A pair of eyes stared at the mother and daughter driving away.

Looking around in confusion, Lu Jun took a deep breath, and the biting cold air suddenly poured into his lungs, bringing a burst of tearing pain.

The girl just now seemed to be called "Mo Mo", so I couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Master, follow the car in front."

The taxi driver looked back at him, put down the meter, and kicked the accelerator to blast out.

"Mom, you seem to have gray hair."

"Really? Hurry up and help me pull it off, I don't want to become a white-haired witch."

"Mom, you are driving, how dangerous it is."

"Okay, go home and help me take off all the white hair."

Ms. Wang is outgoing and a full-time housewife whose main task is to take good care of her husband and children.

After going to college at the end of the season, she likes to play mahjong, and she doesn't play much. Another hobby is to cook various nutritious soups for her husband.

"Is my dad busy with work recently?"

"How can the emergency department be idle? I advised him to change to a more relaxed department. He said he would do nothing, and his temper stinks. Just in time for you to come back, please persuade him."

"If my dad listens to me, he will be transferred to another department in junior high school."

"That makes sense. Mo, in the future, if you're looking for a husband, don't look for a medical student."

Speaking of this, Ms. Wang's complexion changed, "But if there are good ones, we can't let them go."

"Mom, why are you still double-standard?"

"Why is this a double standard? There are many doctors in the hospital who are more capable than your father. They are exquisite in all aspects, and they became the deputy chief physician at a young age..."

"Mom, who are you talking about?" Ji Mo asked in surprise.

"Uh, the new doctor at your father's unit, surnamed Gu, has already agreed with him that they are all young people who will come to our house for dinner tomorrow. You must have a common language."

"Mom, you arranged a blind date for me just after I came back?"

"What blind date? Dr. Gu came to our house as a guest. By the way, he said that you are high school alumni. Why didn't I hear you say that?"

"High school friend? What's his name?"

"Gu Jinnian."

Gu Jinnian?I do not know.

Annoyed that her parents arranged a blind date without her consent, but she couldn't turn against her parents, after all, they were all for her own good.

Doctor Ji's cooking skills are very good. It's been a long time since I ate a meal cooked by my father. I was very satisfied at the end of the season.

"Can you go ashore?"

The couple heard that she did well in the exam and was very sure to be admitted to the PBC School of Finance, and they were very happy.

"Come on, let's raise our glasses to our daughter's blossoming future."

Downstairs, Lu Jun stopped an old lady.

"Excuse me, there is a girl named Mo Mo here..."

"Are you looking for Doctor Ji?"

"Doctor Ji's daughter is called Mo Mo, are you looking for her?"

"At the end of the season?"

"Yeah, why are you so weird? Didn't you come to look for Mo Mo?"

Lu Jun was taken aback, the end of the season?She is also called the end of the season?

"Which floor does Doctor Ji live on?"

"502, take the elevator up from here, are you a family member of the patient? Dr. Ji is bothering him after get off work, can you let me take a breather?"

The aunt walked away rambling, while Lu Jun was still in a daze.

End of season?
Is there such a coincidence in the world?
Finding himself waking up in a strange place, complaining that every day should not be done, and that the ground is not working, Boss Lu, who has always been vigorous and resolute, suddenly panicked.

Where is this? Why is there still a season-end?

The next day, because of a treat, Ms. Wang dragged her sleepy daughter to the vegetable market early in the morning to buy vegetables.

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