1980 My Literary Era.

Chapter 594 Who are you scolding?

Chapter 594 Who are you scolding?

The first issue of "Kyushu Heroes" was launched in mid-July, and 40 copies were printed within a week.

After a few days, before the end of the month, another 30 copies were printed, bringing the total circulation to 80 copies.

It went on sale in mid-July, and in less than half a month, it was reprinted twice, and the number of reprints each time was several times that of the first printing.

Anyone can see that this publication has become a major trend, there is no need for three or four issues, only one issue, breaking the total sales of one million copies is a certainty.

A few people from Tongwen News Agency have been in a dream for the past few days. It is only the first issue. They are really a little scared that they can have such a momentum.

When "Legend of the Ancient Times" was first published, the first issue only sold more than 20 copies, but now the monthly sales have stabilized at more than 200 million copies, a tenfold increase.

If the sales volume of the first issue of "Kyushu Heroes" exceeds 100 million copies, wouldn't that mean...

Don't dare to think, don't dare to think at all!
"Kyushu Heroes" was a blockbuster, not only made several young comrades in the editorial department in a trance, but even the colleagues of the Guowen Society were also amazed.

Everyone was still discussing the sales volume of the third issue breaking one million, but now, where do people need three issues, one issue is enough!

The sales volume of the inaugural issue broke one million. In the Chinese newspaper industry, this situation is unheard of, and it can be called a monstrosity!
Everyone guessed very carefully that the first issue broke one million copies. After half a year and a year of development, it should not be difficult for the single issue of "Kyushu Heroes" to stabilize at 200 million copies. This is another "Contemporary".

What is the status of "Contemporary" in the Guowen Society?
To put it simply, half of Guowenshe's annual publications are supported by "Contemporary".

Although publications are not books, there is no difference in printing, right?Does it make any difference if you sell it for money?
"Contemporary" is priced at 3 yuan and 8 cents, and "Kyushu Heroes" is slightly lower than "Contemporary", at 3 yuan and 4 cents. Both are monthly magazines, with one issue per month.

If the publications are handed over to the distribution channels, some discounts must be given, but no matter how they are calculated, these two publications will create an output value of 6000 to [-] million for their respective publishing houses every year.

Therefore, relying on the publication of "Kyushu Heroes" alone, the foundation of Tongbunshe has been established.

Li Xuegang, who went on a business trip to Xiangjiang a few days ago, came back, and it is said that he brought back the publishing rights of several famous martial arts masters in Xiangjiang. The names of Huang Ying and Huang Yi are not familiar to everyone, but the names of Liang Yusheng and Wen Rui'an are not familiar to everyone. No strangers, but anyone who reads martial arts novels knows the names of these two people.

Thinking about the effect of Jin Yong's works collection after it was put on sale, even if the works of these few people were introduced, even if they were discounted in half, it would still have a terrifying effect.

The colleagues of the Guowen Society couldn't help but sigh, after half a year of tossing, the Tongwen Society really made Lin Weimin toss and work.

No, not only is it alive, but it is very nourishing.

Some colleagues even began to boldly predict that the publication volume of Tongwen News Agency would exceed that of Guowen News Agency. Some guessed for one year, some guessed for two years, and at most no more than three years.

In the past two years, pure literature has not been as popular as it used to be. On the contrary, popular literature is rising rapidly, and it is only a matter of time before the publication volume of the Tongwen Press surpasses that of the Guowen Press.

Some colleagues even regretted that Lin Weimin did not follow up when Lin Weimin wanted to establish the Tongwen Society. Now that the Tongwen Society has just been established for half a year, it has already shown a strong development potential. If you go to Tongwen News Agency, you may be able to get a part-time job in the future.

For many young and middle-aged editors who are depressed in the editing room, the rise of Tongbunshe has given everyone hope.

Li Xuegang, the current editor-in-chief of the News Agency, is a vivid example.

Li Xuegang used to be the backbone of the second editorial office of contemporary literature, but because of his young age and low qualifications, there is basically no room for improvement, and good things are not his turn.

When I went to Tongwen News Agency, Lin Weimin immediately promoted me to the position of editor-in-chief. At first, everyone didn’t pay attention to it, because Tongwen News Agency is really small and pitiful. Going to be the editor-in-chief of the Tongwen News Agency is not as good as working in the important editorial office of the Guowen News Agency. a normal editor.

However, in just a few months, the development of Tongwen News Agency has achieved a triple jump. At this time, the gold content of Li Xuegang, the editor-in-chief of the editorial office, became apparent.

The editor-in-chief in his early 30s should be the youngest editor-in-chief in the Chinese Literature Society, even if it is only the editor-in-chief of the sub-brand agency.

If the News Agency continues to develop in the future, Li Xuegang may become the deputy editor-in-chief, vice-president, or even the chief editor and president.

Lao Cheng will be [-] in a few years. When Lin Weimin is promoted, at least he will be able to free up a position of editor-in-chief. Li Xuegang is also the founding father of the Tongwen Society, and there is a high possibility of being promoted to the editor-in-chief.

Thinking about the piles of seats in the Tongwen Society in the future, many people in the Guowen Society are envious.

When I worked as an editor at Tongwen News Agency, the original "decentralization" quickly became "motivation", and some colleagues in the agency were eager to move.

Some time ago, Lin Weimin asked Cheng Zaochun for a few people. Originally, Cheng Zaochun agreed to assign a few college students who were interns in the proofreading department.

Things have taken a strange turn in the past few days.

