1980 My Literary Era.

Chapter 536 A Prophecy

Chapter 536 A Prophecy

The last issue of this year was published in early December, and the atmosphere in the editorial department of "Contemporary" became relaxed again.

Alai's "Dust Settled" has been published for a few days, and the feedback from bookstores around the world is very good. It seems that it is another best-selling work.

Lin Weimin also relaxed during this period, and spent some time and energy to complete the novel in his hand. During this period, Zheng Guolai urged him several times.

After the novel was finished, Lin Weimin handed the novel to Tong Zhonggui, this time he wanted the fat and water not to flow to outsiders.

Colleagues read Lin Weimin's novels and maintained a high level of creation as always.

This novel was born out of "Not One Less" directed by the later Zhang Yimou. Under Lin Weimin's pen, the background of the story has not changed much.

Teacher Gao from Shuiquan Elementary School wanted to go home to visit her seriously ill mother. Wei Minzhi, a 13-year-old girl, was recruited by the village head from a neighboring village to teach for a month. The teacher is back.

Wei Minzhi doesn't know how to go to class. He asks students to copy texts all day and counts the number of people every day.

Ten-year-old Zhang Huike had to drop out of school to work in the city in order to pay off his family's debts.Wei Minzhi kept Teacher Gao's advice in mind, and she couldn't miss anyone. She embarked on the road of looking for people in the city alone.

In the city, Wei Minzhi went through untold hardships and finally found Zhang Huike, who had dropped out of school. When he returned to school, Teacher Gao finally came back with good news that Shuiquan Village was going to build Hope Primary School. Under the circumstances, Wei Minzhi changed from a temporary substitute teacher to a private teacher.

Lin Weimin only added elements of Hope Primary School at the end of the novel, keeping the original flavor of the story.

When later generations watched this movie, they appreciated Zhang Yimou's handling and the original story.

There are no earth-shattering plots, and no complicated techniques. The purpose of telling a "one-dimensional" story is to tell a "one-dimensional" story, especially when the film is shot with non-professional actors. The original documentary style presents Extremely authentic rural scenery.

Although this movie is always criticized for being sensational, it is hard for people who have watched it to forget the eloquent moving and long-lasting stamina brought by this movie.

"Weimin, this novel is similar to "Speak Well" with the same effect!" He Qizhi said when he communicated with Lin Weimin after finishing the novel.

Lin Weimin nodded, the core of these two stories is indeed somewhat similar.

Wei Minzhi's stubbornness is because of Teacher Gao's entrustment of "nothing less", while Zhao Xiaoshuai's stubbornness in "Speak Well" is for love, but the direction and handling of the two stories are completely different.

"I'm afraid this story is a bit unflattering!" Zhu Changsheng said in a mature way.

Colleagues nodded upon hearing the words, Zhu Changsheng's words were correct.

The story of "Not One Less" is very warm and touching, but how should I put it?

As for literary works, it is indeed a little less energetic if you just sing and praise.

Why do so many people like to watch the crime-themed movies of Bangzi in later generations?

They only look at the ugliness of human nature, a large group, don't care if there is logic, clichés are not clichés, this thing is exciting!
To put it bluntly, it is just like watching a horror movie, it is a physiological sensory stimulation, straightforward, just to make you feel good.

"You can't say that, I think Mr. Lin's novel is very intriguing." Tong Zhonggui is a loyal fan of Lin Weimin. When he heard that the idol's novel was not favored, he immediately wanted to refute it.

"The content of the novel deeply reflects the current situation of our rural education, without whitewashing or polishing. By the way, there is also a story about Wei Minzhi's search for people in the city, which is a powerful satire of people's lack of faith over the years. Phenomenon.

The overall style of this novel is positive, which may make many people who are accustomed to using literature to expose, criticize, and satirize feel uncomfortable, but isn’t this the function of literature?

Who says literature can't be warm and inspiring? "

Tong Zhonggui said this without hesitation, obviously it has been brewing in his heart for a long time. He has followed Lin Weimin since he entered the editorial department, and his creative ideas are deeply influenced by Lin Weimin. It is not surprising that everyone can say these words.

"Xiao Tong's speech is getting better and better now!" Liu Yin praised.

Yao Shuzhi asked Lin Weimin, "Weimin, let me tell you, my master, is what Xiao Tong said reasonable?"

Lin Weimin smiled, "Do you think I'm embarrassed to praise Xiao Tong in front of so many people? That's wrong! Xiao Tong said it very well. Now everyone talks about literature a little carelessly, and they may use big words to bring literature to life. Pull out of the original course. Literature cannot be defined superficially, it should return to common sense.”

"Back to common sense? What do you mean?" Everyone was curious about the new term Lin Weimin uttered.

"It's very simple. If you look at the educated youth literature written by many people over the years, don't they feel more and more the same? Why is this? Could it be that these people were persecuted by the same group of people at that time? They suffered exactly the same treatment ?

In fact, except for a small number of people who have indeed been treated unfairly, most of them are just hearsay, and the articles are full of speculation and exaggeration.

