Zhuang Quan gently opened his arms. Behind him, there are screens that are gradually opening and the appearance of the mechanical arm, which makes people shocked. These blue and white objects are full of the world. The sense of technology in human imagination.

They have been very proficient in these performances for the future. They had already had such an idea in the world of Avatar, and in this period of time, after a long period of development, this idea has become particularly mature.

This is not even bragging, but the effect that their current technology can indeed achieve. Only the old dungeons do not have such an effect. The current new buildings and sky screens can fully achieve or even exceed such an effect. !

This kind of impact is indeed a bit too advanced for a black man who is still in the tribal era and wants to come to the electrical age.

Zhuang Quan patiently explained to him the technology they possessed, and even told him some secrets that only the Wakanda race knew!
In the hands of a powerful umbrella, Azari didn't feel that Leopard God could give them invincible protection. Those weapons had challenged his nerves more than once, so now he is very sober, this shareholder is giving himself the next step. Something called an ultimatum.

But the strange thing is that he doesn't feel disgusted. In this world where the general order is robbing, it is already very lucky for this person to be able to talk to him calmly.

The so-called wisdom cannot become their experience of experiencing the world, so this Mr. "Black Panther" got lost without accident.

In particular, Zhuang Quan was even willing to share with them equally. This kind of cooperation, which was almost alms, made him directly call the protection of the Leopard God.

Even if Azari is a wise man, he didn't last long under the test of Zhuang Quan's technology that almost condensed countless worlds.

The current Wakanda is not the country that dares to charge in the face of the cosmic army in the future, but a country that is almost indistinguishable from ordinary African tribes except for their gods and vibranium, and Zhuang Quan can give him What you see is the real future!
"Mr. Azari, maybe we can talk about cooperation!" Zhuang Quan said, seeing that the time was right, he no longer hesitated, and directly expressed their thoughts.

Zhuang Quan knows that deception and concealment can only obtain temporary benefits, but frankly, they can obtain long-term and stable benefits.

What they need is a stable rear, a partner who won't go wrong.

Moreover, the person he was talking to was not a stupid tribal people, but His Majesty Azari, who was known for his wisdom and was willing to learn from the outside world. After he knew Zhuang Quan and his cooperation intentions, he confirmed that these people had not changed. After thinking about the form of his own tribe, he readily agreed to the cooperation between the two parties.

In the future, there will be a lot of in-depth cooperation between them. Their personnel will enter Wakanda, and Wakanda people will also have the opportunity to join the umbrella company. The two parties will cooperate on an equal footing.

The biggest advantage of working with them is that this is a special country that has been hidden for thousands of years spontaneously in the original book, even without the intervention of the umbrella. Don't worry that they will reveal some secrets about the umbrella, and will not let them They want to save the black people in the outside world.

People in Wakanda do not admit that they are the same characters as those black people on the African continent. They have real god worship, so they even look down on people from other countries in the world, and they look down on everyone equally.

Of course, now they have another force that can be treated equally, that is, the umbrella company.

"Then, Your Majesty Azari, happy cooperation!" Zhuang Quan nodded with a smile, "Our personnel will go to Wakanda with you, don't rush to push your ideas, we still have enough time, we can go slowly Slow down to transform the tribe! The future belongs to you!"

If he remembers correctly, after a while, T'Chaka, the father of the black panther, will be born. At this time, Wakanda will enter a period of rapid development.

For the umbrella, with Wakanda's promise, there is room for many things to turn around. Among other things, the last thing they lack is actually the energy in the vibrating gold. What they want is only the material properties and This metal is almost infinitely usable!

The scientific research institutions on the wandering earth have another metal material that they can use for experiments.

When Zhuang Quan thought about it, he realized that they had collected a lot of cosmic materials.

From the superconducting ore in the Avatar world, to the special metal of Transformers, from the vibrating gold in this world, to the crystal mine they are researching, it is these things that make up their flourishing material technology. The reason why their fleet can It was established so quickly, and their factory can produce things so easily, which is inseparable from the strength of the material.

There is a saying that the progress of science and technology has never been seen in terms of theory or actual level, but in the water of materials and energy. Their theories can even be used hundreds of years later, and they can be used in the stars and the sea, but their materials Technology, however, restricts them to jumping on the ground.

Zhuang Quan is eager to know now, can those Cybertronians, through their own metal transformation technology, reproduce Zhenjin again?If you can, it's great!
"Sir, your itinerary is over, now you need to go to the headquarters of the Umbrella Company in New York, pick up Mr. Norman Osborn, and officially go to the Alien World!" The reminder from the Red Queen made Zhuang Quan nodded slightly, "Got it , Let the people who are going back be in place, I will be there immediately!"
Although Alien is a big world, it can even be said to be a very huge world. If you add the content of the rumor, there is even a special race called the Predator, which is a special monster universe.

Even if you don't add the side story and just read the main story, you can know that there is a great species called engineers in this world, and a terrifying race that has lasted for hundreds of millions of years!
As early as the period when the region was not alive, these engineers already had a high degree of civilization, but hundreds of millions of years have passed, and they still haven't changed much.

The technology in this world is very pure, there is no such thing as psionic power or magic, the so-called spirit does not exist, it is the purest mechanical technology and genetic technology, such as the special race that will have a huge impact on the entire science fiction system in the future —Alien.

