i am hokage in tokyo

Chapter 446 Chapter 447 The Creation Divine Sword, the Amazing Spear!

"Welcome to the passionate and romantic Mexico, Professor Nagayama."

The blue sky, the endless sea, the crystal clear water, and the thatched wooden houses full of Caribbean style scattered along the coastline.

Looking at the American Navy captain with a Cuban cigar in his mouth and a sinister face, Professor Nagayama's eyelids couldn't stop twitching and he dared not speak out in anger.

Professor Changshan had been in a very happy mood recently.

The appearance of Yamata no Orochi and the leech god in mythology is a great disaster for Japan, but for folklorists like him, it is simply a blessing from heaven, and he has more say in the high-level government .

The Supernatural Police Department was upgraded to the Supernatural Department, and Professor Changshan became a consultant, and his status also rose accordingly.

Good things come in pairs. An American foundation that has been funding Professor Changshan's research invited him to give a lecture in Manhattan, and the appearance fee was quite generous.

Because most of the miracles in the extraordinary era were performed by the immortal Buddha, it set off a worldwide trend of studying East Asian and Japanese mythology. Professor Nagayama went abroad to give lectures as a visiting scholar many times and made a lot of money.

Professor Changshan, who was blinded by the huge appearance fee, had no doubt that he was there. He excitedly boarded the special plane arranged by the foundation. When he landed, he saw that it was not a bustling international city but a Mexican-style seaside town. Suddenly he was dumbfounded.

Is this kidnapping?
Looking at a group of heavily armed U.S. Marines around him, Professor Nagayama couldn't help but tremble.

But this is too exaggerated.

"Professor Changshan, please forgive us for inviting you here in such a roundabout way. But this is also to ensure that no news is leaked, so please understand." The naval captain said politely in fluent Japanese.


People had to lower their heads under the eaves. Professor Changshan forced a flattering smile on his face and said humbly.

"Let's go, Professor Changshan, don't keep the other experts waiting."

The naval colonel waved his hand and summoned a military jeep. Seeing this, Professor Nagayama had no choice but to get in the car.

Not long after, we came to a harbor.

A warship was moored among them, and the Stars and Stripes fluttered in the sea breeze.


After boarding the warship, Professor Changshan felt relieved and let out a breath.

Such a large formation at least proves that the foundation that set up a scheme to get him to Mexico is not a liar, but has an official background in the United States, so that safety may be guaranteed.

The warship broke through the sea facing the bright sun, the seagulls chirped and the waves sparkled.

The scenery at sea is infinitely beautiful. If these thick-set Marines were replaced by hot bikini beauties, it would definitely be a pleasant trip to the sea.

"Your Majesty General, where are we?"

Because the naval colonel's attitude was quite warm along the way, Professor Changshan mustered up the courage to ask tentatively.

"Since we are all on the warship, there is no harm in telling the professor. This is Loreto on the west coast of Mexico."

The small town of Loreto is located on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean. It is rich in marine resources and has excellent water quality. It is one of the most popular diving destinations in the Western Hemisphere.

"Then where are we going?"

"Professor Changshan, please be patient, we will be here soon."

On the vast sea, large tracts of dense sea fog curled up, as high as skyscrapers, shrouding the end of Professor Changshan's field of vision.

"Go on, drive carefully and don't make any mistakes."

The warship's bow turned on a huge bright light, slowed down, and slowly sailed into the sea fog.

It was sunny and windy outside, but the sun was shining brightly, but the sunlight could not be absorbed into the fog at all. Although it was not so dark that you could not see your fingers, it was so white that it made people feel extremely uneasy.

There is a clear distinction between the inside and outside of the sea fog. They are simply two worlds.

"Here, what is going on?" Professor Changshan asked anxiously.

"This sea fog in the Loreto Sea covers an area of ​​hundreds of square nautical miles, and even satellite images cannot capture what is happening inside."

The naval colonel spoke, and Professor Nagayama pricked up his ears and listened attentively.

This rhythm seems to be an extraordinary supernatural event?

"This unusual sea fog has appeared since August 31 and has continued until now, but our military has blocked the news."

Professor Changshan frowned.

