Red Chamber: Bring Xue Baochai home at the beginning

Chapter 310 How dare a fart place be called 9 states?Call it Fatty Island!

There are many islands in Wa Kingdom, and the forces of daimyo are also mixed.

But on the whole, the country can be roughly divided into four large islands, or eight places.

Among them, the southernmost is Chikushi Island.

Also called by the locals, the Kyushu region.

The northern part of Chikushi Island is mainly mountainous.

Fortunately, the mountains are fairly gentle, forming many basins and plains.

But the terrain in the south is high and steep, and the mountains run through and criss-cross.

Moreover, the coastline of Chikushi Island is winding.

It is surrounded by bays, islands, and formed peninsulas.

In other words, Chikushi Island is not a big place, but its terrain is extremely complex.

This makes it difficult for the army to drive straight in.

But also because of this terrain, the main towns of Chikushi Island are located in the coastal area.

Therefore, Donghai County only needs to follow the coastline and attack around the island for a week.

It can swallow most of Chikushi Island.

The plan formulated by Donghai County is to occupy the ports on the west coast first.

In this way, the contact between Chikushi Island and the Japanese army that went to Koryo was blocked.

In this way, the retreat of the main force of the Japanese country can be cut off first, and at the same time it can be used as a stronghold.

At that time, along the coastline, the entire Chikushi Island can be swallowed up.

Therefore, after the Donghai County fleet arrived, it divided into two groups.

Led by Mengzi all the way, continue northward and go straight to Hakata, a port in the northwest.

The other way is for Feng Yibo to personally sit in the town and attack Shenjiangpu in front of him.

Of these two ports, one faces Goryeo across the sea, and the other faces Dawei far away.

As long as these two places are occupied, the strait between Chikushi Island and Koryo can be blocked.

The reason why Feng Yibo gave up Kagoshima in the south and chose to attack the west side first.

In addition to the confidence in the naval battle, it also predicts the emptiness of the Wa Kingdom.

At this time, the main force of the Wa Kingdom was in Korea.

There are not many ships in such a big port as Shenjiangpu.

But Donghai County dared to cut off the retreat of the Japanese army, but was not afraid of being cut off by others.

It is because this is above the East China Sea.

In terms of naval warfare, no one is the opponent of the East China Sea Fleet!

That's why he dared to bypass the south and divide his troops to attack.

After occupying Hakata and Shenjiangpu.

Meng Zi will lead the fleet to the east, and Feng Yibo will lead the fleet to the south,
Both sides are along the coastline, encircling Chikushi Island all the way.

They will finally meet at Funai Castle on the east coast of Chikushi Island.

After occupying the entire Chikushi Island, they will rest in Funai Castle for a few days.

If there is no news of the main force of the Wa Kingdom, Donghai County will continue to march eastward to Iyo Island.

That is to say, the Shikoku region among the local population.

If the main force of the Wa Kingdom returns, the East China Sea Fleet will regroup.

leave them at sea.

"...Shenjiangpu used to be the territory of the Changqi family, so the locals also call this place Changqi. The people of our Great Wei are mainly in Hirado in the north, and there are not many people here."

The person who spoke was named Xue Zhe, who was born in a side branch of the Xue family in Jinling.

He is one of Donghai County's important eyeliners in Wa country.

It was he who sent the letter to Japan to send troops to attack Goryeo.

Let him come over this time, mainly responsible for explaining the terrain of Wa Kingdom and the situation of various forces.

Temporarily recruited as one of the marching staff officers of the Black Dragon Army.

At this moment, Xue Dian still doesn't know Feng Yibo's identity as the Black Dragon King.

But the other identities are enough to make him obey orders.

The identity of the uncle of the Xue family, the identity of the holder of the jade pendant of the Xue family.

There is also the status of an imperial envoy who obeyed the imperial edict and held festivals to conquer the Japanese country.

Any one of these identities can command the overseas forces of the Xue family.

What's more, if there is no uncle Feng Yibo.

The Xue family will not regain its glory.

The Black Dragon King of Donghai County will not give the Xue family so much convenience.

"Changqi! This is a good place, we are in the right place."

Hearing this familiar name, Feng Yibo showed an inexplicable smile.

Everyone heard him mutter something "fatty".

Before I could understand, I heard him order to my side:
"Pillar, let's start!"

Zhuzi, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, laughed and said excitedly when he heard the words:
"Okay! Grandpa, take a look!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and said to the messenger:

"Raise the flag!"

The orderly responded immediately and ran towards the stern.

After a while, two flags were raised on the flagship.

On one side is a cannon flag with red stripes on a black background, with a green banner underneath.

This is the semaphore of the Black Dragon Fleet.

Needless to say, the cannon flag is the signal to fire.

