Era space: flirting with tens of billions of materials

Chapter 876 A normal day of eating melon

Ji Ming also occasionally suspects that his god-sister uses him mainly because he doesn't want money.

Just occasionally.

Because he quickly felt that Lin Nianhe understood him, otherwise how could every job given to him be so special to him?

"How to calculate the salaries of Teacher Xu and Ji Mingyi?" Wang Shumei asked.

"It is paid normally during normal times, and five yuan is added as a daily subsidy when traveling on business, and the carriage and horse expenses are reimbursed." Lin Nianhe said, "Ji Ming also said that he worked for nothing."

"What kind of ecstasy soup did you give Ji Mingyi again? Don't catch a stupid boy and bully him!"

"Eh? Sister Shumei, why are you so excited? Do you want to help him buy a pen?"


"Okay, okay, our financial officer has already spoken, so let's do the same as Teacher Xu."



Wen Lan met Chang Shihong when she was buying a pen.

They haven't seen each other for more than half a year, and haven't even written a letter.

Wen Lan was a little surprised: "Huh? What a coincidence, you are also buying something?"

Chang Shihong was a little flustered and said "hmm" in a low voice.

Wen Lan's rough nerves made it difficult for her to notice such a thing, so she continued to ask: "I heard from Hezi that you failed the exam last year, did you pass the exam again this year?"

Chang Shihong smiled dryly and twitched the corners of his mouth, but did not answer.

Wen Lan looked at him for a while and understood.

She said: "Then you come to our cram school? Come on and study for one year, and you will definitely pass the exam next year!"

Chang Shihong looked at her, hesitated for a moment, and said, "That's fine too."

In fact, he doesn't plan to take the exam.

He felt that he was not good at studying.

But Wen Lan casually said that he thought maybe he could try again.

Just this once.

If he failed again, he would stop trying.


Wen Lan took Chang Shihong back to Courtyard No. 88 directly.

"Hezi, Meizi, can you give Chang Shihong an extra class?" Wen Lan said carelessly.

Lin Nianhe: "...?"

Wang Shumei: "...?"

In fact, when the cram school was founded, Lin Nianhe called Chang Jinzhong and asked Chang Shihong if he wanted to come.

But Chang Shihong refused at the time. He seemed to have his own ideas.

Now he was abducted back by Wen Lan.

Lin Nianhe was speechless.

Wang Shumei was also speechless.

After a moment of silence, Lin Nianhe said, "Okay, which way is your home close to? I'll arrange it for you nearby."

Chang Shihong has failed the rankings for two consecutive years. He has become a little numb and is not as high-spirited as before.

He glanced at Wen Lan and said, "I'm pretty close to you."

A question mark once again appeared in Lin Nianhe's mind.

If she remembered correctly, Chang Shihong should live in the courtyard of the machinery factory, right?

If she remembered correctly, the machinery factory's courtyard was quite far from their place, right?

Lin Nianhe could only remind: "Ahem, the cram school starts very early and ends late. You'd better choose the one closest to home."

Chang Shihong said again: "Just here."

After he said that, Lin Nianhe didn't say anything else and directly asked him about his college entrance examination results this year.


"This score is not too low. Didn't the school register well?" Lin Nianhe muttered casually and said, "Then you can go to the intermediate class. Although you entered the school a few months later than others, the first part is mainly the basic part. If you work harder on your review, you should be able to catch up soon."

"Okay." Chang Shihong nodded, then touched his pocket, "How much is the tuition?"

"Forget it, we are so familiar, I don't even know how to tell Uncle Chang about collecting your tuition." Lin Nianhe shook his head with a smile, and then pulled out the roster of intermediate classes on the main campus.

After looking at it for a long time, she said, "Go to Class 6 on the main campus. Teacher Yao in Class 6 is very good."

"Okay." Chang Shihong continued to nod, but still put five dollars on the table, "You still have to pay the tuition fees."

Lin Nianhe looked at him and thought to himself that the college entrance examination was really a torturous thing, turning a young man who loved eating popsicles into such a state.

