Chapter 332, Batch Rescue

Liao Sui looked unhappy, Gu Sheng lit a cigarette and waited for him to speak.

Wu Daochang smiled: "What the deputy director means is that Chongcheng has a high steel reserve, so it cannot be rescued."

Liao Sui: "Don't repeat those words indiscriminately."

Wu Daochang: "You come up with a clear opinion, to save, or not to save?"

Under his questioning, Liao Sui put away his heaviness, and turned into a bitter face again: "...Chongcheng is too far away."

Wu Daochang: "The steel reserve is too high. It's inappropriate for Director Gu to bring all of them to the base. That's what you mean, right?"

Liao Sui broke out in despair: "In fact, we have been implementing the nearest rescue. The director has said more than once that it is wrong to use the time that can save ten people to save one who may not survive."

Wu Daochang: "Steel has no life, how can it survive or not? Liao Sui, do you dare to speak out about the twists and turns in your heart?"

Liao Sui was left speechless, and stared at Wu Daochang.

Gu Sheng said calmly: "I asked General Fang Yi for instructions."

Liao Sui: "Oh? You can have this, what did he say?"

Wu Daochang laughed three times, squinting at Liao Sui with disdain.

Gu Sheng: "He said all the precious metals, two-thirds of the steel, and half of the food, as before, the population belongs to me."

Liao swayed with his body and almost jumped up.

Wu Daochang: "I can't stand it anymore. What do you think about this posture? It is obvious now that General Fang Yi needs supplies and cannot accept a large number of people for the time being. I understand his difficulty, so I also understand the director's approach. Gu No matter where the director said to go, there must be his reasons. From this point of view, I absolutely obey him. You, the deputy director, have too many ideas, can you still stop the boss?"

Liao Sui sat down again and said sullenly, "I don't want to do anything."

Gu Sheng: "Speak directly, there are no outsiders here."

Liao Sui: "So, we must go to the base, right? General Fang Yi's reply shows that he can't accept us yet."

Gu Sheng thought for a while: "The colonel is very talkative. According to the practice of the plane that flew away, he will also fill the plane and send it to General Fang Yi. Deputy Director Liao really doesn't want to leave his hometown. Let me see if the colonel will take it with him. Your whole family. But, as far as I'm concerned,'

Wu Daochang answered: "From my point of view, Director Gu has nearly ten million people and a lot of supplies. Liao Sui, do you feel relieved to go?"

Gu Sheng laughed: "Director, please call me the captain, so that I feel comfortable, and you have been protecting me, and you are indeed my chief."

Wu Daochang: "I'm not protecting you. Liao Sui just thought carefully about this, and took it out to scare you if nothing happened. I also wanted to have a good name for rescue on my head, and I was afraid that you would bring a lot of people to the base and supplies. The base. Let me ask you, Liao Sui. We didn’t move a single step. Can’t you calculate how much supplies the base has sent to General Fang? There is so much steel in the heavy city, and if you don’t dig it out, it will be buried deeper and deeper. At present, except Gu Director, Captain Gu, who is the lucky one, who can calmly rescue supplies? Every day that passes, it becomes more difficult to take away."

Liao Sui lost his temper: "I mean, people nearby are also waiting for our rescue. Not to mention the heavy city is too far away, and the terrain is complicated. It has a lot of mountains, so it is not easy to rescue."

Wu Daochang continued to choke him: "No matter what you say, you can't feel sorry for my security captain. You forgot to get injured when you went out of the city. How complicated is the environment outside the city? Captain Gu is willing to persist in rescue, and you can enjoy the credit in the city with peace of mind. Why don't you know? foot?"

Liao Sui sat upright: "It's not my credit, I don't want it."

Wu Daochang: "You are the deputy director, you can get some credit!"

Gu Sheng: "Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, I'm just informing you, not asking for your opinions. Director, we're leaving tomorrow, can you go too?"

Wu Daochang: "Yes, I am willing to go out of the city to have a look."

Gu Sheng: "Now there are seven wreckers. I will take two vehicles, [-] protective suits, and [-] ground rescuers to Chongcheng. You will take two vehicles, [-] protective suits, and [-] ground rescuers. The original plan was to rescue within [-] miles. The medical staff did not need to get out of the car and did not need protective clothing."

Wu Daochang stood up, "Yes!"

Gu Sheng: "Deputy Director Liao, I will also transfer the director out of the city, and the city will trouble you."

Liao Sui also stood up: "Yes."

Gu Sheng: "Goodbye then, I'll arrange tomorrow's list of rescuers, and the chief will come too."

Gu Sheng had his own workshop, Wu Daochang walked in with him, and said with a smile: "Today's attitude is right, you can arrange him directly without asking for his opinion. This guy is really good at his job, but he is always on guard against you. I think he's ridiculous."

Gu Sheng: "His thinking is understandable, as long as he works hard, it will be fine."

The two made a batch of lists, and went to the training place to listen to the opinions of the trainers.

The base sent a group of staff on the road, including psychiatrists, medical staff, chefs, and pet doctors, who continued to help and train people every day.

Gu Sheng carefully consulted the teacher's opinion, finalized the list of personnel, and notified everyone to rest early tonight and leave early tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, four wreckers set off, Wu Daochang took two to the planned city, and Gu Sheng took two wreckers to the heavy city.

The colonel and his crew all followed, in the car Liang Kai drove.

Hua Nu: "Hehe, Johnny, I am very honored to see your powerful ability with my own eyes."

Jonny: "Do you understand? I work with only my girls around."

Hua Nu: "Hehe, it's the same when I look outside. My eyes are very sharp. Johnny, don't let me catch you, your blindness will fail haha."

Jonny: "As long as you don't enter my workplace, you can look wherever you want, and you can look whatever you want."

Alyusha, another captain of the colonel's flight crew: "Jonny, your attitude is tough to the end. Now I somewhat believe it may be true."

Johnny was furious: "Of course, of course, of course!"

Ye Lin comforted him: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, anger affects work mood."

Shan yawned: "I advise you not to mess with him, this guy is now an active volcano, the kind that erupts automatically."

Adam added fuel and vinegar: "It's better to be idle and dazed than to talk to Johnny. It's not wrong to listen to me."

Hua Nu: "Hehe, I'll wait and see."

The wrecker moved forward at full speed, making a whirring sound as it rubbed against the wind and snow. From the small screen, the ice and snow were boundless and smooth everywhere.

After going out for an hour, less than two hours later, the small screen indicated that the target was about to be reached, and the wrecker began to slow down.

Yu Quanming said that it would be good if the rescue rate could reach 35%. Liao Sui said that the topography of the heavy city is complicated. When the snow-wrapped city appears on the small screen, the nearby hills and mountains can also be recognized on other screens, like a road. Roof of ice and snow.

 good afternoon.

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(End of this chapter)

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