Chapter 143 144. Noble
As usual, there were no major cases in court today.After the court was over, Ming Zhiyuan immediately went to ask to see the emperor, but he didn't want to be stopped.

"Master Ming," the person who stopped him was a fairly familiar official: "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

Ming Zhiyuan: ... Seeing that I was in a hurry, you still called me, did you do it on purpose?

Thinking in his heart, Ming Zhiyuan's complexion is not very good-looking.It's just that he held back and didn't say anything: "Yeah. What's the matter, is there something?"

"That's it." The official smiled more attentively: "My child's full moon banquet, you have time to have a wedding."

Full moon banquet?Ming Zhiyuan became a little interested: "A girl or a son?"

"Of course it's my son." This official was not of high rank, and this time he took the initiative to talk to Ming Zhiyuan with the mentality of trying it out. Seeing Ming Zhiyuan returning to him, he quickly said proudly.

His wife also had three children, and finally had a son.This is why he took the initiative to invite people to attend his child's full moon banquet everywhere.

"I don't necessarily have time, let's talk about it when the time comes." Hearing the other party's proud tone when talking about his son, Ming Zhiyuan no longer wanted to talk to him.He hastily replied, and hurried away.

Afraid that someone would come to chat with him again, his steps were almost blurred.

However, he was still one step too late.When Ming Zhiyuan was led by his servants to wait in the palace, he heard that there were already people inside.

"Is anyone there?" He came right away, but someone was one step faster than him?
"It's Mrs. Ning Gui. She prepared warm porridge for the emperor early on, and kept ironing it with a warm fire, just waiting for His Majesty to come down."

Although there are many people around the emperor who want to please.But Ning Guiren is also extremely hardworking inside.After all, the time to go to court every day is really not too late, it can even be said to be very early.It is cold in winter.Under such circumstances, she had to get up every morning to make soup for the emperor.This kind of heart is enough for the emperor to give her more face.

Ning Guiren?The emperor's harem is numerous, and his favorite concubines are exchanged, let alone small nobles, and they are caught in a large number.However, Ning Guiren is still a little different.

So Ming Zhiyuan quickly remembered - she is the biological mother of the fourth prince among the five existing princes in the royal family.It's just that the fourth prince is rarely low-key, let alone his mother.

Ming Zhiyuan remembered that other concubines, even if they were in a bad situation now, were favored back then.But Ning Guiren seems to have always been a special existence.

When other concubines want to be promoted, it is usually during the time when they are favored.So when a concubine is favored, she will change her position almost soon during that time.And Mrs. Ning... She seems to have never been favored.Her position was raised little by little.It gives people the feeling that one day the emperor suddenly thinks of her, and he will give her a promotion.

Say she is not favored, she has never been completely forgotten by the emperor.There are many people in the cold palace who were very prosperous for a while, but were quickly forgotten by the emperor.Mrs. Ning Gui insisted that she was neither hot nor angry, so she threw away a bunch of people.Not to mention she also gave birth to a prince.Let's say she is favored, she is the only one who has a prince by her side but has not yet been concubine.

But... I haven't heard of Ning Guiren for a long time.Now she is taking the initiative again, could it be the Fourth Prince...

No wonder Ming Zhiyuan thinks too much.The former dynasty and the rear palace seem to be completely different, but they have always been closely related.However, the fourth prince and the third prince are not too young, so it is not too early to really fight for each other.

While Ming Zhiyuan was waiting anxiously, the door in front of him finally opened, and a tall woman came out from inside.Ming Zhiyuan turned to salute.

"Your Majesty Ning really sympathizes with His Majesty."

"Your Majesty Ming is too polite. Your Majesty is working hard for state affairs. This is what I should do. I really can't deserve the praise of Your Majesty Ming."

"Your Majesty Ning is too modest. Everyone understands the truth, but there are very few people who can do what you do. You take good care of your majesty's dragon body, and you are the greatest contribution to the people of the world."

"Since Mr. Ming said it, I will do better in the future." Ning Guiren covered his lips and smiled: "I'm afraid Mr. Ming has something to do, so I won't bother you too much. Your Majesty is inside, please come in. "

Ming Zhiyuan didn't dare to look more.Hearing what Ning Gui said, he raised his head to express his thanks, and then ended the pleasantries between the two of them.During this process, he only saw one glance, but this one glance made Ming Zhiyuan even more puzzled.

He originally guessed that Ning Guiren's move was for the sake of favor.But just taking a quick glance, Ning Guiren clearly did not wear makeup on his face, his whole face was in the sky, and he didn't even wear too much jewelry.Although her original appearance was very delicate, compared with the beauty of the harem, such a plain dress really did not catch the emperor's eyes.

So... what is she trying to do.Could it be that he really just wanted to make soup for the emperor?
Taking advantage of the time when the eunuch was going to pass the news, Ming Zhiyuan couldn't help asking the person who brought him by his side: "How long has Ning Gui come to make soup for the emperor?"

"It's been less than half a month." The man swore.Ming Zhiyuan pondered.Half a month old?But during this period of time, the fourth prince still hasn't moved at all.

What Ning Guiren did is really hard to understand.

"Lord Ming, Your Majesty let you in." The servant's words interrupted Ming Zhiyuan's train of thought.Ming Zhiyuan got up: "Thank you."

The emperor had just come down to court, and he couldn't be more satisfied after drinking a bowl of steaming porridge.When Ming Zhiyuan entered, he was leaning leisurely on the chair, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Your Majesty." It can be seen that the emperor is in a rare good mood.It's just... Ming Zhiyuan is also very helpless.He was standing there at this moment, somewhat at a loss as to how to speak.It's a pity, what he said next may be destined to affect the emperor's mood.

"Aiqing is here today, why?" What is Ming Zhiyuan's identity, the Minister of Dali Temple.There was a big case before, Ming Zhiyuan led his men to search it all night, and finally found out that it was a big case.Dali Temple is not easy to make a move, so he came to the emperor.

Therefore, if there is no urgent matter, Ming Zhiyuan will never take the initiative to come.At the same time, because of this, if Ming Zhi Yuan came, things would definitely not be easy.

Ming Zhiyuan looked around.The emperor just pushed everyone back.Therefore, Ming Zhiyuan knelt down without any pressure.

"Pray to the Holy One to save the people of Dayu."

The emperor was shocked.Reflexively start to reflect on what you have done.He hasn't been doing anything lately.Could it be that Ming Zhiyuan found out because he didn't find a concubine to serve him for five or six days in a row?

But, this is not something Ming Zhiyuan would care about, right?
(End of this chapter)

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