Red Chamber: Bring Xue Baochai home at the beginning

Chapter 126 Unexpectedly Smooth Overseas Development

Chapter 126 Unexpectedly Smooth Overseas Development

The Zhen family suffered a great loss, but they still haven't figured out who their opponent is.

It was naturally Feng Yibo who secretly led this matter.

Whether in Fengjiazhuang or overseas.

The Zhen family's eyes were all darkened, and they didn't know the specific situation at all.

They want to deploy control around Fengjiazhuang.

Feng Yibo didn't know what their purpose was.

But the location is well known.

Don't talk about ten miles and eight villages, how strange it is to see a few strangers.

It is said that Zhuangzi has been in business for many years, and the hidden pile has already formed a mechanism.

With the people sent by the Zhen family, how could they hide from Zhuang Ding's eyes?

To catch or not to catch is all in one thought.

Of course, Feng Yibo's choice in Fengjiazhuang.

Just knock the mountain and shake the tiger.

The overseas strategy is...

A net is exhausted!
Feng Yibo has long wanted to do something to the Zhen family!

Lin Ruhai being poisoned was just one of the reasons.

Even without it,

From the day Feng Yibo found out that the Zhen family had colluded with Japanese pirates.

This day is bound to happen for him and the Zhen family.

Just kidding, this is Jinling!
As long as Feng Yibo has that ability, he will absolutely not tolerate it.

Someone here is in collusion with Japanese pirates!

Otherwise a hundred years later.

Is it necessary to hold a sacrificial sacrifice in summer?

Is it still necessary to worship the Japanese in the temple?

Of course, if it was Feng Yibo before, he could only choose to endure temporarily.

Because the gap in strength is too great.

The Zhen family can crush his foundation in Jiangnan with one finger.

But now Feng Yibo dared to do so.

Because he already has a foundation overseas and has the confidence to do it.

Gouzi's development in Liuqiu was so smooth that Feng Yibo found it incredible.

Arrived at the beginning of Liuqiu.

Gouzi followed Feng Yibo's plan.

First, a few groups of Japanese pirates were wiped out, and some materials were used to make the local aborigines migrate.

Successfully occupied the Jilongshan area.

According to what Feng Yibo said, a good natural harbor was indeed discovered.

Originally, these things made Gouzi have full confidence in Feng Yibo's plan.

But after the water fortress was built, a few Japanese pirates who knew nothing about the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth came to attack the port.

Therefore, Gouzi did not rush to the basin of Jilongshan, but first cleaned up the Japanese pirates along the coastline.

This can be regarded as adapting to local conditions to avoid being cut off.

Unexpectedly, this move slightly deviates from Feng Yibo's plan.

But it attracted the attention of a hidden force on the island.

To be precise, this force is a quasi-kingdom formed by the aborigines.

It is a quasi-kingdom because it is only a loose alliance of various ethnic groups.

This alliance is mainly in the central and northern parts of Liuqiu, and has some exchanges with immigrants from Fujian and Vietnam.

But not much.

The one who controls this power is a queen, who is called by the Fujian-Vietnam immigrants:
"Fanzai King"

This alliance is composed of nearly a hundred tribal villages and aboriginals of several different ethnic groups.

The total population is about [-] people.

Most of them are distributed in the north-central region of Liuqiu.

They are also in a state of disunity, and occasionally attack each other.

But nominally, they all enshrine the same queen.

What few people know is.

The queen's husband is a Han Chinese.

Seeing the northern coast, the Japanese pirates who often harassed them were wiped out.

Many aborigines have seen the fighting power of these newcomers.

The prince, the queen's husband.

When you learn about it, you know that the visitor is not good.

There are probably only two choices for them.

Cooperation or war.

So he represented the queen and sent someone to communicate with the dog.

The two sides held friendly talks in an open area.

And reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

The tribe under the Queen's name can get along well with dogs.

and open for trading.

But the premise is to marry them.

Just like this prince.

Of course, this prince is a craftsman captured by Japanese pirates.

So it's not a marriage.

It's like a son-in-law.

Gouzi remembered Feng Yibo's teaching, and did not reject it outright.

