Chapter 123
Wang An got up and got out of bed, quietly came to the courtyard, bent his legs and jumped, and he crossed the courtyard wall and came outside.

After going around in a circle, I came to the alley where the village chief's house was located. I raised a handful of stones, and there was a sound like crackling fried sugar beans, and the surveillance was immediately broken.

As soon as he climbed up the wall, the wolfdog in the yard watched Wang An just as he was about to bark, but Wang An had already landed and came to it. The wolfdog shivered with its tail between its legs, and curled up obediently into its kennel.

Wang An listened attentively to the movement in the room, and looked up at the second floor.

"Chen Xianglong?"

"Who, who is calling me?"

Chen Xianglong opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a person standing in front of him.

"Hold the grass, who are you!"

Just as he was about to shout, he felt his eyes go dark and passed out.

Hiss, it's so cold!In his sleep, Chen Xianglong suddenly felt a little cold, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to pull the quilt.

"No, it seems that someone came into my room just now!"

He sat up suddenly and found that it was already dawn!
"No, where is this?" Looking at the environment in front of him, it was obvious that he was not in his own room. Chen Xianglong was startled. When he looked carefully, there were red tiles under him, surrounded by rows of houses. Actually on the roof.How is this going?

He opened his mouth subconsciously, but no sound came out.

"This, this..." He panicked completely, and looked around hurriedly. The surroundings looked familiar, and the courtyard below looked even more familiar.

Isn't this my home?He hurried down from the roof, went into the house and drank some water, but found that he was still unable to speak.

"What, what's the matter?" He frowned, remembering what happened last night.

He remembered that he woke up in the middle of the night and saw someone sitting on the head of the bed, and he couldn't remember what happened afterwards, and when he woke up again, he was on the roof of his house.He hurriedly checked the monitoring at home and found that the monitoring outside was broken.

"What are you looking for here?"

The village head asked his son, Chen Xianglong opened his mouth, but did not make any sound.

"What's wrong?" The village chief sensed something was wrong.

Ten minutes later, the village chief and his son drove to the county seat in a hurry.

In the afternoon, people from the Security Bureau received a report and came to investigate.They soon discovered that the surveillance outside was broken.

"This is, a stone?" They found broken stones in the surveillance.Then they investigated the nearby surveillance without any gains.

At this time, Chen Xianglong was already in the city hospital. He panicked when he found nothing wrong in the county in the morning. He immediately drove to the city and registered an expert number.

Preliminary inspections did not reveal anything wrong.

"It may be aphasia caused by severe stimulation. I suggest a detailed head examination tomorrow."

While Chen Xianglong was in the hospital in fear, Wang An was stewing beef at home, the stewed beef in a big pot, and the aroma was tangy.

When the old man who went out for a walk came back, his complexion was obviously much better than in the morning.I also drank a small cup after eating.

The mountain village is not big, and the incident at the village head's house spread throughout the village in less than two days, and there was a lot to say.

At home, the village chief thought about the people he had offended every year. He had been the village chief for so many years, but he actually had many sinners.

The next day, Wang An still went to the mountain to practice in the morning. In addition to pushing stones, he was still practicing palms, using Vajra Zen Palm and Vajra Strength as the base, just one palm, repeated palms, one palm on the other. On a dead tree, the middle of the tree snapped with a click, and a palm was slapped on the handball, causing the stone ball to roll.

Wang An wondered if he could integrate all these energies into this palm.Just like the legendary Qishangquan contains seven different strengths, it is impossible to defend against one punch.

In the future, if you are fighting against someone, no matter what moves or boxing techniques you have, I will just slap you, changing the complex to the simple,

Of course, Wang An was not so ambitious, he thought that if he could slap a stone weighing several thousand jins with his palm, then his own palm technique would be regarded as a small achievement.

At this time, Chen Xianglong had already checked at the city hospital, and the results of the city hospital's examination and diagnosis made him even more flustered.

So he went to the top-ranked hospital in the province to register for a check-up.As a result, no obvious problems were found, and the experts asked in great detail.

"I have also encountered a case of such a patient. Aphasia was caused by excessive external stimuli. This disease may heal on its own." The doctor showed him some psychotropic drugs, and told him to leave.

Chen Xianglong came out of the hospital in a daze.

"Okay, why don't you speak fast all of a sudden?"

He has been thinking about this issue for the past few days.A person keeps appearing and disappearing in my mind.That Wang An whom he met on the mountain.

