Natural Disaster Strikes: From Joining the Rescue Team

Chapter 625, Wei Peng’s entire team got into the car to recuperate and receive treatment

The mothers who were breastfeeding quietly were a little panicked.

"Don't be like this, get up quickly, get up quickly."

Wei Peng and others were as motionless as a rock, and their eyes were filled with tears, like rain.

The mothers became even more panicked, and the medical staff couldn't stand it anymore: "Deputy Director Liao, take them out of here quickly and don't cause trouble."

Liao Sui helped Wei Peng up with all his hands and feet and pushed them out: "Come out, come out, what are you doing?"

From the time they got on the bus to now, only Liao Sui was following the reception. Wei Peng and others got on the bus and just looked at them without thinking about where Gu Sheng had gone.

Just as they were walking outside, some medical staff came over and took Xiaohu and other older children from the robot's hands.

Wei Peng saw it, but even if it was a handover, he didn't say anything.

Since it was 15 degrees above zero here, Wei Peng and his team members took off their helmets and wiped away their tears.

After seeing the scene just now, their hearts were filled with excitement. They followed Liao Sui inertly, thinking they were going to receive supplies.

Liao followed them through the carriage and walked out from another door.

In an instant, people with smiles on their faces were everywhere, and they barged into the eyes of Wei Peng and others.

Yue Xing, Yue Yang and his son, together with the elders and middle-aged people of the Yue family, generally people of a certain age and with some status, are all here.

Yao Hongliang's whole family, as well as people with positions in the Yao family group company, are all here.

The Gu family and the other nine of the twelve families who were the first to distribute supplies in the city are all here.

Some people from Zuo Hui's team who led more than 100 million people skillfully through the wind and snow to meet up with Gu Sheng are here.

Zuo Hui was not there, he was at the scene for rescue, and he arranged some people to welcome Wei Peng and others.

Chen Daosheng, the district trade union leader who was rescued from Chongcheng, and some elderly people in good health are all here.

There are many others. Wait.

They lined up on both sides, each holding a big red banner with the words "Welcome Heroes" written on it.

The applause rang out enthusiastically, filling the place.

The faces of Wei Peng and others were flushed red.

They shook hands with people in a daze and listened to Liao Sui introduce their names. They didn't remember much in this scene.

I just remember being surrounded involuntarily, entering the next carriage, and then another carriage.

The temperature here is constant at 26 degrees. The people who welcomed them began to undress and warmly suggested that Wei Peng and others enjoy the hot water.

A hot bath?

A hot bath in this snowy weather?
This is a great temptation that no one can refuse.

Coupled with the sounds of welcome, praise, and encouragement around them, Wei Peng and others felt itchy all over, and they couldn't refuse.

So, like Guo Gang and others who got on the train in Gucheng, they took off their protective clothing and enjoyed a hot bath in the public bathroom in the carriage with a constant temperature of 26 degrees.

The hot water intertwined with the upward line of sight, and the light moved quietly, silently recording blood pressure, heartbeat and other medical data.

Here is the rescue vehicle of Car No. 3 Feng Zhang. Once again, Car No. 3 accepts rescue team members, just considering that pregnant women can breastfeed without arc jumping.

Get on the bus and get used to the corner of the carriage. The doctors who jumped out from their respective carriages judged the health of Wei Peng and others from the medical data received in the computer. They were all very serious.

Su Fei: "Feng, what we collect in this way is only basic data. Dr. Feynman and I need to determine the severity of depression. We need to do further examinations."

Another doctor also said: "I need to do a more detailed medical examination."

Doctor Feng: "Captain Gu, we need to greet the guests again to cover us for further examination."

Gu Sheng's reply first praised them: "Don't you need to unfold the big instruments like you did when examining Captain Guo and the others? Doctors, you are really amazing."

Dr. Feng's face turned dark: "Didn't you say that you would scare them and do a physical examination without saying hello? We can't deploy large instruments, so we can only rely on our own experience."

Gu Sheng said haha: "Thank you, doctor, thank you. I will give them a nutritious meal next. Will it not hinder your examination?"

Dr. Feng: "Some internal medical examinations require fasting, but in this weather, there are too many minor visceral lesions, and almost everyone has them. I don't think it's okay to do fasting examinations. Now we just need to judge whether they are in the long term." During the months of rescue, have you experienced depression or more serious mental illness? If there are major physical illnesses, you can tell from the basic data."

Su Fei: "Agree."

Feynman: "Agreed."

Gurides: "Agreed."

Other doctors agreed.

Dr. Feng: "Captain Gu, you can arrange their diet, as long as you give us an environment where we can ask questions without being discovered."