Instead, he went back to Jinling in person and communicated with Feng Yibo about it.

Just as Gouzi expected, Feng Yibo immediately agreed to cooperate without thinking too much.

And make two requests.

One is the land in the original plan, that is, the northern basin and the northern small plain.

This part of the arable land must be sold to them!

The second is to allow them to recruit soldiers among the aborigines to make up for their lack of archers.

As for those who are married, it is decided that they will not come back.

But what people didn't expect was.

When Gouzi brought Mengzi over, the other party didn't like it.

The other party made it clear that the conditions are easy to talk about.

But those who get married must be scholars.

This was of course the prince's idea.

Although he is just a craftsman, he hopes his daughter can marry a scholar.

This may be the last obsession of a Han Chinese.

In the end, it can only be Gouzi, Tanhua's companion, who sacrificed her beauty.

Successfully become a candidate for marriage.

For this reason, Mengzi almost wanted to send troops to destroy the queen.

Let them know their charm.

Except that Gouzi developed very smoothly in Liuqiu.

Become the only consort who can communicate with almost all tribes in Liuqiu.

Even with Feng Yibo's support in the future, he may become the prince of this small kingdom.

And there is...

Liu Zhao went to Quanzhou.

Because Big Nose Island gave him half of the credit, Liu Zhao was also promoted two ranks.

He was transferred from Jiangnan, where the Japanese invasion was solved, to Fujian and Yue, where the Japanese invasion is the most serious.

Served as the commander of Quanzhou Wei.

The Japanese invasion in Minyue was actually earlier than that in Jiangnan.

But compared with Jiangnan's loose military equipment, the guards here are more or less effective.

At least you can get in touch with Japanese pirates.

It will not be defeated by Japanese pirates at every turn, or even wiped out.

Especially the Quanzhou navy, and the Penghu Xuanwei Division's navy are horns.

Let the Japanese pirates only do sporadic looting, and dare not invade on a large scale.

Otherwise, they would be trapped in Liuqiu Strait.

The Japanese pirates' ships were not as fast as the navy's, and they were likely to be wiped out at sea.

Not long after Feng Yibo returned to Duzhong, Liu Zhao went to Quanzhou.

After Gouzi gained a firm foothold in Liuqiu, he got the news.

He immediately went to Quanzhou to meet Liu Zhao.

The two are also old acquaintances and quickly reached a consensus.

It's still Feng Yibo's old rules.

Gouzi led people to clean up the Japanese pirates, and the credit goes to Liu Zhao.

Officially, Liu Zhao escorted them.

As for the Zhen family's fleet, why did it disappear without a sound.

To a large extent, it is also related to Liu Zhao.

Most of Gouzi's men are veterans of the new army.

All standard equipment.

After receiving Feng Yibo's order to do it, Gouzi made people hang the flag of the Quanzhou Navy.

It is said to the outside world that it is patrolling the Liuqiu Strait to deter Japanese pirates.

Protect a large number of caravans heading to Quanzhou.

In fact, it is to find the fleet flying the flag of the Zhen family, and directly attack after approaching.

[-]% of the goods were distributed to Liu Zhao, and the rest were shipped to Liuqiu.

The captives were also sent to Liuqiu to open up wasteland.

The territory of the Feng family in Liuqiu is mainly the northern basin.

Just hold on to the two channels.

These captives had nowhere to run if they wanted to.

Or leave the wasteland.

Or go into the mountains and be eaten by wild animals.

Or get caught by the Aboriginals.

If you're lucky, you might be called a slave.

Bad luck, I met a headhunter...

Then the skull can only be borrowed from others for use.

Unknowingly, the Feng family's fleet has already had more than 200 ships in just over half a year.

Among them, there are more than 80 Fuchuan ships.

More than 80 Zhuyin ships were captured from Japanese pirates.

There are more than 40 other ships of various types.

Looking at the entire East China Sea, it is already the number one fleet.

However, they are usually broken up into parts, and only a few times are collectively dispatched.

In order to deal with Japanese pirates.

Not many people know.

It is only circulated among a few people.

Under the Dragon Throne of the East China Sea, the legend of the Black Dog King.

(End of this chapter)

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