Fast time travel, this goddess is so crazy

Chapter 64 64. Waiting No Longer

Chapter 64 64. Waiting No Longer

"Brother, are you awake?"

When Niuniu saw Xue Yi who had woken up, she immediately ran out happily.

"Mother, come quickly, brother is awake!"

Wuyao was making porridge in the earthen jar, when he heard Niuniu's cry, he hurriedly filled a bowl of porridge and brought it in, when he was a child, he said that the child was dizzy from both cold and hunger, what a poor boy.

"Xiaoyi, are you awake? Have some porridge first."

Wuyao held the bowl in one hand, helped Xue Yi up and leaned on the kang with the other, and then poured cold porridge into his mouth spoon by spoon. Xue Yi was also very hungry, so he poured a bowl of thick rice The porridge is finished.

The five-year-old doll, who has suffered so much to become so obedient, has a thin and weak body, and is light when hugged. The four-year-old girl also looks thin and small. The two are lying Under the quilt, two small balls were arched.

"Mother, Auntie asked Sister Hongfu to bring something over again?"

Xue Yi hugged Niuniu and lay under the quilt. He didn't know what a dangerous high fever he had experienced. At this moment, his little face was smiling.

"Let's save some of the things and money your aunt sent over. We'll have enough for this winter."

Wuyao nodded, and was stitching the old old clothes with flying needles.

"Mom, don't you want to exchange them for money?"

Xue Yi looked surprised. Every time his grandmother, aunt and second aunt brought over something, his mother would exchange it for money, and then use the money to ask someone to find out about his father. Although he missed his father very much, he wanted to eat more. I don't want my mother and sister to go hungry.

"No more, and I won't inquire again in the future. Mother will watch over the two of you and never let you go hungry or cold again."


After Wuyao finished speaking solemnly, Xue Yi yelled, and then his eyes slowly turned red. These words hit Xue Yi's little heart hard, and made him feel extremely happy for a moment.

After Wuyao's tidying up, the small cold kiln no longer looked dilapidated and desolate as it used to be. The two children were lying on the quilt, and Wuyao was sitting on the kang doing needlework, quietly and peacefully. The warm atmosphere lasted for a while, Xue Yi hurriedly got up and dressed.

"Mom, there's not enough firewood, I'll go out and pick some up."

Wuyao looked at the sky, it was already afternoon, the sun was slowly going down, and when she was cooking at noon, she also saw the bundle of small firewood, probably not enough to burn the kang at night.

Wuyao also fished Niuniu out of the bed, put on thick clothes for her, then took a machete and a basket, and led the two of them up the mountain again.

Their family lived at the end of the mountain, some distance away from the village. Every time they went up the mountain, they avoided people, and slowly, they walked out of a small path.

"Mom, we need to collect more firewood. The weather is getting colder and colder. If it rains, we won't be able to go out for several days."

Xue Yi had a worried expression on his face. He picked up as he walked, but all he picked up were some tiny sticks, which couldn't help but burn at all. No matter how many sticks he picked up, they wouldn't be enough.

Wuyao looked around, saw a big dead tree, and walked over with a machete. Niuniu followed closely behind her, holding a small shovel in a sensible way, digging wild vegetables while walking.

Wuyao slashed at the big tree with a bang, and startled Xue Yi who was buried in collecting firewood. He turned his head and saw the thick dead tree under Wuyao's several knives. Swish down.

(End of this chapter)

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