Many colleagues found Lin Weimin privately, hoping to be transferred to Tongwen News Agency to work.

If one or two people came to him, Lin Weimin would say hello to the director of the editorial department, and maybe he would accept it.

But there were too many people to look for, almost every editorial office came to look for them, and Lin Weimin had no choice but to bring up the situation during meetings.

After listening to his statement, the faces of the several editorial directors were not very good-looking, and the people under them wanted to run away. No matter what, they were criticizing them in disguise for not doing their job well.

Cheng Zaochun, the president, also shook his head helplessly. There are too many talents. There are advantages and disadvantages. Who wants to be a leader, but there are only so many seats. Old comrades have not retired, so you can't push them out of their seats. Young people Can only wait, can only boil.

"In my opinion, this is also a good thing. Every year, we recruit a new group of young people in the Chinese Cultural Society. After so many years, many young people have grown up. They have ideals and aspirations, but they have no room to display them.

Now that everyone is willing to go to the Tongwen Society, the first point proves that the development achievements of our Tongwen Society have been recognized by colleagues in the society, and the second point can also solve the problem of talent flow within the society to a certain extent.

There have been more and more temptations in the society in recent years. These young people have been unable to find a way to advance in our publishing house, and they may leave because of this. Before this, this kind of thing has not happened.

Originally, my idea was to assign the college students who finished their internship in the proofreading department to three people in the news agency. Now that colleagues from other editorial offices want to go, I will change it.

Four people were assigned to the News Agency, one of whom was a college student, and the other three were selected from the candidates mentioned by Weimin just now.

During this period of time, Tongbun News Agency's performance is booming, and there is a shortage of manpower, so I will give you one more person.What do you think? "

After Cheng Zaochun finished speaking, he looked at everyone and Lin Weimin must have no objection. He thought that all the editors who came to Tongwen News Agency were young and energetic editors who had no room for improvement.

The other directors of the editorial office were silent, and none of them wanted to be the first to express their opinion.

In the end, Li Xin from the first section of contemporary literature couldn't bear it anymore, and asked, "Leader, there are quite a few people who want to go to the Tongwen Society, how do you choose this candidate?"

"It's simple, just draw lots." Lin Weimin wrote lightly.

The directors of the editorial office are disgusted after hearing that. The editors of our superior publishing house are going to be transferred to the subordinate sub-brand publishing house, and they even have to draw lots. Who are you scolding?
They are not happy when people want to leave, and they are not happy now that they have decided to leave and draw lots.

Although they were unhappy, they couldn't stop them. This kind of contradictory mood made several editorial directors extremely depressed.

"Okay, that's it. Let's make a count of who is willing to go to Tongwen News Agency. Hurry up and make a selection. When the seats are vacated, the new college students will be assigned there."

After Cheng Zaochun said this, several people became even more depressed.

Is there any reason for those who can work to be transferred away, and those who make up have to be taught to work hand in hand?Is there still Wang Fa?

Obviously a few months ago, it was a sub-brand agency with no performance at all. How can we get our generals to transfer over with crying and shouting in just a few months?
Can't figure it out!I can't figure it out!
Regardless of whether these editorial directors can figure it out or not, it is certain that people will leave.

Two days later, Lin Weimin led four people into the editorial department of Tongwen News Agency.

There were originally only four people in Tongwenshe, but four more people came in at once, and the team quickly doubled, and everyone was overjoyed.

After introducing several new colleagues, Lin Weimin announced on the spot the readjustment of the organizational structure of the News Agency.

Li Xuegang served as the director and editor-in-chief of the editorial office of martial arts novels, and Yu Hua served as the director and editor-in-chief of the editorial department of "Kyushu Heroes".

After the re-division of labor was over, Lin Weimin held another meeting for everyone.

"At present, the first issue of "Kyushu Heroes" has been successful, and the next thing to do is to do a good job in the next few issues and steadily increase sales. In six issues, I hope our sales can increase to 200 million copies."

When Lin Weimin said this, Yu Hua felt a lot of pressure, but then cheered up again.

Compared with the vast majority of publications, the first issue of "Kyushu Heroes" is expected to exceed one million sales, which can be said to be the beginning of Tianhu.

Martial arts novels have a large audience in China. As long as the editorial department can continue to output good works, with the popularity of this publication, it is not difficult to break through 200 million copies in half a year.

"No problem, we will do our best!" Yu Hua said firmly.

Lin Weimin nodded, and continued: "The editorial office of martial arts novels is not a light task. You have also counted the manuscripts of Liang Yusheng, Huang Ying, Huang Yi, and Wen Ruian, and the number of words in their works is as high as 2000 million. More than ten thousand words.

Next, Huang Ying's collection of works and Wen Rui'an's "Personality in Commoner" series must be released before November, and the collections of Liang Yusheng and Huang Yi's works will be released before the Chinese New Year. "

It is now the first ten days of August, and there are less than six months before the Chinese New Year. It is not an easy task to complete the proofreading, typesetting, and printing of the portfolios of the four writers.

However, publishing a collection of martial arts novels is not as troublesome as publishing an anthology of pure literature writers. It took several years for the Guowen Society to publish an anthology for Balao, and it was only the 16th volume that was published, which is far away.

With the successful precedent of Jin Yong's works, Li Xuegang accepted the job with confidence.

Colleagues are full of confidence and energy.

Lin Weimin returned to the office in a happy mood, and was just about to read the manuscript that was delivered when the phone rang suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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