I, the protagonist of the system stream, join the chat group

Chapter 141 I will attack in the form of the God of Light

Chapter 141 I will attack in the form of the God of Light

"Dad, Mom, open the door! I'm back."

In a community with fairly good greenery, Su Lin was slapping the anti-theft door with his palm. He deliberately withdrew his strength for fear of breaking the anti-theft door.

A few years after their family moved to this house, their parents sold the old house and put up some savings to buy a new house in this county. It happened to catch up with the boom in the real estate industry a few years ago. The bustling sales center is scrambling to sign contracts.

Now, anyway, it can't be sold at the original price.

"Hey, are you back?" Su Xiangrong opened the security door, and glanced at the cardboard boxes behind Su Lin. There were several boxes. Judging from the gaps in the transparent tape, they seemed to be fruits.

"Dad, help me carry it in." Su Lin lifted two boxes of fruit and walked into the house.

Su Lin's father, Su Xiangrong, is an employee of the local water company, and his mother, Liu Yumei, runs a small supermarket.

The family conditions are average. If I and my family are free from illness and disaster for a lifetime, then the family can still have some savings, and they can live well in county towns or third- and fourth-tier cities.

"Is this the new product grafted by you and your friends?" Su Xiangrong looked it over, and lifted two boxes to carry it in.

"Yes, the taste is good, you and my mother should eat more."

This middle-aged man with a square face was of medium build, with some white hair on his temples, and a pair of glasses. He happily looked at the local products that Su Lin had brought back.

The smell of chicken soup wafted from the living room at home, and it came from the kitchen.

Su Lin sniffed, his eyes lit up, and said, "Stewed mushrooms?"

"In the morning, I bought some mushrooms sold by farmers at the farmer's market, tea tree mushrooms and the like. I saw that the annual price has not risen much, so I bought some stewed chicken." Su Xiangrong took out her key and poked the transparent tape on the carton, and suddenly remembered : "How did you lift it up?"

"I asked the taxi driver to help carry it, and I gave an extra 50 yuan, just for Chinese New Year." Su Lin said.

"If you make money, you must know how to save money." Su Xiangrong smiled helplessly, "Call me, I'll go down and move up, why don't you give me 50 yuan, I can still buy Bao Huazi."


"I heard that you earned hundreds of thousands?" Su Xiangrong picked up a fruit and looked at it, then sniffed it close to his nose: "It's a variety I've never seen before, it's a bit like a pear, it doesn't smell like it, it smells so good!"

Just smelling this fruity fragrance, people are much more energetic, this refreshing fruity fragrance is much stronger than the usual fruits.

"Your mother still wants me to call you and say that if you can't find a job, I will let you come back to take the civil service exam. Hey, I said let him make another breakthrough. You really made a name for yourself."

Su Xiangrong babbled to Su Lin about what Liu Yumei did not do well and what ideas were wrong in the past year. Although they are husband and wife, they often have different ideas. Every time Su Lin goes home, he listens to these two people. Each complains.

Su Lin could only smile helplessly, and listened to his father while helping with the work.

In his previous life, he was often urged to take exams, blind dates, and all kinds of miscellaneous things. Sometimes he was able to stubbornly resist, and sometimes he had no choice but to compromise.

This time, you should be able to live the way you want.

At night, Su Lin had dinner with his family, and after watching the Spring Festival Gala for a while, he returned to the room he hadn't been in for many years.

The moment he opened the door, Su Lin was stunned.

"these things…"

Su Lin almost forgot that he used to be a relatively nerdy person in college. After starting to work in his previous life, he only occasionally read novels and anime. He often played games, and then he played less and less games...

After traveling to this parallel world, it was the first time for him to return to his hometown, let alone this bedroom.

Keqing's pillow, domestic Saber figures, posters of Asuna, Irena, Wuhe Kotori...

Um? !Irene? !
Su Lin slapped himself on the forehead, threw out a ball of flames and burned all of Irena's posters.