Gu Sheng said happily: "Thank you, doctor, I love you."

Dr. Feng: "Thank you."

Su Fei: "My orientation is normal."

Feynman: "Stay away from me."

Gurides: "Not suitable for children."

Gu Sheng exclaimed and became happy again, and then went to arrange for the welcoming people to continue to be enthusiastic.

Wei Peng and others came out of the shower, wearing clean and refreshing summer clothes, with waves of dizziness.

Still having some reasons for clarity in his heart, Wei Peng reminded the team members: "We have taken a shower and put the children in the car. We will say goodbye to everyone later, put on protective clothing and get off the car. As promised, we will not be in this car." To eat here, Captain Gu will send the food supplies to the car, and we can go back and eat slowly with everyone."

This was explained before getting into the car, and the rescue team members all said: "Copy that."

Then they were enveloped in a warm atmosphere, surrounded by large bowls of meat porridge, slightly overcooked noodles, freshly steamed soft steamed buns and nutritious side dishes.

The words "It's hard to refuse a warm welcome" didn't even come to my mind, and I couldn't help but eat my bowl amidst a lot of questions.

Dr. Su Fei and his mental health team were surrounded by a large number of questions, quietly asking questions that were only asked by psychiatrists, and calmly observing words and expressions to complete expression judgments.

Returning to the temporary medical point in the corner, the doctors were busy writing, and the latest medical diagnosis reports were released one after another.

After Wei Peng finished the last bite of meat porridge, he reluctantly had the idea of ​​licking the bowl, but there were too many people around, so he gave up.

He used some strength, pushed the bowl away, and said with a warm smile: "Thank you for the hospitality. Please bring the supply list for us to sign. The people in the city are still waiting for us."

Feng Zhang came over with a stack of lists and introduced them one by one. It took another quarter of an hour.

Yue Xing smiled at Lao Gu and whispered: "Contact Xiao Gu."

Lao Gu: "Xiaosheng, it's time for digestion. It's time to start."

Gu Sheng was very happy: "Ha, okay, dad."

At the dinner table, Feng Zhang presented a stylus: "Captain Wei, sign here." Wei Peng was so excited that he started to faint early: "Give us so much, this..." He took the pen and signed.

After signing, he returned the pen to Feng Zhang, looked at the rescue team members sternly, and shouted: "Stand up!"

Then he said: "Salute."

Wei Peng's eyes filled with tears: "Thank you for the hospitality and the gift of materials. We will escort the Jicheng evacuation to the base. See you at the base!"

Everyone looked at them and just laughed. While laughing, they separated a path and the doctors walked in.

Without saying a word, he sent a piece of paper to some of them.

The last one was sent to Wei Peng by Dr. Feng, with a businesslike expression: "Please sign and agree that half of the people will stay in the car for treatment."


Wei Peng was speechless, and then he was still confused and confused: "What does this mean?"


Loud laughter could be heard, and at this time the crowd divided into another passage. At the end of the passage, Gu Sheng sat leisurely, smoking slowly.

When his eyes met Wei Peng, Gu Sheng didn't waste any time. He pressed the communicator and directly called up a video.

This is a two-way video playback, with two windows visible.

Wu Long solemnly said: "Wu Long, the deputy captain of the Jiecheng rescue team, requested to return to the team in Jicheng and take over the entire Jicheng evacuation team."

Another window is Fang Yi: "I agree. Are you feeling well? Lucky you agree to get off the car?"

Wu Long smiled: "I returned to the team according to the doctor's orders, and Lucky Man also agreed to let me get out of the car. Now I request to return to the team, and ask the Jicheng rescue team to stay in the car to recuperate."

Fang Yi: "As long as you have medical advice, I agree. But don't you have enough people? Some members of the Jiecheng Rescue Team have been merged into the Ancient City Rescue Team. I already know this."

Wu Long's smile deepened: "How can you not be lucky if you are with the lucky ones? Captain Gu gave me [-] sets of protective clothing, so I only have a lot more rescuers."

So Wu Long had originally agreed with Gu Sheng that he wanted people from the Jicheng rescue team who had passed the physical examination. But when he found out that there were [-] extra sets of protective clothing, he simply changed his tune with Gu Sheng and asked Wei Peng and the entire team to stay in the car to recuperate.

Fang Yi opened his mouth, obviously surprised by this number.

Then he said with emotion: "I would like to thank you Lucky Man. I agree that you will have full authority to serve the Jicheng evacuation team. I agree that the Jicheng rescue team will enter the rescue vehicle to recuperate."

He raised his hand in salute, and the projection ended immediately.

Gu Sheng, who was smoking happily, smiled at Wei Peng: "If you don't understand, I'll play it again."