Qingban is a kind of letter banner, which is used to express the direction.

There are five kinds of letter banners, which are blue, red, white, black and yellow.

Represents the five directions of east, south, west, north and middle.

Therefore, it is also called "five-party flag".

With the green flag on the cannon flag, it is firing towards the east of the flagship.

"How dare a fart place be called Kyushu?"

Feng Yibo looked at Shenjiangpu Port from a distance, couldn't help but smiled contemptuously, and said to the people around him:

"When we occupy this place, Chikushi Island will be renamed Fatty Island!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Can't help but be puzzled by his ability to name, but no one dares to refute.

Especially Xue Zhe, after hearing the name Fatty Island.

He looked at the uncle in surprise.

Didn't you say that my uncle is a prodigy?

How to choose a name, and also choose it like the nickname of a village child?
But after thinking about it, isn't Wa country just a barren land?

This uncle must have done it on purpose!

right!definitely is!

Only Zhuzi and Feng Yibo were familiar with each other, so he asked doubtfully:

"My lord, why is it Fatty? Can't it be called Zhuzi Island?"

Feng Yibo laughed when he heard that:
"Because Fatty and Changqi are best friends,"

When everyone heard the words, they all showed sudden expressions.

Only the pillars were a little disappointed.

They all thought that these were two people Feng Yibo knew.

So when I heard "Changqi", I thought of its good friend "Fatty".

Just thinking about it, the sound of "boom boom boom" was like thunder.

One after another sounded in the sea.

Several temporary army staff officers, including Xue Zhe, were taken aback.

Thought the climate had changed.

But when I looked up to the sky, it was clear again.

When they looked at Shenjiangpu Port again, they were all dumbfounded.

Drooling down without even noticing.

It was like seeing a miracle.

Under a salvo of artillery, Shenjiangpu's only guarding force collapsed instantly.

In the port, if the sparsely moored ships are hit.

In an instant, sawdust flew horizontally, and then slowly sank.

If the house on the bank is hit, it will be a big hole in an instant.

If it is not wooden, it will collapse directly.

And if the people on the shore were to be hit, they would immediately be torn to pieces.

A shell that hits a person will continue to bounce.

Even with just a light wipe, missing arms and legs are inevitable.

The samurai in the port, have you ever seen such justice from heaven?
Seeing this, he immediately scattered and ran away, for fear that he would be taken away by the gods if he ran too late.

After a round of shelling, Donghai County's warships sailed directly into the port.

When the Black Dragon Army occupied the port, Feng Yibo also got off the flagship.

"This landing plan is really smooth!"

Looking at the devastated port, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After speaking, he looked at several temporary army staff officers.

Seeing their trembling appearance, Feng Yibo deliberately threatened again:
"This matter must be kept secret for Donghai County, otherwise the shell might fall on someone's head!"

Most of these people were from sea merchants, and they were naturally terrified when they saw the power of the shells.

I'm afraid that one day my fleet will be attacked like this.


"I swear to my ancestors, I will not tell anyone what I saw today!"

"Yes, yes, yes! If it leaks from me, I will be hit with a thunderbolt!"

Seeing several people praying and swearing again and again, Feng Yibo waved his hands with a smile, and ordered:
"Next, we are going to attack the town. You send the clippers to Koryo to find out the situation, keep an eye on the main force of the Japanese kingdom, and report back if there is any change."

After hearing the words, several people naturally hurried to make arrangements.

Now that time is running out, after only resting for a while, Feng Yibo ordered to his side again:
"The whole army, let's go!"

At this time, the Wa Kingdom had just been unified.

In order to alleviate internal conflicts, the shogunate forcibly recruited daimyo from various places to send troops.

Therefore, most of the samurai of the Wa Kingdom went to Korea with the army.

Especially the daimyos of Chikushi Island, who are the closest to Koryo.

Therefore, it has also become a bridgehead for attack.

Not only to provide a source of troops, but also to do a good job in logistics.

All ships were also dispatched.

After Feng Yibo occupied the port, he quickly regrouped the army.

Go straight to the nearest daimyo station.

Chikushi Island is not a big place, but there are seven daimyo.

Fukaeura belongs to the Arima family.

And the army attacked the city in the past, basically without much effort.

No way, the city here is really not worth mentioning.

There are so many cities in Wa Kingdom, it still sounds very bluffing.

But in fact, it is not the city we are familiar with.

The city of Great Wei, even if it is a county town.

It is also a regional economic, political and cultural center.

The city is high and the pool is deep, protected by a city wall.

Countless people lived in the city.

And the city of the Wa country is at the level of a cottage.

At best it was a castle.

What they call a castle is only a military stronghold and a residence for daimyo and his retainers.

It does not include the houses of nearby people.