Calculating this way, it is not less than half a month, and it appeared in the middle of the Tianyuan game in Japan.

"Could it be that it's a secret realm?" Professor Changshan's eyes lit up.

"No, not the kind that appeared in Japan."

The navy captain waved his hand and said:

"Although this sudden thick fog covered a large area of ​​​​the sea, there was freedom of entry and exit, and electromagnetic waves and radios were not blocked. Some yachts and fishing boats that strayed in were trapped and came out in a daze."

Professor Changshan was a little confused.

"But we discovered an island in the sea fog, a mysterious island that had never been recorded on the charts before the sea fog appeared."

Professor Changshan blinked a few times, and seemed to remember something the next second, and he stood up with surprise and joy:

"Did you find the dream island Penglai that appeared briefly three years ago?"

Three years ago, a group of Brazilian-Japanese-born Hirota Tulio and his party landed on the legendary cave paradise, Penglai Island, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean near Tokyo Bay.

Afterwards, Hirota Tulio published an autobiography, recording their day and night adventure on Penglai Island, and released the irrefutable photos and videos taken by the accompanying foreign female photographers.

Even in extraordinary times, it triggered global public opinion.

The paradise island, the independent Penglai witch, the endearing half-demon Yu Huo, all the stories are fascinating.

Most importantly, the elixir of immortality exists!
Although the elixir of immortality has been stolen by Princess Kaguya, it is still exciting that the villagers on Penglai Island can live past their [-]th birthday.

Suddenly, countless dreamers and adventurers went to sea to look for Penglai.

There are even consortiums and countries organizing fleets to search and offering heavy rewards for clues about Penglai Island.

It's like the Age of Discovery has arrived.

But after several years of searching without success, the craze gradually subsided.

"Penglai? Is it actually Penglai Island?"

Professor Changshan couldn't hide his excitement, and his eyes were shining as he turned around on the deck.

Has Penglai Island, which was invisible on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, surfaced thousands of miles away on the west coast of Mexico after three years? !
"NO, NO. What we found is not the Neverland that is as beautiful as a Miami beauty pageant."

The cigar butt in the navy colonel's mouth flashed and extinguished in the mist, and he said with a hint of ridicule.

In the thick fog, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in front of the warship. "Although there is no official name yet, we all prefer to call it 'Ghost Island'!"

Professor Changshan took a closer look and couldn't help but hold his breath.

This rough and barbaric ghost island is circular in shape. The main peak is 400 meters high. The sharp peaks like swords and halberds are densely piercing into the sky, looking like hedgehog armor.

It is very different from Penglai Island, which is like a paradise on earth.

"Well, although it's not Penglai Island, it looks extraordinary and spectacular. It doesn't look like the scenery of an island on earth."

After a while, Professor Changshan withdrew his eyes, pushed up his glasses and said:
"But you lied to me...invite me here, why?"

"Professor Changshan, we found some relics of the extraordinary era on this elusive island, and they may be related to the demise of the Age of Gods."

The navy captain's face was calm, but he revealed such shocking secrets that Professor Changshan couldn't help but open his mouth.

"The initial interpretation of the clues in these ruins is closely related to Japanese mythology. There are specialties in the art, so we invited you, an authority on Japanese mythology and folklore, to come here."

“It’s really too much of a reputation.”

I didn’t expect my reputation to be so famous, Professor Changshan thought happily.

"Because the matter is so important, I can only ask you to stay on the island for a while."

The naval captain said sincerely:

"Professor Changshan, please rest assured that we are very sincere. After the interpretation work is completed, there will be additional compensation."

At this point, even if Professor Changshan refuses, Mi Fang cannot just send him back.

Then it is shameless, and you will be fined if you don't eat the toast.

Although Professor Changshan is vain, greedy and lustful, he also has the curiosity and thirst for knowledge of a scholar. He would be lying if he said he was not interested in the secrets of the demise of the Age of Gods.

Somewhere along the coast of Ghost Island, a dock has been built, and construction workers are continuing to build a forward base in an orderly manner. Military personnel armed to the teeth are patrolling around.

