Chapter 115
The sect competition ended soon, and for most of the disciples, the result was almost known before the competition.

The biggest surprise in previous years is who will not participate.

Things like Chen Taiyi's situation are not normal.

Chen Taiyi followed Taoist Calabash to the Temple of Subduing Demons, but Xiaobai was blocked outside the hall because of the fact that the Dharma is not passed on to the six ears.

Chen Taiyi didn't notice this, he is very depressed now, others have rewards, only himself does not have rewards.

In any case, I have worked hard on stage for so long, but I didn't give myself any rewards.

I must have been bullied...

Chen Taiyi thought of Guiyou again, and felt that he and Guiyou had nothing to do, and when she rewarded him, he called out senior sister to make amends, but he didn't give the benefits she promised.

I really don't know how to behave.

Calabash Taoist brought Chen Taiyi to the room, sat down and said: "The magical powers of Jiangmo Peak are infinitely varied, but in the final analysis, it is to evolve all kinds of supernatural powers with mana. Since senior brother asked you to learn Wufeng's supernatural powers, most likely it is to make you roughly Just understand."

"I have learned a lot from your patriarch, and I often use the conjuration spell from Jiangmo Peak and the right way of metaphysics from Tianji Peak."

Chen Taiyi said curiously: "I haven't been to Tianji Peak yet, I heard that there are the fewest disciples there, and they don't come out very often, and I haven't seen any seniors or seniors from Tianji Peak this time."

Calabash Taoist said: "Tianji Peak cultivates the right way of metaphysics, and the right way of metaphysics is like a vast ocean. You can't learn much with your temperament in the past, just get a general understanding."

"What kind of temperament am I?" Chen Taiyi didn't understand what kind of temperament he was, and said honestly: "Uncle, please enlighten me, what is wrong with me, can I change it?"

Calabash Taoist originally thought that Chen Taiyi's temperament had nothing to do with metaphysics, but when Chen Taiyi asked him, he casually said, "You can study it for 100 years and you can't learn anything superficial, what do you think?"

"Oh, then I really can't." Chen Taiyi didn't hold back, he was really in a hurry and wanted to go home early.

In the past few months, it is enough to walk all four peaks, and go home after learning a little.

If you really need to meditate for 100 years, your wife will be dead.

Calabash Taoist saw that Chen Taiyi was being honest, and continued: "I have thousands of supernatural swordsmanship, hundreds of magic and thunder techniques, as well as refining weapons and brewing wine, and manipulating sword formations. Which one do you want to learn?"

Mrs. Chen thought for a while, but said nothing.

Calabash Taoist said again: "It's good to learn all of them, I have learned more than these, but many things are not good enough, so it's not worth mentioning."

Mrs. Chen scratched her head, "I will go down the mountain in four months, the master asked me to learn some skills and then go back to my hometown to get married and have children. I will study in each of the four places for a month. You can teach me the simplest one. "

Chen Taiyi doesn't think he has a good brain, and he likes to save trouble, and doesn't want to waste time.

Calabash Taoist was annoyed: "What can I learn in a month? Do you think that practicing is the same as studying in school, and you can memorize a book in a month?"

Chen Taiyi also felt that one month was really too little time. He had studied alchemy for three to four months and only mastered two alchemy recipes.

"Then I will learn the art of controlling the sword." Chen Taiyi thought of something simple, "I heard that Yujian is very easy to learn, and those who are smart can learn it in three or four days. My brain is not good, and it should be almost a month."

Calabash Taoist calmed down and asked, "How did senior teach you?"

Chen Taiyi said happily: "Master has directly transmitted all the magical powers of Taoism to my mind, Master Uncle..."

Chen Taiyi looked at Taoist Gourd in embarrassment, with such a simple method, why should he learn it!

Calabash Taoist said indifferently: "Don't think about such things. You can't think of a few things that the senior brother passed on to you now. One is that you don't have enough mana, and the other is that the time you have mastered is too short."

"The art of preaching is equivalent to planting a seed in your brain. It is the same as the supernatural powers of the demon clan. It can only be realized after the body is strong. In addition, there are some life-and-death junctures, and the instinct will be stimulated when the mind is lost. Obtain part of the inheritance in advance."