She didn't say anything else. After accepting the money, she added his name to the list of students in Class 6.

"Then...Sister Lan, will you take Brother Chang there?" Lin Nianhe asked.

Wen Lan thought that the two of them still wanted to settle accounts, so she responded: "Okay, I'll go."

"Remember to collect the book and say hello to Teacher Yao." "Got it!"

Chang Shihong followed Wen Lan away, leaving Lin Nianhe and Wang Shumei looking at each other.

After a long while, Wang Shumei said: "Tell me...what school did Chang Shihong apply for?"

"I don't know." Lin Nianhe shook his head, "Many people in our school with lower scores than him have passed the exam."

"Then tell me...who will Xiaolan end up with?" Wang Shumei's eyes sparkled with desire.

Life has been too quiet recently. We don’t have any melons, so we have to produce and sell them ourselves.

Lin Nianhe was silent for a moment and said very pertinently: "Her? Let's be with Hammer."

"If you say so, Hongqi is a good match for her."

"Yeah, when will Iron Hammer come back? Is it just the past two days?"

"I forgot, call and ask."

"Well..." Lin Nianhe nodded, picked up the phone and dialed. After a moment, "Uncle Captain!"

Li Dahe: "..."

He decided to cut the phone cord today.


Wen Lan took Chang Shihong around the school, greeted Teacher Yao from Class 6, and then took him to get textbooks and study materials.

Chang Shihong was carrying two thick stacks of books and felt that it was reasonable for him to fail.

Because the teacher said that these papers are from three months after the class started.

There are many more questions than him.

Chang Shihong suddenly felt confident in himself.

He glanced at Wen Lan and asked her, "If I answer all the questions correctly, can I get admitted to Peking University?"

Wen Lan: "Do everything right? Then you are good enough to be the top pick in the country."

"I mean these exercises."

Wen Lan thought carefully for a while and nodded: "It should be possible. It is said that the top pick in our school this year did the paper five times."

Chang Shihong looked at her and then at the paper in his hand.

He thought he could do it too.


Seeing that the back-to-school day was approaching, Lin Nianhe was finally caught.

Not only her, but Wang Shumei and Wen Lan were not spared either.

They are responsible for registering new students and issuing dormitory keys.

Fortunately, they were divided according to departmental majors. Lin Nianhe's physics department still didn't have many people, and the workload was not heavy. They mainly sat around.

Unfortunately, several people were far apart and couldn't even talk to each other.

"Hello, classmates, welcome to Peking University..."

Lin Nianhe felt that there was someone in front of him and mechanically said the words about the wheel again.

"are you tired?"

Su Yuncheng put a bottle of soda covered with water on her table.

Lin Nianhe's eyes brightened: "Brother Yun Cheng, why are you here? Aren't you going to a meeting?"

"I'm done with my work. I went home and changed my clothes."

Su Yuncheng said, walking around the table and sitting next to her.

Lin Nianhe was sipping his soda. Just when he was about to ask if he had anything to eat, another classmate came.

"Hello, classmates, welcome to Peking University."

Lin Nianhe stretched out his hand towards him: "Notice, letter of introduction."


The male classmate looked a little shy, kept his head down, and hurriedly took out the notice and letter of introduction from his bag.

Lin Nianhe saw too many people today and had a headache due to the noise. He didn't pay much attention to these details. He checked the information on the letter of introduction and the notice and made sure that both parties matched before registering.

She took out a key from the neatly arranged keys beside her, handed it to him along with other things, and said, "Goodbye, dormitory 206."

"it is good."

The boy took the things and turned around and left without even saying thank you.

Just when Lin Nianhe was about to ask his question again, Su Yuncheng suddenly shouted towards the boy's back: "Zhang Jianguo."

Lin Nianhe lowered his eyes and looked at the registration he had just made, which was the boy's name.

The boy didn't stop and continued walking, as if he didn't hear him. (End of chapter)

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