i am hokage in tokyo

Chapter 449 Chapter 450 The loser eats the dust

"Commander William, this sculpture is a copy of Michelangelo's "Moses" and "Day and Night" by Michelangelo.

At the Yokota base headquarters, the American ambassador in suits and ties looked with interest at several life-size pure white marble statues placed in the corner of the office.

The body posture of each statue is extremely beautiful, the face is lifelike, and the muscle lines are full and strong, which can be called the pinnacle of Western art.

"Commander, you have really good taste. You are already an artist. Right, Director Uchiha."

Yokota Air Base, located in the Tama area 45 kilometers west of Tokyo, serves as the headquarters of the American Forces in Japan and the Fifth Air Force Command. There are nearly [-] American troops and civilian personnel in the base.

In order to ensure absolute security at the heart of its rule in the Far East, the U.S. military also planned the Yokota airspace over Tokyo after the war and implemented traffic control. Even civilian airliners were not allowed to approach.

At this moment, the Yokota base headquarters, which is loose on the outside but tight on the inside, welcomed two special guests.

The American ambassador teased Commander William, who was wearing a military uniform, and looked at the unsmiling Uchiha Senmon sitting on the sofa opposite with a smile on his face. He was in a very happy mood.

After the Crimson Moon, the whereabouts of Turtle Island, which carries the relics of the Age of Gods, is unknown, and natural disasters intensify around the world. Even the mainland has suffered a great disaster. It can be said that disasters never come singly.

The Sword of Damocles, the end of the world, is already crumbling, and we have to consider the worst.

Although Mi Fang can indirectly command Japan's Supernatural Agency, if something changes on the mainland, across the Pacific Ocean, water far away cannot quench the thirst nearby.

The White House has recently been instructing the Ambassador that it would be best to recruit the Uchiha Senmon and the Twelve Divine Generals from the Supernatural Agency to the United States to strengthen the country's mysterious background.

The American ambassador made insinuations several times, and the Uchiha Senmen all had a negative attitude. Unexpectedly, they suddenly relaxed yesterday.

Today, the American ambassador met privately with the Uchiha Senmen at the Yokota base without the knowledge of the Japanese government, just to finalize this matter.

This is a great achievement, maybe it can go a step further.

"By the way, Director Uchiha's wife has been dead for many years. We can choose a noble girl from our country's upper class to have a political marriage with him and tie her to a chariot."

The American ambassador shook his feet and couldn't help but praise his plan.

"Commander William's niece once studied in Japan and is acquainted with Director Uchiha. She is a good candidate."

The ambassador of the United States remembered the "Three Kingdoms" that he had recently read. One country married its princess to the monarch of another country and successfully concluded an alliance.

What does the book say? By the way, Zhou Lang’s clever plan will bring peace to the world!
The ambassador of the United States, who was eager to learn and apply it, thought happily.

Hee, my talent is Zhou Lang!

"Director Uchiha?"

After entering the headquarters, the slightly uneasy Uchiha Senmon suddenly raised his head and looked at Commander William, his dark eyes as cold as ice, a look of determination.

"Uchiha, is there something on my face?" Commander William asked suspiciously.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Uchiha Senmen suddenly raised his left hand, protruded a pole from his palm, and directly penetrated General William's right bone, nailing him to the wall.


General William's right shoulder was bleeding profusely, and he let out a heart-rending wail.


The screams immediately alerted the guards outside the office, and several American soldiers broke in. Looking at this unexpected scene in the office, they couldn't help but be shocked.

Uchiha Senmon stretched out his left hand, put his right hand on the Thunder Fang behind his waist, and slowly stood up.

The frightened soldiers pointed their guns at the Uchiha Sect out of reflex.

"Wait, don't shoot!"

Because the Uchiha Clan suddenly attacked Commander William, the American ambassador was stunned and jumped up from the sofa. He waved his hands and feet desperately with a white face to stop him.

"Director Uchiha, there must be some misunderstanding..."

The sullen Uchiha Sect was unmoved, but glanced over coldly.

In the scarlet eyes, three black magatama were rotating.

The American ambassador felt as if he had been struck by lightning and was sweating profusely. The back of his expensive handmade suit was instantly soaked with sweat.

"Writing round eye?!"

