Koi adopted daughter jumps over the farm gate

Chapter 584 Temporary Tranquility

Every day on the battlefield, people are injured and sacrificed.

The sadness could not be allowed to linger in his heart for too long, so Bai Dazhuang and Liu Fugui continued to run to the city wall to transport the wounded soldiers.

Bai Dazhuang looked at the solid city wall and listened to the fierce fighting outside the city wall. He missed his home, his sister, and Xie Chuntao.

I wonder if the family now knows about the war in Ningcheng. If they knew, they would definitely be worried about themselves, their second brother, and their fifth brother.

He felt that the people in Shenshu Village he brought were safe for the time being, thanks to his sister and the brave resistance of the frontline soldiers.

Bai Dazhuang only hopes that reinforcements will arrive soon.

Although he doesn't understand military affairs, he also knows that the northwest army is trapped in Ningcheng alone, and he doesn't know how long it can hold on.

But the Rong Kingdom was determined to mobilize the whole country this time. Wave after wave of people were sent to the front line, and wave after wave impacted the defense line of the northwest army.

When Bai Dazhuang was carrying wounded soldiers, he saw those young child soldiers from Rong Kingdom dead or injured.

He hated and sighed.

As an ordinary countryman, he didn't understand why the powerful people in the Rong Kingdom wanted to go to war and seize the border towns of the Xia Kingdom when they were living a good life.

Not only did young warriors like Da Mao from the Xia Kingdom die in the battle, but those young warriors from the Rong Kingdom were also the sons of their parents and the younger brothers of their eldest brothers. They just disappeared silently into the wind and snow, not knowing the meaning of the war launched by the Rong Kingdom.

Bai Dazhuang couldn't understand.

All he knew was that he wanted to live a peaceful life.

At first, he had no way to go home and was forced to participate in the war. Now he actively participates because he knows that only by winning this war can he live a peaceful life.

If we lose the battle...

Xia Qinghe said that if they were defeated, they would cede territory and pay compensation.

What's more serious is that the Rong Kingdom will launch a war southward, and then every man in the Xia Kingdom may have to go to the battlefield.

There is no egg left after overthrow. When the time comes, Shenshu Village will also be baptized by the flames of war. Men will go to the battlefield, and women will weave and farm at home to supply the front line.

Everyone is having a bad day.

My grandmother has worked hard all her life and deserves to be taken care of in her old age, her parents are surrounded by children and grandchildren, her sister and nephew have caught up with the good life at home, and the fourth brother is starting a prosperous life in the capital... Such days must not be ruined by war.

With this belief, Bai Dazhuang devoted himself to rescuing the wounded. Although his personal strength was very weak, he would do his best.

"Big brother."

Bai Zhaomei saw Bai Dazhuang standing on the city wall and shouted excitedly.

Since the beginning of the war, Bai Zhaomei has always been on the front line, and these two days have been their turn to defend the city.

He had been on guard for two days and two nights, and his whole body was so dirty that it was difficult to see his appearance.

These days there is always a tight string in my mind, and I have no time to think.

He didn't even know what his eldest brother's situation was now.

Bai Zhaomei was not surprised at all when she saw her eldest brother mingling among civilians carrying wounded soldiers. He knew that his eldest brother would not hide away.

"Fifth brother." Bai Dazhuang waved to Bai Zhaomei.

He found that the fifth brother's arm was wrapped in a bandage.

Although I feel distressed, I am also thankful that my fifth brother was only injured on his arm.

"How are you doing?" Bai Dazhuang pointed at Bai Zhaomei's arm.

"It's okay, brother." Bai Zhaomei nodded, "Brother, you have to take care."

"Fifth brother, we will win, you have to be careful." Bai Dazhuang shouted.

At this time, someone called Bai Zhaomei. The brothers said nothing more. Bai Zhaomei gave Bai Dazhuang a sergeant salute and hurried back.

From morning to dusk, he and his colleagues had repelled two waves of enemy attacks.

The enemy suffered heavy casualties, and piles of corpses were piled outside the city wall, covered by wind and snow.

Bai Dazhuang didn't have time to look at his fifth brother again, so he bent down and carried an injured soldier to the car. Fortunately, the soldier was not seriously injured, and Bai Dazhuang felt a little comforted.As he approached the rescue point, he heard a cheer erupting from the city wall.

"We guarded the city wall." The injured soldier said to Bai Dazhuang.

Bai Dazhuang felt a small hole open in the haze above his head.

"I don't know if the enemy will come again. It's New Year's Eve soon, so we have to have a bowl of dumplings." The injured soldier muttered to himself, staring at the falling snow.

Time flies so fast, is it almost New Year’s Eve?
After the enemy was repelled this time, the situation was calm for several days and they did not continue to attack Ningcheng.

But no one dares to take it lightly. After all, the two countries must come to an end in this nationwide war between the Rong Kingdom and the Rong Kingdom.


"The Rong Kingdom has not come to attack the city these days. Should we still fight this battle?"

Bai Dazhuang and others were busy under the city wall, beating glutinous rice and cement putty. They, the common people, were busy repairing the city wall that was blown up by the Rong Kingdom.

"We must fight." Bai Dazhuang said.

It's just a temporary peace now.

After fighting for so many days, Ningcheng could not be attacked for a long time, resulting in numerous casualties. The Rong Kingdom also needed to rest and adjust its battle plan.

However, the reinforcements on the Xia border have not arrived for a long time, so they can only defend passively, but cannot launch a large-scale counterattack.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

If either side of Xia Rong and Xia Rong caught an opening in the other side, they would start a new round of war and annihilate the other side in one fell swoop.

"I heard that the other party sent the peace terms, and General Meng tore them up on the spot." Zhao Xiaogui came up and told the truth about the news he didn't know where he got it from.

"Negotiating peace?" Bai Dazhuang said, "How to negotiate peace?"

Since General Meng tore up the peace agreement, the terms of the peace agreement must be humiliating to Xia Guo.

Cut off the city?New year coins?Marriage?
There is definitely one.

General Meng has been guarding the northwest border for many years. The cities that were invaded by the Rong Kingdom were defeated one by one by him. Now, what can he do if he is asked to cut off the cities and negotiate peace?

Paying Sui coins is one way. Anyway, the Xia Kingdom is vast and rich in resources, and one-tenth of the annual tax can be exchanged for peace on the border.

But that was only temporary. The previous dynasty did not pay for peace in exchange for Sui coins, but over time it increased the appetite of neighboring countries, from asking for Sui coins to plundering the city's population.

As for getting married?

Bai Dazhuang didn't understand that the current empress dowager was living on the border and met King Jing when she got married.

In Bai Dazhuang's heart, he couldn't bear to trade a woman for peace on the border.

Especially since he had a younger sister, he couldn't bear to see innocent women being implicated in the war, even though the women he was marrying had nothing to do with him.

But these are not things he can care about.

"The battle should be over as soon as possible. I want to go home." Hanwa said.

The desire to go home is the belief that supports these young men in Shenshu Village.

Since the war started, everyone has been enduring, enduring the wind and snow, enduring the cold, enduring the blood, and enduring the hardship...

All the patience is to go home.

"You'll be able to go home soon." Bai Dazhuang said this every day.

Encourage your teammates and encourage yourself as well.

It's almost time to go home.

Bai Dazhuang smeared the bricks and stones with cement mixed with glutinous rice juice and built them on the gap where the country was invaded.

The snow has stopped, but there is no sun and the air is very quiet.

It was as if the war of the previous days was in a dream.

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