i am hokage in tokyo

Chapter 466 Chapter 467 Sand Shukaku

Mutsu City, Aomori Prefecture, the northernmost tip of Japan's Honshu Island, is separated from Hokkaido by a shallow Tsugaru Strait.

Near the Sarugomori Sand Dunes on the northeastern coast of Mutsu City, at the Shimokita Test Site of the Ministry of Defense's Defense Equipment Agency, a young member of the Self-Defense Forces was sitting in the duty room, holding his mobile phone and watching with great interest.

"The orangutan beast of Yellowstone Volcano is so powerful! If this cannon is fired, no dog or donkey can stop it except Lord Uchiha!"

The young self-defense team member who was so focused that he completely ignored the appearance of an old male face with a donkey face behind the window, frowning and giving him a death stare.


"Rizu Eshima, when did you come!?"

The young self-defense team member was so frightened that he stood up quickly and hurriedly tried to hide his mobile phone. He accidentally slipped it and was caught by a hand before it fell.

The screen was showing pictures that were even more exciting than the budget-burning Hollywood special effects blockbusters.

The four-tailed monster is as huge as a moving volcano, the embodiment of destruction and disaster. It spits out a black tailed beast jade, swallowing everything in a fireball like a nuclear explosion.

"As expected, I was watching videos of monsters appearing in the United States."

The old man with the rank of Third Class Army Sergeant looked away and said to the young man with a straight face:

"Extraordinary times are extraordinary. Now the Self-Defense Forces at various bases across the country have entered a state of emergency. Don't slack off when you are on duty."

"Yes, yes, yes." The young self-defense force didn't dare to say anything except nodding his head.

"It's not an example."

Lu Zuo turned off his phone and put it on the table, clasping his hands behind his back and saying expressionlessly.

The young man was stunned for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief.

Just let it go so lightly? I thought I was going to die.

"If it weren't for the fact that there are too many people resigning now and there is a real shortage of manpower, I wouldn't treat this bastard lightly." Lu Zuo thought dissatisfied.

"Today's young people are so cowardly! Shameless! They have no backbone at all!"

Good iron does not make nails, and a good man does not serve as a soldier.

Discrimination against the castrated Self-Defense Forces was ubiquitous in Japanese society after the war. The Self-Defense Forces also had no idea of ​​defending their homeland and country. They were just making a living, no different from other social animals.

After the advent of the extraordinary era, it is not without right-wing politicians who want to use this opportunity to boost the status of the Self-Defense Forces and loosen their leashes.

However, the Supernatural Police Department, commanded by the Uchiha Sect, acted vigorously and vigorously to suppress the demons and ghosts in the country, causing the plans of some ambitious people to fail.

During the three years of Jedi Tiantong, the situation in Japan was going smoothly, and the political arena and the Self-Defense Forces could be described as civilized and military.

However, with the Tengen Game launched by fake Abe Seimei last month, and the two major events that occurred one after another in the past week, namely the Yokota explosion and the collapse of the Yellowstone monster in Idaho City, many people are frightened.

The two big explosions shocked the world, with the number of casualties exceeding the total number of deaths due to extraordinary events over the years. They still dominate the trending search lists around the world, fueling the spread of rumors about the Doomsday Judgment.

Although the news of the Uchiha Sect's defection was temporarily suppressed, the Twelve Gods were isolated and examined, and the leaderless Supernatural Hall suddenly came to a standstill.

Pressure then came to police departments and self-defense forces.

Although most of Japan's hundreds of thousands of Self-Defense Forces members only have a high school diploma with 12 years of compulsory education, they are not fools.

You can get paid as an office worker, but there is no need to talk about being cannon fodder.

At least, you have to add money.

After all, he is a young man who can shout, "If a country wants people to die for it, let it perish." Suddenly, resignation letters applying for retirement piled up on the desks of departments at all levels of the Ministry of Defense like snowflakes.

The Self-Defense Forces do not have military courts, so they cannot take a tough stance against these Self-Defense Forces members who have escaped from battle. The Ministry of Defense has almost nothing to do except to keep them in check.

Self-Defense Forces across Japan inevitably become disoriented and demoralized.

"How's it going? Is there anything unusual around the Shimokita Proving Ground?"

"Everything is fine."

Lu Zuo nodded with satisfaction, then looked out the window at the large sand dunes stretching from north to south to the end of the field of vision, thinking silently in his heart:

"The sand dunes of Saru Forest are a broken place that has been plowed by cannonballs countless times. Even if there is any monster hiding there, it should have been shaken out long ago."

Compared with the famous Tottori Sand Dunes, Japan's largest desert Sarugo no Mori Sand Dunes is little known.

For many years, the Sarunomori Sand Dunes have been closed by the Ministry of Defense as a ballistic artillery test site and are prohibited to the general public.

