Chapter 430
Song Baoling stretched out his hand in front of her, a little impatiently, "Give me the paddle."

"No, it's for us—!" Bai Yishuang said firmly, seeing Song Baoling threatening to grab it, he threw the oar into the lake with a twitch of his brain.

The air was half frozen, and neither of them seemed to react, maintaining a confrontational posture, Song Baoling's complexion became ugly.

Bai Yishuang was also obviously dumbfounded, his lips trembling, "I, I, I didn't do it on purpose, it's because you came to snatch it suddenly!"

She defended helplessly, trying to shift the responsibility to Song Baoling, who sat back and covered his face helplessly.

Now she wonders if Bai Yishuang has some brain problems.

"Are you planning to die with me?" Song Baoling lamented, watching the oars go away on the lake.

"I, no..." Bai Yishuang remembered something as he spoke, gaining confidence, "It will be fine! Brother Ting Sheng will definitely come to save me!"

What she said was categorical, and Song Baoling looked at her straight, with a sense of probing, "How are you sure that Jun Tingsheng will come? I didn't tell him that I came here."

"Brother Ting Sheng is so worried about me, he will definitely come!" Bai Yishuang showed a sweetness on his face.

Song Baoling didn't want to continue the stalemate with her, so he had a showdown: "Actually, you didn't invite anyone here at all, did you?"

"I didn't! Does the princess want to pour dirty water on me?" Bai Yishuang mouthed hard and immediately denied it.

Song Baoling heheed, "There is no one else here, just the two of us, are you tired with your appearance?"

Bai Yishuang was exposed, his face froze, and he no longer concealed it, revealing his true colors.

"Yes, I did it on purpose!" Bai Yi didn't hide the contempt in his eyes.

Song Baoling admired her courage, and knocked on the wooden board next to the boat repeatedly, "Do you know that I am the princess of the Western Regions, what will happen to you if you do this?"

Sure enough, there was a trace of fear on Bai Yishuang's face, but it disappeared soon.

She has done this step, and she has considered it from the beginning.

"What about the princess of the Western Regions? I'm still brother Ting Sheng's man, they won't believe you!"

She was a weak and gentle little white flower in front of them, she was kind to everyone, how could she do such a thing.

On the other hand, Song Baoling had a bad reputation when she came here, and she hasn't been in contact for a long time. Who would believe her?

Song Baoling saw what she was thinking, his eyes were contemptuous and mocking, "You can't do what you can."

Bai Yishuang seemed to have been stabbed somewhere, clenched his fists to force himself to calm down.

At any rate, my father had saved Jun Tingsheng several times before. Although it was not life-saving, it also prevented him from being seriously injured.

And based on her father's friendship with Jun Tingsheng, and the fact that she has lived in Shizi's Mansion for two years, she doesn't believe that Jun Tingsheng will ignore it.

"Do you like Jun Tingsheng?" Although Song Baoling said interrogative sentences, his tone was affirmative.

Bai Yishuang didn't hide it, "Yes, I just like Brother Ting Sheng, I can do anything for him, sooner or later I will become his concubine!"

She seemed to be taking an oath of sovereignty, with pride on her face.

Song Baoling couldn't hold back his sneer, "Can you do anything for him?"

"Yes!" Bai Yishuang was very dissatisfied with her mocking behavior, but for the time being, he could only endure it.

"Anything? If he does something outrageous, will you stand by him?" Song Baoling asked tentatively.

Even if she didn't investigate carefully, she still knew that what Jun Tingsheng was doing now was not far from the Great Rebellion.

Bai Yishuang subconsciously denied it, "How is it possible? How could brother Ting Sheng do such a thing! You are slandering him!"

Song Baoling felt a headache, "I mean, if, if he did such a thing, would you still stand by his side?"

It is always difficult to communicate with the weak little white flower.

Bai Yishuang hesitated, "Great rebellion..."

"Heh, you just said that you can do anything, but you are so hesitant about the first question. It seems that your sincerity is not worth mentioning."

Song Baoling took out a fruit from his bosom, wiped it hastily, and ate it as if whole.

"I don't! What about you! Would you like to?" Bai Yishuang asked unwillingly, seeing her swallow the fruit in her hand.

When planning this, I didn't think to bring some food, but now I'm thirsty and can't even drink water.

Song Baoling swallowed the juicy pulp in his mouth with a look of indifference.

"I didn't seem to say that I like him, should I do this for him? I didn't say that I could do anything for him."

She said lightly, she now bears Gutana's identity, in order to avoid future troubles, she naturally has to deny it.

And even if she asked herself, she would not be stupid enough to do anything for a man, there was no bottom line.

"Then you still seduce him!" Bai Yishuang was a little excited, Song Baoling's attitude was provocative in her eyes.

She hated Song Baoling, "Since you don't like him, you should stay away from him!"

"Are you sure I seduced him, not he seduced me?" Song Baoling was a little hot, with a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, she dipped her hands into the water to feel the coldness of the lake.

Bai Yishuang had nothing to say, his whole body was dry and hot, and he suddenly regretted stopping the boat here, without even anything to shade him, and he didn't bring any water with him, his mouth was parched.

She stared at Song Baoling as he ate the fruit, the moment he bit into it, a juicy juice burst out, and then fell to the ground, soaking the wood a little dark.

She obviously swallowed saliva in her throat, and Song Baoling shook the fruit in his hand after noticing it, "Want to eat?"

Bai Yi's eyes lit up, "You still have?"

"No more, just this one." Song Baoling didn't forget to make up the last bit of flesh, "If you are really thirsty, just drink the lake water."

"I saw that the water in the lake is also clear, so drinking it should be fine." Song Baoling shrugged.

Bai Yishuang turned his head away, Song Baoling looked at the shore, the lake was rippling, and the boat moved little by little with the lake.

"What are you thinking? Your brother Ting Sheng is coming soon." She said suddenly.

Bai Yishuang lifted his spirits and looked towards the shore, and sure enough, several small black dots were getting closer.

Song Baoling stood up, and when he was about to raise his hand to wave at them, Bai Yishuang held him down.

Logically speaking, she should get rid of it, Bai Yishuang is not her opponent at all, but she has a little interest.

"You want to frame me?" Song Baoling raised his eyebrows and looked directly into her eyes.

Bai Yishuang admitted frankly, "Yes, I want you to get the reputation of murdering others, I see who would like a vicious woman like you!"

As she spoke, she put Song Baoling's hands on her body. If she fell, it would be Song Baoling who pushed her down from a distance.

When she fell backwards, she was held by Song Baoling and leaned in mid-air. She opened her eyes wide, not expecting her strength to be so great.

(End of this chapter)

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