Chapter 116 On Sea Ban?
There are as many as thirteen ports in Wei Dynasty that are open to the outside world.

Where there is a port, there is a navy to protect it.

There is also a municipal shipping department responsible for collecting customs duties.

Originally, in the early days of the founding of the Great Wei Dynasty, tariffs went directly to the treasury.

It is one of the important sources of Nine Frontiers' military pay.

But in recent years, tariffs have become less and less.

It has dropped from several million taels in the early days to tens of thousands of taels now.

Even last year it was only 2 taels.

It is about to fall below the [-]-digit mark.

Speaking of it, it is indeed a bit tasteless.

So someone proposed to ban the sea, Emperor Jingshun's first reaction.

Not against it.

Instead, seriously consider the feasibility.

There is no tax for Wei's ships when they leave the customs.

Only merchant ships returning with goods were heavily taxed.

Moreover, except for the imperial merchants.

In the name of collecting exotic treasures from overseas, the emperor sent imperial merchants who received domestic money to operate overseas.

To fill the internal funds.

Doing business for the emperor naturally does not need to pay taxes.

The second bedroom of Xue's family used to do such errands.

It was good in Taizu's time, when everyone obeyed the rules.

But slowly, many nobles began to follow suit.

The royal family can send people out to find rare treasures.

Naturally, Xungui should also contribute to this!
So those who really abide by the law and do business pay heavy taxes.

But the rich and powerful who also went to sea found excuses to avoid taxes.

Slowly, ordinary sea merchants gradually disappeared.

Or, it is disheartened.

In the end, I found that buying a house or land is the safest option.

Or, in order to avoid unfair competition, simply stay overseas.

The people and the money came back, but the goods did not come back.

Or, wisely, seek refuge with Xungui.

Let them sit back and enjoy the bonus, and they can report their names to the outside world.

In short, a lot of pours.

Only customs tax, less and less.

It's so rare that some municipal bureaus still have the imperial court to subsidize the money to support those officials.

"No sea, no sea..."

Emperor Jingshun repeated it twice, then pondered for a moment, and said:

"Talk about it in detail."

Bai Jiajin obviously came prepared and took out a memorial upon hearing this.

The palace servants stepped forward to take it and handed it to Emperor Jingshun.

"The minister is from Fujian and Yue, and his hometown is also deeply invaded by Japanese invaders, and there is no capable person like Feng Langzhong in charge."

"That's why I thought about it and wanted to do something for my hometown, which is why I came up with this idea."

Bai Jiajin prepared a few words before getting to the point.

"I feel that the reason why Japanese pirates are rampant is because there are too many private individuals in the sea, which are not under the control of the imperial court."

"It is these people who collude with foreign barbarians and make overseas Japanese people covet our heavenly kingdom."

Bai Jiajin chose this breakthrough point very well.

Because this is the common view of many scholar-bureaucrats.

Ignorant and feel good about themselves.

Many people in the court who have not participated in overseas business think so.

"Moreover, many maritime merchants sell our products overseas, and the income is nothing more than gold and silver, which is of no benefit to the people or the country."

"It will only make the folk silkworms more and more, and the rice will be less!"

This time it's the way to talk.

Bai Jiajin's words won the hearts of some self-proclaimed Qingliu.

"If the imperial court can strictly prohibit going to sea, the people's hearts will get rid of impetuousness and start to feel safe."

"If things go on like this for a long time, I will meet Haiyan and Heqing, and the worries of Japanese pirates will be gone!"

Bai Jiajin obviously represents the interests of a certain party.

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen people came out and seconded.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Jingshun was also noncommittal.

Instead, he looked at Zhang Songyue and asked, "What do you think, teacher?"

Zhang Songyue naturally didn't want to answer this question.

Because it doesn't matter whether it is banned or not.

It's not good for him.

Can't help but can't get back the tariffs,

Private businessmen, imperial businessmen, and nobles cannot be banned.

He thought for a while, then looked back, as if looking for something.

Finally, he shouted directly:
"Feng Langzhong, you just solved the Japanese problem in the south of the Yangtze River, do you think Bai Shilang is right?"