As the perfect creatures imagined by scientists, in addition to the common law of mass-energy non-conservation, it is their terrible growth. Give them time and they will become the most terrifying cosmic creatures in the world except Zerg!

However, these things actually have nothing to do with them. Zhuang Quan and the others are going to the world of "Alien [-]", to the spaceship Nostromo wandering alone among the stars. An extremely huge spaceship with a high level of technology and terrifying business intelligence belonging to a future company.

As I said before, the commercial content of this spacecraft may be higher than that of the entire earth in the Avatar world. As for whether it has reached the level of Starship Fleet, it can only be said that different people have different opinions.

But what they can know is that this is a spaceship with a high level of automation, and seven people can run it perfectly and even live like ordinary people here, living a life that is no different from the earth.

Then, what is not commensurate is their weapon strength and personal protection level that have nothing to do with their own technological level. It is as if monkeys in the 10th century have obtained guns from the 21st century, and there is no guarantee other than knowing how to use them.

It's as funny as if there is no weapon in such a spaceship.

This also leads to the horror of aliens and the sense of fragmentation brought by the whole movie. As the real elite of the Wieland company, their performance is not even as good as a real American soldier.

As the originator of sci-fi horror films, aliens have an extremely important position in the field of horror films, but when it comes to combat effectiveness, these things are actually not much stronger than a fully armed soldier!

But on the Wandering Earth side, they have also made complete preparations for this matter.

At least the operatives are quite sincere. All the members of the most elite "virus" team are here. Not to mention the team led by Zhuang Quan, the dark psionic team led by Witkey is also one of their escorts. In addition, a group of specialized biological researchers came to the spacecraft to conduct research as their special teammates.

This time Zhuang Quan didn't plan to waste time in this world, so this is their most special one-time time travel plan.

It is very interesting that the Wieland Corporation can carry out the cosmic plan of transporting goods across countless years, but it has no special means to locate the spaceship and their former experimental field, so it is quite outrageous for the heroine to be able to float in space for decades .

"Secretary-General Zhuang Quan, this time Mr. Norman and I are the main leaders of the Biological Research Institute!" Zhang Haoxuan walked over, leading a bunch of researchers, and they even used Cybertron compression technology to create A thing called a miniaturized portable laboratory.

However, this compression technology also has a limit. Compressing the material of a room into the size of a suitcase at most, and recompressing and releasing it also requires a lot of energy.

At this time, they began to want a certain Dr. Pym's Pym particles. As a special scientist with the same reputation as Stark, Dr. Pym is also a top ghost. The Ultron in the comics is his unique invention. .

Pym Particles are special particles that can help Kang the Conqueror, trapping him in the Quantum Realm from which he cannot escape.

Moreover, Pym particles have the special property of enlarging to increase mass, but reducing mass after shrinking. They belong to the role of lifting the mass-energy equation. Zhuang Quan naturally made a special design for this doctor. After all, he is also a An important role in the future.

"Are you ready?" Standing on this empty platform, Zhuang Quan asked.

Not many people come, but they do a lot of things. This platform is not on the earth, but on Titan.

As the second largest satellite in the solar system, the entire planet is larger than Mercury. If it was not born at the wrong time, it might become a planet.

Titan is also the only satellite in the entire solar system with a clear atmosphere. Although its gravity is only comparable to that of the moon, its atmospheric pressure is much stronger than that of the earth, which is 1.5 times that of the earth.

This special planet filled with methane or nitrogen was once one of the ideal planets for the earth to colonize, but in the foreseeable future, it will die together with the sun.

Therefore, people wandering on the earth regard this place as a dock and transfer station that can be used for training. With the protection of Saturn, it will be difficult for future helium flashes to affect this place. This planet is also at its best for viewing the beautiful scenery of Saturn. The location, after comprehensive consideration, became the best place for their experiments.

Zhuang Quan took this place as the crossing point, of course, there is no deep meaning. This planet is far away from other planets, and it is also within the weak influence range of the sun. what effect.

In the plot of the movie, the only thing they need to obtain is the engineer's spaceship and the Nostromo, the spaceship of the Wieland Corporation. The engineer's spaceship has the technology of the entire engineer race and a whole series of alien technologies. Something everyone wants.

Anyone who has seen Prometheus knows how exaggerated the technology of these engineers is. Zhuang Quan will definitely bring this spaceship back.

And the Nostromo is what they want to bring back, because the engineer's technology may not be suitable for them, but this kind of spaceship from the earth's technology will definitely make great progress in their technology.

This spaceship, which can carry 2000 million tons, can even carry out extraction, compression, storage and automatic construction on board, represents the highest technology of Wieland Corporation, and also represents their level of development.

If you can get this ship, even if you send it directly to the asteroid belt for mining, it will be a huge income.

The biggest benefit of building on Titan is naturally safety.

After they leave, all creatures on this planet will be evacuated to ensure that all crises, even if they arise, will be easily controlled.

Zhuang Quan will never forget the catastrophe caused by the alien creature to the "engineer". He did not say victory before saying defeat.

All of these were settled, and as Zhuang Quan and the security personnel looked at each other, everyone stood beside him, they slowly closed their eyes, and opened the space adaptation device.

In front of Zhuang Quan, the panel also arrived as promised, "New World: Alien 30, travel time: [-] days, do you want to travel?"

"Traveling!" He clicked on the panel.

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