The Heavens From the Wandering Earth

Chapter 340 Moving supplies and rebuilding Cybertron

Naturally, Hao Xiaoxi's report was not over, and there was still a lot of work to be assigned, but Zhuang Quan didn't have much interest in listening to it.

The rest of the matter was related to several other worlds. Zhuang Quan just paid attention to the reconstruction plan of Cybertron, and received explanations and cooperation on the reconstruction of Cybertron, and then left the venue very simply.

The matter of Cybertron was originally planned by him, and a series of events in the future should also be resolved by him. Naturally, there will be no problem with such a distribution.

Zhuang Quan was also very curious about what Optimus Prime would do next, and even more curious about how the other party would handle the relationship with Wandering Earth, so he took this position.

He wasn't worried that the other party would put him aside, Optimus Prime wouldn't do such a thing, what he was worried about was that Brother Zhuzi was too generous, if he just fed them too much food, that would be bad!

The Wandering Earth is not yet suitable for digesting so many things, and for future development, the status of each world should at least be equal, otherwise there will inevitably be similar disputes between countries in the future.

Many people here couldn't see this scene, but Optimus Prime must be able to see it, he won't grow old, he still has a very long time to live.

Zhuang Quan also does not hope that in the future, the allies he managed to find for humans on Earth will collapse spontaneously because of their human reasons, that would be bad!
But these things have to wait until he goes to Cybertron. Now, he has to go to the Arctic sky first.

Next, it was the last trembling period before the Jupiter crisis, and there was less than half a month left, so he had to hurry up and do what he should do!

Therefore, when he came to the sky at the North Pole, the person who received him was the chief engineer of the Sky Screen Project, Mr. Darienson.

It took the chief teacher a month to disassemble and reinstall his hard work, and finally got it all done before the Jupiter crisis came.

After more than a month of busy work, he has clearly visible dark circles and heavy fatigue on his face, but he is also relieved and happy!

"Secretary-General Zhuang Quan, the finishing work and preparatory tasks of the Sky Curtain Project have been completed. Now all the sky curtains are connected together and completely separated from the ground maintenance devices. You can choose to shuttle!"

Da Liansheng said, "You can choose to bring all of us to that world!"

Zhuang Quan was about to smile and nod at first, but when he heard his words, he couldn't help being taken aback, "No, what do you mean by that, you don't plan to come back?"

He originally thought that these people had all withdrawn, but they were still in the sky?play?
Darien nodded, "We have been building the sky screen for 13 years. We hope that this sky screen will be the screen of the earth and the real sky of this world. Therefore, in 13 years, the real sky screen project, millions of workers, and countless Tens of millions of supporting personnel are working day and night!"

"We forgot to sleep and eat, we sacrificed 561 compatriots, but now the earth is in crisis, but we find that our masterpieces not only can't help, but also cause damage to the earth!"

"We are not reconciled!"

He said, with a straight expression on his face, "We want to finish this thing faster, so that even if we die, we will have no regrets!"

Zhuang Quan knew what they meant. During this period of time, if they left Tianmu, the Tianmu plan would inevitably stagnate, and the crisis of the entire world would also lead to disharmony in the allocation of resources, and even the stagnation of the entire plan. I don't want to see it.

They want to take advantage of this time to continue building this thing and make it a pillar for the people on Earth instead of a burden. I'm afraid this is what they think in their hearts.

Therefore, they decided to live and die with Tianmu, and they can still build Tianmu in that world!

Zhuang Quan finally asked them, "If you choose to give up now, even if the Earth is destroyed in this Jupiter crisis, you can still survive on the sky for a while, instead of dying from the world's disease!"

"If the earth is gone, what's the point of our life?" Unsurprisingly, they refused.

They would rather live and die with the sky, perhaps this is the meaning of their existence.

This may also be the real reason why Zhuang Quan likes the world of Wandering Earth. Every world has silly and cute heroes, and there are a little more heroes in this world.

Zhuang Quan nodded, "Then, I wish you success. I hope that in my lifetime, I can live with you on the surface under the protection of the sky, and go fishing in the North Sea where the green grass is shady and the blue waves are rippling!"

"There will be such a day!" Darienson nodded.

This is also the greatest vision of their group. Although such scenes can be seen in the world of Mechanical Enemy and the world of Spider-Man, after all, it is not my home!
Wandering Earth will also have such a day, they also want to survive in such a world, to live in such a world, this is the meaning of their generation's hard work!
Zhuang Quan also nodded slightly, and waved his hand casually, "That's it, let your personnel get ready, the time travel will start in 5 minutes!"

He is becoming more and more proficient in the matter of crossing now. Although there is still a limit on the number of times, his own body is much better than before, and he can withstand a greater number of repeated crossings.

On the other side of the Resident Evil world, after a series of communication and exchanges, with the efforts of a large number of officials and technicians, the whole process was basically unimpeded.

Before crossing, Zhuang Quan specially went over to have a long communication with the officials of the World Reconstruction Federation, and after confirming that there was no problem with them, he brought this huge canopy from the north pole of the wandering earth to this planet the North Pole!
However, this kind of traversal is not without cost. It can even be said that at the moment the traversal occurred, they had already paid a sufficient price, that is-relative speed!

On the wandering earth, human beings can't feel the movement at all, but in fact, the wandering earth is racing wildly in the solar system, so, compared to the earth that is still in this world, their speed is even no less than the speed of the earth itself. So much fun for them to fall onto Earth in the Resident Evil world!

Fortunately, they had already thought of this special possibility from the very beginning, so they also made a fairly complete plan, one of the more critical ones was—to push forward in another direction through the possible damage to the impact force device, hedge!

