amazing magic

Chapter 103 102. Harry's Surprise

Chapter 103 102. Harry's Surprise

Harry had a great time on holiday.

Although he still couldn't beat Ron in Wizard Chess, fortunately, he didn't get dizzy from the noise of chess pieces who didn't listen to instructions, were noisy, and pointed fingers.

And when he had a good night's sleep, he woke up the next day, but unexpectedly found a pile of packages at the foot of the bed.

It reminded him of being at Uncle Vernon's.For Christmas, all he had to do was clean up, make breakfast, put up the Christmas tree... and watch Dudley make a fuss about his presents.

Now... I actually have so many!

This can't help but make him feel ecstatic:

"Merry Christmas."

He said to the messy-haired, bright green-eyed boy in the mirror.

Ron was already awake. "What did you collect? Cabbages?" He looked at his pile of parcels, which was much larger than Harry's. [original]

Harry picked up the topmost packet.

It was wrapped in thick kraft paper, with the words "Hagrid to Harry" flying on it, and inside was a rough flute, obviously made by Hagrid himself. [original]

Harry blew, a little like an owl. [original]

There is a note in the second small paper bag: [We have received your letter, and I have attached a Christmas gift for you.Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia]

Attached to the note with scotch tape was a 50p coin. [original]

Harry thought of his bag of Bibi's multi-flavored beans—

"It's still friendly." He was even a little satisfied and a little proud.

Ron liked that coin very much.

He liked Muggle things, to be precise, and was pulling a burgundy sweater over his head at the moment.

Maybe the head was too big, or maybe the neckline was too small, but it took me a long time to pull.

At this moment, Harry couldn't help but look at his other package.

There was a green ribbon on the package, and when I opened it, it was two volumes from a second-hand bookstore - "Amazing Comics".

There is also a volume of "Memorabilia of Ancient Magic", which is also an old book.

With a groan, he probably understood who gave this gift.

Open that letter, sure enough!

【Dear Harry, forgive me for not being able to give you more expensive and rare things. After all, money is limited, you understand.

I found "Amazing Comics" in a second-hand bookstore. I don't think any boy will dislike it. Maybe you can take a look. It may be serialized for many years.

And the other—God, I know you will think that I am urging you to study all the time, but there is no conscience this time.

Maybe you can take a look, or give it to Hermione to have a look.You asked Nicole Flamel before the holiday, because I haven't had time to reply to many things during the holiday, but this may have the answer.

Your loyalty
Lin an】


Nico Flamel!

Harry immediately realized that this was the clue they had heard from Hagrid about the Hogwarts mysterious treasure!
He turned his head and immediately wanted to share this with Ron, but Ron had already pulled his sweater and shouted loudly:
"Harry, have you found your present from my mother? She knitted you a sweater like the Weasleys'."

Harry forgot about Nicole Flamel for a moment.

Then he started flipping through his package and saw a thick, squishy one inside.

I tore open the paper package, and it turned out to be a thick bright green hand-knitted sweater and a large box of homemade fudge.

This made him feel very envious and very warm: "She is so kind..."

Although he was still wearing pajamas, Harry couldn't wait to put the dark green sweater on his head.

I have to say that it matches my eyes very well.

And Ron also leaned over: "What is this?" He flipped through the weird comic book.

"It's from Lin an, Dudley loves to read these, but he always loses them - I mean, can you understand? It's a Muggle fantasy superhero story. If you If you are interested, we can watch it together."

"Of course!"

Ron couldn't wait to open the comic book.

And Harry unwrapped the next present - well, he gave Hermione a big box of chocolate frogs, and so did Hermione.

There is one last packet left.

He picked it up, felt it, and took it apart.

A liquid-like, silvery-gray thing slid down to the floor and gathered into a pile, shining brightly. [original]

 A little less, but let's make do with it, more tomorrow.

  This chapter quotes a lot from the original work, so I also wrote more words (before charging more fees).

  Marvel Comics, Marvel, I love it so much!But I haven't read the manga.

(End of this chapter)

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