Chapter 2

Early the next morning, the matchmaker brought a donkey to pick her up and go to Shen's house.

She put on the festive big red flower padded jacket prepared by the Shen family, glanced at her parents, sisters, and baby brother, and sat on the donkey silently without saying a word.

The younger sister was young, muttering that she wanted to wear new clothes and ride a little donkey, Li Erya's nose was sore, she raised her head, she saw her great nephew and grandson from the corner of her eyes, and she didn't lower her head for a long time.

"You bastard." Li Baoshan cursed viciously when he saw that his aunt was really going to marry Shen Muyin, and was hit on the back of the head by his father the next moment.

"He's a ruthless person, you don't want to provoke me from the Shen family in the future." Li Zongzheng watched the second girl of the Li family enter the gate of the Shen family, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

When he saw that their family was old and sick, young and tired, and they were scholars, he agreed with them to live in a hut on the hillside, and it took seven years in the blink of an eye.

It is thanks to Shen Nanzhou that the children of the Li nationality can read and write. Not only that, he is also familiar with the county magistrate, and he can say a few good words for the Li nationality. Stand firm.

If Shen Muyin hadn't hurt his son by mistake, he had no intention of making things difficult, but he didn't expect that the Shen family would rather marry Li Erya than his family, Li Zongzheng couldn't help frowning.

Although today is a big day for the Shen family, the door of the Shen family is closed and there is no intention of entertaining guests. In Shen Nanzhou's view, being forced to marry Li Erya is already a humiliation, so there is no way to have a big banquet.

The son had promised well, but after a night he went back on his word, and he didn't want to say anything, but the matchmaker had brought him here, so he couldn't go back on his word at this juncture.

So when Li Erya entered Shen's house, she only saw Mrs. Shen, Shen Qingrou and Shen Muci, thinking of the ending of the three in the book, her brows were tinged with worry.

Mrs. Shen was happy because she didn't take care of her body well, and she gave birth to Shen Muyin after a narrow escape. He was able to live until he was six years old thanks to medicinal materials, but he died in the first year after she married.

Shen Muci was eager to change the family's predicament, braved the rain to rush for the exam, and died in a mountain torrent. His father was furious after hearing the news, and passed away within a few days.

The young Shen Qingrou took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of the whole family after her mother died, and in the end she did not hesitate to marry as a businessman's wife in order to provide for the male lead's education.

Could it be that Shen Muyin blamed all of this on her?

She didn't seem to have done anything unreasonable, except to eat and eat, and finally ate into a big fat man of 180 catties.

Li Erya secretly swore that she would keep her mouth shut, after all, the Shen family's family background was not as rich as outsiders saw it.

While dazed, Mrs. Shen stretched out her hand, and Li Erya was surprised at the temperature of her palm, which was cool.

"Don't be afraid, this will be your home from now on. You and Qingrou are the same age. Speaking of which, she is a few months older than you. You will have what she has." Mrs. Shen said softly.

Compared to Mrs. Shen's overtures, Shen Qingrou and Shen Muci looked at her with scrutiny, probably thinking that she was not good enough for Shen Muyin, Li Erya smiled disapprovingly, and nodded.

Mrs. Shen winked at Shen Qingrou, telling her to send her father away first, she has some things to talk to the two children, after all, if the rules and regulations are messed up under the same roof, what will happen.

Shen Qingrou understood, and called out her father first and stopped her younger brother who wanted to escape from the room, "Mother will bring my younger siblings here in a while, you just stay here and be obedient."

Shen Muyin knew that the deal was done, and resistance would be futile, so she turned around silently, unexpectedly, he still failed to change his fate after reliving the rest of his life.

Li Erya was a stain in his life, permanently nailed to the pillar of shame in his life, even though he was in a high position, he was not spared.

The words of the official were stern, and he thought that God let him live again so that he could erase the stains in his life, but he was a step too late. Hearing his mother calling him, Shen Muyin clenched his fists and turned around with difficulty.

As far as he could see, Li Erya was still as thin and small as before, but he still couldn't help but think of her huge body after gaining weight, and the strange eyes of the people around him, and he immediately felt disgusted.

From Li Erya's point of view, Shen Muyin was very suspicious.

A six-year-old child's eyes are not pure, and it is inevitable to be annoying. Even though the immature face looks good, the high head looks like some snobbish eyes who look at people with their nostrils.

This is the hero?

Maybe he felt noble and arrogant in front of her, and only lowered his noble head in front of the hostess, after all, they were only in the same circle.

According to the book, the Shen family was exiled here because they were implicated in the rebellion case of King Wei. Seeing the style of noble families, he only thought about returning to Qidu.

Li Erya absent-mindedly listened to Mrs. Shen's arrangements and instructions, and accidentally discovered that she was not the only one who was absent-minded, but she looked at each other with disgust.

Very good, such a male lead should be left to the female lead, she won't just follow him to Qidu to enjoy the glory and wealth that shouldn't belong to her.

Look, Shen Muyin was like a filial son when he met his mother, and his face changed too quickly. Li Erya looked at the curtain in the corner and the books on the cabinet, wondering why he could still get the first prize under such circumstances.

Over there, Mrs. Shen explained everything that should be explained, so that she could rest in the room and call her again at meal time. As for Shen Muyin, she naturally wanted him to study hard, what he should do before, and what he should do now.

Her kindness was appreciated, and Li Erya really didn't want to stay with Shen Muyin, so she wanted to go out for a walk, but today was her housekeeping day, and the rest of the Shen family stopped her from going out, saying that there was no such thing rule.

The rules are set by people, and there are quite a few in-laws who set rules for the bride on the first day. Li Erya looked up at the way when she came. The Shen family prides itself on being clean, and now they are living under the eyes of the Li people, so naturally they will not Make things difficult for her.

Thinking of this, Li Erya felt more at ease, and the Shen family occupies quite a large area, in addition to a thatched cottage with three bedrooms and one living room, there is also a kitchen, woodshed, school and toilet.

The school is a thatched hut built by Lizheng and everyone, which can accommodate more than a dozen people. Shu Xiu received by Shen Nanzhou is the same as other places, but he comes from a famous family and has been a high-ranking official. The Shen family resolved their urgent needs.

If it wasn't for Mrs. Shen's illness, their family wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation. Li Erya looked at Mrs. Shen and Shen Qingrou who were busy in the kitchen, and at the man of Shen's family who didn't hear anything outside the window, silently Go to collect clothes.

"Hey, the clothes are not dry yet, what are you taking them for?" Shen Qingrou has been secretly observing her, seeing that she is looking for something to do, she is anxious, "Are you stupid?"

(End of this chapter)

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