After setting foot on the ghost island, Professor Changshan was shocked to realize that the island was horribly desolate. There was no green or life at all, only jagged peaks standing like a forest of bones, which made people shudder.

It is simply a barren land, no wonder it is called Ghost Island.

"Um...are you the only ones coming together?"

Looking at the small group of escorting Marines, Professor Changshan swallowed his saliva and felt very insecure.

After all, this island is related to the Age of Gods. The Americans' fire sticks can only deal with ordinary beasts. If some monster suddenly appears, a promising scholar like him will be buried in the belly of the beast with a group of vulgar soldiers.

You should invite Director Uchiha to escort you.

"We have already surveyed it. The widest part of Ghost Island is about five kilometers and the area is 15 square kilometers."

The naval captain blew out a beautiful smoke ring and said lightly:
"As you can see, Professor Changshan, there is no vegetation or living things on Ghost Island. There is nothing but stones. It is very safe."

Even so, the tension on Professor Changshan's face did not improve at all, but became more uneasy.

There's nothing there, it's just weirder.

It was impossible to go back home, so I could only accept my fate and move forward obediently.

"Mr. Joseph!"

While passing a site that was being excavated, Professor Changshan suddenly called out the name of a colleague in surprise.

Great, I am not the only expert who has been deceived!
Professor Changshan recognized several experts one after another, including many foreign national treasure-level archaeological experts and historians.

A heart finally went back to Professor Changshan's stomach. With so many people here, the Americans wouldn't kill people and silence them.

"First of all, the first place. There are very amazing discoveries in the ruins of this temple, which may be related to Japanese mythology."

The naval colonel gathered all the experts who came from afar and glanced at Professor Changshan intentionally or unintentionally.

"The commander-in-chief and the Pentagon are looking forward to the performance of experts and professors."

The naval colonel took the scholars to a half-collapsed temple. The outside was heavily guarded. Obviously, the contents inside were of great importance.

Everyone suddenly became excited, after all, this is an extremely rare extraordinary civilization site.

A little bit of research would be enough to shock the history and archeology circles.

After entering the temple, Professor Changshan and several other familiar experts gathered together to comment and marvel at the ruins whose style was different from the Earth's civilization circle.

"Our preliminary judgment is that the god in this mural is the god enshrined in this temple."

The navy captain took the lead to the deepest part of the temple. He raised his head and looked at the huge mottled and weathered murals. He narrowed his eyes and said word by word:

"Although His identity has been roughly confirmed, there are still some things that cannot be explained. I would like all experts to express their opinions. Especially Professor Changshan."

Professor Changshan couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

Then he followed the gaze of other experts and raised his head.

"Huh? Which civilization's pantheon does the immortal with horns belong to?"

"The type of clothing has never been seen before, but the magatama on the clothing is a typical cultural symbol originating from East Asia."

Engraved in the mural is an immortal or god with two horns. He is wearing a white coat and has six black magatama-like patterns on his chest.

He stands above the clouds, with a dozen black spheres shrouding him in a ring shape behind him.

"The god's right hand holds a gourd, and his left hand holds a huge black sword... It's too long to call it a sword, and too weird to call it a spear. Is it a sword or a spear?"

"Wait a minute, is the black weapon in his hand a DNA helix structure?"

The immortal on the mural holds a spiral black spear that is longer than himself, and slips out of the turbulent sea. The water droplets hanging from the tip of the spear are turning into rolling islands.

The familiar scene immediately cheered up Professor Changshan.

"Amanuma Spear?!"

In the Japanese creation myth, Lord Izanagi plunged the Amanuma Spear into the sea and stirred up the water. Then he lifted the Amanuma Spear, and the seawater dripping from the tip of the spear condensed into the original island, Yuneng Kiro Island.

"The great god on the mural is Izanagi?"

The shocked Professor Changshan quickly adjusted the glasses on his nose and took a closer look.

The face of the immortal was blurred and could not be seen clearly, but his eyes were decorated with three black magatama as the finishing touch, and the power and momentum of the god suddenly rushed towards him.

Professor Changshan's mouth suddenly went dry, he felt dizzy, and his mind was seized by it.

"Sharingan!" (End of this chapter)

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