Therefore, the location where they landed was not above the North Pole of this world, but a location hundreds of thousands of kilometers above, a huge steel curtain the size of the moon.

It has its own nuclear power generating unit, so it can eject a large number of particle streams and change its own state forcibly, so that it can better adapt to the earth of this world.

Under the incomparably shocking eyes of the top executives of the Resident Evil world, the sky covering everything slowly descended to the sky above the earth, covering the entire North Pole like a big cover.

All of a sudden, the entire Arctic Circle was shrouded in darkness.

Zhuang Quan also came down from the sky, and had a simple reminiscence with them, roughly meaning:
These people were worried about the impact the sky would have on the earth of this world, and the sky immediately opened the sun simulation device, airflow system, ecosystem, weather system, and environmental adaptation system, perfectly replicating the earth's environment just now.

They even turned on the optical camouflage to hide the figure of the sky, and projected the outer universe onto the lower curtain of the sky. If they hadn't just seen the landing of this behemoth, they would even think that they remembered it wrong. Nothing!
So people in this world once again marveled at the technology of Zhuang Quan's world, and once again mentioned about the portal.

Only the Resident Evil world has restricted teleportation, while the other worlds have no restrictions, which is very unfair to them!
In fact, Zhuang Quan didn't want to be so restricted, but it's a pity that he didn't count on this matter, and he had to come to the front panel. Let's wait for three more worlds. If it's not very important, let this poor world first. eternal anchor.

Resident Evil, as their great hero, can only enjoy this special treatment due to various erroneous reasons, which is also quite interesting.

Zhuang Quan looked at his panel, it was indeed too rigid, and he didn't know how to change it, otherwise, if he could directly replace the traversal ability with the portal ability, he wouldn't have to worry about it so much!
At this time, a sentence popped up on the panel:

"Will Resident Evil (Time Travel) be replaced by Eternal Portal?"

"Ah, this..." Zhuang Quan closed the window silently. It was fine before, but it's fine now. After all, the sky has just come into this world and hasn't opened yet. Now it's here again, which is actually not very good.

After all, without the ability to travel, it would be very troublesome for him to transport the sky back.

This can only make people in this world suffer more, and it won't be long!
When he went there, it was a curtain of the whole sky, but when he came back, only Zhuang Quan was left, and he felt a little emotional for a while.

But now even the world of Resident Evil can use the portal to pass through in the future. This situation is very convenient, and their connection and interaction will become closer and closer.

And the space bridge technology of the planet Cybertron also gave them more possibilities to travel between different worlds and different planets. These worlds will eventually become endlessly united in the future!
Zhuang Quan passed through the portal of the planet Cybertron and came to this specially opened platform, where he saw a huge number of Autobots and an even larger number of robots.

Optimus Prime was already waiting for him here, and Zhuang Quan asked his own question, which was the Autobot's plan for the next series of things.

"We lack all resources!" Optimus Prime said, he was quite clear about the situation of the Autobots, they now want to repair the planet, rebuild Cybertron, everything is unknown, and everything is waiting to be done, but the real thing in his hand is Not many cards.

"So you rented Sonny's army?" Zhuang Quan never thought that the Autobots actually had this idea. They used a large number of robots for recycling, sorting, and killing wild monsters in this world.

They even commanded the Zerg to decompose, absorb and digest the organic matter, and then limited the Zerg to a certain range.

This is obviously because they are not very good at allocating resources. Maybe it's not that they can't, but that they lost too many things in the war. The current Autobots are an incomplete civilization.

They are seriously short of people!

"It's too wasteful for you to do this!" Zhuang Quan said, "Sonny has a lot of engineering robots, which are specially used for work, and these military robots are more used to guard, develop and escort work! Zhuang Quan said, "No matter how much you waste resources, you are still wasting time!"

Optimus Prime was very helpless, "I have been working hard to call the Cybertronians back, but the time is too short, and we don't have enough manpower!"

"That's why I came!" Zhuang Quan said, his arrival gave Optimus Prime some ideas.

"What you need is not these robots, but a systematic reconstruction plan. For example, what is the exchange you gave Sonny?" Zhuang Quan asked. Sonny is the leader of an empire, and there are many people who help the wandering earth. In exchange, helping the Autobots is impossible without.

"Technology and materials!" Optimus Prime understood Zhuang Quan as soon as he said it. This is too wasteful and not suitable for their future interaction and development.

"We should get together and make a special plan that can be accepted by everyone, instead of collecting materials aimlessly like now!" Zhuang Quan explained to him.

"Rebuilding Cybertron is a huge project that requires all of our worlds to participate together, and requires our resources to invest, and then you replace this investment through commercial loans or resource exchanges!"

"Only by doing this can you better complete your revival!" As a representative of a revived nation, Zhuang Quan still has the right to speak about such matters.

"Well, let's prepare the conditions and the price first. After the Jupiter crisis is over, our people will come to help you and complete this plan!"

"Tentatively - the first five-year plan for the revival of Planet Cybertron is ready!"
Fifteen days later, wandering the earth.

Yu Qiwen and Zhuang Quan sat together in the dungeon, eating dumplings.

Although it was Chinese New Year the day before yesterday, there was no Chinese New Year atmosphere in the dungeon, only tension and anxiety. Even the channel that usually broadcasts animations has recently started broadcasting news about Jupiter.

Yu Qiwen ate the last dumpling in the bowl, "Brother, do you think we have to go to work tomorrow?"

She has been working overtime recently and is a little tired. She sleeps every day when she comes back. Today may be the earliest time to get off work, and she still has time to eat the dumplings cooked by Zhuang Quan.

"All of this is not important anymore!" Zhuang Quan said, watching Jupiter getting closer to the earth in front of the screen, "The gravitational crisis is coming!"

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