Red Chamber: Bring Xue Baochai home at the beginning

Chapter 255 Bestowed on Mother Jia to celebrate her birthday and marry Nan'an Concubine?

Chapter 255 Bestowed on Mother Jia to celebrate her birthday and marry Nan'an Concubine?
After several consecutive court meetings, Emperor Jingshun still did not make a statement.

It seems that this matter will not be fruitful for a while.

However, non-statement itself is an attitude.

The consequence of such laissez-faire is that there are more and more memorials to impeach Prince Teng.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wang Ziteng Building is about to collapse.

If nothing else, the nine-sided exchange will not be far away.

Li Shouzhong and Feng Yibo, both master and apprentice, knew this tacitly.

After all, the two had already guessed the general direction, so the old god sat and watched the development of the situation every day.

If it's a small trouble, Feng Yibo naturally doesn't mind helping out.

After all, Wang Ziteng is Baochai's uncle, and he is also a real relative.

But now the general trend has come, let alone Feng Yibo.

Even Li Shouzhong and the four kings and eight princes are powerless to support them.

Fortunately, Feng Yibo has never taken advantage of Wang Ziteng's influence, so naturally he is not afraid of being implicated by him.

Only Jia Yucun, Mei Hanlin, Yang Shilang, Li Yuanwailang, etc., rely on the officials of Prince Teng Qifu.

At this time, you will be in a state of panic all day long.

These days, they all gathered at the Rong Mansion.

In order to find some sense of security by the side of the "prospective head of state" Jia Zheng.

Speaking of Jia Zheng, he came back when the little prince was full moon.

When the Dragon Heir came down in Yuanchun, Emperor Jingshun ordered Jia Zheng to return to Beijing.

To save Yuan Chun's face, his exile was ended ahead of schedule.

Jia Zheng was a little depressed when he received the order to return to Beijing.

He is working hard in Yazhou.

Now that I am transferred back to the middle school, how can I feel as happy as teaching students outside?
But when he heard that Yuan Chun had given birth to an heir, he came back excitedly.

It's not because they came back to be praised by these people, but because they feel that the Jia family has finally made some contributions to the royal family.

The fact that the emperor has no heir is not just a matter of the emperor alone.

Who is not in a hurry among the people of insight in the Great Wei Dynasty?
But now, only the Jia family can relieve His Majesty's worries!

What's more, the future emperor is likely to be his grandson.

This incident is enough to make Jia Zheng brag for a lifetime!

How could he still sit still?
After receiving the order, he immediately switched over and went back to the capital.

Upon hearing the news of his return, Jia Zhen, Jia Lian, and Jia Baoyu went out to welcome him the first day.

In Jinmen, I met Jia Zheng who was a bit out of shape.

There is no way, not to mention the wind and sun in Yazhou, and the boat ride back and forth almost killed him.

In just one year, there were three or four back and forth.

Jia Zheng, who has always been pampered and not young, can bear it?
Even Baoyu, his own son, almost didn't recognize his old father when he saw him.

In the distance, there was only a dark and thin old man.

If he wasn't wearing an official uniform, he would have thought it was a fisherman at sea returning from fishing.

Jia Zheng didn't dare to go home first because he still had errands to hand in.

He only asked a few people to ask Jia Mu to greet him first, and ordered them all to go home to serve him.

Please wait until the next day to meet Sheng, and everything will be reported.

Jia Zhengcai went home in peace.

This face-to-face meeting went extremely well.

Emperor Jingshun learned from the previous lesson, and he didn't make any detours.

First, give him a three-month leave to let him rest at home.

Wait until you are healthy, and then worry about future errands.

He asked about Jia's mother again.

Hearing that the old lady was approaching her [-]th birthday, a special decree was issued immediately, and Grace Mother was allowed to make an exception to hold the [-]th birthday celebration.

It can be regarded as a filial piety for Yuanchun.

When Jia Zheng went back and talked about the matter, everyone in the Jia family would be honored.

Jia Zheng spent two years abroad and suffered countless hardships.