In the past 6000 years, the Jomon Sea has continuously piled up Pacific sand and gravel on the east coast of the Shimokita Peninsula, forming the Sarunomori Sand Dunes, which is about 2 kilometers from east to west and has an arc length of 17 kilometers. The area is five times the size of the Tottori Sand Dunes.

Of course, compared to the Sahara Desert, the Mono no Mori Sand Dunes are cute and small.

"Well, today was very peaceful too."

Thinking of comforting himself like this, Ritsu Ejima showed a relieved smile on his old face.


At this moment, several sand dunes in front of him suddenly disintegrated, and the sea of ​​sand flowed, rolling sand waves, converging towards the center of the Sand Dunes of Saru no Mori.

If there were a satellite over the Shimokita Test Site at this moment, it would be possible to photograph the Sarugo no Mori Sand Dunes forming a sand vortex that is a kilometer in diameter and rotates counterclockwise.

Lu Zuo and the young man were stunned and speechless.


In the whirlpool, a giant beast made of yellow sand emerged, staring into the copper coin-shaped beast eyes and letting out an earth-shattering roar.

The sound waves rolled in with the wind and sand in the sky. The two people felt that their souls were being torn into pieces, and they were trembling so much that they could hardly breathe.

After a while, the pale-faced Lu Zuocai woke up from a dream and screamed:

"Quick! Sound the alarm!"

It was nearly dawn, and the sky was gloomy, almost dark but not yet bright, not yet bright.

This was the sleepiest moment of the day, but the shocking roar of the giant yellow sand beast shook the entire Shimokita Proving Ground out of sleep.

Whether it was an officer or a low-level self-defense team member, when they saw the yellow sand monster that was tens of meters in size and was gathering sand to form a body that was constantly expanding, they were all shocked to the point where their minds went blank.

"What a monster!"

Immediately, they were on fire, reporting the changes that had occurred in the Sarunomori Sand Dunes to Tokyo, Aomori Prefecture's Misawa Base, and other places.

Half an hour later, the armed forces of the Self-Defense Forces at the Shimokita Proving Ground were already out in force, setting up a simple defense line outside the Saruno no Mori Sand Dunes.

The skyline also hovered with a group of Air Self-Defense Force fighter jets rushing to help from Chitose Base and Misawa Base in Hokkaido.

Under the trembling eyes of countless people, the behemoth in the sand sea gradually condensed into a complete form.

"After a big monster appears in the United States, will it be our turn?"

"The civet cat?"

"Idiot, this is a raccoon dog!"

A giant raccoon dog with a round body and tail covered with violet lines seems a bit naive at first glance, but the giant beast's body length of nearly 100 meters still makes people's scalp numb due to macrophobia.

The sand guard crane stands here.

"Don't act rashly!"

The order coming from the Prime Minister's Residence in Tokyo confused some officers at the Shimokita Proving Ground.

The yellow sand monster was obviously using gravel to assemble its body. Some people suggested that it would be better to strike first.

This bloated monster is a living target.

Naturally, there was no shortage of ammunition at the Shimokita Proving Ground. Thousands of artillery fire were fired at once, blowing Shukaku up to ashes.

However, Professor Nagayama has identified through satellite images that this is Shukaku, one of the tailed beasts, so it was rejected after repeated consideration by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

The United States' encirclement and suppression of the four-tailed Monkey King and the annihilation of the entire army was a lesson to the past. Moreover, they paid a heavy price to test out the suspected immortality of the tailed beasts. The United States was at a loss to do anything. As a result, the Prime Minister's Office did not even dare to fight lightly.

It’s not like the Four Tails built a volcano to hide in. If Shukaku can stay huddled in the Saruno no Mori sand dunes, it’s not like Japan can’t pretend to be an ostrich.

Anyway, the Sarunomori Sand Dunes far away in the countryside of Aomori Prefecture is just a barren land used as a shooting range.

"Ow hoo hoo!"

Unfortunately, things didn't work as expected. After Shukaku raised his head and roared a few times, he moved his body in the sea of ​​sand and headed inland.

The wishful thinking of the big shots in the Prime Minister's Office was shattered, and they could only grit their teeth and order:

"Attack! Kill it before it leaves the Saru no Mori Sand Dunes and enters Mutsu City!"

Ejima Ritsuo, who acted as the temporary commander at the scene, grabbed the microphone and looked confused.

Even the army of the most powerful country in the world was beaten to a bloody pulp by the Yellowstone monster. Are we really going to let those rotten fish and shrimps like us Self-Defense Forces come in?

Please, do the cabinet gentlemen think this is filming an Ultraman special series?

Our Self-Defense Forces do not have the combat effectiveness of the Scientific Special Search Team!

Let the professionals do the professional things!

"When will the reinforcements from the Supernatural Department arrive?"

Edao Ritsu asked anxiously:

"Director Uchiha is already on his way, right!"

As a third-class Ritsu, he was not qualified to know the inside story that the Uchiha Sect had defected.

"Attack! This is an order!"

The superior did not give a direct answer, but scolded him hard and coldly.

