The Heavens From the Wandering Earth

Chapter 156 The Ambition of the Chief Designer of the Sky Screen Project

Chapter 156 The Ambition of the Chief Designer of the Sky Screen Project

"I need to discuss this matter with everyone in the coalition government. I don't need to come to a conclusion so early, right?" Zhuang Quan thought for a while, and they are actually ready to communicate with countries in this world, because of their combat strength and There is a big gap in this world, and they don't care much about the other party's methods.

If they talk about the earth in the Avatar world, they must be very careful. The human civilization in that world has the ability to fight between stars, which is called watching people.

"Of course not, they are just suspicious now. Osborne was already suspected decades ago!" Norman smiled, "I say this mainly for your consideration, one more world of resources, you The world has one more benefit, doesn't it?"

"Thank you!" Zhuang Quan nodded, keeping this matter in mind, "Then I'll go back first, and you continue your venom capture plan first, how about it?"

"That's exactly what I want to say, the burden on your shoulders is still heavy Zhuang Quan, we don't think there will be any problems here!" Norman patted him on the shoulder, "Rest more, don't tire yourself Now, if you are really tired in the future, we can still leave you a place here!"

Now he is not talking to Zhuang Quan as a collaborator, but as an elder. In the past two years, Zhuang Quan has seen a lot of reduction, which shows that he really hasn't had much rest.

"I'm leaving!" Zhuang Quan nodded slightly and disappeared!

At this time, Harry and Peter started talking again, "Zhuang Quan is getting more and more busy, you can play games with us here before, eat some snacks and so on!"

"Yeah, maybe their earth is about to face the first crisis? The danger they encountered is horrific, and it's hard for us to help!" Harry agreed, and then the two were killed by Norman. It was taken away directly.

"If the two of you can become the successors or researchers of Osborn Industry, you can help him, so come to the laboratory to help me now!"

"I think Peter is suitable for the laboratory, but I am more suitable for Silicon Valley, father!" Harry was still struggling.

"Don't even think about it. If you go to Silicon Valley with your current level of technology, won't it be true that we in Osborne have alien technology? You have a strong research and development ability in the movie, and change the Green Goblin suit with me!" Norman couldn't get used to him, and carrying his son who didn't quite believe in the laboratory, the three of them entered the elevator together...
"Secretary-General Zhuang, are you sure you want to make a deal with Earth civilization?" Although it was a little unbelievable, the diplomats still accepted Zhuang Quan's proposal very solemnly, and they will make a detailed plan in case A rainy day.

Beside Zhuang Quan, Yu Shouzhuo said with a smile, "Norman Osborn finally can't hold back after fighting with us for more than a year!"

"Their world is changing with each passing day, and it's strange to be able to pull it off!" Zhuang Quan replied with a smile, "You should also make plans, I feel that when they catch the venom, it will be too long before we have a real showdown with that world. Far!"

"Don't worry about this. A similar plan was already in place when you joined us. We even made a complete threat plan to ensure that the technology of that era cannot be cracked!" And combat power gave them a lot of self-confidence.

"Very good, take precautions!" Zhuang Quan praised, and he suddenly thought of something, "Speaking of which, what kind of protection did you have for the asteroid belt before? Could it be that there is no superconducting ore spacecraft, and you are going to rely on the earth to hardwire it?" Meteor shower?"

"Of course not. Except for the southern hemisphere, all planetary engines are surrounded by our fighter jets and missile launching holes. Once a super-expected large meteorite strikes, we will launch nuclear bombs or large missiles to blow them up or blow them up. open!"

"Moreover, the asteroid belt seems to be very dense, but in fact it is only 50 asteroids distributed in a large space ring with a length of 2.2 million kilometers. In fact, there is only one asteroid every 125 million square kilometers, so you can rest assured !" Yu Shouzhuo was very confident, "According to our calculations, in fact, we probably won't encounter any large asteroids, and will directly approach Jupiter's orbit!"

"I hope so too, but after the Earth leaves, the gravitational force of the entire inner solar system will change. After the Earth comes to the asteroid belt, the gravitational force here will also change?" Zhuang Quan thought.

Gravity is invisible and intangible, and it seems useless, but a large celestial body like the moon is bound by gravity to revolve around the earth. If the gravity is really too strong to attract a few large meteorites, the earth may You can continue to move forward with inertia, but human beings are indeed finished!
The series of crashes on Jupiter's meteorite train track back then is still vivid in my mind. For Jupiter, it may be just a ripple collision, and falling on the earth almost means an unstoppable horrible disaster!
"There is no way. After we push the earth away from its original orbit, every decision is actually a big gamble. Such a big gamble is unavoidable and irrefutable. We can only hope that our bet is right. One point, rather than hoping that everything will be perfect!" Yu Shouzhuo spoke out their theory.