As soon as he returned to the mansion, his true colors were immediately revealed.

Of course, it is also for nourishing the body.

In a word, all the big and small affairs of the family are ignored.

I just read books every day, and when I am bored, I play chess and drink with Qing Ke.

Or in the inner house, with Jia Mu, Mrs. Wang, Baoyu, etc., to share the family happiness.

Only Jia Zheng will support him at home.

The rest of Jia's family and others began to prepare for Jia's mother's [-]th celebration.

Because of the birth of a son in Yuanchun, many relatives and friends who lived far away also came to the capital to congratulate upon hearing the news.

Therefore, for Jia Mu's birthday party, it is estimated that relatives and friends will exceed the previous expectations.

I am afraid that the banquet cannot be arranged, so Jia Amnesty will discuss with the two governments.

Finally, it is scheduled to start on July 28 and end on the fifth day of August.

It is planned to hold a banquet for men and women at two places in Ningrong.

Among them, the middle order of Ningguo Mansion invited officials and guests.

That is, all the men.

Rongguo Mansion invites guests.

Also women.

At the same time, several large places such as the Jin Pavilion and Jiayin Hall were cleaned up in the Grand View Garden.

For nobles to retreat.

After several rounds of discussions, the charter was set:

On July 28, please invite the royal relatives, concubines, princes, kings, princesses, concubines, princesses, monarchs, princes, wives, etc.

On the 29th, it was the Governor of the Pavilion and the edict.

On the [-]th, it was the officials and orders, as well as relatives, friends and guests from far and near.

On the first day of August, it was Jia Amnesty's family banquet.

On the second day of junior high school, it was Jia Zheng's side.

In the third year of junior high school, Jia Zhen, Jia Lian and his son joined the game.

On the day of the fourth day of the lunar new year, it was a family feast held by the elders and younger members of the Jia family.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, it was Lai Dalinzhixiao and other family members who were in charge of the family, and they gathered together for a day.

Since the news of Jia Mu's birthday came out, there has been an endless stream of birthday presenters since early July.

The Ministry of Rites also received an order to present the gift bestowed by Emperor Jingshun:
A pair of gold and jade Ruyi, four colorful satin ends, four gold and jade cups each, and a thousand taels of silver.

Yuan Chun also ordered the eunuch to give away a golden birthday star and a box of blessings and incense.

There are also a pair of agarwood crutches, two strings of Ganan beads, gold and silver ingots, colorful satin and jade cups and so on.

Seeing that there are actions in the palace, everyone knows the truth of chasing ups and downs.

There are no relatives for a while, and anyone who has a certain status in the capital will come to Jia's house to step on it.

From the families of princes, son-in-laws, and civil and military officials of all sizes, everyone who comes and goes with them is polite and memorable.

Some officials were unable to congratulate the emperor due to their status.

Hearing what happened here, he came to give gifts with a shy face.

With the imperial order in hand, the Jia manor would not refuse anyone who came, and accepted them all.

In the hall of Rongfu, a large table was specially set up and covered with red felt.

Put all the fine things on display, please have a look at Jia Mu.

In the first day or two, Mother Jia was happy to come over to see what was new.

Later, I got tired of looking at it, so I stopped looking at it and said:
"Ask someone to collect it first, and watch it another day when you're bored."

On the 28th, lanterns and festoons were hung in the two mansions, and phoenixes were screened.

The sounds of Sheng, Xiao, drums and music are well known throughout the city.

In the Ning Mansion, all four kings and eight princes are present.

In addition, Yongchang's son-in-law, the king of Leshan County, and several world-famous princes attacked him secretly.

In the Rong Mansion, the Imperial Concubine Nan'an, Princess Beijing, and her family's acquaintances arrived one after another.

Mother Jia led Mrs. Xing, Mrs. You and so on, all of whom were greeted with luxurious makeup.

After seeing each other, please go to Jiayin Hall in the Grand View Garden.

After tea, I changed my clothes, and went out to the Rongqing Hall to worship my birthday and take a seat.