The castle town outside the city is the activity area for the people of the Wa Kingdom.

It is roughly equivalent to the outer city or even the suburbs of Dawei.

It is conceivable that ten thousand regular troops suddenly appeared.

The shock of the Japanese daimyo.

What's more, the Black Dragon Army has the sharp weapon of gunpowder.

Naturally, such a ruined city was easily broken.

The Black Dragon Army first held their shields to prevent the crossbows on the city from shooting.

After arriving at the city gate, there was no rush to light the fire.

Instead, the bunker was dug first, and then a hole was dug under the city gate to send the gunpowder in.

Everything was ready, and the Black Dragon Army skillfully ignited the fuze.

Then busy all got into the bunker dug out before, holding the shield and waiting for the explosion.

With a "bang", the city gate was blasted open a big hole.

Such a scene is too frightening!
Most of the Japanese warriors and archers guarding the city were stunned by such a sudden explosion.

Many people even regarded this as a miracle, knelt on the ground and began to kowtow.

And most of the Black Dragon Army took this opportunity to form a mandarin duck formation.

Rush in and start street fighting.

To be precise, it was the start of a unilateral slaughter.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Patriarch Arima asked someone to raise a white flag in despair.

Seeing this, Feng Yibo sneered, and ordered:
"Anyone wearing armor or holding a weapon will be shot to death!"

If he wants to rule here, he must try to cut off the possible resistance forces.

Not to mention trained warriors, even civilians who dare to resist cannot stay.

Not to be soft just because the opponent surrendered.

Soon, all the retainers and warriors in armor and weapons were wiped out.

The owner of the Arima family was lucky enough to leave a dog's life behind, and was escorted to the port as a prisoner.

Feng Yibo ordered people to open the warehouse of Arima's house and fetch food on the spot.

After moving everything away, another thousand garrisons were left in the port.

Afterwards, he led the fleet in the same way.

He conveniently wiped out the Matsuura family in the north.

In Hirado, where the Matsuura family is located, there are many merchants from the Great Wei Dynasty stationed here.

When these people saw the Wei army approaching, they immediately turned into leaders.

Not only organized people to assist in attacking the city, but also captured all the fleeing retainers of the Matsuura family.

It seems that they intend to take over here after the Black Dragon Army retreats.

Regarding this, Feng Yibo laughed, but he didn't care.

If Donghai County successfully occupies this place, these people will have to abide by his rules in the future.

If he gave up here, these people would not be the opponents of the Japanese regular army.

Therefore, let them toss for a while.

Time is running out, Feng Yibo wants to occupy the entire Chikushi Island as soon as possible.

After capturing two daimyo's sites in a row, the Black Dragon Army did not plunder and kill wantonly, contrary to the expectations of the common people of the Japanese country.

This made the civilians of the Wa country a little unbelievable.

Even if it is a war between daimyos, they should be plundered.

Could this be the Heavenly Soldiers of Great Wei?

Really so benevolent?

In fact, this is Feng Yibo's strict order that he is not allowed to do anything to unarmed civilians.

Because in his view, these are all scarce human resources.

Whether it is sent to mining or kept for farming, it is much better than slaughtering directly.

If it is about revenge, it is enough to kill all the samurai and retainers.

Therefore, not only did he not allow indiscriminate killing, but he also allowed the remaining troops to maintain order.

In order to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to smash and loot.

The Black Dragon Army returned to the ship and rested for another night.

Feng Yibo took the fleet to the south.

In the next few days, several coastal ports and walled cities of Sagara and Shimadzu were conquered one after another.

In addition, several islands in the south were also occupied.

Kagoshima in the south of Chikushi Island is the territory of the Shimadzu family.

After this trip, the newly occupied territory was officially connected to the Xiaoliuqiu island chain.

The logistics fleet also sailed to the Kagoshima area to shorten the supply line.

After Feng Yibo captured Gongqi City in the east, he led the army along the coastline and rushed to the agreed location.

It was only when he arrived at Funei City that Mengzi had already breached the city.

Still waiting here for several hours.

In any case, the two sides successfully joined forces in Funai City.

This means that the entire coastal area of ​​Chikushi Island has been taken by Tokai County.

As for the few remaining inland towns.

We can only leave some troops, and it must be done quickly and easily.

The two sides rest here for a day, and prepare to head to Iyo Island across the sea the next day.

But at this moment, Feng Yibo received a message from Xue Zhe's clipper.

The main force of the Wa Kingdom suffered a defeat in Koryo, and there are already signs of retreat.

Feng Yibo didn't have any worries when he heard the news.

Instead, he smiled slightly, and said in a rather gratified way:

"It seems that the frontier soldiers in Liaodong are not vegetarian."

Then he got up and said to Mengzi:
"Let's go, just deal with them first!"

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