i am hokage in tokyo

Chapter 390 Chapter 391 Horus humiliated Seth, Horus is invincible in the world!

The golden braid has been completely unraveled, and countless golden threads are dancing in the wind, looking holy and awe-inspiring.

Jeanne's skin color has been dyed dark gold, but the most magical thing is the pair of snow-white wings spread out behind her back, which are pure white, flawless, slender and beautiful.

Like an angel descending.

Curse seal two!

"The Holy Lady is indeed the incarnation of an angel!"

"Oh God……"

When the reporter of Le Monde, Colonel Bastian of the peacekeeping force in Africa, and other Derna natives saw the angel coming, they were already trembling so much that their whole bodies were shaking. Their knees became weak instinctively and they fell to the ground, chanting in their mouths. The name of the Lord.

"It's so beautiful, so great!"

The only person still standing on the ground was the black photographer. He was carrying a camera and pointed the lens at the sky. His eyes were so moved that tears filled his eyes, and he howled to vent his excitement.

The scene of the angel's arrival was completely recorded and presented to tens of millions of viewers around the world through live broadcast.

For a time, countless people were stunned. Not only did they not know what to say, but their thinking also came to a standstill.

Then, the whole world was shocked and in an uproar!

Seth raised his head and looked at Jeanne flying in the sky with a ferocious look on his face and gritted his teeth.

Horus, the eagle-headed god, is one of the most famous gods in ancient Egyptian mythology.

He is the patron saint of the Pharaoh and a symbol of kingship. He is a collection of many gods related to kingship, the sky, and the sun.

This is a very powerful main god and can even be regarded as a representative of the ancient Egyptian Heliopolis pantheon.

Horus and Seth, a pair of uncles and nephews in ancient Egyptian mythology, were life-and-death enemies. Seth fell at the vengeful hands of Horus.


Seth raised his head and let out a roar, flying sand and gravel, and he turned into a storm and shot straight into the sky.

"Set. The Lord's judgment will come quickly."

Jeanna flapped the wings generated by the curse seal of the sky, floated in the air, and declared coldly.

"Hmph, is the foreign woman you are talking about the master of Horus?"

The God of Storms with the head of a jackal stood in the void and said viciously.

"No, you don't have the power of Horus. You are just like the birdman Horus, with wings."

Jeanne remained silent, but she exuded unimaginable courage.

"Outlander woman, I'm going to tear your wings off alive!"

No tusks came out of the dog's mouth, and Seth howled indiscriminately, each syllable turning into a strong air current in the air.

"Even if this body of dust cannot taste the sweetness of flesh and blood, I will still eat you alive and swallow you down."

Set stepped on the cyclone and galloped in front of Jeanne in an instant, waving his claws and slapping her down.

Countless violent airflows visible to the naked eye cut through the space, making strange whining sounds. Even a tank would be torn into pieces here.

Without hesitation, Jeanne spread her wings and shot forward, carrying a punch with the power of wind and thunder.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


One man and one god were engaged in hand-to-hand combat in the eye of the storm.

The two streams of light chased the wind and lightning, constantly colliding, and each collision made a deafening sound like thunder.

"Lord Saint, no, Lord Angel. What's going on? The winner hasn't been decided yet?"

The survivors on the sand below tried their best to open their eyes in the wind and sand, but they couldn't keep up with the movement speed of the two.

I couldn't help but feel anxious and worried.

"What are you talking about? The Lord has brought ten plagues to the ungodly Egypt. How can the evil gods of Egypt possibly match the Lord's divine power!" The reporter's face turned red and he roared at the top of his lungs.

He was originally just a light believer, but after witnessing the miracle of the Lord coming to the adoring saint Jeanne, he had transformed into a fanatical believer.

But as mortals, there is nothing they can do except pray.


After another earth-shattering collision, half of Seth's body turned into powder, sand and dust flew down, and he was knocked back more than ten meters.

"Damn! Damn strange power!"

Seth bared his teeth and was at a disadvantage in close combat with mortals. God's majesty was completely lost. He became angry and said:

"It's all because this body of dust is too fragile and can't exert one-tenth of my original strength. Otherwise, you would have been torn into pieces by me."