Ever since I met him, I had an accident that night, and I said some nasty things to his grandfather a few days ago, isn't it too coincidental?
"Could it be that I've been cursed?" Thinking of this, he shivered for no reason.

"It's really impossible to go to the capital again?"

Chen Xianglong returned home in the afternoon six days after the accident. He was very depressed. He had checked everything he could from the county hospital to the province and more than once. He still couldn’t speak until now. His parents saw the situation , that is distraught.

The people from the Security Bureau investigated and found nothing suspicious.Originally, he hoped that he would go to the Security Bureau to provide some useful information after he came back, but now he doesn't have that thought at all.

After hesitating for a long time, he left the house with two gift boxes and came to Wang An's house.

The two old men were surprised to see him coming.Chen Xianglong bowed to the two old people very respectfully.

"My child, what's going on?" This move surprised the two old people.


Chen Xianglong took out his mobile phone and started typing, a line of words appeared on the screen.

"I'm sorry, I'm here to apologize. What I said a few days ago was a bit offensive. Don't mind. I can't speak now, I can only type."

This?The two old men were taken aback.

The son of the village chief came to apologize, which surprised them. They were even more surprised by the fact that a well-behaved person suddenly became speechless. You must know that the last time I spoke to them, I was still full of confidence. It was only a few days ago. Why can't Kung Fu speak?
"It's okay, kid. It's a trivial matter. It's a big deal that you can't speak. Did you go to the hospital?" The two old people were kind-hearted, and asked with concern seeing Chen Xianglong like this.

"Been there."

"That's good, don't worry, it will be fine slowly." The old man was still comforting him.

While talking here, Wang An came back from the outside.

"Well, what are you?" He was a little surprised to see Chen Xianglong at home.

When Chen Xianglong saw Wang An, he was three-point excited, seven-point panicked, and his body was trembling unconsciously. He had already unconsciously regarded Wang An as the person who went to his home that night, causing himself to become like this. .

"I'm here to admit my mistake." Chen Xianglong's hand on the phone was shaking.

"Admit it? What's going on, can't speak?"

"Well, I have been to several hospitals in the past few days, and I have seen many doctors. They say it is aphasia." Chen Xianglong communicated with Wang An on his mobile phone.

"Aphasia, that shouldn't be the case." Wang An waved his hand.

"Is this really working?"

That night, Wang An jumped up to the second floor and entered Chen Xianglong's room. After seeing him wake up, he knocked him unconscious, hit several acupoints on his body that spoke to him, and threw him on the roof. just left.

Unexpectedly, he was really speechless.

The acupuncture points and meridians on the human body are really interesting!

"Don't worry too much, it will get better." Wang An comforted, but when he said this, he was thinking about how to treat Chen Xianglong to restore his normal speaking ability if he did the treatment.

According to his understanding of acupuncture points and meridians, Chen Xianglong's current situation is because the related acupoints were strongly stimulated, which caused the blockage of the meridians and affected the function of vocalization.

This situation can be solved by straightening out the meridians. There is also a possibility that as time goes by, he will heal naturally, because he is young after all, and when he is active, the stagnant place may be washed away when the qi and blood flow.

"Go back and take a hot bath and sleep comfortably, maybe it will be fine." Wang An smiled and patted his back and the upper neck, shaking him with gentle force The meridians of the back.

Going up, there are two acupoints that are related to occurrence. Wang An had touched them that night, and this energy should pass through, and it should have some effect.

"Hey, thank you." Chen Xianglong typed these words on the phone.

"I'm even ashamed of what you said." Wang An said with a smile.

Perhaps it was because he was really tired from running around for the past few days. Chen Xianglong fell asleep not long after he went upstairs after returning home, and slept until his mother called him up to eat at night.

"Xianglong, get up and eat?"

"Ah," he replied, and his voice was hoarse.

"I, ah" After discovering that he could make a hoarse voice, he shed tears of joy. Although he could barely make a few sounds, he was able to make a sound after all, which gave him hope.

After dinner, after a while, he took a hot bath, and then went to bed early.

At Wang An's house, the two old men were still talking about Chen Xianglong while eating.

"Hey, he's a pretty good kid, but he just speaks aggressively. Why do you think he can't speak all of a sudden?"

"Grandpa, take this as a punishment for your rudeness."

"Hey, this punishment is too heavy. How can you make him speechless just because he said a few unpleasant words?" the old man hurriedly said.

"You are too soft-hearted." Wang An smiled.

If it hadn't happened and Wang An hadn't come back in time, that Chen Xianglong might have done something!After all, the two old people in front of them are old and have nothing to rely on.No powerful relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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