Chapter 642 Literally

This year’s autumn harvest is much easier than before.

More than ten new tractors and hand-cranked threshing machines were added to the commune, which greatly helped with harvesting and threshing. Trucks from the textile factory and the match factory went to various production teams to pull grain, eliminating the hard work of moving grain.

Many old people looked at this "new style" autumn harvest and sighed: After serving the black soil for half a lifetime, they never expected that the autumn harvest could be so easy.

Lin Nianhe and the others walked for more than a month. Although they escaped the autumn harvest, they also delayed a lot of things.

For example, dividing grain, collecting firewood and mountain products, collecting vegetables from the reserved land and accumulating sauerkraut to dry...

In short, the three of them had not made any preparations, and winter had arrived.

They didn't work, but their private land was clean and flat - Sun Guanghui and Xie Yufei worked hard for two days and put all the vegetables into the cellar;

There was no shortage of firewood either - in addition to the ten-mile brigade who cut and share firewood, Yang Daniu brought them six full carts, which was enough for them to burn this winter;

As for sauerkraut, dried vegetables, mountain products, etc., there is no shortage of all the villagers who lend their hands, and the sister-in-law and Cailan Niang come to work.

Even the windows are sealed.

"While the sun is shining at noon, quickly heat up the kang and take out the bedding to dry in the sun." After dinner, Aunt Li told them, "If it's damp in the house, come home and spend the night together."

"Okay, Aunt Li, please rest, we will go back first."

"Go quickly. If you need anything, come home and get it."

In the educated youth spot, the snow in the backyard was swept clean, and four snowmen were built in front of the two cabins.

There are two big snowmen in front of Wang Shumei and Wen Lan's house, and there are one big and one small in front of Lin Nianhe's house.

Lin Nianhe: "...?"

Niu Wa stood next to the little snowman and looked at her eagerly: "Sister Hehe, I built this, and I will accompany you."

Lin Nianhe: "...!"

"Oh... little baby, let me give you a kiss!"

Lin Nianhe wanted to hold the baby, but the little guy had gained a lot of weight. She tried hard but couldn't hold it.

"Hahaha..." Niu Wa was still laughing. She kissed Lin Nianhe's face and said, "Sister Hehe, please stop hugging me. I have grown taller and fatter."

Niu Wa was indeed much taller. Lin Nianhe pulled him into the house and then pulled Su Yuncheng in.

Before she left, she covered the furniture and the kang with old sheets and newspapers, so it wasn't too much trouble to pack them up.

Su Yuncheng carried her quilt to the clothesline in the yard, took a clothes hanger and slapped the quilt.

Lin Nianhe lit a fire and heated the kang. After a while, the room became hot.

Niu Wa worked with her and listened to her talk about how this autumn festival would be different.

As soon as they started working, Xie Yufei wandered over and asked expectantly: "Xiaohe, have you brought a gift for brother?"

Lin Nianhe: "No."

Xie Yufei was stunned, frowning and speechless: "Even if you bring me a piece of paper, goose feathers sent from a thousand miles away, the gift is light but the affection is heavy! At least you can make me feel that you are thinking about me, right?"

Lin Nianhe looked at him for a while, took out an unused manuscript paper from his bag and threw it to him: "You're welcome, don't be too impressed."

Xie Yufei: "..."

This was what he asked for, and he couldn't cry out.

Seeing his depressed expression, Lin Nianhe burst into laughter.

She dug out the snacks and a roast duck that she had specially set aside for him: "Hey, my dad brought them to me. They were specially reserved for you."

"I knew you wouldn't forget me, Xiaohe!" Xie Yufei smiled, took the things and said to her, "I'll get your grain for you and put it in the cellar, as well as sticky bean buns, made by Aunt Wang. I went to help when it was time, and Aunt Wang got it."

Lin Nianhe likes to eat sticky bean buns, which are sweet, soft and glutinous. Xie Yufei specially waited for Wang Hong to help when making sticky bean buns, took the grain and asked Aunt Wang to help make some for Lin Nianhe to save.

"Thank you." Lin Nianhe asked smoothly, "How are Shanshan and Xiaojun doing lately?"

"Sister Lirong came here once," Xie Yufei sat in the courtyard and ate some snacks, not complaining about the northwest wind. "Xiaojun is fine, but Shanshan is a little annoyed recently - Wang Dong always pesters her to play table tennis. ball."


Lin Nianhe was stunned and turned to look at Niu Wa: "What's going on?" Niu Wa sighed sympathetically, and then said: "Sister Wen is not here, it was Feng Weiwei who taught us physical education class. That day Feng Weiwei We went to the police station, Brother Wang Dong gave us a table tennis lesson...and then Sister Zheng Shan was targeted by him."

Who would want to play with Wang Dong, who is famous throughout the village for his poor table tennis skills and who can't even beat Accountant Zhao in a wheelchair?

So, when he found out that Zheng Shan was playing well, he focused on this little girl who didn't like to talk much. Whenever he had something to do, he would go to Zheng Shan to play table tennis.

Zheng Shan was somewhat interested at first, but after three games, she looked at Wang Dong as if she were looking at another Bai Xiaojun.

Now, Zheng Shan turned around and ran when she saw a figure that looked like Wang Dong 200 meters away.

After listening to Niu Wa's story, Lin Nianhe sighed: "What a sin."

She sighed and then became confused: "Wait a minute, although Wang Dong is not good at it, Shanshan has never played table tennis before, right? Can't she win this?"

Xie Yufei and Niu Wa looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time: "We can't win, we can't win at all."

Lin Nianhe was even more puzzled.

Niu Wa glanced at Xie Yufei again, as if asking: Can you tell me?

Xie Yufei sighed and simply confessed to himself: "Don't talk about Wang Dong, I can't even beat that little girl."

Lin Nianhe: "...!"

Xie Yufei, since he was a child, he only played table tennis with cats and dogs. Although he is not as good at playing as Wen Lan, how could he not beat Zheng Shan?
Lin Nianhe asked subconsciously: "Did you let her go?"

Xie Yufei: "Did you give in to Niu Wa when you were playing chess with him?"

Lin Nianhe: "I understand."

Although he understood, Lin Nianhe still didn't believe it.

She thought for a long time and then pulled Su Yuncheng: "Brother Yuncheng, can you play table tennis?"

Su Yuncheng shook his head first, and then added hesitantly: "I can't say that I won't do it at all."

"Then how good are you?"

"It can kill people."

Lin Nianhe: "..."

If she guessed correctly, he really meant it literally.

She gave up the idea of ​​asking Su Yuncheng to demonstrate one to her and turned to find Wen Lan.

"Sister Lan, are you busy?"

"you guess?"

Wen Lan rolled his eyes at her, raised his dusty little face from behind the stove and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You can do me a favor tomorrow..."

The next day, at noon, Wen Lan and Zheng Shan lined up on both sides of the ball table in the village playground.

Lin Nianhe sat on the stool with his little hands in his hands, looking at this unfair battle with a serious face.

In the first game, Wen Lan won.

In the second game, Wen Lan narrowly won.

In the third game, Zheng Shan was defeated.

In the fourth game, Zheng Shan narrowly won.

In the fifth game, Zheng Shan won.

In the sixth game, Zheng Shan won.


Game No. 11, Zheng Shan won.

Sister Lan, the invincible opponent of the Shili Brigade, lost.

(End of this chapter)

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