddish hair and thick arms smiled heartily. He was dressed in a white chef's attire and saluted Zhongli.

"Are there enough people?" Zhongli asked.

"Everyone, even those who are on vacation have been recalled." Lampello patted his chest and made a gesture that you can rest assured, "It is fully capable of handling the banquet at noon today."

"That's good." Zhong Li smiled, picked up the towel brought by the waiter at the side, wiped his palms and walked out the door.

A tall, young female chef with short blond hair ran out of the corridor in a hurry, holding a small box in her hand.

"Good morning, Miss Lucia." Zhong Li greeted Lucia who was running over there.

"Good morning! Mr. Mora!" Lucia held a small box in both hands, her face flushed, "This is my newly made dessert cake, can you please try it while talking to yourself?"

"Lucia!" Lampello was about to scold, but when Zhong Li raised his hand to stop him, he put out what he wanted to say next.

"I happen to want to eat some sweets." Zhong Li took the cake box from Lucia's hand, "May God bless you to have a good day, Miss Lucia."

"I'll let you know what I think of this cake when I come by at noon."

I hope it's what you think of me.
Lucia nodded, watching the back of Zhong Li walking towards the lobby of the Serenzo restaurant and then leaving, she couldn't help dreaming in her heart.

Zhong Li walked out of the restaurant and took a carriage along the King's Road to Memorial Day Square.

The kingdom's upper and lower parliaments, various departments, the city hall, and the kingdom's Ministry of Finance are all here. There are also many early-rising pedestrians on the square. They include civil servants, students, and workers. They are walking in all directions one after another.

Zhong Li walked towards the fountain in the center, and a flock of white pigeons flew on the road. He found a bench next to the flower bed and sat down, holding the cake box that Lucia had just given him in his hand.

The withered and yellow leaves of the Intis sycamore tree drifted with the wind. He opened the small box in his hand, and inside was a small piece of red rose cake, with white animal cream written on it in Loen language, 'May you have a wonderful life. One day', with a small wooden spoon beside it.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhongli's mouth, and he picked up a wooden spoon to taste quietly.

"Sir, you are really interested." A man with black hair and brown eyes sat down on the other side of the bench where Zhongli was sitting, and poured a cup of hot tea into the cup-shaped lid of the thermos cup in his hand.

He handed the hot tea in the lid to Zhongli, "The tea you just brewed, would you like a cup?"

Zhong Li glanced at the man, and reached out to take the lid of the cup, "Thank you, Mr. Benson."

Benson froze for a moment, then asked in surprise, "Do you know me?"

"I know your younger brother Klein, he once introduced you to me." Zhong Li put down the wooden spoon, looked at the deep red tea soup and said:
"Don't you have to go to work?"

"You must be his colleague." A trace of sadness flashed in Benson's eyes, and then he laughed, "My brother said that every minute you spend at work is charged, and you won't get a raise if you arrive early. "

"Especially our kind of employees."

"It's his character," Zhong Li said affirmatively.

Five minutes later, Zhongli, who had finished eating the cake, drank the hot tea in one gulp, and handed the lid of the cup back to Benson.

Benson glanced at the time on his watch, and it was 2:9 in two minutes.

Putting the lid on the cup, Benson raised the hat on his head to signal his farewell, "I'm going to work soon, I hope you have a good day."

"Mr. Benson." Zhong Li spoke slowly and said with a smile:

"Every separation will have a day of reunion."

Benson was stunned for a moment, smiled, and replied affirmatively, "Yes."

Backlund, North District, Saint Samuel Church.

Su Lin squatted at the top of the church, with a bronze bell with stars and crescent moon hanging on his head. He stared at the sky, the sky where the sun was rising.

A group of thick clouds began to move toward Backlund in the sky, as if being blown by the wind, but at an extremely slow speed.

Different from the world of the Dragon Clan, no matter what he does in that world, he doesn't care. Lu Mingfei's future will not be worse than the past. He can do whatever he wants and someone will clean up the mess.

not this time
Speaking of it, his process of gaining power was basically a leap forward. It was obviously only less than two years ago that Su Lin said in the group that no one dared to compete with him for this position.

From frugality to extravagance, he has adapted to the current power unconsciously, and in a short period of time, the things he has experienced are neither small nor small.

But when he thought of the scene he was about to witness with his own eyes, he couldn't feel better.

It's not that Su Lin has never seen a war, he just rose from the top of the Pirate World. Compared with this war, the scale of the war in the Pirate World is far less than this time.

But this actually doesn't have much to do with me, I'm just a passer-by, isn't I?

Sometimes I actually envy Azu. If he is Azu's character, he would get benefits and leave, do whatever he wants, and make himself happy.

'I am the God of Light, I can do whatever the hell I want! '

Su Lin shook his head, throwing the messy thoughts out of his mind.

The software thinking is not compatible, and the hardware strength conditions do not support it, unless he can step on the Seven Gods and tear the old days, unfortunately, it may take more than ten years, and luck is almost a few decades.

Su Lin set his sights on Backlund Technical University not far away.

The yellowed dead leaves are falling with the autumn wind, and the students come and go on campus with books or bags.

It's different this time. They are all ordinary people like me before, not some pirates, nor some navy.


With a long sigh, Su Lin pulled the bell rope and rang the ancient clock.



With the sound of the distant bell, Su Lin's appearance dissolved into the void like a mirage, changing from a blond youth to the original appearance with black hair and black eyes.

In the depths of the eyes, there seemed to be light blooming like flower buds, and it was dyed platinum in an instant, and the particles of light gathered behind them, forming six bright wings of light.

Su Lin smiled in the direction of Backlund Technical University.

Suddenly, his figure collapsed and turned into white light balls the size of marbles, rolling and bouncing from the top of the tower along the red-tiled eaves, falling to the streets, falling to the roofs of houses everywhere, falling to every corner of the campus. a corner.

Backlund Technical University is an institution of higher learning in Loen. As the first students of this newly established university, these young people are full of vigor and yearning for the future. They gather together every day to discuss their ideals, recite poems, study Technology, simple and happy.

Melissa Moretti was walking among the students. She heard the bell ringing from the direction of the church. Before she entered, she looked up at the top of St. Samuel's Church, and her footsteps stopped involuntarily.


(End of this chapter)

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