After being humble for half a day, everyone took their seats.

The two seats above are Concubine Nan'an and Princess Beijing.

The following, in order, are the wives of the princes and marquises.

Baochai and Li Mengshi brought Mother Xue and Aunt Li among them, but they were not very conspicuous.

On the left is a seat, accompanied by the guests of Jinxiang Hou Gaoming and Linchang Bo Gaoming.

The one on the right is the main seat of Jia Mu.

Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang led Youshi, Li Wan, and several daughters-in-law of the same clan with wild goose wings, standing behind Jia Mu.

Lin Zhixiao and Mrs. Lai led all the daughters-in-law to serve food and wine outside the bamboo curtain.

Zhou Rui's family led a few maidservants to serve and call behind the screen.

Those who came to serve had already been entertained and arranged to go elsewhere.

At this time, a daughter-in-law who brought the playlist to the steps first handed it to the matter.

The daughter-in-law took it and handed it to Lin Zhixiao's family.

The members of Lin Zhixiao's family were not qualified to step forward, and put a small tea tray on it, walked close to the curtain, and handed it to Youshi's concubine, Peifeng.

Peifeng took it, and quietly offered it to Youshi.

You Shi personally supported it before walking to the upper table.

Concubine Nan'an conceded for a while before ordering an auspicious play.

Then let Princess Beijing also click out.

The people gave way again, and then they ordered the ones chosen at random to sing.

When I was young, four dishes were served, and one soup began.

After the rewards were given to those who came, everyone changed their clothes and entered the garden.

At this time, Concubine Nan'an asked about Baoyu, the "uncle of the country", and Jia's mother laughed and said:

"Today, he knelt down to read the 'Baoan's Longevity Sutra' in several temples."

This was specially arranged by Baoyu for fear that he would offend the nobleman.

In fact, Baoyu has come back.

Concubine Nan'an smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

Ask the ladies again.

Jiamu understood and knew that this was the real show, so she immediately laid the groundwork and said:

"The sisters are sick, weak and shy, so I asked them to show me the house. There is a little actor over there, who has passed on a class, and he is in the hall over there, accompanying a few cousins. We are also watching a play."

Concubine Nan'an smiled and said:

"Since that's the case, ask someone to come and see you."

Jia Mu nodded, then turned to Li Wan and said:
"Go and bring Xiangyun, Baoqin, and Daiyu."

A few days ago, he had already been taken to the mansion to accompany Jia Mu.

So they all live in the mansion.

As soon as Li Wan turned around, Jia Mu added:

"Just ask your third younger sister to accompany you."

Li Wan didn't know the meaning behind it, so he agreed and hurried to call.

When I got to Jiamu's side, I saw the little sisters eating fruit and watching a play.

Baoyu is also playing around here.

Li Wan said with a smile, and the four people who were ordered followed quickly to the garden.

After seeing everyone, the four of them went up hand in hand, saying hello.

Don't care about what you've seen or haven't seen, they all praise you in unison.

Among them, Xiangyun knew the most, even Princess Nan'an laughed when she saw her:
"You're here, you didn't come out when you heard I'm coming, and you're still waiting for someone to invite you? I'll settle accounts with your uncle tomorrow."

The Shijia brothers guard Yungui respectively, and Jiaozhi and Jiaozhi are each other's horns.

Therefore, the two families often come and go, and Xiangyun and his aunt have met Nan'an Concubine many times, and they have long been familiar with each other.

It's just that there are other people here, Xiangyun just smiled naively.

Concubine Nan'an took Tanchun with one hand and Daiyu with the other, and asked:


After the two answered, she praised again and again.

Upon hearing Daiyu's identity, Concubine Nan'an smiled and said:
"Your husband is a character! By the way, Mrs. Feng is also here?"

Daiyu blushed and looked at Baochai.

Concubine Nan'an didn't call Baochai over, she just smiled and nodded at her.

Baochai didn't know why, but she got up and saluted quickly when she saw this.