"Since the senior brother has already taught you the supernatural powers of Taoism, and the sword technique of the Tianlei Sword was imprinted into your consciousness last time, if I teach you these again, I'm afraid you will explode and die."

Mrs. Chen became serious with a small face, and said in fear: "Yes! I remember it!"

Calabash Taoist looked out the door, and soon came in an old man wearing Taoist robes and a hat that looked like a hot pot.

"What are you doing here?" Taoist Calabash greeted him.

Taoist Tianji said: "Come and see, is he going to learn the orthodox metaphysics of Tianji Peak?"

Calabash Taoist nodded, "Look, this kid has already obtained the inheritance of Taoism and supernatural powers, and he will learn supernatural powers and spells from four places in the next four months."

Chen Taiyi looked at the old man wearing a hot pot hat, and felt a little craving for hot pot.

Taoist Tianji looked at Chen Taiyi, flicked the whisk in his hand, "Calm down, before I teach you supernatural powers, I have to tell you something, I don't know if you have kept it in mind before."

Chen Taiyi restrained his divergent thinking, and said quickly and seriously: "Senior, tell me!"

Taoist Tianji looked at Chen Taiyi's expression and eyes, "In the vast world, magical powers and spells are like the number of stars, and some of them are magical powers that will subtly affect practitioners. The widely known one is the way of ghosts."

Chen Taiyi showed a confident smile, "Master, please don't worry, it should be fine for me to cultivate the way of ghosts!"

"It's not about ghosts." Taoist Tianji shook his head, "Ordinary people's xinxing will not always be as clean as a child's. I think you should have practiced such a technique."

Mrs. Chen was startled, and quickly knelt down and walked up to Taoist Tianji, crying, "Senior, save me! I don't want to be a child all my life, I want to be a man, a real man... woo Woohoo!"

He cried very sadly, the sadness from the heart, Douda's tears flowed down without disappointment.

The man did not flick his tears easily, because he hadn't reached the point of sadness. To Chen Taiyi, it seemed that this matter was more sad than Yan Chixia's departure.

"Get up." Taoist Tianji flicked his whisk, and Chen Taiyi was quickly dragged up and sat on the ground.

After Chen Taiyi sat down, Taoist Tianji also sat opposite, it looked like two teachers were teaching a student.

"It seems that you have indeed practiced exercises to maintain a childlike innocence, but you didn't realize this change when you practiced."

Chen Taiyi said anxiously: "Senior, save me!"

Taoist Tianji said slowly: "As long as your cultivation level increases, it will be fine naturally."

Chen Taiyi's ground root formula affected the change of mentality, especially after the hag left, because of the strength of the ground root formula, her heart became younger and younger.

After entering the Tianyin sect to practice, although the strength has increased, but because of the practice of tiger spirit swordsmanship which is close to animal nature, the combination of children and fierce tigers has created a special branch of childlike tiger.

Today's performance will appear to be normal, mainly due to the rapid improvement in cultivation base obtained from the ghost envoy, which suppressed the aura of the ground root art.

However, the practice of Tianyin Qijue is a short-term crash course. Regardless of whether Chen Taiyi takes the initiative or not, he will practice while sleeping, eat, play, and bask in the sun, etc., will slowly accumulate and absorb spiritual energy.

As long as the time is long enough, the Earth Root Art will overtake the Yin Qi of the sky.

Chen Taiyi didn't look like a child at the beginning, he used to be eleven or twelve years old at most, but he was ten years old after he practiced the ground root formula.

"But, I'm in a hurry..." Chen Taiyi was in a hurry.

It's not that I'm in a fake hurry, I'm really worried.

Taoist Tianji said: "You lack yang energy in your body, and you can't learn my divination skills in just one month. I will teach you..."

Taoist Tianji frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Chen Taiyi and said, "Xiaobao, what's your real name?"

It was not a secret before, but now it is no longer a secret. Chen Taiyi said honestly, "Chen Taiyi lives in Yanwang City, the easternmost part of Dongzhou Jiangdong City, which is very close to the East China Sea."

"Taiyi..." Taoist Tianji and Taoist Calabash both looked puzzled and solemn.

