Chapter 183 Is she still alive?
Before being interrupted, Lan Zhi had vaguely touched the essence of the Yao Jing mine, as long as she was given a little more time, she would not find it difficult.

Time passed little by little.

The stars gradually faded, and the morning star lit up in the east.

When there was a faint light in the sky, when the light of morning glow appeared, Lan Zhi's soul power also spread inch by inch to cover the entire mine vein.

She calmed down, her soul power locked on the Yao Jing soul hidden deep in the lava, she raised her hand and shouted: "Come out——!"

Her voice was sonorous and powerful, falling into the mine cave, as if countless voices were shouting: "Come out! Come out! Come out!"

In the cooling lava on the four walls of the mine, it seemed to be buzzing and trembling, as if it was responding!

The tremor couldn't stop at the beginning, but it became more and more violent. After a while, a tiny black awn flew out of the lava amidst the tremor, and landed on Lan Zhi's hand.

This seems to be a signal.

Following the appearance of the first black awn, more and more black awns flew out of the lava in the mine.

Gradually, the mountain above the head and the ground under the feet also began to tremble. Amidst the loud rumbling noise, countless black lights poured out from all directions, completely submerging Lan Zhi's figure.

Si Jichuan woke up from his sleep: "Is there an earthquake?"

Chang Lize ran out in the rain of cooling lava falling down with her head in her arms and shouted, "Run quickly, I doubt the mountain will collapse!"

At the same time, Fu Chenyin who found a room to sleep in the small building also rushed out and ran towards the suspension bridge behind the small building.

The three met in front of the suspension bridge, and Fu Chenyin asked, "Where is Lan Zhi?"

Chang Lize said while going up the bridge: "It's a good thing she did. I guess she will be fine even if the whole mountain collapses."

There is an isolated island above the shark's head, and the only way to get in and out is the suspension bridge leading to the opposite peak.

In order to prevent the miners from escaping, the suspension bridge is usually closed.

Now it is put down, but its two ends move and move like twisted twists, and the bottom is a thousand-foot-deep valley, with nothing to support on both sides, and they can't use the power of the stars. is soft.

In a short distance of tens of meters, they walked for a quarter of an hour.

They had just stood firm on the opposite mountain when they heard a loud noise behind them. They turned their heads and saw that the Shark Head mountain collapsed, not only crushing the small building and the suspension bridge, but also crashing down together with the small building and suspension bridge down the valley.

Chang Lize touched the cold sweat on his forehead: "It's so dangerous."

Si Jichuan murmured: "I didn't die by the enemy's hands, but I almost died by hers..."

Fu Chenyin still had lingering fears in his heart: "Your big sister of Xingshangtang is really too ruthless."

But they were more concerned with: "Is she still alive?"

While talking, they all looked towards where she was standing. Amidst the rumbling sound of the collapse, a slender figure stood out of nowhere above the collapse.

In front of her, the black light condensed into a cloud.

The rays of the rising sun fell on her body, and her whole body seemed to be wrapped in a faint golden light.

Even her calm eyes in the past were dyed with a bright golden light.

Sharp and transparent.

Her black hair flew in the gust of wind from the collapse.

At this moment, she was obviously still slender, but the strength around her made everyone present feel almost suffocating!
At this moment, her strength is almost terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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