She frowned slightly, looked at Qi Ziyan who lied to her wrongly, and said with some dissatisfaction: "That's not it."

"It's not because of some so-called graduation that you can't bear to part with me, and then you become like this."

"You have been in a bad mood for a long time, and you often look at me distracted, especially after Bai Zhiyao appeared, the frequency of your distracted becomes more obvious."

Jiao Yang squeezed his cheeks very dissatisfied: "Qi Ziyan, what's the matter with you?"

Qi Ziyan pursed his lips, unable to speak.

How could he say that he suspected that his girlfriend had a relationship with another man?And if we really want to talk about the priority, even he is the outsider.He was even more worried that if he tore everything apart, Jiaoyang would choose Lu Xishuo, and he would completely collapse, and the beautiful illusion would be torn to pieces.

Qi Ziyan lowered his head and did not answer.

And Jiao Yang looked down at him for a while, and then suddenly said it in a very calm and calm tone.

"Why? Well, let me guess, it's because of my brother, right? Because of my relationship with my brother, you have doubts, right?"

It was not doubt, but it brought extremely severe pain and torture.But up to now, Qi Ziyan didn't bother to explain so much.

He opened his eyes wide, and after hearing what Jiao Yang said, he looked at her in disbelief.

Seeing him like this, Jiaoyang knew that she probably guessed right, but she also thought that it was probably because of this.

If Bai Zhiyao wanted to instigate the relationship between the people around her and her, she could only start with her character and emotional private life, but she never paid attention to it.

In this regard, Jiao Yang behaved very calmly, as calm as if she and Lu Xishuo were two parallel lines that had nothing to do with each other, the kind of innocence that didn't matter if people misunderstood it.

Just when Qi Ziyan saw her reaction and was about to tremble and rejoice, Jiao Yang admitted it without hesitation.

"I admit that Lu Xishuo and I did have sex," Jiao Yang looked at him calmly, meeting his incredulous gaze, "and more than once."

But just when Qi Ziyan's shocking eyes were about to become even more shocking, she continued: "There was even a period of time, I would sleep with him every once in a while. Sometimes he came to me, and sometimes I took the initiative Looking for him, but between me and him, apart from these, there is no other relationship. The relationship between me and him is actually very simple. Every time I take off my clothes, it starts and ends when I put on clothes. Not a single conversation."

Of course there was no conversation, because usually it was Lu Xishuo who pinched or hugged her waist, and said some random things that even he didn't know what he said. Of course, she didn't need to care, or even listened. Just ignore him, just close your eyes and enjoy.

In Qi Ziyan's eyes that were gradually turning red, she said word by word: "But I broke up with him a week ago. Because you told me that you will send yourself to me after graduation. Dedicated to me, so I started preparing early, and"

Under Qi Ziyan's eyes that were gradually turning red and trembling, Jiao Yang said something that shocked him, and even made his whole body tremble in disbelief.

Jiao Yang said as a matter of course: "Besides, if my boyfriend can't satisfy me, I should find another man to be my bed partner. Isn't that a matter of course?"

Moreover, she didn't fall in love with Lu Xishuo, she only had physical communication with him, and the only person who really fell in love with her was Qi Ziyan.She even broke up with Lu Xishuo early because he was finally willing to sacrifice herself.

Jiao Yang felt that she was simply the most gentle, lovable and understanding girlfriend in the world, and she really paid too much for this relationship.

Qi Ziyan felt a little dazed, and looked at her incredulously and incomprehensibly: "Jiaoyang, why do you think that? Who told you these words, was it also Lu Xishuo? He lied to you, you change it carefully." Just think about it, what would you think if it was me, I mean, if I had an affair with another woman while I was in your relationship?"

Qi Ziyan unilaterally felt that this was not Jiaoyang's fault, it was impossible for her to have such thoughts by herself.Someone must be coaxing her, and this person must be Lu Xishuo who took advantage of it, otherwise Jiaoyang would not have become like this.

Lu Xishuo didn't know that at this moment, he had become the scumbag and mistress who coaxed Jiaoyang into bed in Qi Ziyan's mind, and he was looking through the photo albums he took with Jiaoyang in the bedroom, feeling sad.

The last thing Jiaoyang can't do since she was a child is empathy. Even after she has traveled through so many worlds and experienced all kinds of situations in the world, she doesn't seem to have made any progress in this aspect.

But since it was her beloved little boyfriend who said that, Jiao Yang still tried very hard to think about it.

Immediately afterwards, her brows furrowed.

Qi Ziyan trembled slightly after seeing her expression, and held her hand: "Jiaoyang, do you understand my current feelings now?"

A pain, a soreness that would tear at his heart, and jealousy.

But it doesn't matter, he loves Jiaoyang, so he will tolerate everything about her, and they can start over. No, there is never an end.

But Jiaoyang's brows became tighter and tighter, and she replied incomprehensibly: "But this assumption is not valid. You have always been unwilling to give it to me, and I am very happy. It is the seduction you have been willing to accept and refuse." I still want to reject me in the end, so I went to find someone else."

"So in this case, of course I did nothing wrong, but if you do the same thing as me"

Jiao Yang's gaze fell unkindly, and finally landed between his legs.

Qi Ziyan reached out and held his forehead with his uninjured hand.Under the cover of large shadows and hands, the eyes are covered, and only the lower half of the pale and flawless face is exposed. The chin is a bit pointed, just like those triangle-like shapes in comics.

Under such circumstances, Qi Ziyan had somewhat recovered his former high-mountain flower form.The reason why he recovered was because his eyes and the expression in them were covered.

Ever since Qi Ziyan fell in love with Jiaoyang, he could no longer maintain his divine form like a flower in the high mountains.

Because when he looked at her, his icy eyes would always gradually melt away, and there was a tenderness in his eyes that he didn't even notice.

And only he knew that even Qi Ziyan, who was trying to maintain the form of the flower of the high mountain in class, actually had many times when he couldn't even hold the pen, but he still tried to answer questions seriously.Jiao Yang always took advantage of the time when he was called to answer questions with bad intentions and bullied him from the bottom.At that time, no one knew that the seemingly holy Kaolin Flower had been played with under the table to the point of losing his composure, nearly losing consciousness, and even asking him to sit or stand up, he needed the Jiaoyang around him to remind him to the extent.

But now, when Jiao Yang looked at him, he seemed to have changed back to his previous appearance.

Time seemed to have stopped, Jiao Yang looked at him, one second, two seconds, three seconds.
Qi Ziyan suddenly put down his hand, grabbed Jiaoyang's wrist, and led her forward without seeing his expression.

Jiao Yang was taken aback for a moment, and was led a few steps away by him, then followed him: "Where are we going?"

"... go on a date, and then... book a room."

Qi Ziyan turned his head suddenly, his black eyes fixed on her motionlessly.

"In the can do whatever you want, I will give you whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want."

Just don't want me.

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