Taoist Tianji nodded, "I see, that makes sense, Zhong Tiandi's beauty, who coincides with Dao, should you go back to Yanwang City to inherit the throne in four months?"

"Yes, that's what the master said, let me go back to benefit one party." Chen Taiyi mainly wanted to go back to marry a wife and have children, but he still needed to find a better excuse, such as benefiting one party.

Taoist Tianji and Taoist Calabash knew about the ghost envoy's arrangement, and they also understood that Chen Taiyi was the son of luck selected by the Tianyin sect.

"I'll teach you a sword technique of escaping, a sword technique of defending against enemies, so that you can last longer."

"I'll teach you the branch of Qi training technique evolved from Tianyin Qi training technique, called Day and Night, which allows you to transform the Yin Qi in your body into Yang Qi. This technique needs to be practiced in a place where Yang Qi is at its peak, and it is gradually flourishing. The practice of a human dynasty in the world is far better than that of the Paradise of Paradise."

After knowing what Chen Taiyi was going to do in the future, the rest of the things became much easier, and both of them knew what to teach.

After studying for two months, Chen Taiyi has mastered several supernatural powers, and also learned some small spells such as controlling the sword, calling thunder, driving magic weapons, and shielding true energy.

He went to Shuntian Peak to rest for another month, learning alchemy and medical skills, but Chen Taiyi obviously didn't put much effort into learning, and was only busy making Sister Daoyin happy, or messing around with the female pharmacist on the mountain.

In the last month, Chen Taiyi was carried to Nitian Peak by a flying tiger.

The peak master of Nitian Peak is not a disciple of the ghost messenger, and it is said that the relationship with the ghost messenger is not very good.

The peak master ignored Chen Taiyi and asked Chen Taiyi to learn spells from his first disciple Baimu Daoist.

Daoist Baimu was neither strict nor close to Chen Taiyi, just to fulfill his master's confession.

"Ni Tianfeng's Heaven-defying spells are mainly used to hurt people with sorcery. You don't need to fight, you just need to know the opponent's name and birth date. It would be even better if you have the opponent's body, hair, skin, and clothes."

Daoist Baimu smiled, "It hurts the body, the soul, the heart, the mind, the mind, or slowly causes it to be in a trance, which is hard to cure."

Chen Taiyi felt a little bad, but soon realized that this is what an authentic ghost cultivator should do.

Of course, ghost cultivators are not the only ones who can do the same thing. Jiang Ziya has done this kind of thing, assassinating Zhao Gongming with the nail-headed seven-arrow book.

This kind of wicked thing is afraid of being known, once the wind leaks, or is discovered, then this kind of black hand will definitely be killed.

Chen Taiyi didn't want to learn it at first, but after a day of coping with it, he found that he was very talented in this area.

The straw man was pierced quickly and well, especially when the nail was pressed into the straw man's head with his eyes closed, the monster that was used for lunch next door lost his breath in an instant.

Daoist Baimu looked at Chen Taiyi in shock, and frowned, "I can't see that you are such a person."

Chen Taiyi scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed, "You teach well..."

Taoist Baimu became interested, and after the body-harming spells, he taught the spells of hurting the soul, soul, god, and heart, as well as the spells of defense against these spells.

Half a month later, Taoist Baimu said again: "Heaven-defying mantras include not only the injure the enemy mantra I taught you, but also transformation mantras, such as turning people into animals."

Chen Taiyi was shocked when he heard it, "This method is too bad!"

Taoist Baimu smiled and said, "What's the point? Buddhism, Taoism, which one doesn't know this kind of magic? It doesn't matter even if it turns a person into a dog in the future, just call it punishment and let him correct his mistakes."

Chen Taiyi's heart suddenly moved, "If you can turn a person into a dog, can you turn a dog into a person?"

"Of course, hahaha!" Baimu Taoist said with a smile: "When I was young, I turned a hedgehog into a beautiful girl and put it on the side of the road. Half of them were scared out of their wits~”

As expected, Nitian Peak is a group of practitioners who don't regard themselves as mortals.

Even so, Chen Taiyi still learned the curse of change and the curse of returning to the original.

After a year of studying art, I can finally go home!

(End of this chapter)

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