You should have seen quite a few, right?Let me give you an example. For example, in order to go back to the city to sleep with others, these people think of the female educated youth, think of going back to the city, and think of the cadres, and they automatically associate them together in their minds. The first association is naturally because they heard about a certain nasty things.

But the problem is that after ten years of writing, there are still problems with this kind of stuff. This is against common sense, and it is also creative laziness.

The example I just mentioned is obviously used to promote the plot and shape the characters.

To give another example of structure, some people now boast that they are writing stream-of-consciousness novels. No consideration, top-heavy, and no basic creative logic at all, these are all problems. "

Lin Weimin stopped talking at this point, "I couldn't help whining as soon as I said it."

The colleagues laughed, and Liu Yin teased: "After all, you are a young man, no matter what you talk about, you are always so enthusiastic, even to blame."

Before leaving get off work in the evening, Wang Shuo came to the editorial department to find Lin Weimin.

"The Story of the Editorial Department" went from an idea last year to the completion of filming this year, and it has been confirmed that it will be broadcast on CCTV.

Haima Studio is going to have a celebration banquet today, and specially invited Lin Weimin.

The dinner was still held in Gongjian Hutong, which has become the headquarters of Haima Studio.

After a year of development, the team of Haima Studio seems to have grown a lot.

Seeing Ge You, Lin Weimin joked, "Youzi, what can I say, if you shave your head, you'll be angry!"

Ge You was confused, "When did I become angry?"

"Right now, just watch!"

Ge You looked at Lin Weimin suspiciously. Teacher Lin is good at everything, but he is a little superstitious.

A few days later, Lin Weimin heard that Rong Shihui was ill, so he ran to Rong Shihui's house after work.

"I heard from Lao Zhang that you are sick, how is it?"

"It's okay. It's winter. My lungs are not very good. I went to check it. It's nothing serious."

Lin Weimin felt relieved, "That's good."

He went on to say: "So, you should smoke less. You are so old, be careful to get lung cancer..."

When Lin Weimin said this, seeing Rong Shihui's wife Xie Sutai winking at him, he immediately changed the subject knowingly.

Rong Shihui has not been idle since he retired, and occasionally helps the Writers Publishing House to review manuscripts. Lin Weimin said that "Contemporary" is going to publish Cheng Zhongshi's latest masterpiece.

"Old Rong, just wait and see, next month will surprise you!"

Rong Shihui dismissed it, "You kid, you can blow it better than me now, so I should call you Lin Dachui from now on."

"Look at you, if you are used to bragging, you feel that others are bragging too. You need to correct this problem. This is called judging others by yourself, the heart of a villain."

"Cough, cough, I think your boy is not here to visit the doctor, or you are here to annoy me!"

The two exchanged a few words, and Rong Shihui committed his old problem again, boasting that he had practiced hard in table tennis recently, and his skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

I said a few words about table tennis, then about volleyball, and then about the heroic feat of my youth.

Lao Rong has a history of bragging in the Guowen Club. I heard that when he was in the Weapons (not a typo) cadre school, there was an editor in the club, Ouyang Bai, who was as good as him, and the two bragged against each other.

These two people never brag about their old professions they are good at, but they just like to brag about the farm work they are not familiar with.

One brags that he could drive a stubborn ox to plow the field when he was a child, and the other brags that when he was young, he used his hands to forcefully separate two cross-eyed bulls.

One also boasted that he could plant rice seedlings when he was five years old, and the planting was straighter than the ink line drawn by a carpenter;

Similar cowhide, the two of them never tire of bragging, and the colleagues around them also listened with gusto, having fun in the bitterness, and none of them wanted to do something disappointing and point out their flaws.

Because of this, the story of the two bragging has been circulated in the Guowen Society for decades.

Bickering is back to bickering, but when Rong Shihui recalled the glorious past, Lin Weimin listened to him quietly without saying a word.

After talking for a long time, Rong Shihui sighed: "This life is really fast, and I am old in a flash."

"Just now I said I can eat three bowls of rice!" Lin Weimin said sarcastically.

Rong Shihui changed his words: "When you are old, you don't miss meals. When you are eighty years old, you still..."

After chatting with Rong Shihui for a long time, Lin Weimin was about to leave.

Xie Sutai pushed Rong Shihui on the sofa and asked her to send Lin Weimin off.

After going out, Lin Weimin looked at Xie Sutai, knowing that she must have something to say to him.

"Old Rong's illness..." Xie Sutai had a sad expression on his face.

Lin Weimin's heart skipped a beat, "Very serious?"

"I did a pathological section and said it was lung cancer!"

Lin Weimin was stunned, he didn't expect that his inadvertent words would become a prophecy.

"Sister, look at me..."

"It's okay, what does it have to do with you. This is the result of decades of accumulation of problems, and now the family dare not tell him, for fear of scaring him."

Lin Weimin nodded slightly. Most of the cancer patients were frightened to death by the disease. His family decided not to tell Rong Shihui the news, and he understood.

"You must not tell this news outside." Xie Sutai warned.

"do not worry!"

After reassuring Xie Sutai, Lin Weimin left with a heavy heart.

(End of this chapter)

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