The Uchiha Sect actually possesses the eyes of a descendant of Izanagi. Could it be that he is a spy of the Akatsuki organization?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
The Uchiha Celestial Sect is not the shadow-level powerhouses of unknown origin in the heavens, nor are they jumping out of rocks.

After becoming a transcendent, his files were listed at the level of national leaders, and he was focused on by the US intelligence agencies and investigated repeatedly.

From birth to schooling, marriage, and work, until he became extraordinary and ascended to the high position of director of the Supernatural Department, the life experience of the Uchiha Senmon was completely clear. His bloodline and interpersonal relationships were all clear, and his resume could not be more innocent!

But how to explain all this?

"It hurts... Do you know what you are doing..."

Looking at the Uchiha Sect with the Sharingan opened, General William's eyes widened in disbelief, and then his face was filled with doubts, anger, and fear, and he gritted his teeth.

"Stop pretending, just hide inside him, double-faced demon!"

General William was absent-minded for a moment, his eyes flashed a few times in panic, and then he concealed himself and said: "Uchiha, what are you talking about..."

"Why do you know that? It's so disgusting!"

An unfamiliar hoarse voice suddenly sounded, and then a fist-sized facial sore appeared on General William's forehead.

After twisting and deforming like plasticine, not only the mouth, nose and eyes are complete, but also the facial features are very avant-garde, using Picasso's collage technique to achieve Cubism.

The American Ambassador's eyes widened to the point where it would not be unusual for them to fall out of their sockets in the next second.

Not only are the Uchiha Sect members spies of the Akatsuki organization, but William, the commander of the American forces stationed in Japan, is also a monster?
He had a dull look on his face, and he couldn't help but wonder whether he had made a mistake in his position in bed last night and was still awake now.

"Michelangelo! How could you come out in front of so many people? You can't do this, you can't..."

General William's expression changed drastically, and he was even more panicked than when he was stabbed by the Uchiha Sect before. He yelled a few times, then suddenly his eyes rolled up and he lost consciousness.

"Tsk, you've already been exposed, so don't hold on, it's really ugly."

The abstract human face on William's forehead curled his lips, and then his eyes, one large and one small, glanced downwards, and said to the Uchiha Sect:
"My art of parasitic ghost destruction is so perfect that no one has seen through it for 18 years. Why was it discovered by you, Uchiha Sect!"

The eyes of the Uchiha Sect were cold, and there was no trace of emotion at all, but the five internal organs in his heart were burning.

The fire of revenge that had been burning inside his body for more than ten years, capable of burning himself into a torch and even the whole world, was finally able to be vented.

"Finally, finally, I finally found you! The double-faced demon!" The demon parasitizing in Commander William's body lurks so deeply that even in the perception mode, there are no clues.

But in the end, the Uchiha Sect chose to believe the information sent by Tsukimi Riinaba, and brazenly opened the Sharingan to observe closely, and he really caught the clue.

The Sharingan can see the color of chakra.

The aura of the man in front of him was of various colors, and the huge evil energy was hidden in the deepest part of his body. He was one body with two souls, extraordinary twins.

"Hey, hey, don't scream like the Two-Faced Demon. I also have my own name, Michelangelo."

"Haha, does a monster like you deserve a name?"

Uchiha Xianmen glanced at the marble statue in the office with a vague look, and said expressionlessly.

This blood-ridden and cruel demon actually called himself Michelangelo, the master of art. He was really ill and ruined Michelangelo.

"After all, I have a very good relationship with Higuchi Orochi, and it's hard to avoid being affected by it. That guy likes to name new monsters, so that he can be regarded as a 'person'."

The double-faced demon seemed to be a talker, chattering endlessly:
"The name Michelangelo is very suitable for me as an artist. However, my art has surpassed Michelangelo!"

Uchiha Senmon didn't even want to hear a word of the monster's crazy talk, but the name Higuchi Orochi made him shudder.

A poisonous snake who seduces Section Chief Akagi into corruption and colludes with him.

Section Chief Akagi's last words before his death were that a double-faced monster was lurking among the top officials of the cabinet, and his true identity was unknown.

"Your last host was the Prime Minister, right?"

The three magatama in the Uchiha Sect's eyes turned, and although his tone was calm, he said with determination.

"Oh, have you even investigated this?"