In the end, there was only Baoqin left, and Concubine Nan'an also looked at it carefully and praised it again.

Looking at Jiamu at last, she smiled again and said:

"They are all good! I don't know which one I should praise!"

Mother Jia smiled, knowing that she was satisfied with Tanchun.

Someone here has already sorted out a few spare gifts.

There are four gold and jade rings each, and four strings of incense beads on the wrist.

Concubine Nan'an smiled and said:
"You sisters, don't make jokes, save it for the girls."

The four of them hurriedly thanked each other.

Afterwards, Princess Beijing also presented four gifts.

The rest need not be elaborated.

After drinking tea here, I took a stroll in the garden.

Mother Jia asked everyone to sit down again.

Concubine Nan'an said goodbye and said:
"I'm not feeling well, so it's inconvenient to stay for a long time. If I don't come today, I really can't do it. So, forgive me for saying goodbye first."

Mother Jia knew that the purpose of her trip had been achieved.

It is inconvenient to stay at the moment.

Everyone gave way again, and sent them all the way to the gate of the garden.

Concubine Nan'an said goodbye and left in a sedan chair.

Then Princess Beijing sat down for a while and said goodbye.

The rest of the people waited, some walked the whole course, and some did not attend the table to say goodbye.

Baochai and Li Mengshi are old relatives, but it is inconvenient to disturb them at this time.

So he left halfway.

Jia Mu worked hard all day and didn't see any visitors the next day.

As soon as the entertainment was received, it was handed over to Mrs. Xing, the big housewife.

Those who came to pay homage to their birthdays only went to the hall to salute.

Jia Amnesty, Jia Zheng, Jia Zhen, etc. took turns to return the gift on their behalf, and then sent it to the seat of Ning Mansion.

Feng Yibo arrived on the first day, and he even gave him a great gift.

Among them is a one-foot-high top-quality red sandalwood Buddha statue, which is quite favored by Jia Mu.

After all, we all know that he has a timber business, and the things he gave also echoed his identity.

If you send a seat to the Great Golden Buddha, it will make people suspicious.

Let's say that all the banquets here are over, and it is already the sixth day of August.

Everyone in Jia's house was exhausted, and the last day was even more frustrating.

Some rifts even arose between the two governments.

Just at this time, Mother Jia received a secret letter from Concubine Nan'an.

I thought it was just an appointment, but after I opened it and read it.

But I found that it was quite different from what I said before!

It turned out that Concubine Nan'an had said before that she would come to the capital, and she had sent a secret letter to Jiamu.

At that time, there was no imperial gift to Jia Mu for her birthday.

Concubine Nan'an said at the time that she would come to Duzhong to see her grandson and daughter-in-law in person.

So let Jia Mu know in advance.

The grandson of Nan'an Palace, it stands to reason that he should match his daughter.

However, Concubine Nan'an named Rongfu and directly excluded Xichun.

However, there is only one daughter in the Rong Mansion, Yuan Chun.

Of the rest, only Tanchun, the noble concubine's sister, was left.

Originally, this was a good thing, and it was also a matter of fate!

It doesn't matter if you are in a relationship or not, after all, no one said anything.

But now the Concubine Nan'an sent a secret letter again, but she started to work as a media protector.

The letter said that he wanted to promote the marriage between the four kings and eight princes and Donghai County, and let Tanchun go to Donghai County to be a side concubine.

He also praised the flowers in Donghai County as the same, especially the women in Donghai County are in charge.

If she married in the past, the Jia family would not be able to use it up.

He also said that this is the old sister who has given such a good deed to Jia's family for many years.

If she is willing, Concubine Nan'an will go to Donghai County in person to propose marriage.

When Jia's mother saw it, did she dare to love the Duke of Donghai County?

So which song is this sung?
Although I can't figure out the real purpose of Concubine Nan'an.

But anyway, it seems to be a good thing.

When Tanchun was involved, Mother Jia called the parents Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang to have a secret talk.

"What? Let Tanchun marry Donghai County?"

(End of this chapter)

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