It's embarrassing, this kind of thing.

Since it's not a paper person, it's time for a "divorce".

The sound of fireworks outside the window sounded, Su Lin glanced at the time displayed on his phone, it was only 10:39, and someone started sneaking away to set off the fireworks.

A small county is also good, at least the fireworks control is not so strict, you may not be able to buy them in the city, but you can still buy them if you go a little farther to the villages and towns.

Speaking of fireworks...


If it can be bombed again, it will be a New Year greeting to the people of the whole country.

Su Lin is conceiving the script in his mind. It seems that it is better to use real explosives to be more old-fashioned and safer. Uncle Sam happens to have a lot of fireworks in Hokkaido's warehouse, so it is not a problem to borrow them.

"I will attack in the form of the God of Light!"

Su Lin took out the wicked map and searched for the direction of Tokyo, then disappeared into the room in the form of a streamer, and completed the switch between the main body and the historical projection in mid-air.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, when the Spring Festival Gala came to an end, Su Lin had already returned home and watched the Spring Festival Gala with his parents. Su Lin's parents were a little surprised. Their son would either go back to the room to play with his mobile phone or play with the computer at this time of year.

[The taste of one year old and one year old, the scenery of one stop and one stop]

The host was speaking the closing speech with a smile on his face. His smile froze for a moment, and then he said with uncontrollable trembling and joy:

[Sorry, an urgent news is broadcast to the national audience, located in Tokyo, Japan.]

[A violent explosion occurred, the specific cause is still under investigation. 】

At first, it was the exclamations from one or two families, but gradually, the voices began to cover the entire community. Su Lin remembered that it was the same situation when a certain game team won the championship in college.

[As the saying goes, people are in good spirits on happy occasions. I wish the viewers and friends in front of the TV, every year there will be today, and every year will have today. 】

[One more urgent news, fireworks and firecrackers in all places are temporarily allowed to be produced and sold. 】

Seeing that it was the newly revised lines, Su Lin showed a smile on his face, and turned back to the room amidst the successive release of fireworks and cheers from the crowd, hiding his achievements and fame.

Su Lin originally wanted to take out his laptop and use his reaction and ability beyond ordinary humans to experience abuse in the game, but news came from the chat group.

Lu Mingfei: "Happy New Year, here are the red envelopes."

It was a private message from Lu Mingfei.

Su Lin: "Calibrate Nancy's river accounts."

Lu Mingfei: "I'm just kidding! I brought you a New Year's gift, come to Shuijing Peak to get it."

Su Lin: "A gift?"

Su Lin was a little curious, and returned to Shuijing Peak. When he saw the edges and corners hidden under the huge curtain, he instantly understood.

Lu Mingfei tore off the curtain. This is a humanoid mecha, about 20 meters in height. The body of the armor is off-white. long horns.

Lu Mingfei glanced at it greedily, and said to Su Lin, "Can you lend me to play, please!"

When he told Lao Lu that he wanted it too, Lao Lu threw a bunch of pictures of girls to him, and said bluntly: "Take a girl, a Gundam."

Su Lin looked at this Unicorn Gundam unexpectedly. Strictly speaking, he is not a rubber guy. There is not even a model in his room, but it does not hinder his love for this large machine. This thing has been made, and it moves so fast, Heiwang Technology is number one in the world!

"Why are you still standing here?" Su Lin glanced at Lu Mingfei and said, "Aren't you going home, isn't your little girlfriend worried about you?"

As Su Lin was talking, he stood in front of the mecha as if he was protecting a calf, and urged, "If you want to practice, hurry up and go home, otherwise Erika will worry about you."

Lu Mingfei glanced at the huge mecha reluctantly, and glanced at Su Lin with resentment, then got into the portal and left Shuijing Peak. Su Lin couldn't wait to enter the cockpit, ready to practice, and then
He saw a thick manual.

The excitement was suddenly poured cold water.

(End of this chapter)

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