"Bless you to heaven and earth!"

Hearing the sound, Song Shaoqin and Xia Ning slowly turned to face the sky and the earth, which is the direction of the village committee door. They each held one end of red silk, and tied a large hydrangea in the middle of the red silk.

Everyone at the base rushed into the village committee compound, and almost instantly the entire village committee compound was blocked, and it was completely crowded.

The villagers who couldn't squeeze into the compound to stand at the first wedding scene came up with endless ways, each showing their unique talents!

Some villagers cleverly stood on stools and towered over the crowd to watch the wedding, while others lay directly on the wall of the village committee compound to watch, and some even climbed up the big trees beside the compound wall. , I had to crane my neck to watch the wedding.
In short, in order to watch the wedding ceremony of Erye Song and Miss Xia, everyone in the base tried their best, just to witness their wedding with their own eyes.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

Song Shaoqin and Xia Ning bent down in unison and bowed deeply in the direction of heaven and earth.

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

Then, they slowly turned around to face Father Song and Mother Song, who were sitting in the high hall, and bowed deeply and sincerely.

"Bye husband and wife!"

Listening to this "husband and wife greeting", Song Shaoqin and Xia Ning couldn't help but feel slightly touched.

couple?What a beautiful word.

The two stood opposite each other, staring deeply at each other. At this moment, they seemed to be able to penetrate the red hijab, clearly see each other's faces, and meet each other's eyes in the air.

The next second, the two of them bent down at the same time in tacit understanding, and their heads were pressed together. From this moment on, they were a couple who had worshiped heaven and earth and received blessings from relatives and friends.

From now on, I wish them a harmonious relationship and a happy family.

The two hope that the beauty will not diminish, and hope that after the changes of the years and the passage of time, their feelings for each other will still last forever.

Three wishes for longevity and longevity. I hope they can live a long and healthy life and become a lovely and interesting old man and woman.

"Licheng! Send to the bridal chamber!"

As the ceremony ended, everyone in the audience burst out into bursts of warm cheers, and of course there were some joking cheers.

Song Shaoqin directly carried his bride on his back and walked out towards the village committee door. Wherever he went, the villagers wisely gave way to the newlyweds.

Because this is not the wedding room of the couple, it is just a wedding venue for the convenience of holding the ceremony. Therefore, as the groom's official, Song Shaoqin has to send the bride back to the new room.

Before, it was inconvenient to carry Xia Ning on her back due to etiquette rules. Now that they are a married couple, they can naturally carry her on their back in their exclusive wedding car.

Yes, their wedding also prepared a unique carriage, which was actually a four-wheeled carriage in later generations. A horse pulled it in front and an open four-wheeled carriage was behind it.

It's just that at this time, there were a lot of flowers and ribbons on both sides of the car, which looked particularly gorgeous and festive.

After all, a once-in-a-lifetime wedding does not allow the bride to ride in a sedan chair twice, so Song Shaoqin thought of the British carriage style that he had seen in a video.

So he modified such a four-wheel carriage and used it as the main wedding carriage for them to return to the wedding house. This way, they could also receive blessings from everyone in the base along the way back to the Song family compound.

Spread flowers, are you all ready for your share of the money?

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