The first concern of Wei Peng and his rescue team members is: "If you give Wu Long [-] sets of protective clothing, how many rescue team members does he have now?"

Gu Sheng explained seriously: "The number of five hundred sets comes from respect for the more than 1000 children protected by Jicheng. What I respect is the rescue team headed by your team Wei, and what I respect are all the survivors in Jicheng."

Then he relaxed his posture and smiled mischievously: "Wu Long took the remaining rescue team members from Jie City, a total of 180 seven people, plus 500 people, it should be 680 seven people now."

Wei Peng exclaimed: "So many!"

Gu Sheng: "So you can rest assured and stay in the car to recuperate. Oh, I have done the last thing. Captain Wu has received service authority, but half of you are still in the city. I don't think about it. You, Captain Wei, give me Get it to the car."

Wei Peng realized at this point that Gu Sheng was trying to trick him and half of the team members into the car to give them a chance to recuperate and receive treatment.

The emotion made him feel like there was a fire burning in his chest, and he couldn't let go of the survivors in the snow city.

Wei Pengdui smiled: "Gu team, half of us are still qualified."

As soon as he said this, the doctors on the side quickly issued a large stack of medical reports and issued one to all those who passed the physical examination.

Wei Peng took his report, took one look at it, and felt dumbfounded.

"In the early stage of depression, hospitalize on the spot and receive immediate treatment."

Wei Peng was amused: "Doctors, you are kidding me. I just graduated in medicine, and I have never heard that hospitalization is needed in the early stages of depression."

Dr. Su Fei said gently: "Have you seen my treatment suggestions?"

Wei Peng continued to read the report, and immediately became happy when he saw it.

"Treatment suggestions are to have a good drink, get drunk and sleep well, make sure to eat well after going to bed, and make sure to exercise moderately when you wake up. After that, drink and smoke in moderation, and exercise in moderation for one week."

Wei Peng: "Haha, this suggestion is very high-level, and it is on a global level."

He smiled, and soon the tears turned into low sobs.

Su Fei blinked innocently: "Yes, I am indeed a world-renowned doctor, only slightly less famous than Dr. Feng."

Wei Peng cried: "Thank you, thank you, thank you lucky man, thank you."

Gu Sheng came over and took away the material list from Wei Peng's hand: "This is the handover form that needs your signature before giving it to Wu Long."

After saying that, he put his arms around Wei Peng's shoulders: "Let's go. It's best not to drink on an empty stomach, but you have just eaten a nutritious meal. Now let's go for treatment."

At this point, Wei Peng really couldn't refuse, but he did not completely forget his duties. He said seriously: "Gu team, the treatment will be completed in a week. Please let us get off the bus and continue to serve the evacuation."

His team members also said: "There are still many people who need us."

When Yue Xing heard this, he was filled with emotion and said to Lao Gu: "At this time, we need to work together. You help me and I will help you to overcome this difficulty and strive to get everyone to the base as soon as possible and live a stable life." day."

When Chen Daosheng heard this, he was also filled with emotion. He recalled the difficult days in Chongcheng. If Gu Sheng hadn't appeared from the sky, most of them wouldn't know if they were still here.

Even if both are present, there is no need to say which one is better, riding a car or walking on foot.

Gu Sheng agreed.

Wei Peng followed his instructions and asked the other half of the city's rescue team to get into the car.

The banquet was set up, and Yue Xing and others accompanied them.

Gu's mother came to serve the food and asked Gu Sheng to come out.

The mother and son walked outside the public living room, and Mother Gu whispered: "Mrs. Leng and the others have just seen the newly arrived child on the bus. Mrs. Leng and the others said that we can still get more than 1000 gold locks and bracelets." of"

Gu Sheng said calmly: "Mom, among the original 1000 people in the car, there are also children, but they haven't received any. It's not appropriate that only the children who are new to the car can receive it."

Mother Gu: "I also think something is wrong, but Mrs. Leng and the others really want to do something for the car. They are really enthusiastic, so let me ask you."

Gu Sheng: "Only give it to newborns who are born in the car. Otherwise, we still have a long way to go. I don't know how many children will get on the car on the way, which will make everyone poor and create new conflicts."

Gu Ma suddenly realized: "Yes, I understand."

Gu Ma hurried back and asked the ladies not to be too enthusiastic.

Gu Sheng returned to the public living room and saw that the wine had been poured and the dishes were fragrant, but no one moved their chopsticks and were all waiting for him.

Gu Sheng raised his glass: "Let us welcome the Jicheng rescue team to the car to rest. Everyone knows how much they drink. Depending on your mood and capacity, I drank this drink!"

see you tomorrow

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