Michelangelo admitted nonchalantly:
"That guy is really a loser, and he was actually shot by Yamashita Che, who is not yet extraordinary. When he was sent to the hospital, I left him and moved to another place to find the next host."

Senior Akagi's last words were true, but unfortunately the information obtained lagged behind.

The investigation direction of the Uchiha Sect in the past three years has focused on cabinet ministers in office and in office. A dead man who was assassinated before the first year of Chaoshan has become a blind spot in the field of vision.

"The most powerful man in Japan is not at the Prime Minister's residence or the Imperial Palace, but here!"

Michelangelo said surreptitiously:
"I was only a little bit close to killing you in Kobe, Uchiha Sect. Unfortunately, William's power is still too small. Is it better to choose the commander-in-chief of the United States next, or the commander-in-chief Lucia?"

"There's no next time."

The Uchiha Immortal's face was as cold as frost. He closed his eyes in pain, opened them suddenly, and said word by word:

"On August 23, 25, the monster attack occurred in Yayoi Town, Nakano Ward, Sakae Town and Kanai Town, Nerima Ward, on September [-]st of the same year, and in Toshima Ward on January [-]th of the following year... …”

The files reported at the Uchiha Immortal Gate were all about the serial monster murders that occurred in Tokyo twelve or thirteen years ago.

The common feature of these victims is that they are young women, and what is even more horrifying is that their heads will be removed.

Suddenly, the whole city of Tokyo was in turmoil. Everyone was in danger and stopped crying at night.

Although this horrific serial monster attack only lasted for half a year, the number of victims exceeded the number of palms.

Among them was the wife of the Uchiha Senmon.

At that time, the extraordinary events were still top secret and were not disclosed to the public. A special task force could only be established in the name of serial murders. Searches in four classes found nothing, and only a few blurry photos were found in the surveillance.

"It's all your fault, monster!"

The Uchiha Sect's tone was as cold as iron, and his lips were already bleeding from biting them.

"Do you remember how many slices of bread you've eaten?"

Michelangelo was full of malice, stretched out his thick and smooth tongue and licked his nose, and said with a strange smile like a night owl:
"By the way, Uchiha Senmon, you are Japanese. Maybe I should ask you how many bowls of rice you have eaten."

"Bang bang bang!"

Several branches instantly shot out from Uchiha Senmon's left hand, piercing through the body, limbs and walls possessed by Michelangelo.

"Is this okay? If you kill me, William will die too."

Although Michelangelo's head was made of abstract clay, it was full of teeth. It glanced at the US ambassador who was petrified with fear in the room and said.

The commotion in the headquarters is getting louder and louder, and you can already hear the commotion in the corridor and the sirens coming from outside.

"so what?"

The Uchiha Sect's Sharingan flashes with bright red light, cold and flowing fire, but it is the anger that burns the entire world.

The boiling and cold murderous intent was as real as reality, and it surged in overwhelmingly. The ordinary people in the office shuddered, and fell to the ground with a thud, and a faint stench could be heard.

But before killing this monster, he had to use his Sharingan to find out the whereabouts of Mikoto's orphan.

"Hehehe, that's really interesting. Which one is stronger, your hatred or my art?"

Michelangelo, who was nailed to the wall by multiple poles, lowered his head and laughed nervously.

The Uchiha Immortal frowned. Suddenly, where Michelangelo's right shoulder, hands, and feet were penetrated by wooden branches, a mouth full of teeth appeared at the same time, and he grinned.


With one bite, they all bit off the branches that stabbed its body.

As soon as the figure of the Uchiha Sect flashed, and he was about to bully him, Michelangelo kicked the heavy solid wood desk over.

The thunder blade teeth of his right hand slashed out, cutting the desk in two.

Michelangelo instantly flashed to the door of the headquarters and stretched out his hands towards the Uchiha Sect.

The strange mouthpart that was originally located on the arm has moved to the palm of its hand. At first glance, it looks like a hand with a mouth.

At this moment, it was like vomiting, spurting out large amounts of white clay.

After the white clay fell to the ground, it expanded instantly and transformed into three or five strange-shaped white dolls.

At first glance, it looks somewhat similar to the marble statue nearby.

"Blow to ashes under my art! Drink!"

Boom boom boom! ! !
There was a flash of fire and a big explosion blew half the building away. (End of chapter)

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