Seeing the question being thrown at him, Feng Yibo stepped forward helplessly.

"I don't know if the Japanese plague has anything to do with the Forbidden Sea!"

Feng Yibo was upset by Bai Jiajin in Jinling.

Naturally, he didn't want to agree at this time.

Just want to mix.

"Compared to the forbidden sea, I suggest that it is better to exterminate the Japanese kingdom, isn't it more refreshing?"

He had just been handed over to him the matter of fighting for tribute from the Japanese kingdom, when Zhang Songyue asked him about the Japanese troubles again.

It seems that Feng Yibo has become an expert in the study of Japan.

But hearing the expert's advice, Bai Jiajin couldn't help laughing.

"Feng Langzhong has been suppressing the Japanese for nearly a year. I'm afraid he killed red eyes?"

Feng Yibo smiled when he heard the words, squinted at him and said:
"My lord said that the Japanese plague originated from the sea, no one knows if it is true."

"But the Japanese plague originated in the Japanese country, I'm sure it's true."

There's nothing wrong with that.

The Japanese pirates belong to the Japanese country, and no one can refute it.

Speaking of this, Feng Yibo himself couldn't help laughing.

"So I don't know if it is right or wrong to ban the sea, but it is definitely right to destroy the Japanese."

"Do you think I'm right? Lord Bai?"

Bai Jiajin was speechless, and even regretted provoking this guy in the first place.

Unexpectedly, he is not only good at training soldiers, but also eloquent.

This made the logic of what he said tight, and there was no room for rebuttal.

"What Feng Langzhong said is reasonable."

Zhang Songyue saw that Feng Yibo was stirring things up, so he directly took over the conversation, saying:

"But conquest of a country, after all, wastes people and money, and the country of Wa lives overseas, so how can it be so easy to destroy?"

Seeing Zhang Song talking more and more, Feng Yibo couldn't refute, he just said:
"It's my servant Meng Lang!"

Zhang Songyue smiled with satisfaction, thinking that this pair of master and apprentice could be regarded as his disciples.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yibo had an idea, and saluted Zhang Songyue again:

"Since that's the case, it's better to let the Wa country enforce the sea ban."

"Let the Japanese sea be banned?" Zhang Songyue was taken aback.

"Didn't the tribute come from two of the biggest forces in the Wa Kingdom?"

Feng Yibo chuckled, and said the idea he just thought of.

"Then it's better to reprimand them because of the Japanese pirates. Whoever goes back to implement the sea ban and bans the Japanese pirates can participate in the tribute."

"No, it is to double their tribute!"

Just now Feng Yibo didn't want to take over the job of fighting for tribute from the Japanese kingdom.

Li Shouzhong had actually told him about this, and it was not easy to handle.

And the short-term strategy set by the master and apprentice is also:

Retiring bravely from the rapids is called knowing the opportunity.

In other words, Feng Yibo has just made a great contribution, so it's not appropriate for him to be in the limelight again.

But Emperor Jingshun and Zhang Songyue cooperated seamlessly.

Never give him a chance to refuse.

Feng Yibo could only passively accept this errand.

When he turned around, he was going to have a chat with the little Baga of the two teams.

The best way is to suggest that they fight together.

Those who win will pay tribute to the Great Wei Dynasty.

Of course, this is just a joke.

But now the idea that he came up with suddenly has the possibility of realization.

Zhang Songyue fell into deep thought when he heard the words.

Obviously, this matter is operational.

And kill three birds with one stone.

First, no matter what the result is, the Japanese pirates can also be contained.

Second, it solved the problem of tribute scrambling and avoided being caught in the ceremony.

Third, let the Wa country continue to fight internally.

This last point is important.

No matter which side Wei agrees to pay tribute to, which side will have a greater advantage.

In turn, it may accelerate the unification of Japan.

It is in the best interest of Wei to let them continue to be guilty.

"It seems that Feng Aiqing not only has the courage to do things, but also has unexpected ways."

(End of this chapter)

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