Chapter 10
Fu Ruirui carefully looked at the bill. There are more than 100 clothes and shoes, and the total amount is about 500 million yuan. No wonder the maxed out credit card is not enough!

How many bodies does she have?How many feet?

So many clothes and shoes, can you wear them?

If you take a closer look, the clothes are in different sizes from S to L.

What the hell is she doing?
In desperation, Fu Ruirui called Fu Xingxing immediately, intending to question her.

But the other party didn't give her any chance at all. The message from the other end of the phone was: "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off!"

And in an orphanage at this time:
The children happily took over the new shoes and clothes: "Thank you sister!"

The dean at the side couldn't help it, and asked, "Ma'am, you really spent a lot of money on buying such expensive clothes for our children!"

Clothes donated normally are also cheap. Although this donor refused to disclose his name and wore a mask, judging from his body shape and voice, he looked less than 20 years old, and he bought all famous brands!
The dean couldn't help feeling: For this set of clothes, at least 5000 starts!

"Although they are orphans, they are entitled to wear good clothes!"

At that time, Fu Xingxing seemed to be saying something out of emotion, but later it developed into her promise to the children.

Fast forward to that night.

When Fu Ruirui arrived at the Fu family's mansion, she was exhausted.

Today, she wanted to 'rectify' Fu Xingxing, but in the end, she lost money by stealing chickens. Today, she lost her wife and lost her army: she lost more than 500 million yuan, and was complained by her best friend because of the pigeons!
Speaking of the 500 million, Fu Ruirui was so angry that she finally contacted her elder brother Fu Zirui before paying.

When I got home again, my aunt told me: "Miss Xing Xing? She came back early, and went back to her room after dinner!"

Therefore, Fu Ruirui went straight to Fu Xingxing's room in a rage, and angrily knocked on the door: "Xingxing! Fu Xingxing, open the door for me! Hurry up!"

Fu Xingxing opened the door lazily, as if nothing happened: "What's wrong?"

She has learned all this from Fu Ruirui in her previous life!
She also asked what happened?
At this time, she still dares to pretend to be confused! ?


After a sneer, this was the first time Fu Ruirui shook her face at Fu Xingxing: "Fu Xingxing! I kindly took you shopping, why don't you just leave without saying hello? I've been waiting for you for a long time!" In fact, she What they were waiting for was the money transfer from their elder brother Fu Zirui.Because of the WeChat limit, there was a problem with the money, and it finally arrived.

Fu Xingxing didn't panic at all, because she was already prepared: "You said the wrong thing? You said to go to the bathroom, but I went to find it, and you weren't there at all!"

"It was you who left without saying hello!" Still relying on Fu Xingxing?

If Fu Xingxing hadn't been prepared to secretly hide her phone, would Fu Ruirui have turned her head?

Fu Ruirui was wronged, and immediately changed another topic: "Then I called you, why didn't you answer?"

"Ah? Did you call me?" Fu Xingxing pretended not to know, went to the house to find her mobile phone, saw dozens of missed calls, she immediately responded with an eye for an eye, "Oh! Sorry, my phone It turned off automatically, I really didn't mean it! I really didn't see it! Rui Rui, don't be angry..."

From language content to tone of voice, Fu Xingxing tried his best to restore Fu Ruirui from the previous life.

Sure enough, Fu Ruirui was so angry that she forgot to manage her facial expressions, raised her voice in a furious manner, and shouted, "Then how do you explain the matter of maxing out my credit card?"

(End of this chapter)

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