Jeanne put her hand on her chest, and she could feel the power of the Heavenly Curse imprinted on it, flowing into her limbs and bones along with the pulsation of her heart.

An abnormal blush appeared on her face, and her eyes were as hot as fire.

The curse seal given by the 'Lord' is simply the manifestation of a miracle.

Now Jeanne can think about things that she never thought about before, and can do things that she couldn't do before. She is simply omnipotent!

Even if he waved his fist at the god, he would be knocked away easily and smoothly, just like this.

However, remembering the 'Lord''s warning, a clear look appeared in Jeanna's eyes.

Although the power of the Heavenly Curse Seal is extremely powerful, if you are swallowed by it, you will lose yourself.

Miss Jeanne took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and looked towards Seth.

Seth's torn body has fully recovered.

In the many previous collisions, Jeanne tore off Seth's hands and feet, punched through his body, and even blew his head off once, but Seth quickly returned to his original state and was alive and kicking.

Physical attacks are completely ineffective against Seth.

"Immortality is really tricky. Can Seth be killed only by crushing his Ankh?"

Jeanna's eyes were sharp, almost piercing through the chest of God Set.

Jeanna had launched several strong attacks on Ankh on Seth's chest before, but Seth forced him to dodge them every time, even if his head was blown off.

"Outlander woman, don't be too proud. What if you have brute strength?"

Seth was not a fool, he was just blinded by his hatred for Horus, and now he gradually understood that it was unwise to engage in close combat with a powerful woman like Jeanne.

His body surface was entangled with strong air currents, and he was about to pull away and retreat. He first distanced himself from Jeanna.

"Watch me use the blade of the storm to cut you into pieces!"

During the battle, Jeanne did not use any other extraordinary abilities and was obviously not good at spells.And Seth is a master, so fighting at medium and long distances will definitely not be as embarrassing as fighting in close combat before.

"You just want to run away if you can't beat him. Are you still a man?" Jeanne thought to herself. Apart from physical skills, she had almost no other means of attack. It would be a headache if Set was allowed to distance herself.

"What are you talking about?"

Seth, who was about to ride the storm and fly away, felt as if his tail had been stepped on. His face twitched and he looked extremely disgusting.

During the fateful battle between Set and Horus, Set cut out one of Horus's eyes, which was the origin of the famous 'Eye of Horus' in later generations.

But Horus was even more ruthless, crushing Seth's gold and jade to pieces.

This is an unspeakable shame for ordinary men, let alone a god like Set.

"By the way, I remembered. Seth, not only are you not a man, but also..."

Jeanne's face was full of sarcasm. She made a fist with her right hand and inserted her thumb between her ring finger and middle finger. Her movements were vulgar. Her fans would be shocked if they saw her.

"You were also used as a woman by Horus, right?"

In the Dublin Museum in Ireland, there are 19 ancient Egyptian papyri preserved, which record a mythical story of the love and hatred between Horus and Seth.

In order to take revenge and compete for the dominance of Egypt, Horus and Set fought an endless war for 80 years, which shocked the human world, the underworld and the divine world, and even the gods were troubled.

The other Nine Pillars came forward to mediate the conflict between Set and Horus.

After a battle of wits and courage, Horus deceived Seth into getting pregnant.

Being regarded as a woman symbolizes Seth who was conquered and in a subordinate position, and therefore lost the qualification to become the king of Egypt.

In the end, Horus won, and with the support of the Nine Pillars, he successfully killed Set and became the Lord of Egypt.

Horus humiliated Seth, Horus was invincible!

"Hey, I'm going to kill you!"

Seth, as one of the Nine Pillars, the master of storms and destruction, how could he endure such shame and humiliation? He suddenly became furious.

The immortal body made of sand could not withstand the divine wrath and power that Seth unleashed at this moment, and the surface of his body continued to crack and explode.

The sandstorm continued to expand, covering the sky and the sun, and became so powerful that it was like the end of the world.

Jeanne was not surprised but overjoyed. The wings behind her suddenly spread out and soared into the sky, unaffected by the storm.


Seth, who was furious, suddenly smelled danger. When he raised his head, he saw a fist burning with flames, coming in the blink of an eye like lightning, and struck Him.