At this moment, Edao Ritsuo really wanted to slam his resignation letter on his superior's face and yell, I quit!


But he still had some sense left, so he could only agree in humiliation.

Ritsu Ejima turned around quickly, looked at Shukaku who was moving his huge body in the sand dune, and swallowed.

From a distance, Shukaku is only moving slowly, but it seems to be moving very slowly. The huge body only needs to take one step to reach tens of meters.

Now the Self-Defense Forces are still at a safe distance of ten miles away and still have the courage to carry out long-range strikes.

If they were allowed to be bullied by such a behemoth, with a mountain-like body, they would be oppressed to the point of losing their morale and collapse without a fight.

"Fire! Fire!"

As Ejima Ritsuo howled at the top of his lungs, the first to launch the attack was the Air Self-Defense Force using long-range air-to-ground missiles twenty or thirty miles away.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Almost at the same time, the armored assault vehicles and artillery of the Self-Defense Forces at the Shimokita Proving Ground let out deafening roars, and in an instant, a large number of shells were fired.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Under the indiscriminate bombardment from the ground and air coordination, Shukaku let out an angry roar. Its huge body was a living target, and it was impossible to dodge.


Shukaku's body was blasted into deep craters, and the yellow sand pouring down from the wounds was like a column of water from a reservoir, rushing wildly.

"It works! The attack works!"

"Shoot out all the cannonballs! Not only will this monster be torn apart, but it will be shattered into pieces!"

At the scene, in space orbit, in Tokyo, and overseas, countless pairs of eyes stared at the Sand Dunes of Saru no Mori and were immediately overjoyed.

Monsters like tailed beasts may not be invincible!


Suddenly, Shukaku danced his tail, which was almost as big as his body, and slammed it down hard, causing the mountain to collapse in an instant.

The overwhelming yellow sand rose up wildly, as thick as a tent, driving the whistling wind with howling ghosts and gods, rushing in all directions with overwhelming momentum.

"It's a sandstorm!"

The sky-blocking sandstorm completely obscured Ichibi Shukaku's figure, and it was extremely aggressive. It seemed as if an EMP bomb was detonated wherever it passed. The magnetic field was disordered and abnormal, and electronic equipment malfunctioned instantly.

Except for the fastest few fighter jets that ran away when the situation was bad, the other fighter jets were like frightened birds, falling and exploding one after another.


Shukaku puffed up his mouth, slapped his bulging belly with one front paw, and spit out air bombs as big as a house.

Wind Escape·Lian Kong Jade!

"Bang bang bang!"

Several Sky Training Jade exploded, and violent winds and shock waves swept and spread, tearing the Self-Defense Forces' defense line into pieces!

The sandstorm gradually dissipated, and Shukaku's body as big as a sand dune was gradually revealed.

The gravel in the sand sea flowed around, clinging to Shukaku's body like a spring, and the incomplete body was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.


One-tail raised his head and roared at the rising sun.

It’s as if they are mocking the mantis for overestimating its own capabilities.

Tokyo, Prime Minister's official residence.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Professor Nagayama, and other dignitaries from the cabinet and the Imperial Palace looked at Shukaku looking up to the sky and roaring in the satellite image. They were all sweating profusely and their buttocks were trembling.

"Is this the tailed beast?"

"One-tail Shukaku, there are nine monsters like this!"

The absolute violence of the tailed beast that is unmatched by human intelligence makes these Yunshangren, who hold great power and aloofness, feel as small and helpless as the Mudlegs.

"Now is not the time to marvel at the power of the tailed beasts. Shukaku is about to break out of the desert and reach Mutsu City!"

The deputy prime minister shouted angrily:

"Think about it quickly, what can you do?"

Everyone looked at each other, looking at each other, at a loss of what to do.

"The United States is willing to provide us with once and for all assistance..." the Minister of Foreign Affairs said bravely.

"Haha, they want our country to be a testing ground to see if nuclear weapons can eliminate immortal monsters like tailed beasts!" The deputy prime minister laughed angrily and glared at the minister of foreign affairs.

After all, there is still a four-tailed beast that rioted last night on the mainland of the United States. The United States must have a plan to use nuclear weapons to annihilate the tailed beast.

"If the Uchiha Sect was here, why would it be like this!" the deputy prime minister sighed sadly.

At this moment, the desert in the satellite image was filled with countless wildly growing greens, and towering trees rose from the ground, tightly binding Shukaku.

"Wood Release! This is Director Uchiha's Wood Release!"

Professor Changshan shouted in surprise and joy.

"Quick, quick, quick! Adjust the satellite image lens!"

The camera zoomed out, and a thousand meters away in Shukaku's direction, a wooden dragon with its head and tail rising into the sky.

Sand Shukaku was entangled by the descending tree world, bumping left and right, but he couldn't escape the entanglement of Mu Yun.


Shukaku, in a rage, suddenly opened his abyssal mouth full of fangs.

A black ball of light condensed and formed instantly! (End of chapter)

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