"Although your arrival, Xiaozhuang, has made our future more possible, we are still gambling, but we have a little more chips on the table, and the table is a little bigger, that's all. !"

"We are like tinkerers in a dilapidated house, tinkering with the house until it completely collapses. There are many things that cannot be solved, so dragging is actually a solution."

"Think about it carefully, I'll make a charter for communicating with the Spider-Man world!" Yu Shouzhuo left, but he walked briskly.

"Hey!" Zhuang Quan sighed. He originally thought that the world was almost done, but now these people suddenly told himself that in fact, what he did didn't even involve the real core, so how could he be happy?
But think about what they said, yes, their escape plan has not even really started, and now they are still in the era of braking, although people who should have died in the era of braking have survived through their own efforts, but the general trend of history is What is impossible to change, those disasters that should have appeared on the journey, will still appear when the time is up.

Just like the exile of the moon, like the Jupiter crisis.

Unless he can obtain enough technology to change the world, it is only a matter of time before these things happen.

A sense of powerlessness filled his heart, and Zhuang Quan felt that he could not continue to be so decadent. How many years would it take for him to have the opportunity to lead the earth out of such a predicament?He needs to push the scientists.

First of all, of course, is the implementation of the "Sky Curtain" project. Zhuang Quan met Daren Sheng, the chief engineer of the "Sky Curtain" project, who was investigating the local construction of the "Sky Curtain".

"Master Da, before we enter the asteroid belt, can these protective facilities be done well?" Zhuang Quan asked, although they haven't even set up the skeleton yet, it still doesn't prevent them from doing a technology-prosperous event dream.

"It's a blessing to be able to install the basic things, not so fast!" Dariensheng said, "But this sky screen project is still very good, maybe our children will have the opportunity to run happily on the surface!"

"This is my wish!" Zhuang Quan also said with a smile, "Although we have to travel for 2500 years, we have enough resources and manpower to make changes little by little during the 2500 years. Earth!"

"When our descendants come to Proxima Centauri in the future, they will be able to use the best technology immediately, so that everyone can live under the sun again!"

Their thinking has changed. It may be that the existence of Zhuang Quan has made them feel that they have a bigger future. Therefore, many people's thinking has changed from living every day to living every day hard, so that Children also have the opportunity to go to another world to have a look.

Just such a change has made many people here completely different. The staff of the sky screen know that as long as such a metal sky screen is built, they can also live on the surface of this planet in the future. They don't have to stay underground all the time, so their work motivation is completely different from when Zhuang Quan first came.

"We plan to make a total of 5000 yuan of individual metal structures. Each of these metal structures can fly into the sky autonomously to form a huge curtain in the sky, and then these curtains can be combined to form a huge collective sky. , directly seal the sky!"

"In the future, after we leave the solar system completely, the sky will be completely covered by these sky curtains, and each sky curtain has its own fusion dimming system, ensuring that artificial sunlight will spread all over the earth at that time!"

Zhuang Quan was also a little emotional when he heard the other party's introduction. In the future, on this planet full of planetary engines, even if he walks in the cold and dead cosmic starry sky, there will still be warmth, animals and plants, a special environment and even sheltered in the sky. How romantic is this?

"Then what is the problem you came to me to solve?" Zhuang Quan asked. The amount of this huge project that completely covers the earth will be much more terrifying than that of a planetary engine, and it is not something that can be done just by saying it. out, he can not change the process.

Darrenson didn't have any embarrassment, "Our thrusters need to keep throwing materials backwards to ensure acceleration, then the mass of the earth will become smaller and smaller in the future, which will lead to huge changes in various parameters of the earth. Change, I hope you can gradually obtain enough material from other worlds to keep the earth burning, so as to keep the total mass of the earth unchanged!"

"In this way, I can ensure that the sky is in an extremely balanced state, instead of needing to be readjusted every few decades!"

"This is indeed a problem, but now we have stabilized the two worlds, and the problem is not difficult to solve!" Zhuang Quan nodded. At worst, he would dig stones on Mars in the world of Mechanical Enemy. A Mars that big can always burn To Earth to Proxima Centauri, right?

"I can't guarantee you now, but when the connected world becomes more diverse in the future and our technology becomes more powerful, the mass of the earth will definitely remain within a stable range!"

Then he thought about the Spider-Man world. Now that there was a showdown, did that mean that he could prostitute the scientists of that world for nothing?

That is a terrifying sky group that does not belong to the wandering earth science group, and they are still in a young state. There should be many ancestors who have developed technology on this planet, so it seems to be really good?

Thinking of this, he began to diverge his thinking again. If he had the opportunity to encounter the era of the early 20th century, wouldn't it be better to directly tie all the people in the photo of the physics event?
(End of this chapter)

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