The sand shield Seth summoned in a hurry was blown apart along with his head.

Jeanne's current figure and flight trajectory are closer to a jet fighter than an angel!

Behind her wings, a row of devices like turbines and exhaust pipes of a jet fighter emerged.

Duo Lian couldn't help but shoot!

This is the body deformation after the curse seal is formed, and the compressed chakra shells are released in an instant. This is also the only long-range lethality technique that Jeanna can use.

But rather than bombarding with chakra cannons, Jeanne prefers the feeling of punching to the flesh. She uses the boost from the burst of Duolian's automatic cannon to accelerate her flying speed to a level that can be described as divine speed.

If it were an ordinary extraordinary person's body, under such a terrifying acceleration force, it would fall apart within a second.

In other words, Jeanne, who is at LV4 in medical ninjutsu, can use such a ridiculous move.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Before Seth's head could recover, Jeanne's second blow followed quickly.

with full force!


Seth's body exploded directly in the sky, and the Ankh on his chest was shattered.

In everyone's eyes, a starlight composed of light and fire appeared in the dark sandstorm. It exploded the storms created by the God of Storms layer by layer, showing a terrifying scene like the sky was collapsing.

Just like the Lord’s catastrophic fire that destroyed the sinful cities of Gomorrah and Sodom.

It's simply divine punishment!
Whether it was the survivors at the scene, the audience behind the electronic screen, or the military observers and dignitaries from various countries thousands of miles away, they were all dumbfounded.

Three years after the Jedi Heavenly Passage, when shadow-level powerhouses and gods and Buddhas are hiding from the world, we have never seen such a fierce battle!

The meteorite transformed by Jeanne dragged the tail flames burning in the atmosphere, which was tens of meters long, fell from the sky, and landed in the bone forest transformed by the Dance of Early Fern.


Like a huge boulder dropped into a calm pond, the turbulent sand waves were like ripples, sweeping crazily in all directions.

The shock wave that destroyed the world immediately leveled the skeletal forest to the ground.

Even the black photographer hiding in the corner was inevitably affected.

The rapids of yellow sand caught them off guard and almost drowned them all.

The live broadcast footage instantly went black.

"Ahhh! Damn it, why did you cut it off at the most critical moment?"

"Stand up, photographer!"

"What's going on? How's it going? Lord Angel, please be fine!"

Countless ordinary viewers with their hearts hanging in their throats saw the live broadcast interrupted, their eyes were splitting, and they were scratching their heads and ears anxiously.

I don’t know how many mobile phones and TVs suffered from this, and were smashed to pieces by their owners.

"Wait! Look at the satellite images, the sandstorm is starting to dissipate!"

In comparison, military observers and extraordinary departments in various countries are much luckier. Although the live video is interrupted, at least they can still capture the situation at the scene through satellite images.

Although Frank's power in Africa is second to none, it cannot dominate the world with one hand. Britain and the United States have a very strong presence, and the other two major countries have been operating in Africa for many years and cannot be underestimated.

In addition to the five gangsters, although the old colonial empires such as Portugal and Belgium have been in decline, they still have a certain influence in Africa.

After the disaster in the Derna City area, it has attracted a lot of reporters and attention. Now there are reports of the return of mummies, the resurrection of gods, the arrival of angels, and a series of blockbuster bombs that have shocked the whole world. Unless the intelligence agencies and relevant departments of various countries They are all trash from the corpse position, otherwise how could they not pay attention.

There are an unknown number of spy satellites hovering in orbit over the Derna area. The official hotline of the Egyptian Embassy has also been bombarded. Powers from all over the world are red-eyed and looking for reasons to squeeze in here.

It's just that the time is short and there is no time to organize people to rush to the scene.

Now that the terrifying sandstorm has begun to dissipate, the army can be sent to the rocky desert.

The yellow sand in the sky has disappeared, and the air force can rush to the battlefield without being tied up.

No matter what the ulterior motives of various governments are trying to gain for their own countries, the most urgent task is to confirm the status of the battle between Saint Jeanne and God Seth.

"Quick, quick, quick, zoom in on the satellite camera, zoom in as close as possible!"

"Who wins and who loses? Can the power of the Lord defeat the gods of Egypt again?" (End of Chapter)

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